
Ph. D, in Information Sciences and Technology, The Pennsylvania State University, May 2007

            Dissertation Title: Collaborative Dialogue Approach for Human-GIS Communication of Vague Spatial Concepts.

            Advisor: Dr. Guoray Cai

            Dissertation Committee: Dr. Guoray Cai (Chair),   Dr. Alan M. MacEachren, Dr. Michael McNeese, and Dr. John Yen

MS graduate study, Department of Geography, York University, Canada, Fall 2000 – Summer 2001

            Advisor: Dr. Qiuming Chen

            My study focused on spatial statistical modeling in GIS, e. g. data integration using the Weights of Evident method.

MS, in Cartography and Remote Sensing, Chinese Academy of Sciences, P. R. China, Aug. 1997.

            Thesis: Close-up Photogrammetric Applications in Ship-Wave Detection

            Advisor: Prof. Zhu, Zhenhai

BE, in Geosciences, Changchun College of Geology, P. R. China, Jul.1994.