Good News Letters

For this part of the lettershop, you are asked to respond with good news to an applicant or a request for something like funds, new construction, or other. When writing a good news letter, remember to share the reader’s excitement but always be moderate in tone. You want to recognize whatever the reader has or will do in an appropriate positive tone.

Below is an example of what a good news letter should include:

Opening section – Good News: This should include the good news pertaining to their request.

Body section– Explanation: This part should state the next step the reader is to do. If it is for a job, tell them when to start, orientation, what documents you will need, etc…. If it was a request for a new city building, tell them the next step you are taking to achieve their goal, if there is a meeting they can attend, when the construction is beginning, etc.

Closing section – Goodwill: In this section, express to the reader that you look forward to meeting with them, working with them, changing the community together, whatever the request was express your positive attitude about the future.

Assignment: Good News and Qualified Acceptance Letters

1.You have finished your job search and are offering the job to one of the candidates.

2.You are accepting Krazy Construction Company’s proposal. You have several issues that you want modified from the original proposal. None of these items will be “deal breakers,” but you want the terms clear on the front end.

3.The president of Issues Incorporated Magazine has contacted you requesting an interview for publication. She wants to do a series featuring local businesses. Remember to be cautious—not distrusting—just careful that the image projected is the image you want.

4. Your company just won a large contract. You want to let your employees know that this is a great thing, and you want to let them know that overtime will be needed. Give them a positive to go along with the negative (a spoonful of sugar type thing).

Grading for the letters

45% content

20% format

35% grammar, spelling, logic