Physics Seminar

PHY 494

Spring 2012


Instructor: Dr. Scott Nutter

Office: SC 147

Phone: 859-572-5369


Office Hours:  WF 9:00 AM -10:00 AM; TR 12:00-1:00 PM or anytime when available.

Instructor web page:



Credit Hours: 1


Pre-Requisites: 20 semester hours of physics courses. This course is mainly for physics majors and pre-engineering students.


Course Description: Techniques to search and report on research articles in physics. A written report and two oral presentations are required.


Attendance:  You are allowed two unexcused absences. The third absence lowers your grade by one letter.  Each second subsequent absence is further letter grade penalty.


Objectives and student outcomes: The main objective of the physics seminar course is to provide an opportunity for the student to read research articles in physics in order to develop skills in technical reading, writing, and scientific presentation. In this course the student will


  1. Learn to search research articles in physics and get an overview of the available research journals in physics.
  2. Learn to read a research article in physics understanding its contents and background
  3. Learn to write a scientific report on a topic on physics
  4. Learn to give technical presentations
  5. Attend seminars by researchers in physics or other sciences and evaluate them critically


Presentation on your research:  You will give a 15 minute talk on some research you have performed.  We will work out something if you have not performed research here yet. You will need to write a short presentation proposal that I can review.


Laura – Photoelasticity

Daniel – work with Zacate

Kirk – CREST

Ellie – Foucault Pendulum

Cory – CCDs


Presentation and Paper on a Research Article from a Journal:  You will choose a topic and associated article from the Phys Rev Focus web site:


Your main task during the semester is to become an expert on this topic. You are required to find at least three other related articles which will help to understand and present the topic. You will create a short (3x5 notecard-sized) summary of the reference and its relevance to your topic.


At the end of the semester you will give a 20 minute talk on this topic.  You are also required to write a review on this topic.



Daniel: Higgs Boson

Laura: Bending water with lasers

Elly: Supersolids


Kirk: Origami magnetic field fun


Assundry other tasks as assigned: There will likely be a minor task for each week, including writing a short summary article on an article in a well-known science magazine, attending talks and filling out an evaluation form, finding articles on certain topics, writing references in a certain format, and writing abstracts.


Tentative schedule PHY 494 S12



Assignment due

10 Jan

Introduction – Phys Rev Focus


17 Jan

Presentation snafus

Research presentation proposal due

24 Jan

The importance of sources; Searching and citing

View APA style guide tutorial (, or browse information for authors. Hand in notes.

31 Jan

Library instruction. Meet at library, SL300

Cite search for articles relevant to research presentation.

7 Feb

How to read a paper

14 Feb

Abstracts: How to write and correct them;

Practice correcting an abstract

Contest: Find as many articles as you can about NKU physics profs. Properly cite for credit! PRIZE AVAILABLE!!

21 Feb

Research presentations


28 Feb

Research presentations

PHY300 lab abstract

6 March



13 Mar

Paraphrasing & summarizing; practice paragraph(s)

20 Mar

Using math in writing: “equals” is a verb!

Example write-ups from Knight.

Assignment of problem for next week.

Final presentation topic proposal due: include copy of paper I can keep (electronic copy, link, or paper)

27 Mar

Making progress on the research paper: status reports from all.

Writing research paper summaries.

Careful writeup of a Knight problem using math in MSWord.

3 April

Formal writing without using the passive voice: style guide suggestions and practice.

10 Apr

Zacate talk

List of 3 references for research presentation topic; a summary of each.

17 Apr

Article presentations

Cory, Laura

24 April

Article presentations

Dan, Elly, Kirk

Final written summary of topic due


Note:  Assignments and their due dates are embedded in the schedule above. Details will be given in class.

No late work is accepted.





Books (Optional, available in NKU library):

1. Dazzle 'em with style : the art of oral scientific presentation. Robert R.H. Anholt.

2. Lessons for a Scientific Literature Review: Guiding the Inquiry.  R. Schmidt, M. Smyth, V. Kowalski.


Web resources: 

1. Writing technical reports


2. How to give a good senior seminar presentation


3. Guides for writing papers, abstracts, etc.





Your grade will be determined based on the following weights.


Research presentation


Article report


Article presentation


Assundry tasks






Other web pages:  

-         NKU- Blackboard:

-         Code of Students rights and responsibilities:


Comments: I reserve the right to change any of the above due to any unforeseen reasons.


 Last update 16 April 2012 SLN