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Date: 8/11/2023

Subject: Presidential Search Update -- Sent on behalf of Regent Kara Williams 

Dear NKU Community,

As we continue with the search for the university's next President, I want to take a moment to provide you with an update on our progress and express my gratitude for your ongoing support.

But first, let me assure you that the outstanding candidates pool this search has cultivated is a direct result of the strong foundation we collectively built for the search process this past spring. We hosted two public forums and 14 small group coffee chats, engaging approximately 395 members of the NKU campus community. We launched a survey asking what you want and need in a President, and we received over 200 responses. Members of the Board of Regents met with donors, legislators, and business groups such as the Northern Kentucky Chamber of Commerce and One NKY Alliance. We also engaged with university constituent groups like the NKU Foundation and Alumni Association.

All of these inputs were used as a small group of leaders, which included the Presidents of Faculty Senate and Staff Congress, drafted the Presidential Profile – the document that served as the guide for the evaluation rubrics used by the Search Committee. The support and engagement from the campus showed how special this University is.

Over the summer months, the Presidential Search Committee, and our partners at WittKieffer have been hard at work, actively recruiting and evaluating candidates. We have received nominations for more than 100 individuals – many from NKU constituents – and reviewed more than 90 applications. This has been a great response and has led to a strong and diverse pool of candidates.

With ongoing feedback from our search consultants and in conversations with various candidates, confidentiality has been critical in recruiting the best candidates and will continue to be important as we move forward. We also know how important input is to this process. In the coming weeks, in addition to the Presidential Search Committee, we are expanding the candidate meetings by involving additional individuals from various segments of the NKU community, including students, faculty, and staff from the Search Advisory Board; deans, cabinet members; community leaders; donors; and alumni.  However, to maintain the strongest candidate pool, the search will remain confidential for the time being.  

I also want to extend my heartfelt appreciation to each of you in the NKU community. Your unwavering help and support throughout this process are vital to our success in finding a new leader. Your passion has been instrumental in shaping the direction of the search.  I appreciate the articles posted or emailed to me, the specific examples shared on running successful searches, and the dialogue we have had about how to ensure the best process and results. I am confident that, together, we will welcome an exceptional new President in the coming months.

As we move into the final stages of the search, we will continue to keep you updated on our progress to the best of our abilities. Please rest assured that your dedication to our beloved university does not go unnoticed and is deeply appreciated.

Thank you once more for your commitment to NKU and for being an integral part of this important journey.

With sincere pride, gratitude, and optimism,


Kara Williams, Search Chair