Pre/Post Test for Writing-- Summer 2010 (Peers and Meier)

Students: Due to the short amount of time we will have this summer, we are giving you your pre-test as a take home assignment. Use whatever books, web sites, or teachers you need to get all of the answers. Put your answers on this sheet, using the back if necessary. You will turn the sheet in on the first day of summer session. Should you lose this piece of paper go to and you will find the test posted online.

Grammatical Issues

What is a dependent clause?

Give an example of a dependent clause.

Place the correct number of commas in the sentence in the next column.
He ate a hot dog a hamburger and a chicken leg.
Do the noun and pronoun in the sentence in the next column agree in number? Why?
Each student casts their vote.
Correct the comma splice in the adjoining sentence.
He travels with the band, he guards all the equipment.
Writing Format Issues
What is an in-line citation?

True or false: every entry on a Works Cited page has a corresponding in-line citation? Explain.

Are book titles italicized or in quote marks?

Where can you look online, to find the way to order your bibliography and do inline citations?

Writing Issues

When and how do you develop a thesis?

How is a thesis different from an introduction?

What is the difference between editing and revising?

What are the sections of any piece of writing?

In what order are these sections written? Why?