Research and Teaching Interest
Gender, Racial, and Intersectional Inequities; Social Movements; Education; Social Psychology; Work and Occupations; Law and Society
Current Research
In my research, I use social psychology to understand gendered, racial, and intersectional inequities and activism with the potential to make meaningful change. My projects often fall within educational realms and are frequently motivated by my prior six-year career as a K-12 public school teacher. One of my current projects analyzes how the interplay of social-psychological factors and multilevel problems faced by K-12 educators led to the recent unprecedented wave of teacher activism across the United States. Another line of ongoing research focuses on understanding how to combat inequities faced by marginalized groups in STEM.
Academic Degrees
- Ph.D. Sociology, Vanderbilt University
- M.A. Sociology, Vanderbilt University
- B.A. Spanish, Indiana University, Bloomington
- Introduction to Sociology
- Global Inequalities
Selected Publications
- Brockman, Amanda J. 2021. “‘La Crème de la Crème’: How Racial, Gendered, and Intersectional Social Comparisons Reveal Inequities That Affect Sense of Belonging in STEM.” Sociological Inquiry (Online First). doi: 10.1111/soin.12401.
- Pitt, Richard, Amanda J. Brockman, and Lin Zhu. 2021. “Parental Pressure and Passion: Competing Motivations for Choosing STEM and Non-STEM Majors Among Women Who Double-Major in Both.” Journal of Women and Minorities in Science and Engineering 27(1): 1-29. doi: 10.1615/JWomenMinorScienEng.2020026795.
- McCammon, Holly J., Magdalena Sudibjo, Amanda J. Brockman, Cathryn Beeson-Lynch, and Minyoung Moon*. “Feminist Friends and Foes of the Court: Amicus Curiae in the Supreme Court’s Gender Cases.” Sociological Focus (in press). *final three authors contributions equal.
- Miles, Monica, Amanda J. Brockman, Dara E. Naphan-Kingery. 2020. “Invalidated Identities: The Disconfirming Effects of Racial Microaggressions on Black Doctoral Students in STEM” Journal of Research in Science Teaching. doi: 10.1002/tea.21646
- McCammon, Holly J. and Amanda J. Brockman. 2019. “Feminist Institutional Activists: Venue Shifting, Strategic Adaptation, and Winning the Pregnancy Discrimination Act.” Sociological Forum 34(1). doi: 10.1111/socf.12478