Dr. Andrea Gazzaniga, Chair
Landrum 500B
Education: PhD (2004), MA English (2001), Cornell University; BA, English (1995), Wellesley College.
Teaching and Research Interests: Victorian poetry; fin-de-siècle; women writers; material culture; Victorian novel; British Romanticism; detective fiction; cinema studies; film genres including the Western and Film Noir; Alfred Hitchcock.
Statement: Works in progress include a book project on Michael Field and the Shared Sublime and transcribing Michael Field’s 1907 diary manuscript for the Victorian Lives and Letters Consortium digital archive.
Publications on literary studies:
“This Close Room”: Elizabeth Barrett Browning’s Proximal Poetics in Sonnets from the Portuguese;” Victorian Poetry 54.1 (2016): 67-92.
“Collaborative Space and the Poetics of Enclosure in Michael Field’s Underneath the Bough.” Victorians Institute Journal 42 (2014): 145-79.
“Crowded Parlors and Dark Defiles: Space and Male Appropriation in Meredith’s Modern Love,” Kentucky Philological Review 29 (2014): 9-22.
Publications on cinema studies:
“From Whore to Madonna: Reassessing Jill in Once Upon a Time in the West,” Love in Western Film and Television, ed. Sue Matheson (Palgrave Macmillan, 2013): 53-69.