Memories of Gladys Marie Walker Cline (typed by Marilyn Long) "I remember, I remember the day that I was born". No, not really; but here are some memories and statistics. When I arrived in this great world on Sept. 12, 1900, I was welcomed by my loving parents, Bird and Etta Walker, 2 sisters, (Vera, age 7 1/2, Wanda, age 5) and one brother, Claire, age 2 1/2. I was born on a farm about 6 or 7 miles northwest of Abingdon in Floyd Township in Warren Co. and we lived there about 6 months until we moved to another farm about 7 miles southwest of Abingdon of 160 acres. This farm had been given to my mother and her sister (Alta or Lena) by their father, Isom Robertson. My Dad bought my aunt's share and this was the only home I ever remembered until I was 17 when we moved to Abingdon. The house was an old style. All early remembrances of this home were very happy ones as we knew we were loved and cared for. Later two other sisters were born, Berniece in May, 1902 and Doris in 1905. There was always something going on at our house as we had a great deal of company--relatives and friends. Mama had 3 sisters living in Abingdon who had children who loved to come to the farm. In the summer especially 1 or 2 were with us most of the time. We roamed the woods, played in the little stream at the foot of the hill north of our home and we'll always remember those times. One of our favorite pastimes on a hot summer day was to put on some of Claire's old worn out overalls (our swim suits) and go down to the little slough, as we called it, and dam it up so it was ankle deep or more! Then we would sit in it and splash as tho' we had a real swimming hole. Such scurrying as we used sticks, logs, rocks, mud & grass to stop any leaks. After it gathered back so far, enough pressure built up to wash out our feeble dam. There was always a supply of material left to start the next one. One innovation at a certain inclined bank was to throw water up on it and then slide into the water with a splash. The story is told (tho' I can't remember doing so) was that we girls took off those heavy wet overalls (we'd never had bathing suits!) and did our sliding "in the raw". We got terribly sunburned and after we went up the hill and got our old muddy overalls rinsed out (that was required!), we told Mama of our pain. She put home remedies on us--heavy cream--and tried vinegar but we still felt "on fire". It so happpened that the "Rawleigh man", a travelling man carrying & selling all sorts of items for man & beast, stopped by to sell everything he could. Our mother told him she needed something for sunburn and he promised her that he had a sure cure. It cooled & soothed as nothing had done for us before and from then on, we were believers in the Rawleigh salve that came in a large blue metal box. Also travelling thro' the country were peddlers with a pack on their backs selling dress materials, combs, lace, pins..... Sometimes they would give us children a stick of gum if our parents bought some of their wares...and we always wanted them "to buy". Another salesman in the summer was the man with ice from Abingdon. He started early in the A.M. & stopped at each home to see if ice was desired. It was fun to stick our feet under the dripping wagon and we always got some free chips to melt in our mouth when he cut the size for our icebox. That was truly a luxury for people living 7 miles from town to have the ice brought to our door. It cost about 35 or 40 cents for 100 lbs. The chunk fit tightly in the metal lined compartment of the ice box and was usually wrapped in newspaper to "delay the melting"?? One winter we had a sawmill move in at the bottom of "our hill" to clear it of the largest trees & convert them to lumber. That was a lot of fun for us kids to go down to watch the process after school. The lumber was stacked in piles of different length & width and the smell of that sawdust & of the steam engine that furnished the power will always be remembered. It was fun climbing over the piles of logs and lumber & exciting to hear the bite & whine of the saw blade as it struck the logs. Later our father built farm buildings of this lumber, also gates for the fences. The sawdust was used too to line the double walls of the ice house that was erected at the north side of the chicken house. The rougher boards were used for the double walls and these were filled with sawdust, to keep the ice that was stored in this building from melting. The "putting up of ice" was usually done in Jan., very often the coldest month of the year. When Cedar Creek was frozen to its thickest depth, the ice was sawed into squares and hauled by sled to the ice house. Neighbors helped each other with this cold and hard task. Our father changed help with Frank Purdy who lived a little over a mile east from us and who lived nearby on the banks of Cedar Creek. Not only was work exchanged with this chore but it was also the custom for the men to help each other at haymaking and at threshing time. Mixed feelings come as I think of those times. Sometimes the children of the men helping hay would come to play but as we got older, Berniece and I were "pressed into service". We were the hayloader drivers and the hay horse drivers and to this day I'll never think it was fun! Driving the team to the hayrack while the loader poured the hay onto the rack for the men to distribute til you got a load wasn't too bad...But oh that hay horse biz. O me! We took turns at the 2 jobs which broke the monotony. An older, gentle horse was used to pull the hayfork of hay up into the barnloft via ropes and pulley! Our job was to lead the horse the distance needed to get the forkful up from the rack to the big window? or door & on the track to the section you were filling. How I disliked that job! You led the horse along hoping it wouldn't step on you or balk! The weather was usually hot and your trek was in the sun & it just was no fun! One hot day while we rested awhile, Mama made some lemonade and I must have drunk too much for pretty soon I didn't feel pretty good! and oh me--a waste of lemonade & I haven't cared much for it ever since. Threshing time was more fun and our help was more of helping Mama with little chores and taking fresh water to the thresher men--at the machine and in the field--every hour or less. We had means of doing this. Either with the pony buggy (& 3 or 4 could go if we did, besides the stone jugs full of fresh water) or on the ponies. If we did this, we had a rope tied to the handle of the jug and carried looped over the saddle horn. We usually knew most of the men & they liked to tease and joke. Now I can see why Mama wasn't so anxious for threshing time to come, for it meant a heap of work. First the machines came. The big steam engines pulling the grain separator and the water wagon. That required a crew of 3 men and sometimes 4. One ran the engine & it was so thrilling to hear him blow the whistle as he came up the lane west of the house. Another took care of the separator, oiling, fixing belts, etc. & the man on the water wagon had quite a job to keep the water supplied for the engine. He would sometimes have to go to the nearest creek and by hand force pump the H2O into the tank. So the crew would come, usually the night before they would be threshing next day, and places for 3 or 4 extra men to sleep must be found. Since Claire had a room by himself, he was usually transferred to some other spot for the duration. He didn't like this and one time he told us younger sisters he wasn't going to move out..and went up the stairs. We tattle tales went to find our mother to tell of Claire's decision. She had told 2 of the men earlier that they were to have the room at the top of the stairs--Claire's--and then busied herself at some task for next day's dinner. In the meantime, Claire had decided to go to his next bed--and the men had moved in. So when Mama got the word, she hurried up (in the darkness) and into the bedroom to seize & shake Claire's (?) arm (she thought) and said, "What's the meaning of this?" The startled crewman wanted to know what was wrong and Mama realized what had happened and the kidding she took from this mistake was endless. Usually 2 or 3 of the neighbor ladies would come, bringing their children, to help fix the dinner for the threshers--and at that time I thought it great fun, but now I realize it wasn't for the mothers. The table was stretched out to seat 12 or 14 men--and if the 2nd table wasn't quite filled out, then the young kids got to eat at their table and cooks made the 3rd. With no refrigerators and mostly wood and coal ranges to cook on, it was no picnic to get a meal ready for about 30 people. Though we all had our chores to do, we had ample time for fun and had ponies to ride. The 2 that were our favorites were Buck and Blixen, medium sized "Indian" ponies. We grew up with them and they willingly carried us many miles--about the farm, to school, to the neighbors to play--and we sometimes rode them to Abingdon for the day to visit at Aunt Lena's ..or to attend Sunday School at the Christian Church. We also drove them to a double carriage (minus a top with fringe!) but a neat little rig that Dad bought with double harness just fit to the 2. All of us will always have a special feeling for those 2 long as we have memory. Our winter transportation to school was furnished by them or one of them. Papa made a long sled that would seat 4 people and engineered it to be able to hook a pony to it, to pull us on the snow. When there no snow or it was too cold, he always took us to school and came for us. The same for rainy day--otherwise we walked the mile to school and were good "Walkers". After an extra big snow, there would be drifts as high as the trimmed hedge that lined a long strip of the mile long road to school. Sometimes a crust froze over it & we walked on top. Our school had 3 names--1st it was called the Coddington school for the man who gave the land for the schoolhouse & yard. Later when we attended there, it was called Pleasant Hill--which was a good name as it was on top of a hill in a pleasant setting. The last name was Center and it went by that name until it was discontinued in favor of bussing and consolidation. Many happy memories of our grade school days and of our school mates. 1949--Jan. 1--18 more days to be quarantined...some way to start a new year. Sam to see D & M in p.m. 2--Sam & son up to get more clothes for M. & over to Wanda's for dinner. 3--Sammy & I sorted his toys into boxes--one for each day of the week. Sammy got several cards & that pleased him. 4--Claire called. Sam having muddy trips; over to Wanda's to get D & M. D. back to school, M. to Wises. 5--Sun came out & that helps. Folks nice to call & write to us. Marilyn went on route with Sam & then to Aledo/Ab bb game 6--Started taking off enamel of ivory bed. O my! Wish I'd never thot of it. Sam to G. & got his bifocals. 7--Worked on paint; it's some job. They to Ab. to see Alexis lose & then F & M up to talk awhile afterwards. 8--Son left at 1:30 for Alabama; Sam to Peoria with Davis' to see Ab lose. 9--Cloudy & a lonesome day. Sam up 3 times but not for long enuf. 10--Sam up early to put on chains--freezing rain. Finished taking off paint of footboard & 1st primer on. 11--working on headboard, chiffonier. Eleanor called; Fred got there yesterday. 13--Put on enamel on everything! Quite a process. Sam to Wises & took Marilyn, Bill & boys to new Abby. Son arrived back in G. by train in eve. 14--Sam took Marilyn, Wises to Ab/Knoxville game. Ab won 15--Sam took M to Mrs. Lanes for 4H club, then they to K's for supper, baths & bridge. 18--Started to snow & by late p.m. was a mess! Sam to Maquon for work done on Frazer. M's room all ready now. Son up at 11:30 pm for bath & bed. 19--16 below. Had Sam for dinner. M. surprised over her room; got her things at Wises. To mail carrier mtg. at Cunninghams. 20--Son studied in a.m & to Macomb class in p.m. M. to Wolfords & to bobsled party--10 below. To K. to see "High Wall". 21--Lots of card playing in eve "all 5" are home. Diane arrived at 11pm--snowy roads from Peoria. 22--Al staid all nite & bkf lasted 1/2 a.m. F & D. to meet Tolley & go to Hub; us to party at Pearsons. 23--too icy for church, SS. M took up SS collection for ice cream! S & SB took Diane to K. to bus at 2:30. 24--Sam & I to Ab. to union rel. classes at Congo then to Abby to see "Sorry, Wrong No." Got cold waiting on son at class. 25--To Farm Bureau lunch, Orph to see "3 Musketeers"; to Helanders for 500 along with Wises & Cramers. 27--Terrible day of raining & freezing. Son on date in old Chevie. 29--Too cold to go to Gburg; son to dentist in A. Played bridge in eve & son & I lucky. 30--No church (4 below). Played bridge & cribbage; Sammy getting asthma bad by bedtime. 31--Sammy feeling bad, to K. for check up; OK from scarlet fever. Worked on his card scrap book. Feb. 1--Son is 25..doesn't seem possible. Sammy feeling very badly & coughing steady til 2:30. 2--To Imogene's to Book Club. Sam staid with SB & fixed his electric train again. 3--M & SB tried to skate on Cline's lake in back yard. Sure a laff. Fell down on way to take chicks hot H20. Some jolt. No laff. 4--to Aunt Lena's while folks saw Ab win Roseville. 6--Bob called. Berniece had operation last nite. 7--Son & vets playing bb. We to A. to see "Date with Judy". 8--Mizzerable with cold. Son washed last nite's dishes & off to Urbana to reg. for a course. 9--Sam came up with milk jar & said, "Go too" so I did. 12--Marilyn to 4H mtg. then to G. & got pattern & material for M. blouse; to see Berniece at U. of I hospital before going to K's for lovely supper (Blanch there too). 13--Only 7 at church, kids came to SS. To Bates' in pm for Cramer's 48th ann. M. sang & S. played for her. 14--Sam, son & I to G. & ate at Oriental Inn. Got new clothes, boots. "4 young" gave us a setting of our pattern. 16-- Sam, Son & I to $1 day; helped at PTA in eve. 17--Bought Louise' Steele's Airway. 19--Son & SB to get white rock for drive; to Grove to see "Red River". Son away to supper. 22--No trip for Sam today. To Gladys C's for Miss round table-glad to get it over. Got M. off bus; to Aledo for supper & see Ab. win. 24--Sam found 1st batch of little pigs-8-cross ma. By working late, we got all old paper off in dining room. 25--Got new dining fixture & it's purty. To K. to see Ab. win; M. staid in with Sally. 26--Started on ceiling papering at 2 & had it on at 3. Son helped. 27--Made 49 biscuits, cherry pie, to church; kids to SS. Finished dining room before dinner. Down to see 12 new pigs. 28--Lots more pigs at once. Sam & I left for Urbana after dinner. Got clean Frazer & left Stude for M. To U. at 4:20; to see Al & new elec bldg; nice supper & game--Ill 91-Ind. 68. March 1--Washing machine hose broke & Sam solved it with cob. Sure feel lazy or tired or an old woman. 2--Son worked most of nite, got up early & went again. Nice BT Club at Gladys C's. 4--Saw 1st robin. 5--Son made bb bankboard for SB. To Ab. & Sam did income tax. M. helped 4H decorating in Delong stores! SB played with Ray. H & G with us in eve to nice party at Hopkins. 6--All to SS & then to Wanda's; Ray Cramer too. Cora & Dick there. Sammy's coughing a lot. Slept til about 4 a.m. then coughed & cried & I went up. 7--Sammy felt so badly didn't even want bananas & cola. Sam & Son to K. to sale. Sam back to K. in eve to go to Kiwanis as Rex's guest. 8--SB still at home but lots better. Son to show & classes. S., M & I to Ruby's to see "Angel St." at GHS. Goldie staid with SB. 9--SB to school at noon. Sam said at noon, "Let's go to the show". Saw "The Snake Pit"--great acting. 10--Howard Tolley here for supper then S, F & M with him to Canton to bb game. 12--To Carlson's in eve to swell party. Got 1st prize 1st time. Son to Hub. 14--Marilyn to church for SS party. 16--M & SB to PTA. Mail carriers here for party; played bunco--19 here. 18--To Monmouth in eve to meet Diane; called on Virg & Imo. 19--Got SB saddle shoes; Al over & he & Diane with F. 20--Left about 15 of 5; bkf at Carlisle; dinner at Greenville, TN; shedding coats! Got to E & J's about 7:30--650 mi. Baby not asleep yet so all squeezed her. 21--Downtown & got material for Diane--skirts, pjs. Home & E. started sewing. Lots of talking, laffing, etc. 22--SB had asthma til about 9 a.m. 23--While sitting late at bkf, decided to go down to Florida. Lovely trees, flowers blooming, thro' Bankhead Tunnel under Mobile river, to Pensacola. Girls got feet wet at the beach, shrimp supper!! 24--Got Diane 2 new dresses, Eleanor a purse. Out to Naval Air Station, back to Mobile & out to Bellingrath Gardens. Lovely, lovely. Back to E & J's about 7. SB just fine. 25--Diane to U. librrary to work on thesis. Called on Mrs. Duke & she went on ride too. Played pinochle & bridge in eve. 26--Got material for E; had dinner, then left. Wish we could bring them too. Heavy rain. Supper at Jackson & slept north of there. 27--Left before 6, bkf. at "Miz Pearl's at Bardwell, KY. Left Diane at Blackburn after dinner uptown. Home at 5:30. 28--Wanda came to spend the day while Guy went to K sale. 30--To Co. musical at Abingdon in eve. It was very good. 31--M & I to pantry shower for LaWanda Lundberg at church & Marilyn sang. April 2--To Doris Jones' wedding at Presby Church & got Sammy new suit. Sam & I to McLennan's party. Son got a ring. 3--To SS, church, started reading "Lace Curtain". Son brot Louise out in eve & we had ic, cake & red razz. Nice girl. 4--Read fast all PM, to birthday party for Aunt Lena. Son worked all nite & up to 4:30 a.m. 5--BD supper for M. & angel food cake, then to Knox Sinfonetta & met Louise's mother after. Then to Forrie & Myrt's. Fun. 6--Rushed on my book & ended it at 11. Had to get it in order to give at Book Club at Louise Steele's. Big crowd & glad it's over. 7--Planted early garden, sweet peas. 8--Reset strawberry plants, planted 3 rows potatoes. M & I to AHS to jr. class play. 9--Got SB's new suit & he bought a new hat. End of lovely week. 10--Church, SS, to Wanda's for grand dinner; Moreys too. 12--Mother's party & program at school--very nice. 13--Took paper off our room. Marvin Wolford over in eve to ask Marilyn to Jr-Sr prom. 15--Quite a snow & Sam had lots of trouble. Marilyn & Sammy home for spring vacation. Got paper all on. 17--Large crowd at church & 10 children baptized--7 of them Lois Davis' 116 at SS, promotion program, new carpet. Son to Louise's for dinner. To G. to Baptist music at 5 & then to K's for eve. 18--Sammy brot me my 1st violets. 20--To PTA after going to du(e)l K & A meet at K, over to Maquon for Son. 23--Busy getting ready for 500 party. M. & S. to G. & she got her hair fixed for her 1st formal-corsage. 24--To SS, then to Christian Church at A. To Wanda's to celebrate Linda's 2nd bd. Son brot Louise. Big dinner & nice day. Berniece, Eleanor, M, kids & I to woods. 28--M & Colleen had hobo supper. To K. to see Marx Bros in "Night at Opera" 29--Took M & Colleen to co. track meet. Sam bought a jeep. Louise had tonsil & adenoid operation in Chicago. 30--Re-cemented fish pool & crack in cistern. Son home 1st time in ages. May 1--Son to Chicago to get Louise, to SS, church. To old farm to look for mushrooms. 2--Out east of D. to look for mushrooms & M. found 55 small ones. 3--Sammy to A. to be in program of school kids. S, M & I to see "Johnny Belinda. 4--K's, Alan, MA & Charlie out for supper. F & S put up SB's basket frame. 6--To old farm after school. Mary Lou & Guy went too & we found lots of nice big yellow mr's. 7--Son, M & SB to Peoria to meet Diane. Home at 11:30. 8--All to SS, then to Wanda's for timber steak fry. To Peoria at 4:15 to take Diane. 9--found a beautiful pelagonia from son on k table. To K. Sale & F. bought 2 sows. Son to "musicians do" in G in eve. 11--Sam & I sprayed basement walls with Rexair cleaner. 12--Son left for Urbana. To BT Club at Mrs. Hopkins. SB lost 1st upper tooth. 14--Got my "wedding hat" M. got D. towel set for graduation & red wool blanket from her & SB for wedding. 15--Church, SS. Son, Louise & Eddie to Bloomington for picnic. 16--to "Chicken Every Sun." 18--To K. PTA with Gladys Cramer & saw style show of KHS girls. M. modeled 2 dresses. To G. to Hannam's mail carrier's supper. 19--Son to Kewanee to talk Ag. biz. 20--Son & Louise to BU to get D. & Al & to St. Louis to see opera, "Carmen". Supper at school & nice program. Claude & Mary out. 21--Bridge party here. Harry Pearson had lumbago. 22--To SS, then to Carlinville; toured Jones Hall & to Baccalaureate. Sam, SB, F & Louise home. To choir concert & to bed; so tired. D, M & others to show. 23--To graduation & it was lovely but sad too. The kids all felt so sorry to part. Here at 4:30, Diane drove. Son took master's exam & passed. 24--To visit school at last recess. Son home at noon but away again. Last exam at U.of I. at G. 25--Kewanee HS called Son to give him job. 27--Last day for M & SB. M to picnic at Lake Storey. 28--Got wedding invitations, D going away dress, shoes for all 3 ladies. 29--To church, SS, Abingdon, Olive, Greenbush, Berwick & Meridian cemeteries. To Wanda's awhile. 30--Sam, Son & Diane baled & stored hay. To Lake movie in eve--fair only. Son on picnic in G. 31--D & I to G. to see if mistake in invites. Got eyes tested. Al here for dinner. To mish mtg. at Addie Peck's. Diane wrote invites. June 1--Diane & Al to Urbana for 2 or 3 days. To BT Club at Jo H's. Madge R. a visitor. Big crowd & nice program by 4 newest members. Mailed D's wedding invitations. Sam took M to K. for Jester. 2--M. to sing at Lena Cramer's hobby show; Madge to visit 1/2 of pm. Son on picnic in G. 3--D & Al back about 10:30. Sam, M. & SB went fishing to Horseshoe pond, cleaned 30 fish. 4--To G. & got orchid dress. Surprise dress for M. Son to wedding rehearsal. 5--All to SS & D played for M. to sing. Home to find Eleanor, Jack & Jo. Son off to Tolley's wedding, back afterward with Louise. Wanda's, Al, K's, Mary Anna & Charlie here (ask Diane about friends). 6--Several to Monmouth for baler parts, took back orchid dress. E & J to Smiths. Son is sub this week. 7--Picnicked at Lake B. with K's, Louise & Al too. E & J golfed before supper. 8--Sam, Jack, Eleanor, Al, SB to golf & on to Wanda's. Fixed strawberry ic there, Niseleys called. Grand dinner. E, J, J, SB & I took Martha home. E & J to Lacy's. 9--Lacy's called to see Jo as E, J & Son were ready to go out to dinner. Jack & Diane baled at McWilliams. Claude & Mary out to spend eve. 10--Sam & Jack getting Studebaker ready for them. All the kids went calling at Cramers, Helanders & Wises. Girls were going to make record. No one to do it. E & J to Smiths. Downhearted eve. 11--E, J & J left at 4 & it seemed lonesome. I found a dress at Block & K's finally. Kept busy seeing about things. Saw Al & he came out. 12--Son, Louise and we to Urbana; graduation thrilling--3500--toured campus. Al & D. on to Danville to wedding. 13--Diane to Dr. for checkup. Al brot his car over for overhauling. He & D. to Brimfield to see preacher. 14--To Ab. to talk over church plans with Doris D. Son gone for supper. Sam & A. still at the car. 15--Son to mtg. at Champaign, Diane took Al home. M & I got her (D's) dress at Cramers. Saxers, Carlsons & Mc out with gift. 16--Abe H. had brought bucket of cherries so we fixed them for locker. Peas are ready to fix; shelled 6 qts. 17--Mrs. Noland & Al here & she helped fix cherries. D & A for license--lots of gifts coming. Sam, Son & SB to bale at Lundeens. Bessie, Jewel & children here. Last eve "us 6" at home for bridge. 18--Sam & Son baling. D. to get Freddie & Louise. To rehearse at 8 at Ab. Cong Church ((Found Rev. W. pretty small). Served ice c, cake & punch to kids. 19--Somewhat of a breathless day. Fair but warm. All to SS but Sam & me. To Ab. at noon to finish up the table, punch, flower arr, etc. All tried to eat f. chick dinner. Over again before 3. All seemed to go well. Too hot for candles, FWC said. Brot gifts home & tried to get all straight again. 20--Took cake board, flower basket, punch bowl back, paid bills; packed boxes of wedding for Eleanor, Paul & Eunice. Picked & shelled peas. 23--Wanda & Guy here; brot cream for ic. 24--Son to Kewanee on biz. To see Mrs. Pierce on her 81st bd. 26--To Lake for show in eve; Gene Helander too. 27--M drove SB, Sally, Billy & Clark to swim at lake. Diane & Al back from Mo.; here an hr. & on to Laura. 29--BD club supper at lake & then played court whist. 30--M. went to Liverpool early & Son, SB, Sam & I at noon. Hot & same ole stuff. Home at 5:15 so Son could go on picnic. July 1 Diane & Al came in pm & to Lake B. for supper, Louise too-boat ride, swimming. 2--D & A. to G. to exchange silver & fryer, back to Nolands after supper. Son & Louise to Chicago at noon. 3--Homecoming at school after SS. Nice dinner, program & time; big crowd. To lake in eve. 4--Diane, Al, Claree & Dick here & all to lake to swim. Back here for supper on porch. To L. Storey fireworks; low eve. 5--D & Al started to N.J from Laura this a.m. Son left for Kewanee to start new job. 6--Sam had hay baled & M & I tried to help load them but he brot us home & got Buzzie Hatch. M & I to G. & took 5 4H girls for big eve--Am Beauty & show. 7--Art H. here with lots of k cabinets! 8--Son home; Art to work on cabinets. 8--to Bessies; Wanda, Margaret & Sue too 10--Transferred things from old cabinet & cupboard to new cabinets. 11--Sam tore out old cupboard; took hogs. 13--M to Dr. for checkup & then off to Camp Shaubena. Sam got wallboard & fit in wall of old cupboard. 15--Papered "new wall" & put cabinet over elec range; son home for supper & to G. 16--To get Marilyn from camp & glad to have her home again. Son & Louise to Tolley's for supper & to Hub. 17--SS, took lunch to Lake B. & M. went swimming; fair show. 18--Son had sleepless? nite with his hungry new dog-decided he was too young. Louise & all her folks out for Christy to ride in the jeep. 19--SB & I guests at M's 4H do. She sang "Honey Chile". Picked 10 qts blackberries. 21--M. made apple pie-she's getting to be reg'lar ole pie maker. Son called at noon & asked to save Aug. 14 for his wedding day. 22--Sam & I are same age! M & I gave him hydraulic jack. Surprise! Son & Louise here for supper & talked over their plans. 23--To A. in eve to pay Congo $25 (for having wedding there)-some church. 24--M taught my SS class; nice day with Louise's folks-then supper with Hopkins too. Even show was good. 25--To Ab. to see "Little Women". 27--Got blackberries at Russel H's also chiggers! Art H. helped finish up sink. 28--Letter from Berniece that Roger Blevins has polio & Eleanor sick; to Bernieces & Carlsons. 31--M & F to SS; to Lincoln Pk for 1920 class reunion--12 of class there & 18 of families. To K's for supper & cards. Aug. 1--Son brot his dog home again; got me up at 4:30. 5--To G & got M. new dress for wedding; 7 pieces of silver for Louise & Fred. 7--Cline Reunion here-Aunt Verna, Dahlers, Wayne's, Claude's, Lela Steeles, Inez, Dorothy & girls, Louise. Terrific dinner. Went over to show. 8--Rest up; M & I played croquet & she beat me! 10--M & I to shower for Louise at Mrs. Campbell's; L's Dad to ball game with Sams. 11--Letter from Eleanor; she & Jo are coming. K's & his mother here for supper & bridge. 12--Son home last night & gone all day on business. Fixed 8 qts corn for locker; made feather pillows for Louise; to misc. shower at Mrs. Larsons in eve; men to ball games. 13--Son met Eleanor & Jo in G. on 11 am bus. To Harshbargers for the after rehearsal festivities-lovely gifts up there. 14--Son's wedding day-fair but warm. No ss because of polio-played cards & kept busy. Son to park car! Clarks & Burnetts here and all dressing. Lovely wedding & everything so nice. Jo did quite well for her 1st wedding. Joe Seckler (Jean's husband) taking pictures by the doz. 15--Sam, Eleanor & Mariyn to Lake B. to play golf with Bill Davis. M to see about school subjects at Ab. Sam traded cars. Red Bond & SB played croquet! 16--E to call on Lucille Smith; E & Jo to Lacy's for supper. Sam got new brown Frazer. 17--To $1 day; to Harshbargers to see pictures & wedding gifts. 18--Eleanor, Jo, Marilyn, Sammy & I got Imogene, Mrs. Pierce & Helander & toured the spots I used to live. Stopped at Lois' & Wanda's. 19--Loaded the car & Sam left with Eleanor & Jo at 11:30. House so quiet in eve. 20--We 3 fed hogs & chickens. 21--Sammy had first asthma spell since Alabama in March. Sam called from K. at 4:30 & I went right up. World got brighter. 22--Sammy still wheezy-pulse 120; to Dr. Pennebaker in A. for treatments. 23--Sammy to A for another "pushing". 27--Sammy threw tennis ball once too many & broke pane in front storm door. Chuck Steele dropped in & staid with us. 28--To H's for dinner & day; ball game & back for ic & wedding cake. Fred & Louise sorting gifts to take back. They brot us all gifts. 29--School started for Fred. 30--Sam took SB for adj; Louise & son surprised us for supper--brot 101 pictures. 31--Helped sort pigs & Sam took to G. We to Jo H's for saladmaster party Sept 2--F & L here for supper. Fire trucks from A. went by--Lundeen's barn burned. 4--To Lake B. to see 2/3 of "Ali Baba & 40 Thieves". F & L here when we got home; played some bridge. 5--To Nauvoo with F & L, Helen. To Joseph Smith's homes, Keokuk, Ft. Madison, Crapo Park. Had supper, ball game & various other doings--a very nice day. 7--SB to chiro; M. changed school subjects & to see Jean R. To K's for my bd supper & played bridge. 8--Cleaned chicken house; letter from Diane & she has job. 10--SB to Ab. for treatment. 11--Harshbargers & we to Kewanee; looked over h.s Nice day, only short. 12--School all day for SB; 1/2 for M. She drove Frazer. Claire here on way from sale at K. Left money for wedding present. To Wanda's for supper & a nice visit. 13--To celebrate my bd--Steak n Shake & double feature. 15--Made 11 gal. cider. 16--To Louise's folks & F & L went with to GHS/Moline football game. I to Ruby's. 17--F & L out for supper, M made me bd cake. Surely did get celebrated a long time. Wonder if I'll have another. 18--To SS & on to Louise's folks; on to Oquawka, to Meyers cottage who led way to Stonekings place on canal--fun at weiner roast & boat ride in the dark. Wish we'd had a movie of our ascent up the hill by the light of Mrs. H's paper plates. Clair Cline called at midnite to say they had a baby girl. We could scarcely believe it. 21--BT Guest day at Bonnie's; supper & eve at school. Sent crate of eggs to Diane. 22--Wanda, Guy & Moreys here for supper. 23--Saxers, Ruby out for apples; to Aunt Lena's in eve while folks went to football game. 24--To Saxers & Sam looked at stoker he may buy. Got M's new rose chair. 25--Louise & Fred came about midnight; all to SS, to McLennan's ann. at Scandia; to Saxers for cards 27--To mish mtg. with Turner's to K. to Bonnie's. 28--Pearsons out for apples; Cliff/Kathryn Rice & Allens here a min. 1st killing frost. 29--McAlisters here til 3:30; Saxers out & took Sandy. Oct. 1--To Dixon to Bob Pearson's wedding; Ruby went with us. Ride & wedding was lovely; evening lunch at K's. 2--After SS to Wanda's for weiner roast & hickory nutting; Sammy's overalls got afire today & gave us an exciting min. 3--Dora Jean Bybee here to go with M. on SS class weiner roast. We 3 to "Stratton Story". 4--To BT mtg. at church; Sam to G. to get stoker coal. 5--Letter from Diane & she sounded homesick. To church tea at Maquon; to Sam's mother's for supper. Sam is working on stoker & nearly thro'. 6--Had first furnace fire with stoker running it--purty nice. 7--To Aunt Lena's while folks saw Ab. get beat by Knoxville. Vonna, Everett, Jean & family & Ruth there. Son & Louise to Davenport to see "Oklahoma". 8--Made 15 gal cider. F & L. here so SB stayed while we went to G. 9--Helen, Grandpa, SB, F & L to orchard. Ruby, Tryons & Pearsons down to go woodsing--bittersweet & a few nuts. 12--Sam & Otie playing golf; to shower at church for Hazel Helander. Took M. to choir practice. Bill & Imo here awhile. 13--Sam & M. to Ab. homecoming game & she staid in with Jean. 14--M. to auction of Bailey buildings. Sam helped buy out grocery stock. 16--Potluck dinner after SS at Sam's mother's. Jesse's family, Pratts, Nelle Powers, Mrs. Jones, Roys. 19--M drove jeep to choir practice & SB to chiro then they came back to PTA & Sam & I became vice & pres! 23--M. to Ab. at 9 to practice & sing at Congo Church. We three to SS. Son called to say he & Louise had gone to Jean's (new baby girl) & Louise had stayed. 25--20 here for missionary mtg. 26--Marilyn & Norma Dagley sold tickets to the magic show & she had supper with them. Baked for the junior bake sale & we went to the square dance. Guess I'll bake for a living..pie 75 cents, choc bit cookies, $1.25 and sugar cookies, 50 cents. 30--To SS; Fred and Louise, Wanda, Guy, Porters, Vera, Mary, Berniece's, Martha's & K's here for dinner. Sam, Marilyn Geo & Alan played canasta. SB & I went Halloweening after they left & he liked that. Nov. 2--Delong men entertained Rotary--busy day fixing meal for 67 men 4--Marilyn at Jean's & went to Aledo on bus to see Ab. win. 6--Got Guy & Helen, to F & L's in Kewanee at 10:30 & went to ME church. Back for dinner & then to h.s. to concert L. played in. Started reading "Till Fish us do part". 8--Finished book, to Viola's for dessert lunch, book report. 9--M staid in for choir practice & was at Hortense & Bill's. 11--Sam finished painting west side of house; to formal retreat at Legion Plaza in A. with Fred & Louise at sundown. Folks back to football game later. 14--Moved here 19 years ago--the place I've lived longest in my life. So much of us wrapped up here. K's & Alan out for their 24th ann. supper, then bridge. 19--Son & Louise to Urbana for homecoming; took our saladmaster back & got our "do" back. So glad! To K's for 1st winter bridge party. 20--After ss to Martha's (McMeen) for family dinner. 22--To K. awhile in PM to consult Doc--maybe no worry. 24--Sam, M & SB to Quincy to meet the Ala. kids. Louise helped me get dinner. L's mother & grandpa came about 2:20 & we soon had a big dinner ready. 25--Wanda, Guy here for supper; Lucille, Russell & Mrs. Griffith here in eve. Son spending today & tomorrow at stock show. 26--SB & J went hunting. No luck so we had ham. 27--Up at 4, left for Quincy to take E., J. & 4:40 & got there at 6:30. John came at 7:20. M, SB to SS. 29--Sam took car of children to A. to see Santa show; to missionary mtg. at Helanders. 30--M. to practice choir & we to "Men who go to sea in ships". Dec. 1--Jean R. to stay all nite with M; Sam & I to party at Cramers. When we got home, the bed had fallen in with the girls. 2--Feet punk but nailed the bed back; to see exciting Ab/ROVA game. Ab. won. 6--To church for farewell to Mrs. Dalton & it pleased her so. Home to find Jean R. here & M. getting chili for supper. To Farmington to see Ab. win. 7--Sam took M. to choir & sextette practice. So glad he'd rather be home than "poolhalling". 9--To cousin party at Ruth Sipes by Winona. Sammy upset stomach when I got home. Sam & M. to see Roseville lose at Ab. 10--SB better. Helped serve the SS class from Ab. Congo. Lovely supper & lots of fun in the kitchen too. Son & Louise here when we got home. 11--Wakened at 4:30 to call dr. for Kay H. Woke at 8:45 so no biscuits & to SS late. Sam & Son walked over a farm. 12--To Til Lucas for lovely dinner party; played canasta, won & got a deck of cards. M with me as Sextette was to sing & be guests of Kiwanis. Planned to stay at Jean's but got sick so she came home with me. Was she sick! 13--Now today so am I. M feeling better. She drove Frazer to Ab. & to G. with sextette to sing for Galesburg Woman's Club. 14--M to Ab. in Frazer to eat & sing at Rotary. She says too much meat loaf. Sam weighed up his popcorn (Christmas cards). 15--Clair called from San Antonio & says they're moving there. 16--Wrote 10 letters & that takes a lot of arm wiggling. Saw Ab. win from Stronghurst. Marilyn staid all nite with Jean & will go with her to shop in G. 17--Almost finished with shopping. Got our tree & M. trimmed it. Took SB to chiro. 18--All to SS but SB. 20--SB back to school; M. to A. in jeep for rehearsal. S., SB & I to church dining room for Farm Brew oyster supper. 21--Son here for bkf. To school program with SB. Sam to M's at HS & they got back for our finish & refresh. Sam & Son bid on a farm east of Orange Chapel & got it. Son & Louise back to Kewanee. for dinner with friends (school is out for him & SB). 22--Louise & her mother to Jeanie's in Chicago. Son here for supper. 23--M. got out at noon. Helped practice kids in PM ; that will help you lose all religion. S & M to G. to get Louise & Fred & on to K. to see Kewanee win. Too bad. Smallest crowd I can remember at church program. Too many gifts tho. 24--To K's for Geo's bd. supper & eve. Geo & Alan to sing at church. Home late & Fred & Louise later but nice to know they were here. 25--Christmas on Sun. is too much. To SS & then had our family tree which was lovely as usual. Helen fixed turkey dinner at Grandpa Hendricks; met several new ones. Surprise gifts up there. Thots of the far away caught up with us. 26--No mail for Sam so he worked at the fire engine house! SB coasting at Ray's. F & L. to stay all nite; canasta after supper. 27--Freezer dinner--steak, mushrooms, wax beans, cherry pie. So easy to take it all out but work to get it in. To mish at Grace Steele's. F & L. to Tolleys. To Macomb to see Ab. lose to Havana & we thot it the coach's fault. Jean, Marilyn Hovell & Elaine Larsen with us. 28--Lovely supper at Saxers in eve. F & L too but they left for L. to go to a party. Sandy has grown 1/2 up. 29--Louise, Fred & we to Claude & Mary's for supper; canasta & fun. 30--Six boys came in p.m & from then on a hectic time. To show at K & glad to get home. Sammy is 8 & I don't think I'll have another party for him until he's 18. 31--Son, Buzzie, Royce here figuring on their books. M & SB to Orph; we to McLennan's party. Could scarcely see thro fog but got here at 2 a.m. 1950--On Jan. 3 went with Sam to get soil samples at the "new farm". On the 5th, Roy, Gertie, their mothers, Pearl Goddard & Verna Cline came for supper. We did lots of playing canasta and son was off on business. The firemen began meeting in their "new station". Marilyn went to Jean Roberson's for an all night party and then Jean came home with M. & we went to the Abingdon/Knoxville game in the Jeep. (Abingdon won). We went to many sports events! U. Groundhog's Day & Marilyn made a pie (not out of groundhog!). Marilyn was in a sextette & went to practice or to perform frequently. She occasionally.went to Mrs. Green for coaching for the songs she planned to sing in the music contest. Sam bought several pigs to fatten during Feb. and on the 25th went to Knoxville to get cash to pay for the farm. On Feb. 26th we learned there is to be an addition to F & L's family (Big news for F & L). March 7th was the local music contest and Marilyn got first in her division. On the 11th, she went to Macomb to the speech contest. She had her first piano lesson with Mrs. Shreves in Knoxville on the 18th. Abingdon did well in basketball but lost to ROVA in the tournament. Sam & Fred went to Urbana for the state tourney on the 16th, arriving back home at 3:45 a.m. SB had tonsilitis and was out of school for a few days (til the 21st). I went to Dr. Moffett and he said "coxic is broken off at sacrum". Ouch! We learned that Ruby had had a mastectomy. Marilyn & I went to Galesburg for the next music contest March 25th & Mrs. Green joined us there. Marilyn got 2nd with her solo and 1st with the sextette. Mrs. G. had lunch with us & I went up to see Ruby at the hospital. Marilyn missed her ride home the 22nd & stayed overnight with Aunt Verna Cline. Dora Jean Bybee came to stay overnight the 28th and she & Marilyn went to practice with the Knox Co. chorus and we went to their performance the following night. April--While deliverning Easter lilies, I got the Jeep stuck April 2...Sam to the rescue. On the 5th, Sam was Van's guest at Rotary and Marilyn the guest of Mr. Prout, supt. of the high school. She gave a talk (I wonder what about???). Easter vacation began for SB & Marilyn on the 7th. The sextette sang at the Good Friday services. On Easter, the 9th, Marilyn, Sam & I went to sunrise service (no sun) at Knoxville Christian Church. We went to Martha's with Guy & Wanda & Bernieces came too. F & L were out in the eve. Fred was busy hauling lime next day. We went to Inez Cline's for supper the 11th, joining Bertha Bond who's here for a visit. On the 16th we got news of the arrival of Thomas Lee Gammon, weighing in at 6# 12 1/2 oz (born the 15th). SB got chickenpox the 19th and was miserable with them. He didn't go back to school til May 3! Sam had a tooth pulled the 22nd & that too was miserable. Sam planted potatoes & some garden the 14th. While planting peas & onions on the 20th, I found a gold ring. The junior/senior prom was April 22nd & Marilyn went to help decorate & went to it with Larry Ashley. Next day she & I went to Wanda's where there was a big dinner & crowd. Sam stayed home with SB & F & L came over later. Sam & SB went to the farm the 26th & brought my first bouquet (I think that traditionally was lilacs). Marilyn went to Champaign the 28th and the sextette got a 2nd. In May we went to the timber for flowers and to look for mushrooms several times. Marilyn and seven friends had a weiner roast/slumber party the 11th. The 13th we went to the new farm to look for mushrooms and Marilyn got the Jeep stuck. Louise, SB, M & I went to Galesburg to a circus "quite a show-found out they were gypers!". Next day, Sunday (Mother's Day), Fred, Louise, Marilyn, SB, Helen H. & I had a picnic at the old home farm. There was a class picnic for M. on the 20th. SB got a new ball that day and promptly broke a window with it. Next day he had asthma..(.hmm!). Barb Campbell had a weiner roast on the 25th which M. attended. She went to baccaulareate and graduation as the choir was singing for both. Her good grades allowed her not to take finals so she was finished with school on the 26th. On the 24th we had a "Galloping breakfast"--knock on people's doors & they're to come with you immediately, without preparation! 57 came, including children. June 2nd we left for Tuscaloosa--668 miles travelled between 4:20 a.m. & 7:30 p.m. We had our first chance to get acquainted with little Tommy. In the few days we were there, we had fun with the children, shopped, played cards and toured the paper mill (what a smell!). On our way home on June 10th, we stopped in Jackson, TN to see the Casey Jones monument. As we were approaching Cairo, Ill., we ran out of gas & coasted into a station. The attendant asked if we had a son sho'd been in service in the Phillipines (he thought Fred looked like Sam). When we said we did, he said that he'd told Fred that if he ever again met up with him, he was going to kill him. We were glad Fred wasn't along (tho' I think he'd cooled down over the years!)! We arrived home at 1:15 a.m. Marilyn was busy working on a 4H project with Carol Ann Ferris on how to build an outdoor fire. She drove to Galesburg by herself for the first time for a 4H sing at the Farm Bureau. We celebrated Gladys & Harold Cramer's 25th anniversary June 17thwith dinner with Hopkins & Wises at Pallings. The peas and cherries were keeping us busy--9 1/2 quarts of peas fixed for the freezer on the 19th and 3 quarts of wild strawberries picked (and they are little!). We took our championship rat killer, Mitzi to the 10 acres to kill rats (they liked to live under the pigpens) and she "did the job" on June 20th Sam, SB & Fred took a jaunt to Camp Ellis June 30th. Wanda came to pick cherries. After seeding, she took 9 qts. & we kept 8. That's a lotta cherries! July 8th brought word of the arrival of Bruce Royale Noland. The very next day while at church and singing the last SS song, Mrs. Clark came to say the barn was afire. The tractor, etc. were gone. Fred, Louise, Joe, Jean Seckler and baby were here in late eve July 12th. At 1, they decided to stay for the night. Next a.m. the adults left and returned for the baby at 11 pm. Marilyn was the only one awake by then. She & Sally made a chocolate angel food cake & we had a Lake B. picnic with Hopkins on the 11th. On July 17th, Marilyn and Carol went to AHS where they demonstrated how to make outdoor fires & got 1st. In Galesburg on the 21st, they got first in the county contest. She was struggling with her 4H dress. We had supper at Sam's mother's that night. Sally & Marilyn played 2 duets for my special number at SS July 22. Carol & Marilyn had their picture taken for the Galesburg Register Mail next day & ended up on the front page. Our class reunion was at Lincoln Park Pavilion the 30th with 9 members and families attending. August found me freezing corn, picking the first tomato, canning beets. Jean R. and Marilyn went to Lake B. the 9th & M. came home looking like a beet! We went to a shower for Louise at Evelyn Stableins on Aug. 11th and another on Sept. 17. (Patricia Jean arrived Sept. 30th to start using the items given. She weighed 7#, 9 1/2 oz.) Marilyn and Carol Ann rode to Springfield with the Kemps on Aug. 13th where they repeated their fire starting demo and had a good time at the state fair, returning the 15th. The good news came on Aug. 16 that Jack was offered a job at Seagram's in Louisville. Next day we left to visit the Nolands and get our first look at little Bruce. The first night we stayed in Canton, continuing on through Pittsburgh, on the turnpike and arriving in Orange N.J. at 5:30 the 18th. After a late dinner on Sun., we went (all but Diane & Bruce) into NYC, Radio City Music Hall, Times Square...back at 1:30 a.m. The 21st we took a picnic, drove along the Palisades, up the Hudson to Bear Mt. Park and on to West Point...a very pretty drive. Sam, Diane and Al went thro' Bell Lab Aug. 22nd; Sam, Marilyn SB & Al went to Yankee Stadium in the afternoon and to visit Bonds in the eve. Next day George Bond took us on a tour--the harbor area, Staten Is. ferry, the Bowery, the Battery, Wall St, the Brooklyn Bridge, UN, the stock exchange and lunch in Chinatown! Sam & Al went to the Edison Museum in Morristown the 24th. We had a picnic and went to Morristown to see the George Washington memorial and musum and to the play, "Papa is All". Back to NYC we returned Aug. 25th to ride the subway, eat in the automat, ferry to the Statue of Liberty where we climbed to the top, Grand Central Station, Central Park and back to NJ on a ferry. After the Presbyterian Church service Aug. 27, we did more touring & had "Awful Awfuls" (awful good, awful big) at the Bonds. We started our journey home Aug. 28th, leaving at 5, going through the beautiful Delaware Water Gap. We got to Niagara Falls about 2:30, rode on the Maid of the Mist and saw the colored lights on the falls at night. We were into Detroit by 1pm on the 29th and enjoyed Greenfield Village before continuing to Huntington, IN for the night. We were home Aug. 30th and got the bad news that Clark Wise has polio and the hogs had cholera. We needed to get busy fixing peaches and limas. Sept--School started for SB and Marilyn on Sept. 5th . Oct.--Sam went to Abingdon Oct. 7 to get the deed to the property we got from the Landons. On the 19th Sam decided to "get fat by eating!" (he never did!). Marilyn was busy with play practice and stayed at Jean Roberson's often. Louise and baby Pat went to Helen's from the hospital on Oct. 11th. Folks went to the Ill-Ind. game the 28th & Ill. won. The bridge gang came for supper Oct. 29th and all were assigned jobs to do and really thought that was fun. Nov.--Marilyn got a $5 4H award in Galesburg Nov. 4. We dug 3 bu. of carrots on the 9th and got cold--first day for snow cover. On the 21st, Marilyn went to a play in Roseville and stayed at Jean's. SB stayed at Grandmother's. Wanda & Guy were hit again in Galesburg. The 23rd (Thanksgiving), Fred, Louise, Patti & Helen were here for dinner & the eve. Gammons arrived on Nov. 25th and Jack caught a bus to Arkansas next day. Eleanor began looking for a job and I looked after Nancy Jo and Tommy when she was away. The chicken pie supper was the 30th with 215 served. Dec.--Eleanor found work at the Holly Shop on Dec. 2...didn't feel good that first day but went anyway. On Dec. 17 we went to Fred and Louise's homey place in Kewanee for dinner and the day. Louise's folks came on the train. Jack rejoined his family Dec. 23 and we had our family Christmas celebration on the 24th. The Gammons headed to Truman, Arkansas on Christmas Day in an old Studebaker which broke down near Jacksonville. We were at Wanda & Guy's when the call came so Marilyn & Sam left at once to take them home. D. took us to Abingdon & Son took us home & did the chores. SB was wheezy and still felt rough next day. We were surprised when Sam and Marilyn returned at 6 p.m, dragging the Studebaker behind the Frazer. Quite a day. So glad to see them & have them home safe. New Year's Eve we went to a party at Carlsons & SB & Marilyn went to Helen's. 1951-- Jan 5th Jean Roberson came home with Marilyn to go to the Abingdon-Knoxville game. Uncertain score til 4th quarter with Abingdon winning 64-49. Sam and I went to Palling's Jan. 21 where we celebrated Endter's 25th aniversary & then went to McLennan's to play cards. It was cold & snowy the end of the month with not many at the church annual mtg/potluck. The mail carrier's mtg. was called off Jan. 31 and Marilyn stayed in at Elaine Larson's for the night. Feb. 7 we were working on kitchen tiling. Sometimes it ended crooked, frustrating! Marilyn was in the speech contest in Abingdon & did good. We got the west wall tile straightened Feb. 8 before the SS class came for supper for Ralph & Betty Lu. There was no school Feb. 12 so Marilyn & Elaine Larson went to Galesburg to tour Cottage Hosp. Sam & Fred were busy vaccinating pigs & I went to Ruth Hoffman's for a bd supper in the Jeep. We went to many basketball games during the month. Marilyn stayed in at Carol Bahl's Feb. 16 and next day they went to Knox for exams. In the evening we had supper at K's, Maryanna's too & stopped at the Firemen's Brawl for 1/2 hour. Sam & I loaded pigs in thick mud Feb. 19. Marilyn drove Feb. 20 staying in for the home ec supper & show. Barb Campbell came home with her. Feb. 23rd Elaine came home with her and we went to Oneida to see Abingdon win. We went to Kewanee for dinner Feb. 25, along with Helen and Grandpa Hendricks. Patti is so cute & sweet. On the way home we stopt for a nice visit with Nolands in Laura. Marilyn stayed in for sextette practice Feb. 26 and Norma Dagley and Mrs. Green came for supper Feb. 27 & then back to Galesburg for the bb tournament. Norma came out March 1 also & we went to the tournament. Abingdon won over Knoxville. March 2 Marilyn went to Knox for lunch a tour and to see "Twelfth Night". Son called asking us to go to Laura to see Paul & Eunice so we turned in our play tickets and joined them. March 6th we were taking paper off the kitchen. Marilyn stayed at Elaine's went to the high school carnival. The last bb game for Abingdon was March 9th when they lost a heartbreaker to Western in overtime. Norma D. was a supper guest & the girls practiced at Ruby's. Fred's surprised us with a visit the 10th, staying over til Sun. afternoon. There was lots of snow & school was cancelled the next few days. We got new linoleum laid March 13th. March 15 Marilyn stayed at Dagleys & next day we met Mrs. Green and went to the music contest. Marilyn didn't place and we felt blue. March 17th SB & I went to Moline with Sam to his convention comm. mtg. Marilyn went to Macomb to visit Western with AHS seniors March 21. Marilyn and I went to the Good Fri. service March 23, along with Wanda. We went there for Easter dinner---25 in all. It snowed! About 40 came to church for breakfast which Imogene Wise and I fixed. March 29th several of us went to Central Church to a women's mtg. I went to Dr. Crowell & had minor surgery. Marilyn went to ROVA to a home ec. meeting & Barb came home with her. On the 31st, the sextette won first at the district. April--On Marilyn's birthday, she went to Barb Campbells to a party/overnight. We went to Kewanee to Son's FFA banquet April 12 and took Dr. McKown to speak. M & SB kept Patti. Next day Vera and Hol got here in the afternoon along with Babe and Chet. Martha's, Wanda's, Berniece's, Claire's, Lois' & Fred's were here for supper. Hubbub! On April 14 we went to Peoria where Marilyn got a formal, shoes & purse. That eve we went to a bridge party at K's. Mr. & Mrs. Robt. Coats were here for dinner April 15, along with Fred's. Diane had her tonsils out April 17. That eve Marilyn drove to school & stayed in for the dinner for seniors given by business & professional women. A senior square dance was held next eve & Barb Campbell came home with her. There was a very nice operetta at school April 20. Marilyn went to the junior-senior banquet April 21 and stayed overnight with Elaine. Garden got plowed April 23 and Emory Flynn came to borrow Mitz to kill rats. Marilyn went to Research Hospital with high school kids to give a program the 25th & we planted garden. April 26th we went to Galva relays, going through Abingdon to pick up Marilyn & Norma Dagley. Next day the Dagleys took the girls to Clinton where the sextette got a 2nd at the state contest. Marilyn went to senior girls' play day at Roseville April 28. She sang at SS the 29th. We went to Wanda's for potluck dinner. May--Son learned he has to have a physical May 2, went to Ft. Sheridan next day...& passed. We went to Kewanee for dinner & a concert May 6 along with Harshbargers & Grandpa H. Marilyn stayed in May 9th & went to a Home Ec spree. We went to the old farm May 11, had a perilous crossing of the creek but found 71 mushrooms! Marilyn & I went to a tea at the nurses home May 12. Mother's Day & Berniece's birthday found us at Lois & Floyd's for a woods picnic. Fred's were there too. Terry came home with us. Louise's grandmother died that morning. I went to the GAA Mother/daughter banquet with Marilyn May 14. Terry & the Sams went to Sam's mother's for supper. The 15th was the funeral for Louise's grandmother. I stayed with Patti. We went to the AHS music concert in the eve. Sam plowed the first terrace May 16. Marilyn went back to a school dance & Barb Campbell came home with her. We went to the timber May 17 and found several big mushrooms...had a picnic supper in the back yard. Terry & I visited school in the afternoon of May 18..heard Ray Saxer had been in a wreck. We went to Galesburg the Marilyn's graduation dress & 53 little chix. Marilyn went to Elsie Hilgren's bd supper. There was a youth mtg. she attended at church next eve. The AHS seniors took a trip to Chicago on May 22.., getting home the 23rd. We went to mail carrier's at Matthew's that eve. Sam got a rotary power lawn mower May 26. We went to Saxer's.. Ray's at Cedar Rapids Hosp. Sam went to New Windsor to a mail carrier's comm. mtg. May 27. SB & M went along. In the eve we went to baccalaureate & Patti stayed at Aunt Verna's. Next day Marilyn went in for class day practice. She sang at the mish mtg. at Eva H's May 29. Class day that eve was very nice. M received outstanding music award. May 30 we went to services at AB. cemetery & on to Meridian. Wanda & Guy went with us to Greenbush & Olive. May 31 was SB's last school day. M's was June 1. There was a picnic dinner at Delong school with a big crowd. M's graduation was in the eve. With her last report, she advanced to high honors. F & L were out late. Next day Marilyn went to Cottage for her nursing interview & got her hair cut. SB & the Davis boys slept out in a tent...was wheezy next day. Fred's & H's were here for a very nice day June 3. Son went to Chicago to try for a deferment June 4. Louise went to Peoria with Mrs. Campbell & Helen and we kept Patti. Marilyn looked for a job without success on June 5. Madge Rickords was here to go on a tour of the Sandburg Cottage with the BT group June 6. M. went to Barb's for supper for Alice S. We went to Jim Bulkley's piano recital at the Ab. Meth. Church June 8th. Our high school reunion was at Lincoln Park June 10th. June 14 brought bad news from F & L (no deferment?). We went to the Galesburg Meth. Church June 17th for Patti's baptism. It was a nice day and supper. Jean's arrived in late pm so F, L & P slept here. Marilyn went to Kewanee June 18th to help prepare for their sale in Kewanee. It was the 20th & things sold well. Marilyn & Patti came home with us & Louise brought SB & got Patti in late eve. Marilyn &SB went to VBS the rest of the week. Fred's were here for supper June 22, along with Wanda & Guy. Next day we picked a bushel of peas...15 pts. in the freezer. June 24th was the mail carrier's breakfst & then to H's for the day. It was hard to leave & come home. Next day Fred, Louise & Patti left for NYC. June 26th we went to Jo's for a Mish. picnic & Marilyn sang. SB went to Ray's for all night. Marilyn's SS class had an ice cream social June 27 & made $40. I took some of the bd girls to Mac's (Maxine's) in Industry June 29. June 30 we picked & hulled 20 pts. of peas. After searching the hay field for a tractor rod, Sam found it. July 1 we went to Wanda's as did Moreys. Sherrie & SB exchanged bikes. Saxers were out for a porch picnic July 4 & to pick berries. The mail carrier's convention was in Moline July 5-7. SB went with the juniors. I helped with a memorial service wearing a white formal borrowed from Mrs. Louie Marks. Gammons were on their way from Arkansas to Florida on July 12. Marilyn went to Dr. Bradshaw July 14 and had her throat painted--tonsillitis--ouch! On July 16 she was repainted! Couldn't sleep at night..miserable! I took Ray & SB July 18 so they could fish & swim. Marilyn went to Elaine's surprise bd party July 22. Our Galesburg picnic was off due to weather but we went to Lake B. where they had a cute show. Marilyn and Sally Hopkins began detasseling July 23 & didn't get home til after 6. Billy & Esther Steele were here for a visit July 24. Sam picked a bu. of apples. Mail carrier's picnic was July 25 & we saw part of a ball game. July 27 SB, 4 Davis & I went to K. to see a parade. That eve we went to Moline to see "The Desert Song" with Louise Steele as the leading lady! Mitzi helped pick beans on the 28th. M's lips were blistered so she chose not to go to SS July 29. The Sams & I went to Lake B. to a punk show. We made 2 kinds of ice cream for a social July 31 & made $63. August 7th we had a bd party at Ruth Cullen's. The 4 of us went in the Jeep to get blackberries after supper. We went to Nolands for the day on Aug. 12 & had a big day there. Bruce is so sweet & fair & good. Diane's came Aug. 13 & we went to Wanda's for a fine supper. Next day we had supper at the lake for relatives & Moreys. Next day Helen, Jean & her 3 came to see Diane before they returned to Nolands. August 16 we got the tragic news that Joe Seckler was killed August 15. We went to H's in the eve for word of F & L's coming. McL's & Pearsons were here when we got home. The picnic at the lake was changed to Ruby's Aug. 17th due to rain. Mary Anna's & Saxers joined us for supper & McL's & Pearsons came later. Diane went on the route with Sam Aug. 18 & we visited & were visited. After SS & church on Aug. 19th, Nolands came for the day. Bruce didn't feel good so we stayed here. We had several callers during the day. A trip to Dr. Moffett next day indicated Bruce had an intestinal infection. Later in the day they returned to Laura. Fred & Louise called from Galesburg at 10:40 & we went for them. Harshbargers joined us for supper Aug. 21 & F & L were here for the day. We had more callers. A car salesman brought a veree pretty grey studebaker on Aug. 22 & we decided on it. Next day we got word that Grandpa Hendricks died Aug. 22. August 25 we went to Gammons & found them living in a nice apartment in Louisville. Next day after church (revivalist speaker), we went to a big amusement park & Sam, M, E & J. went on the roller coaster.& lots of other rides. Off to Mammouth Cave we headed (100 mi. away) Aug. 27. We went on a 3 hour tour--really thrilling. Next day we toured Churchill Downs & to see Iroquois Park & went uptown. We had a tour of Seagrams the 30th, went to Zachary Taylor Cemetery & visited the airport. We went to Bardstown to see Lorna Doone & Texas Ranger after shopping on Aug. 31. It was hot on Sept. 1 so we made several trips to Iroquois Park & had a picnic. We shopped some more before packing up. On our way home Sept. 2, we stopped in Vincennes to see the George Roger Clark memorial. When we got home, Fred called & we went to H's for supper. Marilyn went to get Helen, Louise, Patti & the Seckler girls who joined us for supper Sept. 3. Fred got back from Pekin about 4:30 & he & the Sam's went to Ab. to load ph. SB started to school next day & Marilyn went for her typhoid shot & smallpox vaccination & diptheria the 6th. Carlson's 25th anniversary was celebrated at American Beauty Sept. 8th & we then went to Endter's to play cards. The 9th we went to a reception for Carlsons & then to K's to play cards. We celebrated my birthday with dinner at Pallings..on to Monmouth but didn't get my birth certificate. To Knoxville in the eve to see "14 hours". Big day. On the 14th we made 12 gallons of cider.. Such a sore foot I had Sept. 15 that I couldn't work too much. We finished M's shopping in Galesburg & went back to the Abingdon-Corpus Christi game in the eve. Ab. won. I went to Berniece's. After SS & church,we went to Edith & Laurence Porter's in Monmouth for a lovely dinner Sept. 16. Had a card from Fred & Patti the 17th. Marilyn had her last shot Sept. 18, took us to Susie's for supper & we went to the drive in for a double feature. Sept. 19 we took her to Cottage Hospital ..a new way of living ahead. Seemed empty like in house in eve. Garden produce, sports events and PTA kept us busy the rest of the month. Scott Markley & Don Johnson were here to play with SB & have dinner on the porch. He & I went to Knoxville for his first music lesson & on to get Marilyn. The 23rd Wanda's & Bernieces were here for an indoor weiner roast. On the 30th we went to K's party. The chicken pie supper was Oct. 3rd--Hot night, big crowd, all tired out. We made more cider. We took Marilyn, Elaine & 2 more back to Galesburg after seeing Abingdon lose to Knoxville on Oct. 5. Porters, K's, Niceleys , Maryanna's here for dinner after church next day and Marilyn rode back to Galesburg with them. The SS class had a weiner roast at Lake B. Oct. 12th. Fred's and Diane's were touring in New England. The Sams to the football game at Ab.. Sam & Marilyn went to the Knox game Oct. 13th. We got 1/2 bu. hickory nuts and 3 bushels of walnuts Oct. 14. On the 19th, Sam, Marilyn and I went to Alexis the long way to see Ab. win in last 2 min. SB to PTA with his gm. We were invited to Jessie & Leonas's for dinner Oct. 21. On the way to take Marilyn back, we stopt at Harshbarger's to see movies of Patti. Oct. 25 we went to Roy's for supper. Moreys asked us there for dinner on the 28th, Wanda & Guy too. SB & 3 others went to Abingdon the 29th to sing for dist. attorney! We had a hard freeze Nov. 2. Diane and Bruce arrived Nov. 4 and split time between Nolands and us. Marilyn came home when she had the opportunity. Nov. 8th we went to Saxer's for supper, along with K's. Sammy came home from school wheezy Nov. 9. Diane went to Jr. play with Mrs. Bates. Diane and Sam went to Champaign for the football game Nov. 10. SB was better but no recital. Mrs. Green out & staid for lunch. We went to Endter's party that eve. Diane went back to Nolands the 11th. We took Marilyn back & stopt at H's.. A letter from Son Nov. 15 reported that they'll be back for New Year's!! Nov 16--To SS & church & wonder why. To Nolands for Diane & did some visiting. Diane and Bruce headed to Los Angeles on Nov. 20--the Santa Fe. Sam, Marilyn and I went to Delores' wedding Nov. 22. We went to a movie after our Thanksgiving dinner. Rodney Cramer was killed on Nov. 24. Mail carrier's party at Collinson's in Altona Nov. 28. On the 30th we went to Reese Jones' for Willis & Annis anniversary dinner & to play hearts. Dec. 2 I took Marilyn back and made 5 visits. The bd club met at Berniece Howard's the 7th. On Dec. 12 there was a SS supper at Earl Bowman's. On the 18th we fixed our tree. There was lotsa snow & Sam got stuck on the route. Next day it was so drifted he was only able to do half of the route. SB took his 2 bits to eat at school. On Dec. 22 all the mail got out again. The Christmas program at church was Dec. 23 and Marilyn came to it with Coats. Christmas Day the 4 of us "had our tree", went to Wanda's for the day & Martha's & Joe were there too. Fred's got to Galesburg early on Dec. 28 and we went up to see "our 3". The Sams, Fred and Christie went to Knox gym tournament Dec. 29. Sam & Marilyn were up early to meet Gammons in Peoria the 30th. Their bus was 2 hrs. late. Then Sam went to Galesburg to get F, L & P all went to SS for a while. After late dinner, we lit SB's candles, then had our tree. Berniece was down to see kids (& help with dishes). New Year's Eve, we had the card party here. Wanda & Guy were here for dinner. 1952--Jan 1 we had dinner with Gammons and then took them to the bus which left at 12:30. We watched the Rosebowl game on TV at Harshbarger's, had turkey supper and home movies there. On Jan. 2, Wanda was feeling very bad. Jan 5 SB & M went to get Fred's-Patti so cute. Read my "poultry" to L & M. The Sam's took them back to Galesburg. They were back next day in H's car. Wanda went into the hosp. for x-rays the 5th. Grace Steele and I sang a duet at the mtg. uniting Ladies Aid & Mish Society. Went to PTA the eve of Jan. 18 and bingo was it? Saxer's party was Jan. 19 & SB & Brian went to a movie in Abingdon & M. to a party. Wanda & Guy's 35th anniversary was celebrated at Claire's Jan. 20 with a big crowd and dinner. We took Marilyn back in the eve. Jan 21--day was deep grey and me too. Six mail carrier couples came for supper Jan. 23 and Otie's came for their 39th anniversary Jan. 28. Feb. 2--To Dr. Hambrecht.. maybe he helped me. We went to Nicely's, Wanda & Guy too Feb. 3. Power was off in the eve & we played "authors" by candlelight til time to take Marilyn back. I reviewed the book, "Miss Willie at B.T. at Mrs. Pierce's Feb. 6. Glad it's over. Felt so punk all eve. Feb. 9 went to church for SS children's party, to Pearsons in eve for shower for Bea, Ron's fiancee, M too. I went to the doctor the 11th, getting there at 15 til 2 & waiting til 4 to see him. So wobbly--penicillin shot & sulfa pills-flu. Feb. 12--Felt worse than ever most of the day, some better by eve.. Weather & not feeling well made us give up going to G. to celebrate our anniversary--lovely plant was valentine from Sam. By the 18th Sam was feeling chilly & sore throat. Guy subbed for him Feb. 19 & I fed the pigs. He went for a penicillin shot. Back to the doctor Feb 21 with Sam's back & chest hurting--taking such a chest cold. Both Sams felt bad Feb 22. Sam went to Dr. Kent Feb 23 & he helped with the chores & felt better. Sammy still felt bad when the fellowship ladies came Feb. 26. Sam to farm & started to paper pantry. With Mrs. Miller we papered the kitchen & remaining pantry Feb. 27--bedroom papering next day. By March 1 SB was feeling well enough to go coasting. I went to stay with Wanda all pm March 7. She's not very good. March 8 we had supper at Pallings, got Marilyn and went to the Knox play. Berniece called me of Wanda's death. Such a blow. March 9--A hard day. Over to Guy's about 4 pm to stay thro' the evening. March 10--The day was dark foggy & sad. Sam saw the 1st robin. Vera got into G. at 7 a.m. I got her & Berniece at Claire's & we were at Guy's til 8:30. March 11 The sun came out & helped. Funeral at 2:30 & was like she would have wanted I think. March 16--The folks all here for dinner & "to get thro' the day"--Guy, Martha's, Claire, Jo & Dorothy, Bernieces & Betty Scoby Van Hoose & family. I got my birth certificate filled out March 17. Vera & I packed clothes & I took her to Flukes. Vera took the train home on March 18. March 20 we went to Gammons, had dinner at Indianapolis-nice to see all 4. The Sams toured the bat factory. March 21--so warm folks wore no coats. Shopped & lazied most of day, watched bb tourn. on TV. We came home the 22nd. Witherells had a mail carrier's party the 26th. March 27 along with 9 others from Delong, I went to a women's rally of Cong. church in Peoria. SB got a new (to him) bike on March 28. We went to capping for Marilyn's class at First Lutheran Church. Marilyn is president of her class & didn't tell us! Reception too. Claude & Marilyn came for supper March 31. April 5 we picked up Marilyn when she got off at 3:30 and went to K's in Quincy, taking along the nut cake I made for her birthday. Next day we went to Mary Anna' & Charlie's for dinner & then on home. On the 9th we learned Patti has measles. Guy was here for Easter dinner on April 13 after breakfast at church. We got the little bike pedal welded April 15 & took it to Moreys. SB stayed home the 18th with a fat face..guess it isn't mumps. We went to Helanders for cards April 19. Next day I visited Aunt Lena while Sam dug out Fred's auger. We planted potatoes April 25. On the 26th there was a bridge party (here?) & Geo & Ruby all nite. We went to the woods April 27th & then washed dirty Mitzi. The garden was plowed & planted the 28th. Hot. Little pigs arrived April 29 and I set 2 hens the 30th. May 1 continued hot. I planted glads. We made 2 batches of ice cream May 3. On May 5 I picked Marilyn and 5 friends up and we went to the creek for supper & took them back later. Sam was busy farming. Carlson's had a party on May 7 and I went to the BT luncheon that day.I planted tomato, cabbage, berry and pansy plants on the 10th, with Marilyn's help. Saw Madge that day. Berniece and Robert's came for an indoor weiner roast the 11th. We took M back in the eve & stopt at H's to hear of our NY kids & to TV. Ten young folks came for a SS party here on May 12. Eighteen year old Mr. Michle was our preacher May 18. Otis & Nannie were here in the eve. SB went for his first swimming lesson May 19..and I cleaned the hen house. One of the setting hens had 17 chickens May 22. Cora & Dick came in the eve. We added 45 hatchery chicks the 23rd. Marilyn and I went to Jackie Shank's wedding (took over an hr!) May 24th. Out to see Guy awhile. 1st time & I'm so sorry. I visited school the 26th & enjoyed it. May 30 Sam took his mother to Ab. cemetery. SB & I out to Guy's. Poor fellow so lonely & blue. The school picnic was the 31st. We went to Lake B. June 1 after SS & church & walking over the farm. I didn't go to the BT picnic--too all in, to Smith's mail carrier party June 4. We had a supper & program for Coats June 6, went to Mary Castle's wedding (lovely but hot) the 7th. Our class reunion was at Lincoln park June 8th along with Gene Helander, Jo Brown, Nancy Leigh & Marilyn. Pearson's party was the 12th--continued hot. Sam met Marilyn in Abingdon June 15. It was 93 degrees & we went to the lake to swim in the eve. I took SB & Johnny D. to swim June 17 and went to see Marie Lyman at Vonna's. Next day Brian and SB rode their bikes to Lake B. for the day. June 19 I got Marie, Aunt Lena and Maxine & we took a long ride to the home place & then Marie came home for supper & the night. We went to Vonna's after SS June 22 for dinner for Marie and Winona--Big crowd. I baked my first cake using a mix on June 24 & we had a silver tea at church with Myrt's sister to talk. Marilyn, Sally & SB went to Lake B. June 25 entry is "Diane is 23 today & so far away." Next day it was "so all in after SB's slumber party". Claude & Haxtons were here for supper June 28. Marilyn went with us to the mail carrier's breakfast June 29. It continued hot and we went to Lake B. to swim. July 2 the SS class went to Lake B. on another hot day. I cut my foot and got sunburned. McLennan's party was in the eve. Marilyn SB & Sam were up at 5 and to Peoria to meet Eleanor's July 4. M. got to see Claree. We had late dinner & then a picnic lunch at the lake. All went to church July 6 & we had a picnic with Otie and Nannie that eve at Lake B. Our picnic on the 7th was rained out. We went to see Berniece awhile when taking Marilyn back. July 8 we had a Lake B. picnic with Wises & Helanders & it was too cool to swim. Guy, Gary & Linda came to dinner July 9 & we went to Saxers for supper & to watch the convention. Gammons visited in LaHarpe the 10th & we took them to the bus in Peoria July 11. SB went to Sid's bd party. We met Helen and Jean's for a picnic July 15. Marilyn came home with us & SB to H's. July 16 we got our first corn. We took M back to the hospital picnic & picked up SB. On the 20th, the Sams combined on Sun. Sam got bitten by Miller's dog on his 51st birthday. We went to the mail carrier's picnic July 23--nice & cool. On July 27, we headed east staying in Van Wert our first night out..wonderful little parks in O. We reached Gettysburg next day, had a guide thro' it all, saw cyclorama, stayed at Hyattsville, MD that night. We got into traffic in Washington July 29 so ended up at Arlington. From there we went to Mt. Vernon, back to get a cabin, tour the capitol, go to the memorials (M & SB went up the Washington Mem). After breakfast at the motor court restaurant July 30, we spent the a.m. at Smithsonian Inst. & Nat. History, dinner in Art Inst. cafeteria. Too late for White House, Pan Am building. We met Fred about 5:30 & went on to NY. July 31 Fred went to job awhile & we drove around Ft. Hamilton. Son got tickets for us to see "One Nite in Venice" at Jones Beach Marine Theatre. Great! August 1 Louise took Sam, SB & I to subway & we went to NYC for the day. At Radio City Music Hall we saw "Ivanhoe" & a great stage show. Then we shopped before returning on the subway & ferries. In the eve we went to Coney Island. Aug. 2 we kept Patti while Fred, Louise & Marilyn went to RCMH & to shop. Sun., Aug. 3 we went to Idlewild to see the big planes then F & L took us all around NYC. They left us to see 2 TV shows, "Information Please" & "C. Nagel Show". Home late. We left NYC August 4 heading down a 1 way so a cop showed us the way. We stopped at Yale, tried to see the sub base, on to Rhode Island & to see the capitol & on thro' Boston. Sam claimed there was too much traffic so we didn't tour the latter . No one gay. Aug. 5 we went thro N.H. to Old Orchard Beach, on to Portland & H.W. Longfellow's Home. To Cape Elizabeth light house we travelled before stopping for the night in a cabin named "Grumpy". Scenery in NH & Vt. was beautiful August 6, then thro NY all day, staying in a noisy cabin at Silver Creek with train behind & highway in front. All were anxious to get home so we left early Aug. 7, had dinner at Crestline, OH, arriving home at 10:45. So glad. August 10 Elaine & Roger Larsen joined Marilyn & SB at Lake B. Guy was here from 6-9. Next day I finished my "book" on our travels. We met H's & Jeans for a hamburger supper at Lake B. August 12. Marilyn and I went to Laura to get Ruby Noland and spend all pm with Claree on Aug. 15. Marilyn's 3 week vacation ended Aug. 16...& she got 1 1/2 days off & was back the 17th. I fixed a picnic for Marilyn & 6 others to take to Lake B. Aug. 19 and SB & I went to the dentist and to a double feature at the Grove til they got back. The 21st we had a picnic at Lake B. with Jesse, Leona, David, Carl, Otie's, Maggie & Mrs. C. Guy & Moreys came for dinner after SS Aug. 24 and we went to Lake B. in the eve--Gene Helander with SB. Madge Rickard, her son & wife stopt to call on the 25th. Such pains under left shoulder Aug. 27--feel in a knot. To Berniece's for dinner, Martha & Linda too. To bed at 7:30. SB went to Vanderwerts for 2 nights. Aug. 28th I felt better after sleeping on the heating pad, went to men's class fish fry in Abingdon in eve. SB came home feeling sick to his stomach Aug. 29. Harold Cramer stayed with him in the eve while Gladys, Marilyn, Sam & I went to hear trumpeter Armando Ghittola in Knoxville. Sam got called out to Wilbur Sch fire & wasn't home til 6 a.m. Sun., Aug. 31. M. came home with Art Cramer. The septic tank has no more room. We went to Inez McLennan's wedding. Met Fred in edge of Knoxville. He met Louise and Patti in Galesburg Sept. 2 when Sam took hogs. That was SB's first day back at school and he wasn't feeling very good for the first few days. BT met at Jo H's Sept. 3 & nice to meet again. By Sept. 4, the septic tank was fixed again. Marilyn was off at 10:30 so we went to get her & they vaccinated pigs. Marilyn to Galesburg to skate with girls. Son met Louise & Tolleys & to Abingdon's Fall Festival. Harshbargers joined us for Louise's birthday dinner Sept. 7. Sam's still digging to find tile & the system was finally fixed on the 9th. We rented the little house to a family from Arkansas. Patti & Fred were here for dinner the 11th. Helen called to say Louise has a high fever. NY called to say Fred can get out 6 days early. Louise has polio!! My birthday was a worried day but Louise is doing OK. Fred took Patti in for a shot. Sept. 13 I spent gathering corn (for Fred to take to Berniece) & tomatoes. Patti helped. Betty Dalton & sister were here to rent the little house the 14th. Guy was here to see about Louise Sept. 15. Fred & Patti were here for dinner & Patti stayed til son came to get her--health orders. We went to see Louise for 1/2 hour the 16th & took her flowers. Marilyn got "striped" Sept 20. She & Nancy came for the night & we played pinochle. Next day they went back for baccalaureate & then came back for chicken dinner & more pinochle. Fred took them back in eve. Fred went to NY. to get his discharge Sept. 22. Louise was out of the hospital and at her folks on Sept. 23. The 24th we had a mail carrier's picnic at Lincoln Park & Betty Butcher & Marilyn joined us. We went to Hotel Custer Sept. 25 to celebrate Saxer's 25th. Fred and Marilyn joined us for supper Oct. 1. The 3rd they went with us to see Aledo & Abingdon play to a tie, back for supper the 5th. The chicken pie supper was Oct. 7. Big crowd! Tired! Play house cleaning occupied the 8th, along with puttying windows. Fred & Sam went to the football game at U. of I. Oct. 11. Louise, Patti, SB & I had a weiner roast in the orchard. We met Marilyn in Knoxville--back from Springfield on the bus. Oct. 16 four other mothers & I went to Knox Co. Home to serve cookies & ice cream. To Jean Ann's pantry shower & to Knoxville Methodist chicken pie supper. Oct. 18 the Sams went to the Knox-Monmouth game. Marilyn got her first high heels. We went to Helen Cramer's wedding. There were only 20 at SS Oct. 19 & 12 at church counting Michle. Fred's came out for a few days. The 22nd we went to Moores to dinner--Witherells too. Guy, Claude, Marilyn & Fred's came for supper Oct. 23 & Claude showed his pictures taken in Calif. We had a bridge party at Carlson's the 24th. I helped with Helen C. Ecklund's shower the 27th.. WCF was the 28th. Gave a book report on Mexico family. Oct. 29 I helped with Primary dept's Halloween part at dining room. Whew! After SS & church Nov. 2, Fred called for SB to drive Jean's home & come back on the train. Marilyn made her first dumplings. After we took her back, we waited for the boys at H's. Ike won on Nov. 4. I went to bd club at Esther Palmer's Nov. 7 & the Sams went to Gburg & Sam & Fred to see GHS win from Monmouth. Chuck Steele dropped in Nov. 9 and later Fred's & H's did. Sam had to have his teeth rebuilt so was without 'em from the 10th-13th. Ronnie Cottom stayed overnight with SB the 10th. I was busy cleaning the basement & windows. We went to play cards & TV at Helanders the 13th. Celebrated 22 years of living here the 14th. (K's were married 5 years earlier). SB went to Davy S's bd theater party the 15th. We went to Jewel & Ernie's Nov. 16 after taking Mr. Michle back; ended up there for supper & movies. K's & Saxer's came for supper & to celebrate K's anniversary the 18th. Son stopped in for dinner the 19th. Guy H. called to say Louise had gone to the hospital. We went to get Patti & to Yates City mail carrier's. Son called at midnite to say Sheryl Louise was here. Patti was with us the next few days & was so good. Went to PTA Nov. 21 & Marilyn called to see if I'd go to Chicago. Next day we got on the Zephyr & had bkf on the diner. M went to nurses mtg.--I to Art Institute, shopt & to show. Met Marilyn & we had supper. Back in G. at 10 pm. Son met us. Home is best. Patti stayed with us the next few days & Fred stayed at night. Nov. 26 we got Marilyn & went by H's to see little sweet Sheryl a min. Packing & getting ready to go. Nov. 27 we went to Kentucky via Indinapolis where we had dinner--lovely turkey dinner at Gammons after we got there. Sam & Marilyn went to the show "Les Miserables" the 28th & we shopped & got him a Christmas overcoat. Ate & played cards!! The 29th we got TL a red rocker for Christmas, had a tea party in pm & more cards in eve after a lovely ham supper. We left about 6:10 in snow Nov. 30, bkf. at Indy. Snow left us in Ill, home at 4:30. Stopt at H's when we took M. back. Everyone fine. Dec. 7 we went to Nannie & Otis' for supper & tried out their Hammond organ--fun to play. The 9th Eva H. & I shopped for servicemen (& ourselves). In eve, she, Cora & I wrapped boxes. I dyed bath things bright yellow Dec. 11th. Fred called to get Sam to help build phosp. bldg. Marilyn & Betty Butcher brought the Studebaker & stayed for supper. Dec. 13 we had the bridge group, all but George. The 14th was the coldest so far-16. We went to G. in eve to see Fred's & H's. Little girls so sweet. We got a pack of Eng. walnuts from Clair Cline the 15th. Sam & I made fruit cake & I put Eric's cover in frames to tie. We got our Christmas tree Dec. 16. The Sams to Ab. to see them win from Bushnell. Dec. 17 I made a wreath, got E's pkgs ready to send. Sam had supper in Ab. of Christian men's brotherhood. I went to Aunt Lena's & Ruth's & Ruth & I went to hear J. Brooking speak. Dec. 18 my arm & neck hurt from writing letters, sent Vera's pkg. SB to practice at church in eve. After shopping, Marilyn stopped with us to see Louise & girls. Marilyn sang "Light 1 little candle" at SS Dec. 21 & Sam played. F, L & P came to the program & son was "Sandy". Dec. 22 we went to K's new home for a lovely supper for George's bd--M. too. Fred's and Sam's mother came Christmas day--Sheryl's 1st time to see us. We packed up after folks left. The 26th we drove 560 mi. to Eureka, Kansas--grand motel & supper. Next day we forgot the suitcase! Snow but not on roads--550 mi. to Santa Rosa, NM. Dec. 28, bkf. was in Albuquerque & we saw Old Town, in Arizona--Indians, plains, cacti, Petrified Forest, Meteor Crater, Painted Desert, stayed at Flagstaff & spent eve at Rollin Wheeler's. Nice visit. It was about zero the 29th. We cooked bkf. in nice motel & started to Grand Canyon about 7:15, arriving at 9. Still grand. On to Calif. Hot in middle of day, to Diane's about 10:15. Boys asleep, so sweet. Diane was sick most of the night & not feeling good the 30th. To see Christmas displays in the rain. Had SB's gifts & rest of gifts for Diane. Diane felt OK byt 31st. We kept busy preparing for party--buffet super at 9. Brucie sick all nite, then SB. 1953--Jan 1 Diane and we went to Clair's to see the parade and for dinner. Next day we toured. We stopped at Marie Lyman's and Clara Haxton's but both were out. An incident on the way home left us subdued for the rest of the evening. The next day was a warm one. We went to Clair's and Glada's folks joined us. Next day they came to dinner at Diane's and we went to Rollie & Nancy McAllister's for the evening. On the 5th we went to Knott's Berry Farm and later were sad to get news of Martin Porter's death. To Glendale we went next day to recover the suitcase we'd left behind. That eve we went to McAllister's for supper. Forest Lawn was our destination on the 7th. All were wishing we were home. We headed south down the coast on Jan. 8th with mixed feelings. In San Diego, we visited with Lois and Edith Porter. After breakfasting with them next a.m., Edith went with us to Tiajuana and we had a wonderful time. We also went to Point Loma and to Ramona's Place. In La Mesa, we found Ned and Marion Kinyon and stayed overnight with them. After breakfast with the Kinyons on Jan.10th, we went to Long Beach where we had lunch with Marie Lyman and then met Clara and Mary Haxton. Mary and Sammy went shopping and we stayed for supper at Haxtons. On to Phoenix we travelled where we got a sack of oranges through inspection. Tucson was a nice place and we went into El Paso. Next day we went to Carlsbad and spent 4 hours below. Stupendous! On to Paducah! After breakfast at Erick on the 14th, we continued on to Enid OK for lunch, supper at Nevada MO and stopped at a motel at Wheatland, Mo. It was our longest ride of the trip. We toured through the Ozarks next morning, having breakfast at the lake, went through the capitol at Jeff City, had dinner at Quincy and were home at 4, putting on over 5000 miles on our trip. Son joined us for supper. Rev. Clark was our speaker at PTA next eve and the cake walks generated $20.75. Fred's were here for the weekend and Marilyn for one day. On Jan. 18th, Sam moved his mother back to Abingdon. Guy was here for supper. Dwight Eisenhour was inaugurated on the 20th. We stopped to see Fred, Louise, Patti & Sheryl in Galesburg and later that week, they brought movies taken at Christmas for us to see. Endter's bridge party was Jan. 31st and then we picked Marilyn up at 12:15 a.m. Fred's and Harshbargers came for Fred's birthday dinner on Feb. 1. Sam took Marilyn back and I went to bed when they left at 8. Achy! The rest of that week I had the flu and Sam and S.B. "took over". On Feb. 9th, Sam brought his mother and Marilyn back for the night. The 12th Sam took his mother to see the ear doctor. Her hand was all swollen. Later in the week, Fred's and Marilyn were out for supper. S. B. was having asthma problems on the 16th. We went to the chili supper/movie benefit for nurses on the 17th and went to PTA the 20th. Bernieces, Guy and Fred's were here for dinner Feb. 22nd--14 of us. I went to see Mrs. Bates 3x and called the doctor for her. Next day I went to Galesburg and got caught in a dress sale! Got a new electric sewing machine and in the eve went to Yates City to a mail carrier's turkey dinner. WCF was here the 24th and Sam went for his rebuilt teeth the 27th. Marilyn and I went to Nolands in Laura on Feb. 28th to see Claree. She's doing OK. We stopped at Guy's March 1 on our way to Nicelys and he went too. The Book Treasure Club had a mother/daughter banquet on March 4 & Louise and Marilyn went to it with me. The basketball tournament was on so the Sams went to that, son too. We went to Killingsworths the 6th and Sam took his mother to the doctor. We went to the capping ceremony for new nurses on the 8th. I made pillow protectors of our first linen tablecloth. We served a dinner for Abingdon Rotary Club members--72 men and 14 women--and we went to Roy and Gertie's for dinner a couple of nights later. That weekend, Fran Lyman, Marie's niece from CA currently studying at Knox, came for the weekend. We played bridge and enjoyed getting acquainted. We went to the K's for supper the 18th. When I went to the dentist for fillings on March 20th, I thought the novocaine was never going to wear off. PTA was that eve. Fred's were here for supper that week. On the 25th, our outhouse, (Mrs. Jone's house) was dismantled. That eve we went to a mail carrier's mtg. at Moore's in Dahinda. S.B. surprised me by finishing up the chicken house cleaning. (Wow!). We went to McLennan's bridge party on March 30th. April Fool's Day I reviewed "North With the Spring" for the BT Club..enjoyed reading it. SB was sick the 4th. Fred and Mrs. Cline came for dinner. I was finishing up a poem for Marilyn. April 5th we went to Claire's for dinner. They have a nice house and we had a nice dinner and day. Fran Lyman and Norma (Walker) went for Marilyn and she came home with us. Fred and Louise moved on the 6th and the Seckler kids stayed overnight here. On April 9th we went to Fred and Louise's--a nice home. Garden planting started on the 14th. Sam leveled "the Mrs. Jones house" on the 20th. We prepared a teachers' supper at church on April 23rd--fixed for 60 and got paid for 52. Grr! Harshbarger's brought Marilyn and we all enjoyed supper at Fred and Louise's on the 26th. Pearson's party was April 30th. SB caught the bus in Abingdon May 1st to go to Leighs in Bushnell. Nancy and Marilyn went also. Gammons got here May 9th to help celebrate Mother's Day. Next day was a busy visiting day. We took Marilyn to Galesburg and Mary Baker to the train for Chicago. In the next few days, Eleanor and Jack went to Bill & Hortence Davis and Mary Lou Champion's 2 evenings. Berniece and Bob's family came for an early birthday party for B., along with Fred's & Gammons. Grace Steele died the 13th and the funeral was May 16th, same day that Gammons left. On May 21st, 8 nurses were out for a weiner roast and trip to the creek and timber. When there wasn't cleaning to do at home, there was cleaning at church! Bunco was fun at the mail carrier's meeting at Hoxworth's in Williamsfield on May 27th. As was our custom, we took flowers to Meridian Cemetery near Berwick on the 30th & had a visit with Guy. That eve SB, Marilyn and I went to the first Lake Bracken movie. Marilyn's vacation began the next day & we went back for another movie. During June several nurses were out one day & joined Marilyn and SB at Lake Bracken. Vacation Bible School was going on & Marilyn helped with that & it ended with a picnic on the 12th. Marilyn & I were taking wallpaper off & cleaning at the little house. Some people named Norris had it rented. Sam planted corn early in the month. (Mom was feeling depressed during this time & confided that to me. Never in her diaries does she come right out & say that but on June 13th says "Felt like the day".) There were frequent visits with K's & Mary Anna's were there on June 7th. Our class reunion was on the 14th & we went to pick strawberries at Guy's on the 17th. On June19th I went to a birthday party supper at Mac (Maxine) Janes in Industry. At 4:20 a.m. on June 21, (longest day of the year), we left for Kansas, stopping in Atwood to see the Harry Scoby's and getting to St. Francis at 8. During the week we were there, we went to see their church and hospital, visited with friends, Lila's family, Doc's (Uncle Hol's brother) family, wentt o the mountains with Vera, to Loveland, the Big Thompson and an overnight at Grand Lake. Next day we went to Denver and went to the zoo and a museum there. Hol and Verne took us to the Bonny Dam. Yes, there is water in Kansas! We left St. F. at 3:50 on the 28th and got home about 8. On June 30th, Marilyn went to Bartonville to begin her 3 month psychiatric affiliation at Peoria State Hospital. During July we had many visits to Lake Bracken, esp. for SB and his buddies--Corky, Gene Helander, Christy Seckler. On the 16th, he made a quick trip to Chicago with Doc--home the next day. On July 20th he had an asthma attack and we took him to Earl G's for treatment. McAllister's were here for a visit & they, K's, Fred's and Marilyn met for a picnic at Lake B. Claude and Myrtle came for dinner one day, we had a mail carrier's picnic at Lake Story. On the 23rd, I had a surprise birthday party for Sam and the bridge gang came. He was really surprised! We traded for a '52 Studebaker Commander. Mr. Stockson rented the farm house. Marilyn came back for a nurse's dance but her escort was not to her liking. Next day she drove back to Peoria as I was feeling punk & had the stomach flu. At our WCF picnic, Sherrill and Merle Morey came and Sherrill played the piano. In August we went blackberrying a number of times. Between dressing chickens, putting up garden produce and fruit, my comment was "Eating is such a nuisance". On Aug. 5th, Louise and Jean left their babies (who were so good) and took SB to the fair. I froze 2 bu. of corn. Marilyn came on Aug. 22nd to go to Marilyn Cramer's wedding. We had breakfast at Lake Bracken on the 9th with Wises, Hopkins and Cramers. We were there several other times for movies and for a picnic with Otis, Tom Baker, Harley Ways and Mrs. Cline. Another on Aug. 25th was with the K's & Ruby's sister, Blanch. Patti and Sherry stayed with us while Fred & Louise went to Oquawka to a fish fry and again when Fred went to Springfield to take the real estate exam on Aug. 10. Louise went with him & the girls were so good. SB rode his bike to Jesse Baker's and I picked him up in the Jeep. On Aug. 11 my notation was "Some days are different & this was a low one". Next day there was a church ice cream supper; a huge crowd and we made $100+. Berniece, Eleanor Blevins and her 3 came for the day on Aug. 19th & Terry stayed for a few days. The Rose boys came one day to eat lunch in the yard but not Terry! On the 28th we went to Galesburg where a car was being drawn. A colored lady got it. The Sunday School class had a picnic at Lincoln Park on Aug. 30th. Sept. 1 marked the first day of school for SB. The first part of the month we had picnics for Louise's birthday (her folks too) at Lake B. and with Moore's and Witherells. Larry W. kept SB company. Marilyn was home the first weekend of the month and the 13th, Sam & I went to be with her. We ate at Bishop's Cafeteria and went to Glenn Oak Park. On Sept. 26th, SB & I went to get glad her 3 months are over. During the month Sam got 9 ewes and 1 buck; the garden continued to produce, particularly limas; the Smiths were here for Bernard & a long eve. K's came & we made 2 kinds of ice cream; SB began taking piano lessons from Mrs. Prince; I went to Prairie City with Sam to get parts; we got together with Fred's & Harshbargers for several occasions; I was in a play for WCF, "Glad to be over the play", "I need a longer day" (the 23rd) On Sept. 27th, the four of us left for Kentucky. While we were visiting the Gammons in Louisville, we went to Ft. Knox, "Old Kentucky Home" and to Lincoln's Memorial. On the way back, with Marilyn driving, we had a slight collision in Indianapolis (I ran a very yellow or red light!!). We got home on the 30th in time for Pat's 3rd birthday supper and Marilyn returned to Galesburg with Helen. In October we had several nice gatherings with friends--to K's for dinner & the day with Nelsons and Marilyn, dinner at Moores with Witherell's, a late Lake B picnic with Guy and Moreys, to Jesse & Leona Baker's for dinner on the 18th (when we got home, we learned a heifer had broken its leg and died! Ouch!), a bridge party at Carlson's with oyster soup as the featured entree! Marilyn took the Studebaker to get the fender fixed on Oct. 8th & brought it home next day. We went "nutting" at Daltons. Berniece's and I went to Guy's to pick up nuts on the 25th. Sherry stayed here while Louise and Patti went to Chicago on Oct. 15th. Marilyn and Nancy went to the Abingdon game next evening and then went with Fred to meet Louise and Patti. Marilyn was home again on Oct. 21st and went out with Dale Morling in the eve. She went to Abingdon Homecoming on the 23rd and then stayed overnight at Jean Roberson's On Oct. 17th I got 34 pieces of willoware at the Barlow sale in Abingdon. The chicken pie supper was held the 20th & there was a big tired! The BT Club met here and had a tour of the hospital. After years of having problems as a result of breaking my tailbone while rollerskating, I went to Dr. Crowell Oct. 22nd and he said to have it out! I went into the hospital the 27th (after going to WCF). I had a nice roommate, Miss Seaton. The coccygectomy was scheduled for Oct. 28th and I was most uncomfortable for the next day or two & had too many visitors. The pills they were giving me for pain made me sick so I fed them to my plants! When Marilyn found out, she suggested I tell the nurses! I was on my feet again by the 30th & home Nov. 1. Ruby brought me some fancy pj's from the bridge gang. People were good to bring in food when they came to visit. By Nov. 5th I was back in the baking business and made cookies to take the nurses as a "tip"! I had the stitches out that day and by the 8th was back to normal activity. In November Marilyn was home several times and Dale Morling came over most of those evenings. Whether he comes to see her or to talk farming with Sam, I'm not sure. On Nov. 2 my entry was, "To Doris Paulsgrove's to dessert luncheon of B.T. Club & drove carful to Research Hosp. for tour. Sad place & hope I keep out". I was busy making a rug for Jack out of his & Sam's pants and one for Sherry out of Fred's graduation shirt. Letter writing was never Eleanor and Diane on a regular basis and to many others. Fred presented the program at WCF on Nov. 24th, showing a movie. The sextette I'd been practicing with sang. "So few to care". We celebrated Sherry's 1st birthday at Fred & Louise's--H's too. Fred's, Guy, K's & Nicelys were here for chicken pie dinner Nov.15th and we went to the Congo chicken pie supper with Fred's & later visited Rushes. On Nov. 23rd while doing the washing, I ran my hand half through the wringer. SB was having problems with asthma on the 28th. John Finley, Hol's nephew from St. Francis who'd been corresponding with Marilyn, came by train for a visit on Nov. 25th. She showed very little interest in entertaining him and John attached himself to Jack while they were here for Thanksgiving. They went hunting one day. Apparently John enjoyed his stay. We took him to the train on the 29th. Several of Marilyn's friends had come out Nov. 27th to "check John out" and then Marilyn went back with them to return to work. On December 13, Sam took Marilyn to the train for Chicago where she spent the next 3 months at Michael Reese Hospital doing the required pediatric affiliation. The same 3 who had gone to Peoria went too--Mary Smith, Pat Horan & Carol Covert. The school program was on Dec. 17th and we went to the Abingdon Methodist candlelight service on the 20th. Louise played the violin for it. That evening we had our program and gifts from the tree at church. We got our own tree up on Dec. 18th & SB decorated it. We celebrated George's birthday at K's on the 23rd and the evening before were at Fred & Louise's for supper. Marilyn came home the 24th, arriving about 11 with Bob Fey. Eleanor & Jack's family arrived Christmas Day shortly before 2. Fred & Louise's soon came & we had lovely everything. Guy & Bernieces were out the 26th and Dec. 27th the Gammons headed home at 8 with Marilyn & Bob staying for some pinochle and then leaving for Chicago at 4:30. SB turned 12 on the 30th. New Year's Eve we visited Harshbarger's & then went to a party at K's. 1954--Jan 1--All watched Rose Parade. Gene Helander has mumps. 2--to see"The Robe" in Gburg. 3--Only 30 at SS; to farm to feed hay to cows..and on to see Cramers & Dixies. 5--to see F.L.P. & S in eve. 6--To Cora's to Book Club; to Farm B. supper in G., Larry Watters with us 8--To A. for tickets, Weir's for 3 bu. apples, Roseville for supper & to see Ab. win close game. 10--To SS (Election & Imo supt.) & FLP & S out for dinner. 11--Letter from M. & she'd been to Swann's. Took SB for lesson & went to Lois Nelsons. 13--Helanders here for 500 & pinochle. Sammy & Gene had a good time too. 15--To see Ab. win over Knox. Sam fixed SB's bicycle & was he happy? 16--To Grove to see "Houdidni". Took hickory nut cake & 2 batches of ice cream for Bruce Hannam's surprise retirement party. 17--To SS; Guy here for dinner & canasta. 18--SB had supper with Roses & then 4H mtg. 19--Wrote in pm, never catch up. To Ab. in eve; toured new school then to see Ab win from Limestone. 23--Left for Chi. & got to M's hospital about 1. Bob Fey our chauffeur & we got dinner, to art inst. to see "Whistler's Mother" original. To Swann's for supper, Mary Baker's for the night. 24--SB & Bob arrived at 9:30, to Conrad Hilton Hotel tower for church, Museum of Science & Ind., dinner there. To Swann's for turkey dinner, hockey game, Swann's to sleep; M. to work. 25--To see Don McNeil show; to Bob Fey's school, started home about 11:15. Mitzi glad to see us. 27--To mail carrier's banquet at G. SB & Larry Watters to bb tournament. 30--SB to Larry W. til time to go to Fred's. Sam & I to Endters for bridge party; got low but had good time. 31--Fred's and Helen here for his 30th bd dinner after SS. Bob Fey for an hr. call Feb. 1 --Took Sammy for his lesson. Card from E. that Nancy Jo has old red measles. 2--F& L to Urbana with Rex Johnson; left girls here. 3--Girls are so good. Sam to sale in G, bought combine/umbrella. Sams to bb game in Ab. 4--Mothers mtg here; F & L back at 5:30, stayed for chili 6--Witherells for chili; Moores too. 7--11 a.m. SS & then potluck; about 65. 8--Girls here while F & L. to Kewanee for funeral. Sam up n. of G. in jeep to pull combine to farm. 9--wrote more letters; finished ironing-what a gay life. Letter from M tonite-1 bright spot. 11--To Betty S. in PM to "hen party" but should have staid at home. 12--Stayed with Patti & Sheryl while folks went to bb game. Brot girls home with us. 13--F & L on early train to Chicago to Mrs. Seckler's funeral. Sams to Ab. to see Woodruff win by 1 pt. 14--Woke at 1:30 & throat was really bad. All to SS but Sheryl & me. Down most of day. F & L back for girls at 2:30. Marilyn called & she was having appendix out at 7. Called again at 8 & it was over. Wotta day. 15--Sam to dentist & had to leave teeth. Sent M. flowers. 16--Sam to get teeth. Feb. 18--to F & L's for nice supper & eve. 19--to party at K's. 20--Left at 7:30 for Eleanor's. Big dinner at Attica; a flat & new tire at Rantoul. Got to L. 5:30; big supper, all fine. 21--to church with E's, rode over city & down to new Ford plant. To Blue Boar for lovely supper. 22--Left at 7..nice scenery thro KY. Dinner at Corbin, KY & heard frogs; thro Smokies & Great National Forest, snow on top turns. Nice motel at Sylva, NC. Good sleep on our own feather bed!! 23--So frosty when we left. Saw robins, heard mockingbirds, peach trees in bloom, stayed at Alma, GA 24--To St. Augustine; oldest everything here. Took guided tour, our own tour, wax museum. 25--Sunny & warm but Sammy not feeling good. To Tallahassee & looked over capitol, gulf lovely & got out on beach. To Pensacola, "Quo Vadis". SB says "Im getting mumps". 26--He was right! Face so round & not feeling too good. To Mobile, on to Booneville MS. 27--Cloudy & cooler. Bkf at Jackson Tn, Anna, IL for dinner, home at 8-best motel yet. Supper of bacon & eggs..or was it bfast? March 1--Sammy's face as round as the moon. He's keeping quiet. 3--Mrs. Olson entertainer for BT luncheon here. 18 & her colored pictures were nice. 4--Sam brot up lamb & SB & I tried to feed it. To G. in eve to see 2 terrific games. 5--Stayed with Patti & Sheryl while F & L to Chicago on train. 6--Beautiful day for Jean's wedding. Had a good time with girls; Sam's mother stayed with them--we to Peoria to Frankie H's wedding & reception. Harley Steele with us; SB at Helanders. 7--Call from Guy that Hol died last night. Cliff Finlay called that we could go in his car. Called Berniece & we met at Ab. & left at 11:45. 8--To Vera's at 2:30; she's doing well. Claire's there before us. 9--Funeral at 2 after lovely dinner served by church ladies. All family at Vera's for supper. 10--Rode around town, out to Doc's. Sweetbread dinner at Vera's, with Lila, Vern to see cows, get cactus. 11--Left at 6:30; Cliff pouty.? 12--Feeling better all the time nearing home. Got to Fred's at 11:30; Sam came soon after noon. So tired. 13--To Geo &Ruby's for good supper & eve. 14--To SS; Fred's came for dinner, visit & staid til about 8. 15--Took SB for his lesson; he to 4H; Guy over in eve. 16--Saw first robin (up here). 19--SB & I to PTA & wished I'd stayed at home. 20--To McL's for party; M. called & they're thro' at Chicago. 21--SB played special no. piano solo; M. to Fey's for dinner & on to capping-Sandburg Cottage & to H's. Berniece & kids here. 22--Visited school at last recess. Guy here & staid for supper. 23--To Eva's for WCF; big crowd. Took M. back to hosp. after "Martin Luther". 24--To mail carrier's at Mathews. Edison stayed here. 26--We 4 to the West to see "Shane" & "Here to Eternity". Bob Fey brot M. 27--To farm to "get up cows". Bob too; 5 got away. He took M. back to work; Larry & SB having lots of bb. 28--To Rush's to see Mary after SS. Dinner after M. got off; Bob brot her out at 5. April 4--Worked on scrap books for Patti Sheryl Bruce & Eric. Freds, K's, Carol & Ken, Bob here for M's bd dinner at 6. Noisy eve. 5--Darned 3 yd. tablecloth that got burned from sparkler 7--The mocking bird was back; to Julia's for book club, to Congo with F & L as Rotary guests; good supper, great music. 9--Cork here for night; he &SB to West, we to Grove to see "Roman Holiday". 11--1st Sun. the primary rm in dining room. Big crowd--74 at SS . 12--To get M before bkf; Patti here after dinner & others joined us for supper. 15--Telegram at 9 of little girl for Diane & Al. 16--should have staid in bed all day; Minnie Thurman here at bkf timel To get M. at 10; ready to come at 12:30! SB got pingpong set, M & I to Ab. Good Fri.; Imo here at supper time. 17--Bob out to get rest of calves go. He & SB flew kite rest of pm. He & M. to show in G.. 18--To SS & Church --Don Manworren. Bernieces, Fran Lyman, Claire's, Lois', Guy, Fred's, Dorothy & Harry, M & Bob for ham loaf, noodles; 2 candy egg hunts. 19--Put in garden, to 4H with Sammy at school. 20--To G. to meet Alan's fiancee--26 there. 21--More rain; think it will be 40 out of 60. Sammy glad to be back at school. Got dandelions with McCoys & Mrs. Bates. 22--Piano tuner here (for dinner too). Mr. Bart brot back re-done chairs--$41. 23--To PTA, new officers. 24--To Evelyn Anderson's for nice party. M called from Fey's; they were going to timber. 25--Big crowd at church for communion, baptism. Bob & M out & all to timber. Sam, Bob fell off the log; F & L's here for eve. 27--WCF & started furnace at church; Guy here for dinner. 28--Sam to G. for M & Frances L. at noon; to woods-32 mushrooms. To Knox play. 29--Guy brought cake stand, blue dish & nutcracker of Wanda's. May--Mushroomed at Les' L's timber; M. home late. 2--all to SS, Bob over to get M to go to ME church & stay for dinner. 3--framed Diane's painting, glued old doll bed. 4--Son here for chili & a long visit. when does he sleep. 5--To Daltons to climb corn crib & catch 6 roosters! 6--Dressed 5 roosters-5# average at 50 cents a head. Imagine. 7--Bill Wise has mumps at age 47. 9--To SS & Congo Church. To Fred's for nice day; Helen, ED, Maude & Grandpa too. Patti & "little" Wilson got lost. 11--To Roseville to little 6 relays. Ab. lost to Knoxville. 12--Planted lots of seeds, 3 new rose bushes. 14--To Ab Cong mother/daughter banquet-Louise, Mrs. C., Gladys & Eva Helander-veree nice. 15--Great news from Diane; she plans to come next mo. 16--M. to Marilyn Hovell's wedding & to call on Aunt Verna. All to SS. 20--SB & Sam to Links to get 4H pig. 21--PTA in eve & the last one. 24--To Tasty Grill for supper & then party at Pearson's. 25--New chairs & tables came at church. WCF with Mrs. Harris & "her bells". 26--Picnic at school & what a dinner & crowd. Sam & I to mail carrier's party at Smitha's at Wataga. M. home with Bill W. 27--Sam & M started painting & that brot the rain. Jim E. out for M. in his 31 blue chevie. 29--Girls here for day-Grandpa H. had surgery. 30--Dan Manwarren beginning as minister, F & L with us to Meridian, Greenbush & Olive. June--1--M & I cleaned kitchen cabs, washed NE side of house. Jim Ecklund out for supper; played pinochle & bridge 2--Gave "Nothing is Dripping on Us" at Book Club at Gladys C's. It rained & rained! 3--FLP & S out to stay all nite. 4--F & L left really early for Champaign. SB kept girls while I went to Hornback sale. 5--To Congo SS class supper; looked at Shanks for dress. 7--Heavy rain & hail at 8. Sammy to vacation bible school. Swanns came about 7:30. 8--They & SB to Claire's & staid for dinner. F & L's out for supper. 9--Swann & Guy went on route with Sam. Barbecue & other picnic for supper. 10--M back for 1/2 day. Swann took his car for Sam's rte. Swanns left about 1. Went to bed. M's vacation begins. 11--Mail inspector at noon. Sheared sheep. Marilyn started painting front porch. Jim here at 2; played cards in eve. 12--Sam up to plow before 4, M & I to G. to meet Vera at 6:45; Guy over. M & Jim to big wedding; we to Dorothy's. M & J. here for more cards. 13--No sleep last nite, feel terrible. To SS & then to Leota's in Peoria for class reunion--about 15 altogether. M & J to Ab. church & Lake B. picnic. She & Sheryl here when we got back. 14--Vera to Lois' for supper with Claire's. M. painting & kept at it all day. To Abby to "Go Man Go". 15--Felt so completely all in; washed & it was better to be working. 16--Made 80 cookies for bible school. Nancy & Greg Leigh up for day at Lake. Fred's got new davenport, brot ours back to porch. 18--Sally here to see M; Jim down in eve. Used fan all nite. 19--Picked 3 gal. peas; Jim helped hull. They to Lake. F & L bought maple bedroom set. 20--SS program & church & then to dinner at Cora &Dick's. Vera home with us; cards in eve. 21--SB off to Shaubena. Vera & I picked & seeded cherries. M painted, to Ab. with mailman to stay with Patti & Sheryl. 22--More cherries; Vonna here for Vera. F & P brot M. home, also chiffonier & Patti's bed. 23--Sam & M. left for Chicago at 7. Quiet around here & I can use it. 24--Diane's plane late; home at 3:45. Diane's look fine. "3" so sweet. 25--Girls, Bruce & Eric to Lake awhile. Fred's here for D's bd supper & it was grand to have them "nearly" all home. Soon will. Charlie McCoy took pictures; lots of fun. 26--Nolands here in a.m. Sam took M. to G & she went to Louisville for week. 27--To SS & Sam, SB & I to church. Diane broiled T bones. Fred's here; "picnic" on the porch. 28--Vonna brot Vera back & Betty Scoby Van Hoose to get her after supper. Elyse so sweet a little girl. To Ab. to sign farm contract to Feathers. 29--WCF in pm. Ella, Gladys Cramer here after supper. July 1--Vera back to go with us to Fred's for delish supper. 2--Eleanor's, Marilyn arrived at 2 am; lots to fix bkf for. Jim at 10; 39 here for weiner/hamb supper--Berniece's Guy, Martha's, Claire's, Nicelys 4--To Lake B picnic to celebrate Ruby's bd; M.A's too. Wises here in eve. 5--Gladys, Helen, Marilyn to call; Dixie & folks in PM. E & J's left in afternoon & Jim about 7. D, M, J & SB to swim. 6--Sam, his mother & I to Nettie Woods funeral. 7--Girls & 3 to Louise for HS girl party. The Lundburgs, Otis, Nannie, Mary & her 2 here 8--Bruce's bd; Claude & Myrtle out in eve. 9--27 cousins here for the day. Made pineapple sherbert, 2 ga. choc. ic. Sammy to G with Berniece; Jim here about 8, 10--Vera cut out red & white checked sun dresses for Jo, Patti, Sheryl. M & J. to swim & over for Diane's who were at Nolands. 11--Took turns going to SS/church. D, M & J. to swim. Took M. back to work & got Sammy. 13--To Jewel Johnson's for lovely dinner, nice day. Vera home with Bessie. Eileen & Harry out in eve. 14--Diane, her 2 & Sammy to Lake B in pm. Mae & Char. H. here for long eve. 15--Forrie & Myrt brot M. out at 5. The K's out to help out the eve. Vera came back. 16--Vera, S & I took Diane & 3 to Chicago. At Swann's awhile. Plane left at midnite. We got here at 20 of 4. 17--SB to Gene H's all nite. M & J out & played bridge with S & V. 18--Jean Steel Porters here before SS & in late PM Billy's too. To Lake B. for poor show. Vera to Claire's. 20--Hot!! Helped with galloping bfast at church til 11. SB not feeling good & is down 22--Made Sam's bd cake--french cream. FLP & S out. 23--M & Sam painted. Got Lake B. supper for bd club--14 there. Jim here when I got home, took M. back. 24--Jim went on route with Sam. M off at 3:30 & we went to "Dial M for Murder"--bridge & pinochle after supper; M & J beat us. 25--To SS, church. J took M back for work at 3; Mable & Cliff brought Vera back. To ic supper at church--crowed. Made ic & cake. 28--Vera & Sammy playing lots of canasta. Sam & I to mail carrier's party for Mr. Hartman at Yates City 29--Picnic supper for Reece & Viola. 30--M painting. She, Jim took Vera to Ruth's. To Helanders in eve. 31--To New Salem; supper at Wagon Wheel Inn. Show "Prologue to Glory". M. drove home. Aug 1--M. took our car to work; called at 1 & was sick. Went with Jim to bring our car home. She was better & up. To K's & then to no acct. show at Lake B. 2--It was great to stay home a nite. 3--Quick supper & then to get 4 qts. blackberries. 4--Larry Watters here to spend day with Sammy before he got up. Picnic supper for K's, Elizabeth Killey (?), M & Nancy. 5--Gene H. & Davy here to make little cart to pull back of tractor; worried me so. Met M & Nancy in K. & went to the fair. Lots of horse racing; real good. All had fun. 6--M & Sam painting 3/4 little house. Nancy up at 11. Sheryl staid here while others to fair. Jim arrived about 8 & took M & N back. 14--M with Sam on route, took M. to G. after supper. To Little League ball game & to Transportation fair. 15--Served dinner for Steeles at church dining room; to Art & Louise's 50th anniversary, to Lake B. show. 18--SS class dinner at Lake. Took 7 & went in Jeep; all but 1 in to swim. All seemed to have fine day. 19--Sam found over 3 bu. apricot kind peaches at 10 acres. Picked 3 gal. foodhooks. M & Terry out. 20--We canned peaches! What else could one do? Put limas in freezer & dressed a hen in my spare moments. 21--M & Terry took Jeep, she to work, fixed peaches! 22--To Galena (Grant's home & museum with Fred's, Helen. Back on IA side, melons in Moline, show at Lake. 23--Ernie Link took SB's pig to 4H fair. 24--To 4H fair in jeep soon after 7. Watched 4H show pigs all a.m. Sammy got blue ribbon. Woody Smith hauled the pig to G. 27--Took treatment of Dr. Thiele. SB to dentist & 2 teeth out. Sam & I picked over 4 gal. fordhooks. 29--To Fred's, Helen & Jean's 3 oldest also. Men & kids up to get Guy--nice lunch, visity time. 31--M. with Ab. girls to Lake B for supper; Sam to church mtg. Sept. 1--M. gathering up to move to new apt; Sam took her in & helped buy their groc; to Book Club at Georgia's. 3--Took corn to M's apt; SB had other 2 teeth out. Witherells, we took Moore's to Am Beauty for silver ann. supper; pinochle at W's. 4--The Sams to farm to bale; SB drove truck to haul in. 5--SS, church, K's, Nelsons dropt in. SB to Lake, we went at show time. 6--Labor Day & we froze corn. Guy called that his father had died. To G. & men to ball game & I to see Mary Purdy & Berniece & then go to Lake B picnic & show 7--Louise, Mrs. Rich out for corn. Had her birthday dinner at Lake B & then to Pecks for 4H. 11--To see Art & Louise an hr. in pm. They have reason to be blue. 12--Heard M. come in at midnite. So glad to have her home. Church potluck dinner for Don M. Nice day. 13--M painting foundation; first day at KHS for SB. 15--I finished foundation painting. 17--To see Roger Rush's; to Fred's for nice supper, then to new football field & ceremony. Ab beat CC. 1--To K's for supper & eve; M & SB to Orph. 19--M helped me get Elyse cover in frame. F & L & girls here for eve. 20--M's first day in white. Marilyn Pearson has a girl. 21--Moreys here for Merle's bd dinner. 22--Got bu. of grapes of Imo's brothers, to Lincoln Park for chilly but fun mail carrier's hamb. fry. 23--Fixed 14 qts grape juice--takes a long time! 24--Sam got blue chevie (37!) Got M. & to Monmouth--Ab game. SB to Knoxville game. 25--Got SB blue suit & pink shirt. Sams to Knox game; got 2 hens from McCoys--10 cents a #. 26--Made my first grape pie; to G. for Marilyn's baccalaureate; dinner at Canton Cafe, she to work at 3. Fred's surprised us for nice eve. 27--To Saxers for supper party, M home with us. 28--Sam to Peoria to meet Gammons. I to church to fellowship; to G to M's graduation; lovely service & nice reception, lots of gifts. 30--E & I fixed bu of tomatoes--18 qts, 6 juice. E. took T.L to Patti's bd ; weiner roast in eve & M. out with Helen & Fred's. Oct.--1--Fred's first day on new route at Abingdon; E & I dressed 4 hens; she to Mary Lou's. TL helped pick beans; M. out with E & back to KHS game with Sams. 2---Late bd cake for E; Jack on rt. with S; to Carol Covert's wedding, McCoys over to show pictures. 3--E & J left at 6; To SS, Guy here for visit. Fred paints his advertising truck. 4--SB down with asthma til 4. 5--Berniece, Eleanor, Patty out for day; took Sam to school party, Larry W. too. 6--To Leita's for BT luncheon; Louise & Mrs. Stone special music. 7--To Fred's; Sheryl & I to Aunt Lena's; others to see Ab beat KHS. 8--Floyd Stegall won the new car in G. 9--Mailed Elyse's cover, etc 11--Worst flooding in Chicago in 69 years. 12--SB to football game & got chin stepped on!!, to see "Magnificent Obsession". 13--Sammy to 4H weiner roast /hayride. 14--M. held light while I sorted in storeroom; cleaning, curtains, windows, etc. 15--M. to AHS homecoming; lotsa wax, K wonder beans. 16--Did I change her mind? (?..I wonder if this was about Jim Ecklund?) 17--Furnace not ready, no SS; Sam to Congo SS & Church. 23--To food sale at Block & Kuhl. Grand; everyone helped--$142.40. 25--Sammy back in eve with Roses for rehearsal. 26--WCF at church; good crowd & program. 27--SS weiner roast--nice crowd & time; took kids to KHS & helped teachers with float material. 28--Sam having "vacation" picking corn. To K's in eve for club dinner party; Sammy to KHS game. M & Nancy home with us. 29--M & N to see Art Steele's; to G. in eve & SB to KHS doings. Jim Ecklund, Fred's to Aledo to see Ab win. 30--M & N to Nancy's in blue car. 31--New furnace wouldn't heat; 1 min. SS. To Congo Church & on to Bessie's for lovely dinner--Berniece; Guy, Emma(his new wife). Stopt at F & L's for nice eve with them. Nov1--Diane has new washer/dryer; 2 in. of snow here. 3--M. taking state boards today & tomorrow; Book club here & nice program; Sam finished corn picking. 4--Firemen's ham supper in K; dancing later-first time ever with Sammy. 9--To see "Gone With the Wind" at the Abby. 10--M. brought Nancy & Pat out for supper & we all (Fred's too) went to Bushnell to see Ab win. 11--M. met girls in Ab. at 4 & to Macomb to hear Fred Waring. 12--Came home in new blue grey Stude. Keen! Helped with banquet of Congo class at church. Sam took SB & Beverly to K. to a party. 14--Sam woke at 3 with back/head ache. To SS, K's out for dinner; Mable Woods & cousins to call; Fred & Pat here in eve. 17--Larry W. with SB while Fred's & we to Horine's at Rio for mail carrier's. 19--Sam to ME church supper at Ab; SB to PTA. 20--Mother's food sale--too much for customers; men cleaned church basement. H's, we to Fred's for Sheryl's bd supper; M & Jim dropped in. 21--SS, early dinner; to open house at KHS & SB "hosted". Sid & Gene here playing chess. 23--M working on scrap book; I on rugs. PO inspector to call. M to give talk at Ab Jr. Women's Club. We to Endter's for bridge, dinner; SB to Orph. 24--Sam traded truck with Mr. Feathers; to Ab. ME Union service. 25--To lovely turkey dinner at H's at 2--Jean's, Helen's Dad too. Got M. at 3:15. Most to Orph to see "White Christmas". 29--Dr. M. gave me a check over & shot. Hope I get over this & soon. 30--To WCF; large crowd & play on India; Alan K. off to army. Dec 1--Dutchmaid party at "orange" hall for mother's unit. To F & L's in eve & Sams to Rotary football banquet with Fred. 2--To Lucille Courter's to give "The Gentle House for BT Club. 7--Sam to Ab. to Christian brotherhood supper. We had soup, made donuts. 8--M & I shopped, to see Eleanor, Patty, to K for 2nd shot. Sam helped Fred with cement floor. 9--Worked on placemats (M. to Diane); staid with girls while others to football game. 11--Sam's class chili party at church. 14--WCF & I had the program; M. sang & Jo H. played for her; M to see Art & Louise. 15--Finished green tablecloth for Louise; down to see Sam's mother. 16--To Roy's for nice eve & supper; FL& P to practice-Sheryl staid with us, so good. 17--To take treatment of Dr. Larson; M & Nancy home with us for supper & to see Ab. win from Bushnell. 19--Program at Church & tree. Always get too much. 20--Sam to Dr. Crowell & decided on Jan. 17. M, N & P leave apt; what a lot to move. 4H potluck. 21--M went with Sam. Sam & I to KHS music program; Dad & M to AHS bb game. 22--M to Ab. to go with Fred & he forgot her! M. helped Sam put up aerial on his mother's house; she doesn't want it for permanent job. M & SB with Betty's (Bates) class to carol. 22--M with Sam again; did my wrapping. Sam to see Mary B. at Ab. E & J got here at 11:30, got up & talked til 12. 25--M. up to stay with Steeles awhile. Big turkey meal at 6; our tree after; so many gifts; lovely day. Guy, Berniece, Terry to call. 26--E & J left early; lots of dishes to do; finished placemats for D. from M. 27--Made Elyse pillow & 2 cases To K. to see "Sabrina"; Nancy arrived. 28--Took M & Nancy to 6:45 Zephyr; sleety. Sammy on courch all day wheezy. 29--Thot of M & N all day. Arthur Steele passed away. A very bad day; Sammy OK. Helped Sam round up hogs & sheep to send. 30--Made choc bd cake for Sammy. To see Louise & Martha. Edison came & he & SB went coasting. Hannams down about RLCA banquet. To see "Heidi". 31--To funeral. Ready for party in good time; Saxers & McLennans til 10:30 when K's got here--G. just got off work. Good fun. 1955--The letter announcing Marilyn's passing state boards arrived and I wrote to her at Diane's & put RN after her name. On the 13th, she and Nancy Leigh returned from Calif. Sam was admitted to Cottage Hospital the 16th & had surgery for hernia repair the next day. He thought he'd like to have a spinal after Marilyn's experience when she had her appendectomy. It didn't work! He could feel Dr. Crowell working so was given a general anesthesia, in addition. As a result, he went into shock. Not until 6 pm did his warmth and color return. What a scare! By the 19th Sam was doing well. Marilyn and 4 suitcases headed off to Chicago with Nancy to work at VA Research Hospital. Sam was discharged Jan. 21. The 22nd Flora & I went to SS and then she came for dinner and K's came in the eve as well as FLP&S in the eve. We had lots of snow & Charlie plowed us out. SB went coasting! Nettie & Harold were here for cards the 25th. F & L picked us up the 26th & we went to the mail carrier's banquet at Elks Club & bingo. Sam got the bandage off Jan. 28 and we got SB's violin. Jan. 31 Sam went to a sale. In the eve McCoys came to play cards in the eve & we laffed til we ached. We had the bridge gang for supper Feb. 6th--turkey supper & nice eve. Mrs. Feather was here to borrow $500 Feb. 9. Marilyn came on the train Feb. 13. She & Sam went to Gburg the 14th while I went to a church dinner. Sam brought me red roses and F & L came out for supper. We took Marilyn to the train the eve of the 15th & got ready to leave. Feb. 17 we drove to E & J's & had a lovely roast beef supper & played several kinds of cards. Jack took us on a tour of the Ford plant the 18th. Feb. 19 we drove to Nashville and stopped at Andrew Jackson's "Hermitage", had a whole trailer for motel in Calhoun Ga. Next day we slid thro' Ga and found a good motel at Lake City, Fla. Feb. 21 we went to Silver Sprgs & took the boat trips--most unusual. SB to Reptile show & Ind. homes. On to Winterhaven & motels were taken so a tourist home got our $8. Feb. 22 we went to the Citrus Bldg to see "Tom Moore Show'..but Tom was in NY. To Cypress Gardens & took boat trip & saw Beers & Robersons! Saw the water ski show, lunch at Lake Wales--Spook hill? & Bok Tower. No motels again so stayed in lovely home in Lakeland. Feb. 23 we were given a tour of Agrico at Mulberry, Fl, then to St. Petersburg & delish lunch at famous Webb City. To Clearwater for a nice motel & to beach. Saw sun go down in ocean & SB swam?! Feb. 24 SB's asthma was working on him--swimming not good. We stopped at Homosassa Sprgs, on to Panama City for the night. On to Pensacola we went Feb. 25, Mobile & spent the night at a punk place at Waynesboro, MS. We had lovely days all the way til rain began at Jackson TN Feb. 26. We stopped at a new motel at Cairo & went to see "Flight to Tangiers". We were safely home Feb. 27 at 4. Called Fred's & they were just back from Miss. March 1 Sam went back to work. I used my new automatic pan to fry chicken. March 6. March 12 400 music visitors came to KHS. Orchestra mothers took over cafeteria--home at 2:40. Started tearing up Marilyn's uniforms to make rugs March 16th; planted sweet peas next day. Sam & I to piano trio at Central Church March 14 & it was great--SB to Orph. March 19 Sam & I to auction at Maquon & got silver tea set & antique rocker.. Sam bought 3 sows & 21 pigs March 21. March 23 SB went with Sam after no mail March 22 because of snow & blow. This ends 25 years of mail carrying by a fine faithful man. In eve to mail carrier's party at Cunninghams--SB to West. March 24 the fire siren woke us at 3--all burned at Don Dredge's. SB helped with mail; more snow that night so he helped the next days too. Fred's were out March 27 and we used the cleaned up teapot for 1st time. Marilyn came on the train March 31. April 2 orchestra mothers served meal for music contest. April 3 the church furnace wasn't working so we went to Congo church. To Elaine & Fred Smith's wedding in the afternoon & M. poured punch. We had her birthday supper early April 4 & she caught the train back to Chicago. The 5th we went to Witherells for Kenny's Mulligan supper. SB & Corky to hs carnival. The 6th Louise & Mrs. Stone were my guests at the Book Club luncheon at Ab. Congo Church. Sam started on the south wall. April 8 to G. for another house jack. Sam so tired-me too-Why me (??). April 10 87 at SS & a good crowd at church. Helen had gone back with Jeans. Guy, Fred's here in eve. I picked the first violets April 12. April 14 Sam & Ghlee worked on wall til dark. April 17 SB, Corky & Kay C. to woods & Corky lost a shoe in the ford. Sam & I to dinner in Gburg & to Knox gym for concert. April 18 Corky & Kay here to supper to go to 4H with SB & stay all night. Sam & G finished wall except 1 block. Our 1st asparagus. Saxer's party was April 20 & Larry Watters came home with SB. Sat., April 23 I got a carload of boys at K & to train at G. Left at 5:45, had bkf on diner, to Chicago at 8 for tour. Marilyn met us at Field Museum, lunch at U. Station, Lincoln Park, Mus. of Science & Industry. Jim came there, took me to train, home at 11. Rain, rain, rain. April 24--biggest of all lakes in orchard. To see Mable Woods. April 27 was one of the most beautiful spring days. We went to the old farm & never had more luck finding mushrooms--fell in creek. May 2nd was Pearson's party & supper--Sam hi, me low. May 5 we took SB & 3 pals to G. to Knox Co meet (K won). We moved freezer to back porch--2 hr. operation. May 6th Sam's mother & I to M-D banquet at Ab.--nice eve. Down to see Mary & Maggie later. Sammy to K on his bike to track meet May 7. I went to get him..& more blue dishes of Mrs. Jensen. We got a surprise May 8 when we heard the front door open at 2 am--Marilyn & Jim surprised us. We had a lovely mother's day--SS, Ab. Church, to Fred's, to the timber--mosquitoes & mud-- played bridge, had lunch & they left. Berniece's, Fred's gave me surprise May 12--B's inside weiner roast. We went to K's May 14 for supper & cards--SB to West. May 17 we went to KHS musicale of Jr. hi. Painting back porch, quarterround, basement steps. May 20 SB got Eng. bike in Ab.; the 21st 50 4H chickens. Sheryl was here May 25 while Louise & Patti were in Chicago; Fred came for supper & the night. Sherry's a singer--"Found a peanut" & "make a noise song" To mail carrier's May 25 and Louise came for Sheryl at Duffy's. May 26 was KHS class day. The rain came after 7th grade picnic so back home. We went to McLennan's for supper & bridge the 27th & met Marilyn on the late train. We tried the new frozen soup Jim had brought & had it & homemade strawberry i.c. before Fred's left the 29th. Marilyn went back on the train the 30th. May 31 I bought 7 roses at a white elephant auction to benefit Congo camp pool. June 3 SB, Corky & Larry Skinner had weiner roast supper & all nite in tent blanket. Fifteen AHS class of '20 had meal at Lake S June 4. Vonna had reunion dinner for Francie, Marie, Jean June 5--Fran graduated. Big crowd, lovely dinner. June 6--fire in little blue stove mighty nice. June 8th the sheep were sheared & we took wool to K. SB got 2 dressed rabbits from Mrs. M. June 11. To Jesse's June 12 to see Jones relatives from Ky. & TX--so far a cool June. Marilyn came early June 16 & we met her (me in pj's). She went on route with Sam. June 17 was picnic at VBS--large crowd. We had a picnic at Lake B, Fred's too. Jim arrived at 6:30 & he & M. came. Next day M & J played tennis at Knox, to F & L's in eve. June 19 M & J to Congo Church, all to Fred's for father's day supper. M & J left after 7 & we 3 on to Lake B. show. June 20 to G. for 57 chickens, ice, pop. 4H at school that eve. Fred's were here to talk over farm managing for Mrs. Bates. June 24 "Had a nice day working outside all day. I should be a yard man!". June 26--picking berries; mail carriers bkf. We did brick work around the pump, etc. during June. July 1 we went to Norma Walker's wedding--small but nice. Eleanor's arrived at 2:30 a.m. July 2. Nancy & I were up early & she said, "There was a rob. They stole a bank". We made ice cream & had a picnic supper at Lake B--Fred's too. All went to SS next day & some to church. Fred's, K's came for supper; Fred showed slides, children had sparklers. July 4 was hot, resting & reading, to Lake movie. Mr. Riggs showed airway cleaner (must've gotten it--July 8 "Flew thro cleaning-How much easier & more fun now"). Marilyn & Jim arrived that day. He helped pick beans & peas. They went to G. after dinner & we met them at the lake. Water great, all in, hamburgs, badminton, to Fred's awhile. Patti a touch of tonsillitis. After SS & church July 10, we played cards & croquet til Marilyn & Jim had to leave at 7:30. July 12 Hazel Turner & Tom got married. Claude & Myrtle came for his 56th bd. July 13. Picked blackberries at Junks July 15. Jean brought Christy out July 17 for a few days. John Hughes with us to Lake B. movie. The boys camped by the creek at Larry's July 19. A shower at 5 almost scrambled fundraising supper the 20th but it was a success. Christy went home with Jean & H's. To Hobby Grill for Sam's bd supper & movie at Earl. Got 1st tomato & limas July 23. July 24 Bessie & Cault Turner, Jewel & Ernie Johnson came for dinner, helped with reception for Hazel & Tom in eve. July 25 picked 3 gal bbs; had youth weiner roast & hayride in eve. July 26 fixed 1st fries of SB's 4Hproject. Sherrie having bad time. To LIncoln Park for mail carrier's picnic July 27, Brian D. too, then to Storey for ballgame. July 29 SB having asthma, Sam to G. for Dr. Larson treatment. His mother, Maggie, Mary here for supper. SB to Shrine circus in G. July 30. Sheryl still "off", had shot in G. After fixing 2 bu. of corn to freeze Aug. 1, left at 1 for Chicago. Got to Jean's about 6. M & Jim there & we visited & lunched. Next day M & Jean got our bkf. M. our chauffeur & a good one. To grain mkt, planetarium, tour of her hospital (not SB), lunch, to Cinerama Holiday-Great. Packed M's things, home at 11. Aug. 3 Bob's came to leave Terry & get corn--got field corn! Aug. 5 Terry & SB to K fair, Terry home with Berniece. Aug. 6 SB down most of day with asthma. Canned lug of apricots after bings. "What I need is a little more to do." Sam put safety belts in car. Had a picnic with Fred's, H's at the lake & to show the 7th. Turned so cool. Aug. 9 Betty D. took SB & 4 others to Lake B. Picking band concert after being at Fred's for supper. Shelled as we listened. Aug. 11 the Sams met Marilyn. Fred & girls out til 9, packed up & ready to go. Left Aug. 12 at 6, picnic dinner at Waverly IA, apt. motel at Pipestone MN. (Visited "Little Brown Church in IA). Aug. 13 crossed MN, much wheat & hay. The NW is big! Stayed at Dickinson ND To see Ft. Peck dam--huge. 1/2 the US is touring. Motel at Shelby, Mon. Got to Glacier Natl Pk Aug. 15. Stopt to make snowballs, take pictures. Picnic in park & a big bear joined us! To Hungry Horse Dam, Columbia Falls to Anaconda opening, motel at Kalispell, Mont. Aug. 16--across state, thro. Idaho. To Grand Coulee Dam & toured it. Some site. Stayed at Waterville, Wash. Aug. 17 to Wenatchee Valley & got 4 or 5 kinds of fruit. Took ski lift. Thrills. Lunch at beauty spot by falls. To Steeles by ferry. Supper at Jean's, slept at Roger's. Aug. 18, bkf. at Eva's & then thro Wash to see Mt. Ranier, Hood, St. Helena, beautiful scenic drive by Columbia River & fish ladders at Bonneville. Aug. 19 we went to see Crater Lake--Bluest of blue. Guess I lost my glasses there. Aug. 20 & into bare looking northern CA. Hotter all the time! 102 at Winters. To San Francisco & no motel. Called Cases & they came for us. Had a nice visit. Next day we slipped off at 8, drove to Santa Cruz for bkf. Down the coast & it got wearisome. Dinner at Morro Bay. To Diane's at 10. Aug. 24 Sam, Marilyn & I to Hollywood to Farmer's Mkt. & tour of TV. To Clair's for supper. Francie & Marie over to get M-then Jean & F. to bring her back. Thurs., Aug. 25 left for the beach at 9:30, drove 45 mi. & got there at 11. Such traffic. Very nice time & picnic dinner-another world out there. A card to say my glasses were found. To McAllisters for nice supper & eve. Aug. 26 to Clair's to tour, lunch at drivein & to Glada's folks. Back to Diane's & couldn't get into full movie so stopt to see opening of "Ralphs". Aug. 27 to Montrose to shop, Sam helping Al with yard & cement work. In eve to top of Angelus Crest for picnic supper. LA lights coming on--Lovely. Sun., Aug. 28 packed up, left late afternoon to cross desert while cool. I drove 3-5 am & the sun came up. To Grand Canyon & with the sun on it, it was lovely. Took long walk along rim. Had bkf. at lodge & watched mule train start off. Drove on w. of Albuquerque for night. Aug. 30 drove on into Colo and got to Vera's at 9:15. K's had been there in PM. Aug. 31 was a busy day of going places and seeing people--weiner roast for Lila's by highway co men. Sept. 1 we left at 3:45 & had bkf. in Mankato. So dry crops nearly a fizzle. Dinner in Mo. & supper at Cline's at 7:30! SB was off to school Sept. 2, M. to Jean Roberson's for lunch & visit. Patti & Sherri here for few days while F & L. are in Chicago & Rockford.. Nancy & Greg Leigh were here Sept. 4 & M & SB went to Lake B & all of us to movie, next day we went to the last show. Sept. 7--Pat's first day at kindergarten. Sept. 9 made ic for M's nurses reunion at Lake B. We 3 to F & L's for lovely supper, H's too. Jim arrived Sept. 10--supper & cards. Sept. 11 made choc bd cake--late for Jim, early for me. M & Jim left soon after 1. Fred's out. Sept. 12--ate at Palling's, to Orph, lotsa cards & gifts. Used my deep fryer 1st time Sept. 17--catfish--delish. Sept. 20 to G. to graduation of M's little sisters. Vera arrived. Sept. 23--Sams to AHS to see Monmouth win. We played cards. Sept. 24 guys to GHS game. Vera & I to Martha's for eve. Sept. 25 too chilly for Lake B. picnic so Berniece's & Fred's came here. Nice meal & lots of cards. Sept. 26 Guy & Emma Gillet here, Vera & I to comm. mtg. The 28th the mail carriers came for hamb. supper. Nice crowd & fun with Bingo. Sept. 29 to Ontario to Central West Rally--4 women. Vera to Vonna's. Potluck at firehouse for Griffiths. Sept. 30 called Turners to talk to Edith Porter. They came for dinner. To Lois Taggart's in eve while Sams went to KHS game. Marilyn called to say she had ticket Oct. 1. Left in an hour. Nice ride & time with the girls & Jim. Home at 8 pm; SB & Larry W. here. Oct. 2 SB to Larry's for night. To Patti's icecream & cake/weiner roast. Oct. 3 "Seems good to have Sammy home & we all 3 be here". Oct. 5 Jo Howerter & I did play, "Hat" for book club. To Berniece's for dinner & we 3 to see Mary Purdy Oct. 6. Flu got me Oct. 7, the Sams to Aledo to see K lose. OK Oct. 8. Oct. 10 to Claire's for BD club supper & court whist; Vera came home with me. Oct. 11 Harry & Emma came, then Berniece; fried chicken supper & lots of cards. Kansas folks left Oct. 12. To K's for nice supper; McAllisters too. Oct. 13 Sam shingling little house, ladder rung broke, hurt back. Guys to ballgame to see Ab. win, I to Lois Nelson's. Oct. 15 Sam to Monmouth to see Knox win. To American Beauty for Hopkins 25th anniversary. Back to H's for talk. Oct. 19 Moores, Witherells here for supper & pinochle.. Oct. 23 to Ab. Congo to hear Fred talk on "Test of Time"--fine job--Jean's, H's there too. Helen asked us up for dinner. Oct. 24--SB & I working on 8th grade float. Oct. 27--Sam & I got hogs & sheep to send to market. No stock now. To see parade, S's back to game. Oct.29--to Urbana, had nice dinner & with Jim on west side for game, home by 7, to McLennan's party. Oct. 31--Partly fair (but not me). Sam & Al making an elec. stove in eve. Nov. 1--Chicken pie supper, made 2 & helped. Big crowd, cleared $345--Sam sold tickets. Nov. 2 Snow, to dessert luncheon of BT club at Doris Paulsgrove's, to Research Hosp. for tour. Sad place & hope I keep out. Nov. 4--Wilbur Peck got hand in cornpicker, Nov. 5-Louise not feeling good, brought Sherry, Patti home for a few days. Nov. 6--to SS, then to Moreys for dinner, visiting (her brother & wife there), Oties, Mrs. C. & Fred here in eve. Nov. 7--Patti was "Mrs. Hardy", Kindergarten teacher. Nov. 9--more kdgtn, Sam put up new aerial & scared me pink. Nov. 10--To G & girls stayed with L. at H's, to Ab. Cong. supper & men to football game. Nov. 11--Holiday. Have "catch" in left hip. 13 SS class here in eve & seemed to have fine time. Sam to G. to hear E. Stanley Jones. Nov. 12--Louise & girls home from H's, to Harley Steeles for chauvaire. Nov. 13--Nicelys, K's here for dinner. To bed early with my sciatica, didn't go to SS. Nov. 18--Patti has chickenpox. Nov. 19--SB to Macomb with orchestra, to Fred's on Sherrie's 3rd bd. Patti feeling good. SB to party in eve. Nov. 20--Fred to Chicago for school board sessions for 2 days. Nov. 23--To Urbana to get Marilyn, on to Louisville. Girls made pies after we went to bed. Next day Jack took us on long ride in "private car", toured new home. Lovely meal. Nov. 25--Doris Wherry took us on tour of turnpike, to new shopping center. Nov. 26--more shopping, to call on Marty & Charlie. Nov. 27--Headed home, slick driving til near Champaign. Left M. at show, got here at 7. Nov. 28--6 above; windy next day, Sherrie has chickenpox. Nov. 30--to Witherells mail carriers party, Larry W. stayed with SB. Dec. 2--never get thro' writing to the girls, Dec. 4--made taffy & donuts. Dec. 7--SB wheezy, Martha Brown fainted at BT club. Dec. 8--SB coughed for hrs. To Dr. Bradway for medicine, then slept. Dec. 9--SB better, got tree Dec. 20--so pretty. Dec. 16--Roy's, Fred's, Mrs. C. here for supper. SB & Corky skating, coasting Dec. 17. Dec. 18--SS program & tree--a shower of gifts. Busy writing letters. Dec. 20 I used Sam's heat lamp to warm up washing machine motor, to F & L's for lovely supper & eve, H's & Stonekings too. Dec. 21--Met Marilyn at Bushnell, to see Mable Woods in Avon. Louise sick, brought girls home with us. Dec. 22--Sherrie sick in night, carolled, delivered cookies in eve., back here for cookies, M. on route with Sam Dec. 23--M. took Sherrie home (sleeping when they came for her the night before) & went on route with Fred, more shopping. Gammons arrived, M. feeling punk, E's to Ab. to see Lucille & Russell Smith in eve. Dec. 25--To SS, to Nannie's to see relatives, big dinner at 6, Berniece out, had tree, loaded with gifts. Dec. 26--Up early to get M. up at 6 & off to work, Gammon's left at 7, Christy here. Dec. 27--Boys pingponging, M. working eve shift. Dec. 28--To K's to see Alan's & 2 tours of antique houses. Marilyn stayed at Pearsons, worked 3-ll & then 7-3. She, SB, Christie to Globetrotters Dec. 29. Dec. 30--SB is 14 at 8:16 a.m., steak supper with dinnah in the dining room. Dec. 31--Pat Horan & sister to call, Jim here at 5:30, they to Fred's then to G. with Pat, we to McLennan's, SB skating. 1956--Jim and we four went to Susie's to eat Jan. 1; Jim went home the 2nd. I got my old doll made new on January 3. On the 7th, we bought 6 antique dining room chairs and another platform rocker at a sale in Avon. Robert Rush showed us how to cane on Jan. 13. On the 18th, Marilyn's letter of decision was very upsetting to my day. We got news on Jan. 25 that Gammons are moving to Fla. We picked Marilyn up in Peoria Jan. 28, went on to Galesburg, lunched at Knoxville, went to Sally Hopkin's wedding where Marilyn served. Marilyn went on the early train to Chicago Jan. 29. She was home and feeling better on the 30th. Sam started another chair Jan. 31. Bob Staker was here to visit Feb. 5 and he & Marilyn returned to U. of I Feb. 6 We got our new "old" cupboard, dresser and chest. I emptied the buffet and took it & 4 chairs to Galesburg. On Feb. 20, the big cistern went dry! Mary and Fay Purdy were in Abingdon the 23rd and I went to see them. SB went to orchestra practice periodically. Feb. 27th we finished our first caned chair. Glad it's done. We partied with the bridge gang nearly every month and got together with Moores and Witherills to eat and play pinochle--lotsa fun. I was busy tearing Marilyn's uniforms up ready to make into rugs. Louise played the violin at Joan Ray's wedding. SB went to Carol W's party and a dance at Gilson school. We did lots of redecorating...took paper off Marilyn's room, the dining room ceiling (with a sprayer), spackled, painted woodwork and SB's room. On March 16th, I commented, "I wish to never again paint a room". and on the 19th, "we're through painting, paper looks better.", put in new windows. We papered the dining room, our bedroom. Sam went for Marilyn on March 29th and she was surprised by all the changes. I got to feeling terrible the 29th but by the 30th was feeling better and able to go to Pearsons for supper and to play liverpool rummy. I worked on an old walnut table in the "new" garage whenever I found the chance. In April we continued papering--the kitchen, hall and living room. Fred and Louise took us to the Junction for a belated anniversary celebration on March 4. We served Kiwanis a chicken pie and dressing supper on the 12th--72 plus the help. There was an orchestra concert on the 15th. Marilyn went to see Pat in Galesburg the 31st and Christy Seckler came back with her to stay overnight. We received news April 2 that Diane's having #4. Fred's came for supper and SB baked Marilyn's bd cake. (That boy...SB broke another window!). The 3rd was the wild and windiest day I ever saw in Ill. I was reading a book to review-- Unbelieving Wife. Helen and I went to the Delphian luncheon as Louise's guest on the 24th.--lovely. We went to Rushes for dinner and to see Robert's pictures on the 30th. Marilyn met Leighs south of Fairview at 7:45 on the 4th and they returned to C-U. April 29th she went to Chicago..that's all for James. Sam served as a slave at the Roman banquet April 9th. He went to St. Louis at 4:20 on the 14th and Georgia brought him & Edison back at 1:30 next day. Tommy turned 6...wish they were here. When we went to Saxer's party, SB went to the show with Shirley and Clifford. He was Fred's guest at the 8th grade banquet given by Rotary. On the 28th, he went on the class trip to Mark Twain's Cave. Sam bought a garden tractor and put it to use putting in the garden. He went to Abingdon to take Fred's Jeep apart. Both Sams went to work on Fred's car in May. SB got some pets in May--100 little chicks and a squirrel from Mrs. M. It likes the front porch! It was a sad day on the 12th when Mitzi died..under Goldie's porch. Papering continued as we "did" our room. For some unexplained reason, my foot starting paining and swelling on May 5th. I went to Dr. Graham who gave me penicillin and said to keep my foot up. That didn't last long! Porch painting was next on the agenda. The back porch also got some straightening attention. On May 8th there was a galloping breakfast of the "mother's" group at Cora Smith's. I took 12 and we made $27. On Mother's Day we went to Fred and Louise's for dinner and the day. On the 18th we got word that Patti was having her tonsils out so Sherry came to stay here. Pat got along fine, was doing great by evening of the 19th. Fred came to stay overnight. We took flowers to 4 cemeteries on May 30th. I cleaned the brooder house and we moved the chicks there. SB was ferried to a party at KHS May 24th and had a picnic at Lake Storey next day...class day. I took 5 boys and it was a long, dusty affair. The Sunday School class went to Bowman's next day for a weiner roast and games in Earl's new shop. The school picnic was held May 28th and I went to see Aunt Verna Cline on her 82nd bd. Marilyn called to say she plans to work at Research Hospital this summer. On June 1 we went to AHS graduation to see President Cline give out diplomas. There was a social for Al Howerter and we made ice cream. Shirley Castle's wedding was the 2nd and Moore's & Witherills came for supper. Our class ('20) had a reunion at Scandia June 3rd with 15 there. Fred's were out in the eve and we "burned weiners" outside. Sam sold the Jeep the 5th. The 2 Sams were running the sprayer for Fred and Sam was spraying corn. On Father's Day, Harshbargers and Fred's came for dinner..Lots of violins. The Sams went to the Knoxville sale the 18th and bought 50 pigs. Should have staid at home. The good news we heard from Eleanor on June 19th was that they'll be moving to St. Louis! The 29th we learned they'll be coming soon. SB & Roger Lambert went for their report cards on bikes. We went to get Marilyn in Champaign on June 7...met Cliff and he took us on a tour. Lila Weinburg's wedding was the 10th and Marilyn poured punch during the reception. Next day she started work at Research Hosp. She & SB went to Lake B. many times during the summer and sometimes she dropped SB & friends there on her way to work. SB rode to his violin lessons in Knoxville with her on occasion. Garden-wise, the peas were a failure. We went to the mail carrier's breakfast and Kay went with SB and then they went to the Gale picnic. Louise and girls went with SB & Marilyn to swim at Lake B June 23rd and there was a fish fry at the firehouse for Al Howerter's that eve. True to their word, the Gammons arrived July 3rd. Fred's were out for a bar-b-q. When Marilyn went to work next a.m., Stony Hollow was closed. There'd been a flood and a baby drowned. Eleanor and Jack headed to St. Louis to look for housing and Jo and Tommy stayed with us. We went to supper at K's & Blanche was there. The Vacation Bible School program/picnic was July 7th. Carol and Ken were here to see Marilyn. Next day we went to Galesburg for belated fireworks. Berniece and Patty came for 2 days on July 10th. That eve we went to Lake B. for a picnic, as did Fred's. Had a good time playing croquet next day. There was an ice cream social at church the 12th--popular event...we sold all we made. Billy, Roger and Alice Steele's were here to call & attend. Eleanor and Jack returned on July 13th. Unfortunately, Sherry had tonsilitis so only Fred and Pat were able to join us for supper at Lake B. On the 15th, Gammons went back to St. Louis, children in tow. We had a Sunday School class hamburger fry at Lake B. on July 17th. There were 12 kids, 7 polite ones! Sam and Marilyn went home early. More picnics were with Rushes and Mary on the 20th (Marilyn & SB went on to the drive in) and for Sam's birthday when Fred's, Barb and Ginny Seckler joined us. There was a wire from California July 19th announcing the arrival of Curt Richard Noland--7#, 1oz. We got a long letter from Diane the 23rd and she's fine. We had our first sweet corn the 19th and were having lots of apricots....pies, preserves, etc. We "rolled" the brooder house into the orchard. On July 27th, we went to Abingdon with Coralie McIntyre to sign deed (little house?). SB got a motor scooter in Abingdon the next day. Pearsons came to call & we played "What the heck?" on Aug. 2. Marilyn took the train to Chicago next day & the Gammons arrived that eve. Next day we went blackberrying and in the eve to the Lake where Sam & I got in too! SB went to the fair with Larry W. On Aug. 5th, SB and Louise played a violin duet at church & Eleanor accompanied. SB left for Wisconsin with the Willers, the Gammons left for home & Marilyn returned. We got a card from SB on the 9th, saying he was having a good time. He got home the 11th and gave a report of his experiences at camp at church on Aug. 12th. A new porch was being constructed at the church and Sam helped with it. I dressed so many frying chickens. By Aug. 18th, I'd done 32! We took some when we went to St. Louis on the 19th. We went to Cinerama "Seven Wonders of the World" that afternoon. Fred Shair, a friend of Cliff and Marilyn at U. of I. found us at intermission. The following day we went to the zoo. Jack grilled steaks (Fred S. was late) and we all went to Muny Opera to see "Kismet". On the 21st, all but Jo, Eleanor and I went to the Cardinal game. We shopped and toured. We headed home on the 22nd, making stops for produce, etc. along the way. The power was off so I started the range so I could get supper. SB and 3 friends tented the 23rd. Eleanor had hernia surgery on Aug. 24th. There was an unveiling of the repainted ($35) black '46 Chevie the 25th. Purty good! Marilyn was keeping busy painting porch windows. SB went in for 2 fillings & a booster at Dr. Moffet's the 27th. He & Eddie Havens had a spill on the scooter the day before and got scratched up and feeling punk. He had his first day of school Aug. 28th and we went to the fall festival and to see "Night of the Hunter". Creepy! On Aug. 31st the freshmen were initiated followed by a party. In Sept. he went to a dance (!), was again involved in skit practice. Marilyn went to a reunion of her nursing class Sept. 1 and stayed over at K's. Her last day to work at Research was the 6th & the 7th she went to a movie at the Earl with Jim Bulkley. Sam and I took Marilyn and Pat Horan to Urbana on the 10th. Larry Waters stayed overnight with SB who'd been to an FHA hayride earlier in the week. We went to the Hotel Nauvoo with Fred's on the 8th & Pat and Sherry came home with us. When over earlier, Sherry was encouraged to pick up the toys before leaving & did so reluctantly saying, "I'm never coming back, no, not never!". It wasn't long til she was back...Fred & Louise, along with Sam went to Peoria to see Ike & the girls were with me. During the month we went to Moreys for the day, McAllisters & K's were here, as were Aunt Lena, Ruth and Mac. I made a cake for Pat's birthday & left it in the oven after turning it off & then forgot it. It shrunk! We had a weiner roast in the orchard to celebrate for her. The 30th was also Shirley Saxer's wedding day. I started taking fries to Abingdon or Knoxville to have them cleaned! We celebrated my birthday with a picnic with Fred's & Harshbargers on Sept. 17th. For a birthday gift, Sam is planning to reset my ring. I painted half of the house foundation red. Sam painted the little house. We went to open house at KHS, went to Rio so Sam could get a floor furnace, went to mail carrier's at Mathews. I helped with the lettermen's banquet at Knoxville. In Oct. we installed aluminum storm windows upstairs. Sam served the firemen at their meeting, I got my hair cut off, o me! Vera arrived Oct. 19th. We repeated the play done earlier for PTA that day. We had a cousin reunion on the 20th & a family picnic at Lake B. the next day. We went to Berniece's Oct. 22nd, on to Geneseo to see Cliff, to Cambridge for dinner, to see Dorothy and then Kathryn. Home at 5 & as tired as if I'd worked. A new sewing club got started Oct. 25th at Georgia Bowman's. That eve, Vera and we went to the chicken pie supper at Abingdon Methodist Church.. Gammons arrived next day and we went to Maquon to see Vera who was visiting there. The 125th anniversary parade was held in Knoxville the following day and Gammons headed home the 28th after a big dinner. By Oct. 31st, we'd had 73 trick or treaters--too many! The chicken pie supper was held Nov. 1 and we made nearly $400. I'd visited our old neighbor, Mrs. Pierce, many times over the years. She died on Nov. 2, her only child and one grandson dying earlier. So sad. Ike won the election on Nov. 6. I got new glasses and was instructed that I must wear them. SB was involved with basketball practice. On the 15th he was wheezing and was home the next few days except to go for 2 exams the 16th. Sam's class had a ham, beans and cornbread supper the 9th. He & I left for CU on Nov. 17th. We went to the McKinley banquet with Marilyn and Cliff at noon, went to see Ill. and Wisc. tie 13-13. The Busey Hall banquet was in the eve followed by a stunt show, barbershoppers and then we went to stay all night at LIla & Don Lorton's. After the McKinley service next day, we left for home. I was having pain in my ribs from an earlier slip in the tub. Marilyn rode home with David Bliss Nov. 21st. Next day we drove to St. Louis for the best Thanksgiving dinner ever--also Jack's birthday. We returned home in the snow on the 23rd and after arriving home, learned Fred's family had the flu. Marilyn took the train to Chicago and visited the Longs and then she & Cliff returned to U. of I. together. We, along with helpers, got a new? 12 ft. Admiral refrig. Nov. 26th & took our old one to the church. While 7 boys played pingpong here, we went to Putnam's to a gypsy mailcarrier's party. Fred and Louise went with us. SB had his first basketball game Nov. 30. In December he continued to practice, staying over with Jim Mathers or coming home late with Brian. Later in the month he came home with a swollen right hand. At the doctor's next day, it was proclaimed a broken finger and put in a splint. The following day he went to the hospital for an x-ray and then on to school. We had the bridge gang here for a chicken supper on Dec. 2nd, I enjoyed molding tree candles with Georgia and Lucille. Eleven came for a SS party and we played bingo & bunco. Next day we served food at Harley Steele's sale. SB & I went to a very good school program and on Dec. 16th went to the Congo Church in Abingdon to see 4 Clines in their pageant. Dec. 18th we went to the old farm for a tree for the church and us. There was a potluck for Gladys Cramer's SS class, we had a SS chili supper with 35 in attendance. Sam met Marilyn in Oneida Dec. 21st and next day the Gammons got here. The SS class "did" the tree and sang carols. The 23rd was the church program and Gammons and Fred's joined us for that. T.L. said, "My name not Tommy Gardner". Next night we went to Fred's, as did Harshbarger's, Jean's, Berniece and boys. On Christmas Day we had our traditional dinner and gift opening and then Eleanor's left at 4 and Fred's at 9. While working in the garage Dec. 27, a motor dropped on Sam's finger, taking the end off. Off to Dr. Graham! Shaky PM. Roger Lambert came to celebrate with SB on the 29th. It's noted that "Marilyn sang so well" on the 30th. SB was surprised by his class with gifts & cards. Cliff arrived the 31st and he & Marilyn went to Fred & Elaine Smith's while we went to a party at Carlson's and SB went to Brian's. 1957--New Year's Day was enjoyed at Fred and Louise's and Harshbargers were there too. Cliff went on the route with Sam on the 2nd and we had lots of games in the eve. Word came from Eleanor on Jan. 3 that Tommy has the mumps. Marilyn & Cliff left for C-U, Christy was here and Helander's were here for cards in the eve. Sam went to get his finger dressed Jan. 4, we left Christy off at H's and went to see Louise Steele who had just learned there was no hope for her condition. Jim Ecklund called the 12th & came for lunch. We went to the firemen's oyster supper in the eve. A letter from Diane Jan. 14 reported that Eric had gotten his thigh burned. Not much of substance got accomplished the 15th & I state, "People need days like these to catch up on little wishes". Next day was the church annual meeting and we learned that Grampa Harshbarger had died. The girls stayed with us next day & Fred and Louise were at Harshbargers. Sam went to the funeral and the girls & I made a snowman as a diversion. Marilyn went to Chicago with Cliff. Ike was inaugurated on Jan. 21 and I started to dress Sam's finger. Fred went to Urbana for meetings Jan. 24 and Marilyn and Cliff came from there for a visit the 26th. They went to Abingdon to church and SS. On the 28th, they went coasting on Cramer's hill & Cliff, using Patti's plastic saucer, landed on the creek at the bottom of the hill. Ouch! Marilyn laughed & it's a wonder he didn't leave, then & there! M. started back to work at Research Hosp. that afternoon. The WCF luncheon was the 29th & I helped with the program. On Jan. 31 I had a coffee for 19 ladies and 8 children & raised $20.03 (what for?). I worked some on the book, "Columbia". Eleanor and Jack's came on Feb. 1. Fred's cake fell apart so I "glued" it with frosting. We went to Flynn's hill to coast. Fred's birthday dinner was on the 3rd after which Eleanor's headed home. On Feb. 4 I reported on my book at a luncheon and 7 of us from Delong went to Knoxville Methodist Church to a tea. On Feb. 9 we went to Moore's, Witherells too. Cliff arrived and met Marilyn when she got off work at 11. It was a short stay for Cliff. They went to Galesburg for church and dinner the 10th & headed back to C-U in the eve. SB and Marilyn went to Nancy Leigh's Feb. 12th & McIntyres came over for chili. I went to a sewing bee at Gladys Cramer's the 14th but shouldn't have as I had no appetite. Sam gave me a white hamper and red roses. After dinner at Fred and Louise's, along with Helen and Joanne on Feb. 17, we headed south--our destination, St. Louis for the first night. We got there about 6:30 and surprised the Gammons. After a good breakfast next a.m. we drove thro' Mo. and into Arkansas--flowers blooming & things greening up. That night was spent at Hank's Motel in Little Rock. Feb. 19 found us in Hot Springs where we went up the mountain & tower, walked & looked. Lots of ill people. At Murfreesboro, we went to a diamond mine and stayed overnight at Prescott. Vicksburg was our next overnight stop and we had a tour of the military park & museum there on Feb. 20. On Feb. 21 we left for Natchez, did some touring & went thro' Stanton Hall--very huge. Lunch was in Woodville, La. and on to Baton Rouge & go through the capitol. Grand. We met the Ericson's from Victoria! We got to New Orleans to spent the night at Rose's Court. On Feb. 22 we got on a bus tour at 9 & really saw the city. Later we went on a 2 1/2 hour boat tour which was very interesting. Leaving New Orleans Feb. 23, we eased along the gulf--very pretty, stopping in Gulfport, MS. Next day we went to St. Peter's by the Sea Episcopal Church. It ws very cold! We went to a marine show; to Angelo's for dinner . We like common food best. Vacation ending, we started home in the rain Feb. 25. It was pouring at Jackson & we stayed over north of there. Miz Pearl's was our breakfast destination Feb. 26. Dinner was at Petersburg at 3:30 and we were home before 6. SB glad and we too! Nancy surprised us next day at 10:30. She and Marilyn went with Fred's to fun in Monmouth. Feb. 28 Joan Brown and family were out to see Marilyn. Nancy left later. I went to Lucille Courter's for sewing day. March 2 I got dinner for the diggers working at church. Saxers had a party next evening. March 4 Mr. Willer was here to TV with us! Claire stopped by and I was so glad to see him. On the 8th I showed Louise Steele pictures taken at their 50th anniversary. Cliff got here around 10:30. March 9th he & Marilyn announced their engagement. Sam was continuing to work on the church digging and did so most afternoons. March 14 I went to Mary Smith's to work on feather hats. Next day I went to Dr. Crowell and he said everything is OK. Great relief! Marilyn, Cliff, SB went to the late show while we went to Pearsons for supper the 16th. Jo Lee, Nancy and Betty Butcher were here to see M & C. March 17th. Rushes and Sam's mother came for dinner the 19th. Ruby came to talk and stayed for supper next night. We went to Sam's mothers for oyster soup March 22nd and to Cramers for supper, along with Marilyn's (Cramer) family, on the 23rd. Marilyn went to C-U on the 24th & we went to supper & a party at McLennan's. It began to snow & was blizzarding next day. The fire siren called Sam out at 3 a.m. and with Cal to Gilson but no use. Back at 5, roads difted & couldn't get thro in places. There were big drifts by March 26--no school. It was Corky's birthday so he asked SB there for the day to make i.c. & have fun. Marilyn got back from Champaign OK. Fred's were having mail carrier's there March 27th & we went to that. I finished my feather hat. I went to Canton with others to the spring rally March 28. WCF was the next day with only 12 there. The power was off & chilly! Marilyn sorted her room. We went to Fred's to celebrate Marilyn's birthday on April 3rd. Her last day to work was the 4th & friends had a party for her so she was late getting home. April 5 we left at 8 to take Marilyn to Illinois Research in Chicago for her last quarter's work in order to get a BSN. More snow! Louise Steele died on April 7--one of my best friends. More snow fell on the 12th. SB & I went to the Delong PTA program. On the 16th we served 200 at a business men's banquet. Tired! "Springy" feeling. Marilyn & Cliff came about 10 pm on the 18th. Next day Berniece, extra boys & we went to the old farm but couldn't cross the creek. Next day we went back in the truck and crossed with boots. Lovely! Marilyn & Cliff left for Chicago in the afternoon. Easter was the 21st and we went to Fred's along with Harshbarger's & Jeans. We took a ride to see Fred's projects in their new yellow Mercury. Marge Tolley, Helen and I were guests of Louise at a lovely Delphian luncheon on April 23. Next day I got the rugs made by D. Clark; Sam traded for a '56 Chevie. Moreys were here for dinner & a good visit the 28th. Four of us gave a playlet at WCF and Sam started the garden plowing on April 30. The BT luncheon was held at Knoxville Christian Church May 1 and Mary Smith went as my guest. Sam & I looked for mushrooms at the old farm next day & found 56. SB went to ball practice May 4th. I got busy cleaning closets April 7 and find so much saved which causes me to remember past events. I got the satin and tulle for Marilyn's wedding dress. On May10 Sam went to the orchestra banquet with Donnie Johnson and the 12th we went to Fred's for dinner. (Mother's Day). We went to KHS for a concert on May 14. SB couldn't find his uniform so couldn't be in it! On the 17th, the Gammons arrived. We met the 5:40 train expecting M. but she wasn't on it so we went back at 9:30. Cliff got here at 10. It wasn't picnic weather but lots of pingpong and ball was played and Fred's were over. All left on the 19th. Marilyn went back to Urbana with Cliff & then on the Chicago the 20th. I cleaned the brooder house and transferred the chicks gotten earlier to it May 21. There was a bridge party at Carlburgs that eve & mail carrier's party at Smith's in Wataga on May 22. SB & I went to KHS class day at Lake Storey the 24th. We had a flat tire and SB fixed it--1st time. Mrs. Sharp & I went to Alpha for trees and roses & later SB went back for an autograph party. The 30th I took Mrs. Cline to the Abingdon Cemetery and went on to Meridian. While taking boys to ball practice next day, I ran out of gas near Jim Chapman's. Moore's & Witherills came for supper June1 to celebrate Eleanor's bd. Next day we went to Joe and Berniece Howards for our class reunion. The Sams went to help Fred on June 3--I finished the poem I'd been writing for Marilyn. The BT Club went to Princeville to tour a peony farm on June 4. News of little Gammon #3 came on June 5! To Maxey Chapel I went with Gladys Cramer and Leita Bonney--long ride & glad to get home. Ball players home at ll pm! June 9 SB went to Daltons for dinner. Sam & I gardened (on Sunday!). To Lake B in eve--B, C or D movie. Several of us helped serve 58 at VBS. Sam was plowing beans for Fred at the Jackson place on June 17 while Sid & SB went to the Lake. We left for Chicago at 4:30 a.m June 21 to get to Navy Pier at 9. So proud of Patricia--BSN. Met Mrs. Long & she went with us to get M's things & then to dinner at Longs. Home at 8:30 & all tired. June 22 Marilyn went to Charlotte Davis's to check on her dress. Eleanor's arrived around 7:30 & Fred's were over for the eve. SB, Jack, Tommy & Jo slept in tents that night. Next day was the mail carrier's breakfast at Lincoln Park & we then went to Lake Bracken to picnic. Eleanor's left in the afternoon. Marilyn & I went to Galesburg to shop and get her air ticket June 24. She went to the dentist and to see Arla Peck about playing the organ at her wedding (Marilyn was flower girl at Arla's wedding & they chose the same date for their weddings!). We took Marilyn to Galesburg to take the train to Chicago June 26--one more parting. She flew to La Guardia, NYC the 27th & Cliff met her there & they went on to New London where she worked at the hospital there & Cliff worked at Electric Boat in Groton. The word on June 28, "The berries have me now". SB, Cork and John slept at Emory's pond that night. Next eve he to G. with Cork and John on tractor & not home til nearly 12! June 30th we went to K's for supper & bridge. I got low like I was. SB went to Lake B. with Brian. (July 1 is confusing)-Over to Ab. at 11 to leave SB at Fred's (on to Wis. later for vacation) to go to Moline. Sam went before 7 to receive (at the convention?). Sam went back to Moline the 3rd for closing sessions. I was washing & painting the basement floor. Cork, John & SB slept out that night til a big wind came. On the 4th we went to K's for supper & fireworks. The Sams were helping Fred hay on July 8. We made ice cream at Fred's next night and went to the band concert with them. SB & Larry Waters went to Lake B. the 13th, Cork & SB biked there the 15th & spent all day there the 16th. SB & Cork started detasseling July 19. His career doing that was mixed. He was wheeezy the 23rd, 25th and 30th, went to the fair with Cork all day Aug 1 and his last day was Aug. 2. We celebrated Sam's birthday at Lake B. July 21 with Fred's, Otie, Nannie Rush and Grandmother. Sherry and Patti were with us the 23rd. The 24th we went to a mail carrier's picnic at Lincoln Park and took the SS class (14) to Lake B. for a hamburger fry July 25. In between times...I was busy getting invitations and lining up pictures, mints & nuts. K's were out for a visit & cards July 30. Sam and Fred went to the fair (Knox Co) Aug. 2 and SB went with Brian and Sid in the eve. He went to Crapo Park with the Conleys Aug.4 and with Larry W. to camp out a few days on the 8th, returned the 10th. (What a social butterfly!). There was an ice cream supper at Dunbars Aug. 8 and Sherri fell in a tub of ice water! We were up at 1 a.m. on Aug. 11 and on our way to Chicago to meet Diane's plane at 6. All were weary by the time we got home. We had a fried chicken dinner but all were too tired to eat. Fred's came at 5 & we made choc. i.c. Next day the Sams were busy pouring concrete for the room at 10 acres. Diane went to Charlotte's with the material for her dress. I put Marilyn's picture in the paper. Diane and 3, SB & Corky went to Lake B to swim the 14th & we had a hamburger fuy there next night with Fred's, K's & Alan's. The 16th we went to St. Louis. The Gammon's house is real nice. Jack was working a late shift. We had delish spaghet. Aug. 18 we went shopping and Jack took the children to the zoo. After taking a ride (Sam & the women), we headed home, arriving at 6:30 the 19th. SB had asthma all day the 20th. Diane and 4 went to Nolands in Laura for a few days on the 22nd. I went to Galesburg alone Aug. 23 & shopped til I got what I wanted to wear to the wedding. On a trip to Abingdon on Aug. 26, I skidded on gravel on the angling rode and bounced around til the ditch stopped me. Next day I was feeling miserable. Dick brought Diane and family back the 28th. We went to Abingdon's centennial parade and it was just great. The first day of school for SB was Aug. 29. He is so good to help with Curt. On Sept. 1 Paul and Eunice came to take Diane's to Nolands. Marilyn called---they're in Chicago! She and Cliff came the 3rd around 6:15. The community shower for Marilyn was at the church Sept. 4 and she was surely showered. Cliff watched after Curt while we were there. Marilyn and I went to Abingdon in the afternoon to finish up on this n that. Cliff & Marilyn went to Galesburg with me the 5th & we got mints & groceries. Diane fixed a roast chicken dinner and we ladies went to Louise's for a lovely shower given by her and Diane. What a busy day Sept. 6 was--baking ham, cakes, Diane fixing 40-11 chicken sandwiches, fixing salad. Tom Lisle and Bob Lawson arrived from Chicago & were here for supper. Jolly boys. Eleanor's arrived at 7 and helped serve rehearsal buffet. Jack & T.L. slept out. Fred has the flu. Sept. 7--Marilyn's wedding day. We had a lovely family bkf. at Lake B., then to the church to get reception table set up. The wedding & reception all nice. Pictures! C's folks here to see Marilyn and Cliff open gifts. Next day was again lovely and we had breakfast at Lake B. for Mr. & Mrs. Long & the Canadian folks, Fred's too. Otie's brought borrowed bed for Gammons to take home. Quiet eve at last. Sept. 9 we left for Chicago at 11:15 and Diane's plane left at 4:40; we were home at 9:40. By the 10th Fred was feeling better. I paid Charlotte for making Marilyn's dress. Sept. 11 found me "groany", achey, hurting all over. The Sams got supper & I slept on & on I felt all of 57 on my birthday. I paid the flower bill in Abingdon (too high) and we went to Witherells for a surprise ? bd supper, Moores too. Marilyn and Cliff were back the 13th & went to Galesburg to shop in the eve while Sam went to the Corpus Christi/Abingdon game. SB went to Cuba by bus to see Knoxville lose to them. Next day M & C packed up and headed for C-U with some of their gifts. Fred's came to join us for dinner. Clara & Guy Haxton stopt for a minute. SB went hunting with Donnie J. Sept. 16 Haxtons joined Fred and us for a hamb. fry at the lake. I went with 36 other women (and 1 crabby bus driver) to Amana the 17th--Had to get up at 4:30. Quite a place. Lovely meal. The following eve, Sam & I went to the first Knoxville PTA while SB went to skit practice. Sept. 19 we went to Fred's for bar-b-qued pork and then the guys went to see Abingdon win over Monmouth. Supper was in a hotel there the 21st when we went to Saxer's party. Aunt Lena, Ida, Ruth & Mac were out to see the gifts. Cliff Rice died at 85 on Sept 22. SB stayed at Larry's Sept. 23 to work on the skit and float. We went to Cliff's funeral the 24th and then to see Kathryn and Dorothy. The following night we went with Witherells & Hannams to Rio to Horine's party for mail carrier's. Big crowd. SB went to homecoming on a double date the 26th & we went to K's for an inside picnic. Patti's bd was celebrated Sept. 29 with a picnic at Lake B. with Helen & girls. Next night we went to Bowman's for Sam's SS class weiner roast. SB was busy with basketball practice in Oct., went to Knoxville with Donnie J. to a weiner roast as Jackie's guest the 5th and to an FHA/FFA weiner roast, hayride and dance Oct.11th. I was reading "Hannah Fowler", picked up M & C's pictures the 4th. Sam hauled a load of water Oct. 11th. Eleanor's arrived that evening and Marilyn & Cliff the 12th. Sam, Jack, SB & Dan Hoyne went to see Knox beat Monmouth at M. Marilyn did their laundry at Fred's (!) and we had a picnic at Lake B. in the eve. Next day, Sun., we all went to SS, some to church, had a big dinner & all were gone by 4. Oct. 17th was a nutty day as I picked up & shelled walnuts & went hickory nutting. Gladys Cramer , Glenna & I served PTA lunch. SB called at 2 for me to come for him Oct. 21. He has flu along with over 100 others at KHS. By the 24th, school was cancelled due to flu but SB was feeling better. He was OK next day. Moores & Witherills came for supper & pinochle and Scamp, Fred's dog, had 5 pups! Sam & I felt punk briefly on Oct. 27 but were well enough to go to the firemen's fish fry in the eve. We were invited to Inez Cline's for supper the 29th along with Bertha Bond and Claude Davis. SB & Larry went to a party at Jackie's. There was a 20th anniversary tea for BT Club members Oct. 30--Leita Bonney & I the only charter members. Next night we had a SS party for 16 kids at the fire station (Halloween). Nov. 2nd, Pearsons and we went to Champaign to visit the newlyweds. We went to the Ill-Purdue game which Ill. lost. The band show was great and we went to the stunt show in the eve & it was enjoyable. After church at McKinley Foundation on Sun. we toured some fancy houses, had dinner and then made our way home. Willers were evening visitors on Nov. 3 and next day we had a sewing bee at Doris'. On the 5th I was so cripply I could scarcely get around. Why? Despite a catch in my hip on Nov. 8 I went out to dig up flowers. Larry W. was here for supper, the boys went to a party & then SB stayed at Larrys overnight. He went to basketball practice Nov. 12th with Sid as driver. On the 14th I did a lot of baking and SB, Mike Gregg and Larry came for fried chicken supper at 7:40! Carlsons were hosts for bridge on Nov. 16 and we ate at Scandia beforehand. Sherrie's birthday was celebrated with an indoor picnic as it was windy, cloudy & cold. Helen and girls joined us too and we got the big news of an addition to their family in the spring! Witherells were hosts for a jolly mail carrier's party on Nov. 20. Basketball practice continued for SB and on the 23rd he played with the orchestra for the senior class play. Men were working to put a basement in at the church and Sam spent many evenings working there. Mary Smith and I went nutting on Nov. 25...she gave me hers! Next day I subbed for Mary Lou in presenting a WCF play. There was a large crowd but & I didn't think the play interested them. We, along with Fred's, went to Gammons for Thanksgiving on the 28th. Next day we went shopping and to Cinerama and got in quite a traffic jam. We were home at 11pm. Pat and Sherry were here for the night on Nov. 30 and we had a SS party at the firehouse. By Dec. 3 the men had finished at the church. I had BT Club next day with 15 here. Dec. 5 we went to the Christian Church supper and to Fred's. SB was off dancing the 9th & 10th (BIC dance). I had the special number at WCF and did old "Sully" reading. I went to the school program & it was so good. On Dec. 12 we had a pancake/sausage supper at church with a big crowd and money success. The 14th the SS boys picked up iron & Sam took to Abingdon--$6.16 for one load and $16.80 for 1. Wot happened! Bridge gang to new drivein for supper & nice party at K's. Al called. Some of us trimmed the tree before church on Dec. 15. Sam & I were working on cards when Cora & Dick Nicely made a surprise visit. Sam's class had supper at church the 17th--big crowd. Next night the older class had an oyster supper. I put up the Christmas decorations & looked for the truck title which had vanished. We watched Jean Roberson and Marvin Wolford get married on TV on the 19th. Dec. 21 we received the news of the arrival of Lance Edward Gammon. We went to Bond's in Abingdon & decided on a stove. The Christmas program at church was Dec. 22 with gifts passed out after the program. A lighted picture of Jesus was presented to Sam from his class. The SS caroled 4 places afterward. SB reckless. Mr. Noland and Claree were here for a visit on the 23rd and Marilyn & Cliff arrived that eve. There was no white Christmas--rain instead. Berniece and Terry were out for a visit and lots of pingpong was played. Fred's came & we had a big supper and then our tree--lovely gifts. M & C headed back next day. Patti and Sherri were with us the 28th while Fred & Louise went to the tri cities to an ice show. Bill Wise came on Dec. 29 to give SB his driver's test! It was stormy on the 31st so we cancelled our plans to be with the K's. SB went to Gilson to a party at Jacqui's. 1958--Jan. 1 Fred called to say he was broken out--measles? On the 3rd we went to Laura to leave a box for Claree to take to Diane's. Then we went to Moore's for supper & cards & to plan the next mail carrier's party. On Jan. 4 we went to St. Louis to see cute little Lance--he's a doll. Fred was still not up to par when we got home next day. SB stayed here & got along OK. Sam took the next week off & we worked on several projects. There was a party at McLennan's. Basketball continued for SB & he went to a party at Jacqui's the 8th. A notation Jan. 13--"good day to work off worries of a small child". We went to Abingdon to see the Knoxville soph. team win Jan. 14. The varsity lost. I went to Glenna's to sewing the 16th & Fred's came for supper. Next night SB went to the Knoxville game & dance & we went to Oneida to see Abingdon win over ROVA. We got a new phone Jan. 20--3091 after years of 2 on now just lift the receiver instead of ringing! There was a SS party at the firehouse the 22nd. Sam wasn't feeling but but went to the church for a business mtg. We finished polishing our new stove. SB went to the dentist Jan. 25 and was told he had 16 cavities. He & Jacqui went to the Knoxville/Monmouth game. In the next month, he had several appointments for fillings! The WCF luncheon was the 28th and eating continued next day going to Olga's for sewing & dinner and to Scandia for the mailcarrier's supper. Jan. 30th we went to Galesburg and Sam went to the basketball tourney and I visited Berniece. SB went to the junior varsity tournament at ROVA the 31st. Fred's came for his birthday dinner on Feb. 1. I began the huge project of getting pictures into albums. I was also working on scrap books for Sherri & Patti & tying a cover for Lance. The BT Club mtg. was the 7th and in the eve Sam & I went to see Abingdon win 2 exciting games from Roseville. On sewing day at Lucille's Feb. 13, I began to feel punk, got supper for Sams & then retired to the couch where I slept all night! Next day I was no account but did a few things, got dressed at 5. We got lots of cards noting our 35 grand years together. Fred's came in the eve followed by Marilyn & Cliff. We celebrated with cake, ice cream, gifts of roses and an electric blanket! We tried it out, got the controls mixed & I was hot. Everyone but Sam, Lance and I went coasting on the 15th. Lance is so cute & good. There was lots of pingpong, talking & cards after supper. Next day it was 15 below. Most went to SS the 16th and we had a big dinner & then people packed up to go. SB. helped with the dishes! Went to the eye doctor Feb. 17 and took SB for 6 more fillings. Bob & Eleanor Blevins got their house! Sam wasn't feeling well so Guy Bates took the route next day. Sam felt well enough to try a new kind of weaving on a chair seat. We had a belated celebration of our anniversary on Feb. 19 with dinner at Scandia, clothes shopping for both of us and going to see "Old Yeller". We were invited to Nannie Rush's for dinner the 23rd along with Mary Baker, Mary Alice Rush Anderson & boys and Maggie Baker. In the eve the bridge gang met for supper at American Beauty and then came here to play cards. Glad our turn's over. Feb. 25 was WCF. SB drove the good car to school & went on to the dentist after school. The sew gals were here for dinner the 27th--lots of rags torn & sewn for rugs. March 1 we went to Champaign and went to the Ill-Mich. game with Marilyn and Cliff which Ill. won. Next day we went to McKinley Church, arriving late because we had a flat tire to change. We left after dinner & had a blowout on the way home. The BT luncheon was March 3 at Georgia's. McCoys invited us over to watch TV next night & Sam & I went while SB went to orchestra practice. The 8th he went to a dance and we went to McLennan's for supper along with the K's. We were with them again March 11th when we ate at Harbor Lights (once is enough) and then to Pearson's for cards. On March 13 Mary Smith had the sewing ladies for dinner, to tie a comforter & sew for rugs. Sam went to a fire mtg. in the eve. SB had lots of activities--went to a sports banquet the 14th, a dance the 15th (we went to Claude & Myrtle's for supper), baseball practice followed by orchestra practice on the 17th, the science fair the 18th, a Jester party the 21st and a surprise party for Corky the 22nd. I put sweet peas and some garden in March 19. We went to Yates City with Fred's to Hartman's party that eve. There was a KHS concert we went to March 23rd (Sun.), to tour Berniece's new house and then to K's for supper and cards. I was feeling so low on the 24th. I went to WCF where Mrs. Lisk from Knox spoke on "Japan Women". The 25th Sam said to go on route so I did. Helanders came for cards in the eve. I walked to Gladys Cramer's for sewing club March 26th & Sherrie Thompson followed me--"Wait for me, mama, mama". The church plates we ordered arrived & we have 144 to sell! The orchestra went to Wethersfield for a contest and got first on March 29. That eve SB went to Larry Water's for supper and teen dance. We went to Nannie's to see Robert's slides the 31st as did Roy and Gertie. Went to BT Club April 2 with only 7 there. SB cleaned the chicken house next day. On Marilyn's 25th bd, my comment was "Wish they were here". SB played a violin solo at church April 6. We went to Bernieces' for dinner along with Fred's, Claire's, Lois's and Sam's mother. On April 10th we had a chicken pie supper at church--needed more people to eat our chicken pie but cleared $265. Sam worked on the election board April 12th from 12-7. SB cleaned the brooder house. There was a rally for young people in Williamsfield and Mr. Willer & I took 12. SB & Cork went to Knoxville in the eve. Next day SB went to the Victoria boat show with Brian and Rex. On April 14th, my notation is "Elyse is 4 and I wish we could see her". Next day Tommy was 8 "& I'd like to pat him". There was a business men's banquet for athletes that eve which SB attended & for which I baked pies. We went to Viola's for sewing on April 17 but mostly spent our time in the woods gathering flowers. SB went to the orchestra contest in Moline on the 19th. Eleanor's, Marilyn & Cliff came April 25th. SB went to the Galva Relays. Marilyn & Cliff went to Pat Horan/Dick Bogart's wedding on the 26th. Eileen and Ruby were out to visit. Our Lake B. planned weiner roast was held in the orchard due to cold & windy conditions! Fred's were out & we had a jolly eve. Next day we all went to SS & Marilyn & I went to the woods--lovely! Fred's all were here for dinner and all were headed home by 4:30. We gave a playlet at WCF on April 29 and went to Bible study the 30th. Sam's mother and I went to the Congo Church Mother/Daughter banquet May 2. The Sams went to Knoxville for supper & operetta. Jean and company came May 3rd and Christy was here for the p.m. We went to Witherills for supper/cards in the eve. May 5th we had supper at Susie's with the bridge gang & then went to Endters. SB went to the music banquet. The BT dinner was held at Abingdon Congo Church May 6th. We went mushrooming at the old farm on the 7th & found 40. Word came on May 10 that Louise was going to the hospital. Patti & Sherri came to stay with us. Sam went to the Knox track meet. At 11:20 p.m., we got word that Louise and Fred have a son. Next day we had a picnic at Lake B. Patti went to stay with Riches so she wouldn't miss school. Mama pigs were having babies at this time too. On May 15th we went to the hosp. to see Louise and FWC Jr. I went to the dentist to see about getting a gold inlay on my front tooth. Louise and baby were discharged May 17th & we went to see the little boy at home. He's a doll. Cramers, Hopkins and we hosted a party for Wise's 25th anniversary at American Beauty on May 18 and then came back here for the rest of the evening. Several of us went to Hoxworth's in Williamsfield May 21 to hear Ruby Noland give a program on Panama. We got 50 little chicks next day.. May 25 we went to visit Cault & Bessie Turn, stopped at Meridian and stopped at Fred's & how FW grows! I went to class day May 26th, on to Lake Storey to soph. picnic. SB went back later for the Jester party.. He began to help John Hughes mow at the cemeteries. We went to KHS graduation the 28th. The mail carriers came here for a hamburger fry on May 29. We drove to Eleanor's May 30th & went to a double feature that eve. Next day all but Nancy Jo, Lance and I went to the Cardinals game which they won 10-9. On June 1 we left in order to get to our "20" class reunion at Mac's in Industry. There were 16 there. In the eve we played cards at Carlbergs. Marilyn and Cliff got here June 4th. In the eve they went to see Jean and Marvin Wolford and I went to a shower at Jean Rich's for Louise. Next day we had a picnic at the lake with K's, Berniece and Bob's. The Sams and Cliff were Fred's guests at a Father/Son banquet in Abingdon next eve. Marilyn and Cliff headed for Connecticut June 7th and I felt lonesome all day. SB to Knoxville in good car regardless. Weather didn't cooperate on the 9th so instead of going to the lake, we had Eleanor's birthday picnic on the porch. SB went to 4H. An old mama pig had 18 on the 10th. The peas too were prolific & I picked 4 1/2 gallon one time and also had lots of cherries and strawberries. I helped serve over 60 at VBS on June 13. The mail carrier's breakfast was the 15th & then we went to Harshbarger's for a picnic dinner. Sam and sons went to Orange Chapel June 18th for a Father/Son banquet. BT members took a trip to Macomb to tour Haeger Pottery June 19th. The Bible school program and dinner was an event of June 22. It was also eventful for Sam writing to the girls. SB slept in the tent June 24 and ended up wheezy. I gave the book report for WCF on June 25, "1 Life 2 Worlds". We had a Lake B picnic with Harshbarger's & Fred's June 28--1st for F Jr....4 more gallons of peas. July 4th we ate at the Huddle as K's guests and then enjoyed playing cards. Next day I took 12 boxes of berries to Vonna & SB went to a dance in Knoxville. On July 6th, SB went with B. Davis & others to New Bedford for ball games & Sam & I went to the lake for movies & fireworks. Fred's were here to pick berries & have supper with us the 8th. I was checking roads for danger spots July 9th...& learned Sherri has mumps. Berniece entertained with dinner at Club 19 for 12 of us followed by court whist on July 11. Marilyn & Cliff spent that weekend in New York City. SB went to Rex's with Brian --weeds, hay & swimming & he ended up with a bad time with breathing which continued on July 13. Mrs. C. was here for chicken dinner & we took her back to Galesburg & stopped at Newman i.c. supper. SB felt bad for several days but then was off to detassel the the rain the 19th, then to a dance while we went to Claude & Myrtle's We went to Fred's for dinner the 20th, along with Harshrbarger's & later to Carl H's for adult SS gathering. July 21 the bridgers came for supper & cards/birthday party. SB didn't detassel the 22nd--not enough breath. We went to the mail carrier's picnic at LIncoln Park. SB detasseled but shouldn't have. On July 24 we learned Pat has mumps. That eve we went to Lake Youngquist with Sharps to a regular revival mtg. After detasseling July 27, SB played in 2 ballgames--crazy man. People came to buy our pigs. We helped at the fair stand the 30th & 31st. (It cleared $950). Sam & I went to Galesburg about his tax complaint the 31st. Eleanor's arrived August 1 & Fred's were over. We had picnics (SB to auto races at K) and get togethers til the 3rd. Corn was in abundance & we froze 200 ears worth for us & then 24 pkgs. for Fred's. On August 11 we left for Calif., decided to drive instead of take the train, & went via Kansas, staying at Vera's that night. On to Royal Gorge with cottage at Cotopaxi, Co that night. We followed the Ark. R. many miles Aug. 13 ending up in Price, Utah. Next day we had a tour of Bryce Canyon and went to a really fine show that night. Aug. 15 we were at the rim at 8 to go on a walking tour to the bottom with a ranger. Then we went on to Zion for more walking & a show outside of Nat. parks. We drove from 8 to 8 the 16th stopping at Las Vegas at the Golden Nugget. Shocking! Got to Diane's & they were at a comm. mtg. Sun. the Sams & Al went to church & all to SS. Several came to swim. On Aug. 20th we went to Clair's...Took LInda & girl to movie, got a hotdog, back & talked til late pm. We went to LA Chinatown for dinner, drove thro' Hollywood. On Aug. 21 we went to Long Beach & had lunch with Marie, on to see turn off to see Nancy on the way back to Diane's. The 22nd we shopped & went to see Mary Purdy. Next day we went to fabulous Disneyland..walked miles & rode many rides..Great time. Clara & Guy came to call Aug. 24. Not agreeing on leaving tonite! Played cards & looked for snails. We did leave Aug. 25, stopping at Bertie & Lulu's for a 2 hr. visit. Left San B. at 5:30 to cross the riding on thro night. Stopt at Flagstaff to rest & nearly froze. Kept going to Dalhart, Texas to stay overnight the 26th. Next day we left at 6:30 & made it home at 1:30 a.m. the 28th. Unloaded & fell into bed. School started for SB that day & he took the car. I went to Mary's for sewing club dinner. We went to Lake B. the 31st with H's & Fred's for a cool picnic. Sept. 2 & SB wasnt feeling well--103 degree fever and that continued til the 5th when he felt well enough to go to a school party! Mr. Willer resigned Sept. 3. I was elected president of BT Club & Moore's & Witherill's were here for a picnic the 4th. K's came for cards & a visit the 6th. We went to Lake B. to celebrate L's birthday the 7th--M &C's first anniversary without them. They got here Sept. 9 & Fred & 3 were out to see them. Earlier that day the sewing gals went to Lake B & there was a surprise cake, cards & hankies for me. Fred's were over for an indoor "outing" the 10th & then M & C gathered up garden stuff & left the 11th. There was a community shower for Janet Link. We celebrated with Moores & Witherells the 12th I visited Aunt Lena the 16th & got the tatted star from Vera sent via Mac. SB was sick with a hurting head the 19th so we took him to Dr. B. in Abingdon. Fred's came for various garden produce before leaving for E's. SB was better Sept. 20th so we joined the others who'd arrived the prevous night. All went to the ball game that night except for the youngest 5 and I. We came home after Eleanor's birthday dinner, Pat & Sherri riding with us to Jacksonville. Sam was changing motors in latest new old car Sept. 22. SB got his first polio shot Sept. 23. We served supper for Rotary Sept. 24--$100 for 80. Easy way to make it. To Yates City to mail carrier's at Larson's. Sept. 27 SB to G. to have pictures taken--Roger too, then to mow at Haynes Cem., to dance at K. in eve. I wrote Jack Sept. 29. He's going to hosp. for surgery. I helped Georgia serve esc. chicken luncheon for first WCF mtg. Sept. 30. Book club was at Mary Lou's--me as pres. 1st time (again) Oct. 1. Gave book report too ("The Boys & their Mother") & then to Dahinda church supper & pinochle; Witherells too. Frost made it look like snow. Oct. 2 there was a combined mtg. at church--Hermon, London Mills, Cambridge ladies our guests. Fred & Sam saw Ab. win from Alexis Oct. 3 & Patti came home with us. SB went to Roseville with Courters. Next day the Sams went to see Knox beat Monmouth & Patti & I shopped, "Grama my feet are killing me!". We went to Janet Link's wedding at Ab. Meth. Church. Oct. 5 Leita & I to G. tea then toured Main St. & saw antique shows of Lincoln-Douglas debate. We went to the 100 anniversary parade of the debate Oct. 7 in the rain. Mess! The letterman's banquet was Oct. 9 & I took pies. We went to the parade & juniors won 1st. The guys went to football games in the eve. Oct. 10 we cleaned the church. SB went to skit practice & in eve wore new suit for homecoming til 2 o'clock. Sam's mother came for dinner after Ab. church Oct. 12 & we went to see Mable Woods. Courageous! Oct. 13 sent "fraternity" clothes to M (from Eleanor). Sam tarred garage roof & helped move counters from store to church. The chicken pie supper was held Oct. 15, Sam sold 283 tickets, fine supper & eve. 16--To Happy Hollow to Olga E's cottage for lovely dinner & time with Viola; to PTA, small crowd. 17--Sam tarring big garage roof; SB to K to all school dance 18--SB to Fred's to work; Sam to Knox College game while I shopped. 19--went on hayride/weiner roast--long & dusty. 22--Moores, W's here for Mildred's bd, pinochle. 23--Berniece, Eleanor out for day, dug razz plants for E. 24--Eleanor's here for dinner, to Fred's for supper 25--E doesn't feel good; SB to work for Fred; talked, cooked, ate. That's how visiting goes, 26--Biscuit bkf, all to SS; Fred's out for dinner; all gone by 3:45. 28--To church for WCF; such a small crowd; SB & I picked up rest of walnuts. 30--Saw school parade, trick & treaters calling in eve. 31--Helped with Congo SS class supper--served 30; Sam to K. to see Aledo win. Nov1--SB & Roger to work on Fred's bldg; Sam to see Knox win; I to see Kathryn. 2--To American Beauty for dinner, to K's for nice eve; came home in thick fog. 3--nearly finished burning the big stump. 5--Wild n windy; book club here with Lucille giving "The Long Long Trailer". 6--started on doll robe for Elyse; S. to "court" for Foy Carlson, to c. pie supper at Cong. & then to Fred's. 7--M & C came a little before 7; we 4 to see Ab/Bushnell finish season; SB to Jr. play. 8--SB working on F's shed; to K dance. 9--All to SS, Fred's over for dinner, Sherri staid all nite, M & C left in afternoon. 10--F & L to Susie's with Tolleys & Patti & Rickey here in eve. 12--Put Rickey's cover in frames & tied it, put feathers in 6 little pillows. 13--Sam & Rex getting corn for CROP, to firemens oyster/chili supper..dull & noisy place. Larry Watters with SB. 14--Did 4 line wash. How do we get so dirty?; SB with Roger to GAA & BIC dance. 15--I'm too slow with sewing..would starve if I had to support myself making doll clothes. 16--Knox chaplain had service; SB, Roger to Orph. 17--McL's, K's out for supper, pinochle. 18--Mrs. Fisher from G Congo gave splendid talk to WCF. So few of our women there; SB to Woodhull, K lost. 19--1st sewing day at Mary Smith's; to mail carrier's party at Cunningham's; Larry W. out with SB. Fred has flu; Rickey his first tooth. 21--S & I to PTA to see Brussels & it was Charlie McCoy!; SB to game at Yates City. 22--SB testing soil; to dance with Cork. Working on doll clothes for Patti & baby pillowcases. 24--SB to 4H skating with Courters SB with Brian to Ab-CC game 26--Gathering up to go to E & J's; SB to play cards at Rays with Brian & Cork. 27--Left for St. Louis at 8:15, there at 12:15. Lovely turkey dinner at 5 then lights went out; sang by candlelight, pig, pinochle. 28--5 in. of snow, -10 below, to stores awhile, left at 1. Ran out of gas before we could reach station. 30--to SS & Cong. church..few there; to Fred's for nice dinner & visit. SB to play BB at Gilson gym. Dec. 3--Book club at Glenna's.."Call Me Mother" by Viola. 4--Mother's sewing day at Florence Rose's; to Christian Church c. pie supper, eve at Fred's. 6--Got set for Patti, Sherri & Rickey; SB to G. to bb game with Jeff W. 7--Louise out for Rickey; P&S to SS with us & back to A with Sam. 8--Big snow--6 sewing club gals here & we did doll clothes, walnuts & pjs. To Harbor Lights & then Endters. 9--18 below; Fred & 3 for supper while L. had bridge club. 13--SB took 5 other boys to see GHS win from East Peoria--cold! Father & I glad to be home. 16-- 5 or 6 above. Hot! Worked on WCF devotional-"Holy spirit"-glad to be over with it. Only 14 there; why don't others come! 17--SB took kids to Galva Tourn; to Moores for nice eve, Kenny W. late. 18--Viola's for sewing day; cookie exchange, trimmed her tree. 20--To church & class fixed c. tree & had sack lunch. Faithful few. 21--Getting dinner & lid blew chicken fat off pressure pan. Oh what a mess. Fine program & then caroling. 24--To G. to finish up & see K's, Nelsons & ? M & C. arrived in eve. 25--To Otie's to see relatives; back for dinner & more wrapping; lazy eve & cards 26--M to dentist & they shopped all day; back at 6. E. called they'd be late & they were! 11:15. Fred's came about 8:30. Had our tree then! Lovely gifts. 27--Sam on 2 weeks vacation; Lance limp & not feeling good. Those gabbers kept us awake a talkin'. 28--We sleep everywhere; SB on cot in kitchen. All to SS. Had our Christmas dinner & E's left about 4. 29--SB to do soil samples, to 4-H dance in G. M & C left at 1:30. 30--Dinner at Scandia; Roger L too. SB 17. A flu bug too near; to bed early. 2 boys left with the 2 girls here. 31--down most of day. SB went out for eve? Sam & I had quiet eve; "Keys of Kingdom" over at 1:15. 1959--Jan 2--to ice show in Rock Island (met Fred's at H's). Great show & so pretty. Jan 10--SB bowling with Ed Rose, his first time. 21--Cold & drifting snow. No school; SB on route & got all but 3. I went with Sam to take those after Mr. Clark plowed road. Took all but 6 the 22nd; SB went again. 24--Club 19 for prime rib & McLennans for cards; fun & crazy people. Feb 1--Fred's bd dinner--Helen, Guy, Joann, Mrs. C. & Roger L. joined us. 13--Eleanor's arrived in fog. 14--Marilyn called to tell of arrival of Steven Allan. 15--Eleanor, Jack, the Sams to hear Fred take Rev Harris' place, left at 3:30. 16--to Ab. to ride in blonde '58 & Sam decided to buy it. 19--SB drove new car to school, came home at 12:30 & we three to Champaign. Sweet little boy, light eater, M. looked wobbly but says she's fine. 21--did washing with cleaned up machine, to see Ill beat Ind. in whizzer bb game. 22--only Cliff to church; his folks came for dinner & visit. 23--Don & Mary Noonan to visit & have cherry pudding with us. 25--Jean Baldwin, Pat Hook & baby, 2 nurses visited. 26--left on bus, dear Sam waiting for me at Peoria. So glad I'm home. Shocked to learn of Betty Bates ? & Homer E death. March 6--to K's for supper & pinochle along with McLennans. 11--to Mary Smith's; she sewed for me, I ironed for her. 12--to Ruth Cullens for b.d. party. 13--SB to athletic banquet; S & I to Scandia & pinochle at Carlbergs. At midnight a call for SB--car keys in his pocket, back to K. 14--put out fall bulbs, apple pie for firemen's dance. 15-- to see Betty Van Hoose in Maquon on way to Moreys for lovely dinner, nice visit. 16--SB started on bb practice; wonderful surprise to hear Diane calling. 18--Moores & Witherells here for turkey chow mein. 19--To Chillicothe with others for WCF Spring rally--125 there, speaker from Angola. Ruby Noland came for little visit in PM. 20-SB skipped school in PM & we didn't care for that. 22--Communion--Mr. & Mrs. John Clark. Berniece's here til 5. To see Mrs. Turner & Curreys. 23--Last sewing day til fall at Lucille's--nice dinner & time; Sam to sale. 25--Put new linoleum in kitchen; to mail carrier's party at Moores. 26--Cliff has 2 offers & a fellowship. SB taking soil samples, "boxing dirt" for Fred. Only 10 church plates left after 144 a year ago! 28--SB to help with Juniors car wash; sewed rest of scuffies. 29--Church full to hear Mr. Clark, 97 at SS. Sam & I to H's for dinner & supper; SB jammed around here. 30--Sam's stomach "funny". Bromoseltzer & sheer will got him able for cards at Pearsons & dinner at Club 19. 31--Only 13 at WCF; sick, to bed as soon as supper was ready. April 1--too no acct. to tie up Sam's knife & fork., felt ornery til 8:30. To Book Club at G.C's, nice program & time. 2--Mother's mtg. here--8 + 2 children, packed boxes & sewed. SB drove & staid up for science fair. 3--SS class here for bingo & games. 4--Sam mowed & disced garden. 6--Sam plowed garden & we put in 6 rows of "early". SB drove; late from baseball. 7--MCS to Ohio & Ind. 8--Mr & Mrs. Clark showed "Isle of Man" pictures. Big crowd; social eve. 11--K's out for supper, cards. 12--SS & Sam to Ab. church. To timber & got a lot of flowers & plants. Fred's here from 4-7. To see Mrs. Turner on 98th bd. 15--Gary Currey helping rake. 17--Sams to Father/son banquet at Ab. Cong. M, C & S & I had supper here. E & J's about 8. Fred's out til after 12. 18--Lots of activity. Pat & Sherry here for slumber party. FL & R out for supper, short stay. R. had fever. 19--All to SS & Sams , M & C to church. Fred's out for dinner. All left by 4. Got house in order & to Am. Beuty bridge dinner & then cards here. Big day. 20--back to bed til 10:30, helped clean church, cracked nuts. 21--tea at church--63 there; short, nice program. SB staid in for sr. class play. 24--to see G. Cramer at hosp, helped with shower, small crowd. SB to operetta. 27--to see Berniece at Cottage--flu & back bothering her. 28--Esther Palmer's to lovely bd supper. 28--Sam to K to see SB's ball game; to Wmsfield to Marion Hoxworth party. 30--to Witherells for supper & pinochle. May 1--Danny brought us a Maybasket, looked for mushrooms all PM--32. To Ab. to AKR relays. K. won. To Fred's awhile (Confusing) May 2--Weiner roast/slumber party, to woods with Sherri, Pat, Raney & Susie. Jr. Sr. Prom at Custer & SB at Larry's. 3--Hot pancakes for girls & got them off before SS & church. To Fred's for Helen's bd dinner. 4--SB on bus to Roseville for game, bus broke down, home after 10. 5--Looked for mushrooms in Raph H's. Sam got 3, me 0..& we got lost from each other!! I was scared. 7--Mother/daughter banquet at Congo with Sam's mother, Mary Alice too. Sam staid with Rickey. 9---Husband's guest banquet at Scandia. 10--Rickey baptized at Ab. Congo, to Lake B. for hambs & nice time. 13--to see Berniece on her 56th, to Hotel Custer for buffet dinner, to Saxers for cards. 15--put feathers in 5 little pillows. 18--learned of Marie Lyman's death. 20--Up at 6, rode vistadome to Chicago-up to tour with Mary over Prudential Bldg. Lunch at Narcissus room at M. Fields. Called Mrs. Long. To Shubert Theater, "Music Man" very good. Train left at 6, home before 9:30. Supper at G. Big day. 21--Put pale green washable wallpaper on bathroom, looks so nice. SB staid in for ballgame. 22--Fred's to Froehlings in Canton all nite. Three stayed here. 25--last day of school for SB. 26--SB to Jester party. 29--To cemeteries, SB to G. with Woolsey & Cork. 30--To Champaign. To Union bldg. for band concert, 1/2 gal. sundaes! 31--to church, took Stevie while M & C to choir reception, picnicked at Lake of the Woods, left at 3, home at 6. June 1--bd dinner at Viola's for Gladys Cramer of sewing gals. 2--took berries to Berniece as S. L. got teeth. To Lake B for supper & eve for Eleanor's bd. Witherells et al to play pinochle at home. 4--more berries to pick; our best crop. 5--BT sack lunches on front porch. Served berries, coffee & iced tea. 6--to Bill Wise's wedding at G Meth Church. To K's to play bridge. SB to auto races. 7--Sam & I to Lake B. for class of '20 reunion. Poor meal for $2. 16 there. I get tired talking. 9--SB at Ab. & met Sally D. Don't ever get thro' with things. 10--SB & Brian had dates with S & S. 11--To Patti's piano recital at Meth. Church & she did fine. 12--to see Kathryn Rice; she's moving to Calif. 12--SB helping Markleys, to see Sally again. 19--SB & I cleaning back garage. We need a medal. Father says, "I can't find a thing now"! 20--SB helping Fred Cook hay-wore a respirator but short of breath in night. 25--made 80 cookies for VBS. 26--3 stayed here while F & L to G. to celebrate for H & G 40th anniversary. 27--SB working at Benner's & then to see Sally D. 28--School reunion, not too many. Clair's here, then on to his mother's & Roy's; Otis, Nannie here for supper, 29--Linda was my shadow; C & G to Gburg; Fred's out in eve. July 1--Chilly & windy so picnic had to be here--20-Roy's, Claude, Otie, Nannie, Mary & boys, Mrs. C. 2--Lovely, fixed picnic & went to Lake B; 3 of us, 3 of Clair's. C's to his mother's for supper. Oackle & Perry to call. 2--Left at 5:10 & to McDonnell's 20th ann. air show...thrilling. M,C & S arrived at 9. 4--Fred's came about 11. Most to ballgame; in eve to opera (all but babies) to "Oh Captain". Fine. 5--Fred ended up in tent; many to church, lovely turkey dinner; we left at 3 with Rickey; MC & S too. SB off to ball game. 9--F L & girls back about 8 to get Rickey. 10--Got material for Stevie's cover at last. 11--Goldie here to call; Marsh to hosp. so I took them; SB to work at 12. Fixed picnic & to Happy Hollow with Moores & W's & to play pinochle. 12--To Lake B for bkf with Wises & Bowmans; SB to Benner picnic. To Newman i.c.supper. 16--Vera called from Claire's; here with Mabel & Cliff. 19--SB to G to take inventory, to Macomb for eve. Fred's out for dinner, to see old store. 22--Moore's came & we went to Bowman's for mail carrier's picnic. 23--to Berniece's for dinner, to Lake for Sam's bd dinner, Fred's & H's too. 24--SB off to detassel. 26--To Lake B for Walker reunion & 26 there, Patty to Camp Shaubena. Vera home with us. 29--SB detasseling; working at church--painting, curtains, varnishing floor; Sam working on Fred's shed. 30--fixed corn for freezer; to K's for supper. 31--Lots of people at church for putting it back together; looks so nice. Aug. 1--SS resumed with 64 there; SB to Macomb; to union service at fair. 3--wringer quit & Sam to Ab for new roller. 4--to fair to work & had to carry potato salad in. Lots of hungry people; worked from 2-11. 6--to fair stand; all Knox Co there, home at 1 a.m. 10--SS class to Lake B. for hambs.; all scattered. Last time. 11--Everett C. brot Vera & she began on slip cover for big rocker. 13--Sams painting east room at church. Picnic at Lake B. for F & L's ann; H's too. 14--Vera finished big braided rug; finished painting east room. E & J's here about 8. 15--Picnic at Lake B; K's & Alan's too. P & S stayed overnight; TL upset stomach. 16--SB to inventory, play ball in eve. Patti played piano number at SS. E's left about 3:30; L. helped me do dishes. Lois to get Vera. 17--SB & iron kettle meet-he to Macomb. 18--Put Stevie's cover in frames to tie. Sat in Dr. Crowell's most of pm; got relieved tho. Felt so ornery & to bed early. All in. 19--feel great again. 22--Bkf at Lake B for bd gals; new bingo & all got prizes. 23--Fred's left Rickey here & to Orph to see S. Pacific. 24--To Ida B's for lovely dinner; Vera & Berniece too & then to see Aunt Lena. 26--MC & S here in afternoon; Stevie so sweet. Vera got 2nd on tatting; 3rd on rug at fall festival. To Fred's. 27--Berniece, Eleanor, Terry, Patty, Vera, Fred, girls & Ricky here in eve. M & C to G. to shop. Stevie good boy. 28--M& C sorting upstairs. Eleanor's here about 3:30 from their vacation. Picnicked at Lake B, Fred's & Vera too. 29--E's to Lake B.; picked limas & E helped hull. 30--Jack, Fred & children to swim at Lake B, all picnicked there. MC & S up to nurses later, then left at 6. All but S & Lance back for punk show. 31--Claire here before bkf for Vera. SB off to school. S, E, J & F to Bunker Links for golf. Sept 1--Jack & Fred played golf at Lake B. Eleanor, Nancy, Lance & I to call a little & get 18 doz. eggs at Bates. 2--E & J left at 10:30; to dessert at Leita's-BT; panel discussion on medicine. Reelected pres. To G. in eve to see Delong boys win. 3--Eva's to mother's mtg.; Witherells for supper for Moores--poor croquet & good pinochle. 4--Sam spraying paint on house; SB staid in for initiation of freshmen. 6--Roger L. to stay all night. Class put painted bulletin board up at church. Looks great. 7--Picnicked on Jo & Art's boat at Lake B; Fred's too, Louise's bd. Hot but fun on lake. 8--So hot school out early. 10--aching & chills put me to bed at 3:30. 11--feel terrible & coughing began. 12--I'm sposed to be 59 --must be 95. So no acct. Vonna brot Vera but she didn't stay. 13--no good yet, surely hangs on; SB to take inventory. S. to SS; K's here in eve. Misery came back. 14--worst nite yet-coughing & stomach hurt. To Dr. M. 4 days late! Shot of penic. 15--still worthless; get well cards coming now. 17--Hazel T. in & brot her "equipment" Gave me needed relief & on the mend now. Just get 0 done. 19--did wash, baked rolls; SB to work. Big day for me! 20--SS large class..lay & sleep!! SB to Macomb with Sam Wier. 23--mail carriers at Anderson's in Victoria. 24--To Mary Smith's for lovely bd dinner for 4 of us. Such a nice day--SB working for himself. 25--had hair done in french roll; to bridge at Carlson's. 27--Fred's & H's to ice show at Peoria so Rickey staid here. So cute. Fixed lunch for all when they got home. SB & Sam Wier to Macomb. 28--SB to have picture taken in G. 29--Georgia & I did WCF program, "Who Am I?" Not enuf come-why? 30--Witherells, Moores here for supper, cards. Oct.1--SB worked 12-6, to Macomb with Jeff Woolsey & his girl. 9--Sam & I left for BG, dinner at N. Judson, IN; BG at 5. All fine. 10--S & C looked at cars, C. to fancy lunch then to take tickets. S & M. to homecoming game. Toured town later, pinochled. 11--After church & dinner, to Toledo to look at cars. M & C. went to get us tomatoes. 13--Left M's before 8, here by 5:30; nice to be home safely. 15--KHS homecoming parade with G.C, Helen, Roger, dessert & coffee at Helen's. Sam to see K. beat Roseville; I in kitchen made a barrel of coffee & cooked hot dogs. 16--to G. to have treatment from Dr. Larson on right hip & foot. Sam at church. Noone knows the time & hours he gives. To KHS to help in cafeteria 6:30-7:30. Fair program. SB did well as MC. 17--All in, went to bed after dinner. To K's for supper & cards. 18--Firehouse fish fry at 6:30; SB & Ed Brown to Ab. Cong to youth rally. 20--got a peck of hickory nuts at Hopkins. 21--SB to Macomb with Fred when he went to class at Western. 25--SB with Gene H. & to Macomb at 4:30. Roger L. tonsillitis & couldn't go. Fred's out for early eve. 27--Mrs. Hedden speaker at eve WCF; very short talk for $10--about 30 there. 29--Chicken pie supper/bazaar over 300 attending. 30--Took $398.60 to bank; 16 trick or treaters. 31 Laveta called to tell us of Ray Saxer's death. SB wheezy after being in rain at game but went to work at 12. To see Edythe & Shirley, to K's. Nov 2--SB to school til noon & to win pingpong champ & then home to bed. Sam at church working. 3--SB to Dr. M. for penicillin shot; we to funeral. 4--Lucille Courter's for first BT club of new year. 6--Eleanor's arrived about 8:30; SB to Macomb to stay all nite with Ray & other boys. 7--Sam on vacation for week; helped with final cleanup at church. Hickory nuts at Smiths, E & J. took F & L out on dinner bet. 8--Homecoming at church. Big crowd & nice program after 79 at SS. Fred's here for dinner; E's left at 3:30. 10--Fred, Rickey out most of am; Fred on vacation too. To G.C's for sewing club. To PTA chili supper; a large crowd. 14--Sam carrying mail & roads never so slick. K's, (34th anniversary),Blanche out for supper; moved here 29 years ago. 18--Called Flora--Bobby Bates died during operation. 19--Poor Sammy so sick & scared me so-stomach upset. Kenneth Nelson helped relieve him. 20--Fred brought 3 out & they to Peoria for his 32nd degree. Sam to Maquon men's turkey supper. 21--Children happy & busy; to Bobby's funeral, so sad. 22--To SS & Ab church-so few there. To F&L's for lovely dinner & nice visit. 23--sprayed water on basement ceiling, Sam sprayed paint on everything ? & it looks much better. SB to jr. class play & all nite at Roger L's. 24--To WCF & small crowd. How to get folks interested biggest problem. 25--Sam & I to Ab Christian church union Thanksgiving; SB worked. Then to Otis & Nannie's. 26--Too much snow to go to E & J's Sam decided. So disappointed. Helen called to ask us up there; lovely dinner & day. Sam, Fred, SB & girls went bowling. 29--To SS & felt I should have staid at home. no response. To see Mary Lou & Guy. 30--Sewing club at Mary Smith's. Dec. 1--To Farm Bureau oyster supper at church. 2--Cleaned house; book club, made cookies, helped with shower. 3--To Ab Christian church c pie supper & to Fred's. Called Nolands & Paul doing OK from neck operation. 6--Roger L. here & he & SB "ended up" at Macomb. 8--To Moores with Witherill's for supper & cards. 9--washed basement floors & it was never so clean. 10--Mother's mtg. at Florence Roses. 12--Sam met Diane's train at 15 of 11. F,L & R came, then Nolands, Paul & Stevie. 13--All to SS & B & R had piano duets; S & D to church. Dec. 15--D. sang at WCF; Dad kept Curt & B & Eric visited school. 16--To Doris Paulsgrove's for sew club; Elyse & Curt too & boys with Sam. Had cookie exchange. Fred's out in eve to show slides. 17--Took Diane's to Chillicothe & wanted to bring her home. 20--SS, big class; baked rolls to give away; nice program in eve. Went carolling usual places & took 4 kids home. SB drove safely. 21--World like fairyland; finished shopping! 22--Diane's back at 1:30; Sam got tree-so pretty-Diane & children trimmed it. MC & S arrived after 6. Happy bustly time. Long talks in eve. So jolly. 23--Everyone enjoying day together; Eric with Sam on route; Glenna brought beautiful angel food cake. 24--Cliff & Bruce on route with Sam; lots of gifts for him. Children to movie at Ab; girls made calls on Aunt Lena, Verna, Mrs. Way. E & J's arrived at 7:30. To Fred's for big eve; L's folks too. Clark Sells took family pictures. 25--Tom had earache; no sleep last night. Dinner at 1:30 & then our lovely tree. F & L's on to H's in eve. 26--Nannie, Otis & Mary B. here in am.; many to G. to bowl. Berniece & Patti down for pm. E's good spaghetti; M's good salad for supper. 27--All to SS; Fred's too. Charlie Mc here & took family pictures. E & J's left about 2:30. 28--M & C. to G to shop & had lots of luck. Diane, Bruce, Eric to Ab. laundromat. My little 3 so good. Fred's out for supper. Bonnie, Sally & Ann to call in eve. 29--Not sure of stomach. MCS left at 8:30. Diane packing & to G. after supper; to Berniece's & on to Santa Fe station; train late. 30--Nancy Jo had hernia surgery; took SB out to dinner at Scandia. 31--SB to Macomb to stand on his head ? and get a ticket; we to K's for nice eve. Gladys Walker Book Report of "David Copperfield" April 10, 1919 Charles Dickens was born in Portsea, England on February 12, 1812. His father, from whom he drew Mr. Micawber, never was able to support his large family and the only visitors who ever came to his mother's "Boarding Establishment for Young Ladies" were creditors. At eleven Charles was set to pasting labels on bottles in a shoe blacking factory. His childhood was never happy. He was sent to school for a short time but he never received a good education; and at sixteen he tried his hand at newspaper reporting. He was in love with a girl as he pictures Dora in "David Copperfield" but did not win her. He married Catherine Hogarth in 1836. By this time he was more than a reporter. His "Sketches by Boz" had attracted a great deal of attention. He now turned to novel writing and continued with this until his death. His most famous works are: "Oliver Twist", "Nicholas Nickleby, "Old Curiosity Shop", "Pickwick Papers", "Tale of Two Cities" and "David Copperfield". Setting: Time Middle of Nineteenth Century Place Around Canterbury, England Synopsis David Copperfield was born at Blunderstorie, England six months after the death of his young father. On the evening of David's birth, his mother was sitting in her cosey parlor when someone opened the door and entered the room. This person was Miss Betsey Trotwood who was the aunt of David's father and, knowing the child was to be born to her nephew's wife, had come to take care of it on condition that it was a girl, who might be named after her. Miss Betsey waited patiently in the parlor until Dr. Chillip announced the baby as being a boy. She immediately walked from the room with a determined face and vanished as a fairy might. About the first remembrance of anything David had was his mother with her pretty face, hair and youthful shape and Peggotty, the servant, with no shape at all but with eyes shining brightly and face beaming with love. They were kneeling on the floor and he was walking unsteadily from one to the other. He next remembered his home, the Rookery. On the ground floor was Peggotty's kitchen, opening into a backyard..then the pleasant parlors, the view of the churchyard where his father lay buried and their pew in church. His first unpleasant remembrance was of a man with black hair and whiskers who walked home from church with his mother. Then his mother began to go to parties and be with this man a great deal but still David disliked him very much. One evening Peggotty asked David if he would like to go with her to her brother's at Yarmouth for a two weeks visit. David was very anxious to go so in a few days they started in a carrier's cart driven by Mr. Barkis, who was in love with Peggotty. Peggotty's brother was a fisherman and lived in a houseboat. It was a charming little home and when David saw it, he fell in love with everything and everybody: Mr. Peggotty, Little Emily, a niece and Ham, a nephew of Mr. Peggotty and Mrs. Gummidge, his housekeeper and the wife of his dead partner. David had a happy time here and was very sorry when the two weeks were over and well he might be too, for when he returned home, he found his mother had married the disagreeable man with black whiskers whose name was Mr. Murdstone. Life was greatly changed now for the tender hearted little boy. The sister of his new father lived with them also and did everything she could to make things uncomfortable for him. Instead of being able to enjoy his mother in the old way, he was not allowed to be with her alone for any length of time. His studies were attended to now by his father and his sister. He really did learn his lessons and could have recited had they not frightened him so. One day he received a flogging for not knowing them and as his father was striking him, David caught his hand between his teeth and bit through the flesh. For this offense he was sent in disgrace, against the wishes and entreaties of his mother, to school at Salem House, a wretched academy for boys, superintended by a cruel, heartless fellow whose name was Mr. Creakle. At this school David's closest friends were James Steerforth and Tommy Traddles. Steerforth was lord and master over all of the pupils and teachers. Even Creakle gave in to him because of his wealth and influence. Steerforth was greatly attracted towards David and was always very kind to him. Traddles was always getting into trouble but was as good natured as could be and would always do anything for David. David's school life was never very pleasant but it did not last long for, on his birthday, he was called into the parlors and told that his mother was dead. He was stunned with the news and was sent home at once, never to return to Creakle's school again. He went home by the way of Yarmouth and was met by Mr. Omer, a draper, tailor and funeral furnisher. His workman was making David's mother's coffin and also a mourning outfit for David. When David reached home, he was met by Peggotty, who tried to comfort him and told him that his mother died in her arms. Also, that a little baby brother had died and would be buried in his mother's arms. After the funeral David was badly neglected except for the time he went down to visit Peggotty and her brother. He was treated kindly by all here. He still thought Emily the loveliest girl he knew and he also noticed how Ham adored her. David and Emily went with Peggotty and Mr. Barkis to be married and also to the little cottage in which they were to live. He was compelled to return home shortly where Mr. Murdstone put him in the charge of a friend who was going to London. Here David was put to work in a warehouse. He worked hard all day and then went to his room at the Micawber's. The Micawber family consisted of Mr. Micawber, Mrs. Micawber, his wife, Master Micawber age 4, Miss Micawber age 3 and a pair of twins. Mr. Micawber engaged in the commission business and while not very prosperous at present was always looking for something to "turn up". He was in debt for nearly everything he possessed and was very worried for fear he would be put in prison for debt and he was. David's wages at the warehouse were so few, his room used at his home so wretched and his outlook was so dark that he resolved to run away from it all. He decided to go to his Aunt Betsey Trotwood. He wrote to Peggotty to find out where she lived and after receiving the address, went to the prison to bid the Micawbers goodbye. After taking leave of the kind friends who had been such a comfort to him, David set out on his long journey to Dover. He walked miles and miles until he was too tired to go any further and then laid down at the foot of a straw stack until morning. Upon awakening he saw that he was at the school of Creakle's. He hurried on, being very thankful that he was not going to school there any more. It was a very ragged, tired, hungry little boy that told his pitiful story to his kindhearted aunt on that lovely summer day. Betsey asked Mr Dick, her cousin, who was making his home with her, what to do with David. Mr. Dick said to keep him, then clothe, feed and school him. As Miss Betsey thought everything Mr. Dick said was the thing to do, she acted accordingly. Miss Betsey kept David at her home for most of the summer, fed him until he was healthy and plumb(sic), clothed him well and treated him as a son. She insisted, however, on calling him Trotwood for "the girl he should have been" as she expressed it. One day she called David to her and asked if he wished to go to school. He told her he would so Miss Betsey got his clothing ready and the next morning they started for Canterbury. It was arranged that David would go to school at Dr. Strong's school for boys and that he would board at Mr. Wickfield's home. Mr. Wickfield was Miss Betsey's lawyer and all of her property was intrusted in his hands. In his employ as a helper, was Uriah Heep, an ugly, fawning, repulsive person who professed to be humble and low but really was tricky and cunning. David took a great dislike to this homely creature and did not trust him. He thought that Uriah was getting more power from Mr. Wickfield all of the time. Mr. Wickfield had a passionate desire for wine and in spite of the intreaties of Agnes, his dearly beloved daughter, he could not refrain from taking it in great quantities. Agnes was his little housekeeper, a girl of about twelve years, with a sweet and gentle disposition. She treated David very kindly and the children soon became warm friends and companions. After David finished school at Canterbury, he returned home where his aunt told him she thought it a good plan for him to travel about for a while, before deciding upon the branch of life he would enter. So David set out to Yarmouth to see the Peggottys: to Canterbury to see Mr. Wickfield and his friends there and to London to see the sights. While stopping at one of the inns along the way, David met his old friend Steerforth, who persuaded him to go to his home and stay a week before going on to Yarmouth. David did this and also persuaded Steerforth to accompany him to the Peggotty home. When they arrived at Yarmouth, they were received with much warmth by all. Steerforth, upon seeing Emily, was very preoccupied and greatly changed. Emily was engaged to be married to Ham, her uncle's nephew but did not act quite as happy and satisfied as she should. David received a letter from his aunt about this time asking him to come to London where she was staying. He joined her at Doctor's Commons and they took rooms at a private hotel. They visited the law offices of Spenlow and Jorkins and decided that David would enter their offices as a lawyer. Miss Betsey returned home and David entered upon his work with great enthusiasm. Mr. Spenlow invited David to go home with him for a weekend visit. David accepted the invitation and when he arrived there, fell deeply in love with Dora, the only child of Mr. Spenlow. Dora fell equally in love with David so they were very happy together. About this time, Steerforth came to London and hunted David up. He brought a party of friends with him and made David feel like he should give them a party, consequently an evening with a great deal of wine and intoxicating drinks. At this rate David soon became drunk and foolish. The fellows proposed a theatre party and upon arriving there, found themselves behind Agnes Wickfield and some friends with whom she was visiting. Agnes was very shocked and asked David to come to see her the next day. He did so and Agnes told him to beware of the friendship of Steerforth. This set David to thinking more and more that Agnes was his good angel and Steerforth his bad angel. Not long after this, David went down to Yarmouth and found things in a sad condition. Peggotty's husband, Mr. Barkis had died but worst of all, Emily had run away with Steerforth the night before she was to be married. Mr. Peggotty was terribly shocked but was determined to find her if it took the rest of his lifetime. Ham was cut to the quick but was determined to keep a brave heart and go on with his life of helpfulness and kindness to others. David felt very sorry he had ever invited Steerforth to Yarmouth. Dora and David became more and more in love so David decided to ask Mr. Spenlow for her hand in marriage. He did so but was refused sternly. What should happen on that very day but Mr. Spenlow to be thrown from his carriage when returning home and to be killed. David waited until Dora could recover from the shock and then went to see her again. She lived with two of her father's sisters, two old ladies who were very much in love with this lovely, dainty and sweet child. Uriah Heep came upon the Micawber family and took Micawber in as a partner. Uriah had cheated Mr. Wickfield out of all of his possessions and had even tried to force Agnes to marry him but of course she would not do so. The weighing down of this knowledge of so much trickery was too much for Mr. Micawber so he disclosed the whole secret to David and his friends, much to the rage of Heep who was put in prison for a long term of years. The marriage of David and Dora was a happy affair and reaped great joy for several years. Then Dora began to fade, fade away and finally died. The grief of David was almost unbearable. He was now famous as a writer and he decided to travel about to help him to ease his grief. Just before he started, Emily returned to the shelter of her kind uncle. She wanted to get away from everybody she knew so David suggested that they go to Australia with the Micawbers who were going there to get a new start in life. David was very happy that his friends were so happily settled so after he got them safely off, he went down to Yarmouth to bid Ham goodbye before starting out. When he got there he could not find Ham and a big storm was raging on the sea. David went to the hotel and was just asleep when he was told to hurry down to the beach to see the shipwreck. The people watched breathlessly the movements of the ship. Finally all of the crew were washed under and only one man was left. About this time Ham appeared and started out with a rope about his waist to rescue the man. Just as he got to the ship he was washed under, drowned and pulled back to David's feet. Later a body was washed ashore and David was asked to go and identify it. David went and who should it be but Steerforth. This affected David strangely to think that Ham had given his life trying to save the man who had wronged him. He left for the mountains soon after this and wandered here and there for several years, writing some of his best works up where everything was so still and peaceful. But all the time he received letters of encouragement from Agnes, his dearest of friends, his guiding star. At last the separation became unbearable so he went back to Agnes to see if she could love him as his wife rather than as a friend. She told him she had loved him always and so they were married. We now leave our friends very happy. Agnes and David in unending joy surrounded by little children in their happy home, the Micawbers, Peggotty and Emily enjoying health, happiness and prosperity in Australia and Miss Betsey and Mr. Dick leading a contented life in the little cottage in Dover. Clara Peggotty Barkis was the faithful and loving servant of Mrs. Copperfield. She loved her as a daughter and cared for her as such. She treated David kindly and loved him dearly. She hated Mr. and Miss Murdstone with an intense hatred. Peggotty was a good dutiful wife to Mr. Barkis. She was a good, strong, cheerful, loving and faithful woman to those she loved. I think that David Copperfield is a ? novel. It is a book that has lived and will live for the reason that the story is true to life now and and in the years to come. It is interesting to read, a good plot runs through it and it gives good pictures of all types of people, the kind, cunning and simple fisherman. It is a book that you do not tire of reading. FINIS TO Gladys from Mrs. Cramer ("after reading of Freddie's approaching marriage, I thought you might need this little poem.) Here is the little poem that helped & I thought you might like to read.") The Mother It's hard to see my children go Out in the world away from me, Yet life has ever ruled it so And life is wise. Youth should be free To seek its goals with joyous zest; My love would be a selfish thing To hold my fledglings in the nest When they are ready to take wing. Love called me, and with willing feet I followed where its summons led, I've known the bitter & the sweet And as the busy years have sped I've made a home, as those I left Had made a home for me. Shall I Complain because I am bereft? Ah no, my heart shall still beat high! If I have woven strong and true The warp & woof of Mother love My children, as they battle through Life struggle, shall be conscious of The truth and faith they learned at home And I shall know they won't forget. Bravely I send them forth to roam Nor let them see my eyes are wet. Book Report of "Pilgrim's Progress" Sketch of author's life John Bunyan was born in the hamlet of Elstow, near Bedford in 1828. His father was a tinker. While a youth he followed his father's trade. He was a leader of the village games, tip cat and dancing. About the time of his marriage he began to have visions, depressions and yearnings. Soon after this he was baptized and two years later became a deacon. Almost instantly he became famous as a preacher. At the Restoration he was imprisoned but was released by the Indulgence Act. He was again imprisoned by the Test Act but gained his freedom through the efforts of Dr. Owen and Bishop Barlow. After his release he labored unceasingly in good works and preaching. He wrote pamphlets, sermons and religious allegories. Of these the two most important are: "Grace Abounding", in which he tells of his conversion and "The Pilgrim's Progress". He died in 1888. "Pilgrim's Progress" was written during Bunyan's imprisonment in Bedford jail. Setting: Time: Anytime Place: Anywhere Synopsis of the Story Christian, or anyman, starts out to find the Celestial city, with a large burden on his back, but with the book of God in his hand. Pliable starts with him but when they reach the Slough of Despond he becomes angry and returns home. After Christian gets out of the Slough by the assitance of Help, he is met by the Worldly Wiseman who advises him to go to the village of Morality where Legality and Civility will help him get rid of his burden. Christian starts to this village but when he gets to the foot of Mt. Sinai he becomes frightened; because he is sorry he has taken Mr. Worldly Wisemans advice. Almost immediately he sees Evangelist coming to meet him. He is very ashamed for it was Evangelist who directed him to Heaven. Evangelist comforts him and tells him to go on to the Gate. When Christian gets to the Gate, Goodwill allows him to enter. As Christian starts on his narrow way, he is directed by Goodwill to go to Interpreter who will show him excellent things. Christian goes to the house of Interpreter who shows him Christ's picture, two small children; Passion who is very unhappy and wants all this year and Patience, who is contented and who is willing to wait for joy. Interpreter now shows him Despair who is locked in an Iron Cage. After Interpreter had shown Christian many things and given him good advice Christian starts out again on a highway fenced on either side by a Wall--Salvation. Chrisian begins to run and comes to a Cross and a Sepulcher. Just as he gets here, his burden loosens from his shoulders and falls in the Sepulcher and is seen no more. As Christian journeys on, he comes upon three men fast asleep whose names are Sloth, Simple and Presumption. He doesn't bother them and very soon he sees Formalist and Hypocrisie who try to persuade the Christian that he is going on a foolish journey. Close by is a Hill and a Spring. The Hill is very steep but after Christian drinks from the Spring, he goes up the hill with little difficulty. Formalist and Hypocrisie also start up the hill but decide it is too steep so they go another path and meet Danger and Destruction. About half way up the hill is a pleasant Arbour where Christian rests and sleeps until Darkness falls upon him. He starts up and runs swifly to the top of the hill where he comes upon Timorus and Mistrust who tell him of the dangers before him. They have started to the Celestial city but have become afraid and are returning home. Timorus and Mistrust run down the hill but Christian goes on his journey. He suddenly remembers that his Roll is gone. He thinks of his sleep in the Arbour and hurries back to that place. He finds his roll and is much rejoiced. The Roll is to be given to the door keeper at the gates of Heaven and is very valuable. Christian sees the Palace Beautiful and as he starts to go through a narrow passage to reach this palace he sees two Lions. He is very frightened but Watchful, the Porter of the lodge, encourages him and tells him to have no fear. Christian passes the lions without any injury and is given lodging by Discretion, Piety, Prudence and Charity. He tells them of his travels and receives their sympathy. The next day he is taken to the Armory and given a Sword, Shield, Helmet, Breastplate, Allprayer and Shoes that will never wear out. He must now pass through the Valley of Humiliation. Here he meets Fiend Apollyon who tries to slay him but is unsuccessful. At the end of this valley there is another which is called the Valley of Death. In this valley are Hobgoblins, Satyrs, Quags, Dragons, Confusion and Death. Christian is unharmed because he believes in what God says, "Though I walk through the Valley of the Shadow of Death, I will fear no evil for thou art with me". Christian catches up with Faithful after he has passed through the Valley of Death and they walk happily on together. Faithful and Christian meet Evangelist who encourages them to be patient and calls them victors. He also tells them that they are not yet out of the gun-shot of the Devil. After our pilgrims pass from this Wilderness they come before a town which is called Vanity. In this town a Fair is kept and there are a great many things sold here among them being; Houses, Lands, Trades Places, Honours, Titles, Countrys, Kingdoms, Lusts, Pleasures, Wives, Husbands, Children, Masters, Servants, Lives, Blood, Bodies, Souls, Silver, Gold, Pearls and Precious Stones. There are also to be seen Juglings, Cheats, Games, Fools, Apes, Knaves, Rogues, Thefts, Murders, Adulterers and False Swearers. The people are in an uproar about our pilgrims so they throw them into prison to await trial. At last they are tried by Judge Hategood. The witnesses are Envy, Superstition, and Pickthank. The Jury being Mr. Blindman, Mr. Nogood, Mr. Malice, Mr. Love-lust, Mr. Live-Loose, Mr. Heady, Mr. Highmind, Mr. Enmity, Mr. Lyar, Mr. Cruelty, Mr. Hate-light and Mr. Implacable. They pronounced Faithful Guilty of Death and he is cruelly put to Death. Christian is left in prison for a time but finally escapes. He is accompanied by Hopeful who has been imprisoned at Vanity Fair for a long time. By-ends wishes to go also but refuses to tell Christian his real name and becomes angry at Christian when he insists; therefore they part. Hopeful and Christian now arrive on the plain of Ease. After they reach the end, they see a Silver Mine guarded by Demas, who tries to get them to come to the edge of the pit. They refuse and remain unharmed. They soon reach the River of God and Life from which they drink. On the other side of the river is a meadow in which they lie down to sleep and rest. When our pilgrims start again they get on a By-path and come upon the grounds of Giant Despair who takes them to Doubting Castle and puts them in a Dungeon where they remain three and one half days without food or water. He then beats them until they are crushed and despairing. All at once Christian thinks of a key, Promise, which will unlock any door in Doubting Castle. As soon as possible they unlock the gates and hasten to Delectable Mountains where they are much refreshed. Here Christian and Hopeful meet several Shepherds whose names are Knowledge, Experience, Watchful and Sincere. These shepherds take them to their tents and feed them. Afterward they show them Mt. Caution and a By-way to Hell. They (Christian and Hopeful) decide to never take a By-way again. They leave the Shepherds and soon come to the Enchanted Ground and enter into the Country of Beulah, whose air is very sweet and pleasant; They are met by angels who lead them to the Gates of Heaven. The King commanded the Gate to be opened and they enter, become transfigured and receive Golden Raiment, Harps and Crowns. The Bells of the City ring for joy and we leave Christian and Hopeful in Heaven where they receive unending joy. My opinion of Pilgrim's Progress The story might be the experience of any Christian man or woman. It is an allegorical story which gives good advice to anyone seeking it. The experences of the pilgrims show how some get off the straight path but if they are patient and believe in God they will be rewarded. Gladys Walker, 1919 Synopsis of diary years--Gladys Cline 1954--Jan. Visited Marilyn in Chicago, SB stayed at Bob Fey's, we at Mary Baker's, Swanns Feb--Nancy has red measles Fred and Louise to Mrs. Seckler's funeral Marilyn had appendectomy at Michael Reese hospital Took trip 20th-27th, visited E & J in Louisville, on to the Smokies (took our featherbed), to St. Augustine, Tallahassee, SB announced "I'm getting mumps". He was right so we headed home the 26th. March-- 6-Beautiful day for Jean's wedding, Hol died 7-Berniece and I to St. Francis with Cliff Finlay 8-to Vera's, Claire's already there 11-Left for home & got there next day Marilyn finished at Michael Reese April 5- Carol, Ken, Bob, K's, Fred's here for Marilyn's bd; sparkler burned tablecloth! 14 Elyse Kathryn Noland born May--Jim Ecklund "on the scene", Bob Fey not Swanns visited painting house June--23--Sam, M. to Chicago for Diane and 3--not feeling well 26 Marily to Louisville for week July 1--Ellie's, Marilyn here--39 for hamb/hot dog supper! Jim E. here often 16 Vera, Sam & I took Diane to Chicago Aug 6--Painting little house--Sam & M 27 To Dr. Thiele; SB to dentist, 2 teeth out Sept. 1--M. moving to apt. with Pat and Nancy 3--SB 2 more teeth out 13--First day at KHS for SB 20--M's first day in white, Marilyn Pearson's baby 26--M's baccalaureate 28--Sam to Peoria for Gammons, M's graduation, reception Oct. 1--Fred's first day, new route in Abingdon 2--Carol, Ken Krueger's wedding day 3--Fred paints his ad truck 8-- Floyd Stegall won new car Nov. 3, 4--Marilyn's state boards Dec. 20--Marilyn moved from apt. 22--Gammons arrived 28--Marilyn to Chicago on Zephyr 29--Art Steele died 1955 Jan.--Wrote Marilyn she's an RN (letter came while she was in Calif.) 13th--Marilyn, Nancy back from CA 16--Sam to hosp for hernia repair, had 2 anesthetics, went into shock! 19--M, Nancy to work at VA Hosp. in Chicago 21--Sam discharged 28--bandages off, got violin for SB Feb. 13--Marilyn home til the 15th 17-27--to E & J's, Nashville, Georgian, Silver Spring, SB to reptile show, saw Beers & Roberson's at Cypress Gardens, to Lake Wales, Bok Tower Fred's just back from MS March 1--Sam back to work 16th--tore up M's uniforms to make into rag rugs 19th--bought silver tea service, antique rocker 23--25 year anniversary of when Sam started carrying mail April 3--Elaine, Fred Smith's wedding, M. here til the 4th 23--took carload of boys to train, to Chicago. Met M at Field Museum, Jim took to train May 7--Got more blue dishes at Mrs. Jensen's Surprise visit of M & Jim--here for Mother's Day, M. back 27-30 June 16--M came on train, Jim came later, they left 19th, Father's Day July--Gammons came, as did M. & Jim Aug.1--to Jean's (M & J there)--toured, Cinerama, home 6 Sam put safety belts in car 12--Family headed west--Little Brown Church, Glacier, Grand Coulee, visited Steeles on Whidby Is, Mts. Ranier, Hood, St. Helen's, Columbia R./fish ladders, Crater Lake, 102 degrees at Winter, CA, stayed at Cases in San Francisco, Santa Cruz, Morro Bay and on to Nolands. Visited Clair's, Fran and Marie Lyman, McAllister's, Farmer's Mkt. Left Nolands the 28th, to Grand Canyon, Albuquerque, St. Francis (K's had been there earlier), home on Sept. 1 Sept. 9--Nurse reunion 11--M & J. left (Champaign?) Oct. 1--To Champaign for day 13--Sam shingling at 5 acres, rung broke, hurt back. 27 Sheep, hogs to market--no stock! 29--To Urbana for dinner, game, Jim too Nov. 2--Research hosp. is sad place-hope I keep out 4--Wilbur Peck caught in cornpicker 13--Suffering with sciatica 18--Pat has chickenpox 23--Got M. in Urbana, on to Louisville til the 27th 28--Sherry has chickenpox Dec. 21--Met M. in Bushnell 23--Gammons here til the 26th Marilyn off to work at Research, worked eves 1956 Jan. 6--bought 6 antique dining room chairs, platform rocker at Avon sale 18--Upsetting letter from M (about Jim?) 25--Gammons are moving to Fla. 28--Sally Hopkins' wedding 29-30--Marilyn to Chicago on train-feeling better Feb. 6--Bob Staker here, took M. back to Champaign 6--"New" old cupboard, dresser, chest; took buffet, 4 chairs to Gburg March/April--papering, painting, "new" garage April 2--Heard of Diane and Al's #4 4--M. to Champaign-Urbana with Leighs 29--M. to Chicago--That's all for James May 12--Mitzi died Pat's T & A June 1--Diplomas passed out at AHS by President Cline 5--Sam sold Jeep 7--to C-U to get M., met Cliff and he took us on tour 10--Don & Lila's wedding 1956 11--M. started working at Research 18--Sams bought 50 pigs 19--Gammons are moving to St. Louis July 3--Gammons arrived; on to St. Louis for housing; Jo, Tommy Lee here 4--Flooding at Stony Hollow 15--All 4 Gammons to St. Louis 18--Curt Richard Noland born SB got motor scooter, to Abingdon with Coralie to sign deed, All went swimming! Aug. 2-5--M. to Chicago, visited Longs SB to Wisconsin with Willers SB & Louise played violins at church, Eleanot accompanied 19-22--To St. L--Cinerama "7 Wonders of World", Cards game, zoo "Kismet" at Muny opera. Fred Shair joined us. 24--Eleanor's hernia surgery' M. painting porch windows 26--SB, Eddie Harris had "spill" on scooter, got booster Sept. 1--Nurse reunion for M, stayed at Killingsworths 6--Last day for M. at Research, to movie with Jim Bulkley next eve 10--Sam & I took Marilyn, Pat Horan to Urbana 17--to Hotel Nauvoo with Fred & Louise Oct. 26-28--Gammons here to see Vera, she visiting in Maquon Nov. 2 --Mrs. Pierce died; one of my best friends 6--Began wearing glasses all the time 17--To C-U, McKinley banquet, Ill-Wisc. tie game, stunt show, stayed with Don & Lila Lorton, home next day 21--M. home with David Bliss; to St. Louis, snow on 23rd, home. M. took train to Chicago to visit Longs Dec.--SB broke his finger playing basketball 16--To Congo Church to see 4 Clines in pageant 21--M home, Gammons came 22nd, stayed til the 25th 27--Sam lost end of finger--taken off by a motor 31--Cliff came for his first visit; to Fred & Elaine Smith's that eve 1957 Jan. 3--Tommy Lee has mumps, M & C to C-U 12--Jim Ecklund called & came for lunch 14--Diane reports Eric got thigh burned 16--Grandpa Harshbarger died; M & C to Chicago 24--Fred to C-U for meetings 26--M & C came, coasted on Cramer's hill (Ouch!), M. back at Research Feb. 1-3--Gammons here, celebrated Fred's bd 9-10--Cliff here 12--M, SB to Leighs 17-26--St. Louis, Little Rock, Hot Springs, visited Murfeesboro diamond mine, Vicksburg, Natchez, Baton Rouge, New Orleans (bus & boat tours), drove along the gulf. M & SB glad to see us back. 27--Nancy Leigh made a surprise visit, Jo Brown & family next day 1957 March--Marilyn, Cliff announce their engagement 14--working on feather hats; Dr. Crowell says everything is OK 17--Nancy, Jo, Betty Butcher here 24--M to C-U; had blizzard next few days, she made it back safely April 4--Last day at Research for M.; had party for her after work 5--Took M. to Ill. Research in Chicago (got diamond ring late that day) 7--Louise Steele died 18-20--M & C here, then on to Chicago; Fred's have new yellow Mercury May--Got satin, tulle for M's dress--Charlotte Cramer Davis made it 14--KHS concert; SB couldn't find uniform so couldn't be in it! 17-20--Gammons here, M came on train, C here. M to C-U with Cliff 24--Flat tire & SB fixed it--a first June 3--finished poem I'd written for M. 5--News of Gammon # 3 21--Left for Navy Pier at 4:30, there at 9. So proud of Patricia--BSN Got M's things and went to Longs, then home 22--M. to Charlottes to check on dress; Gammons arrived. Jack, Jo, TL and SB tented. To mailcarrier's bkf, Lake Bracken picnic, G's left 24--Shopped, got M's plane ticket, to see Arla Peck about organ playing 26--M took train to Chic, Longs saw her off to LaGuardia the 27th July 19---SB detasseling (when not wheezing) til Aug. 2 Aug.--SB with Conleys to Crepo Park, camp with Larry W. for a few days 8--Sherri fell in a tub of ice water at ice cream supper 11--To Chicago to meet Diane's plane; building room on at 10 acres 16--To St. Louis, Gammon's home is real nice, to zoo, shopping 23--To Gburg alone & got wedding outfit 26--Skidded on gravel on angly road near Ab & bounced til hit ditch 27--Feeling miserable; Diane to Laura the 22nd-28th 29--First day of school for SB Sept. 1--M, C have returned from CT & are in Chicago 3--M, C arrive here, Delong shower next day (Cliff watched Curt) 5--Shower given by Louise, Diane 6--Tom Lisle, Bob Lawson arrived; baked ham, made cakes, salads. Diane big help; Gammons helped serve rehearsal buffet; Fred has flu 7--Bkf at Lake B., M, C's wedding, Longs back after for gift opening 8--Bfk at Lake Bracken for Canadian folks 10--Fred feeling better; paid for dress 11--Feeling all of 57; paid too high flower bill 13--M, C. back from Ozarks; on to C-U next day 22--Cliff Rice died 26--SB to homecoming on double date Oct. 4--Got M, C's pictures 11-12--Gammons, M, C. here 21--SB has flu, so many do that school is closed; Scamp had 5 pups Nov. 2--Pearsons, we to C-U to visit newlyweds; to Ill-Purdue game, stunt 1957 show, church at McKinley 19--News of an addition to the family in Spring (Rick) 28--Fred's & we to Gammons, traffic jam, went to Cinerama Dec. 9-10--SB off dancing 19--Marvin, Jean Wolford married on TV 21--Arrival of Lance Edward; decided on a stove Sam received a lighted picture of Jesus from his class 22--SS class went carolling; SB reckless 23--Ruby Noland, Claree here for visit; M & C came that eve til 26th 29--Bill Wise came to give SB his driver's test 1958 Jan 1--Fred broken out--measles? 3--To Laura--Claree taking things to Diane 4--To St. Louis to see cute little Lance; SB stayed here 20--New phone--309 after years of 2 on 15; Lift receiver instead of ringing! Feb.--began huge project of putting pictures into albums 14--G's, Fred's, M & C here; got electric blanket...& controls mixed! 15--All but S, Lance & I coasted 17--Bob & Eleanor Blevins got their house! March 1--To CU to Ill.;Mich game, to McK (late due to flat tire; had blowout on way home next day 23--Toured Berniece's new house April 6--SB's violin solo at church 25--Gammon's, M&C came 16--Pat & Dick Bogart's wedding May 10--Frederic Walker Cline Junior is born! SB mowing cemeteries; helping John Hughes 30--To St. Louis double feature, Cards game June 4--M & C here to see Marvin, Jean Wolford 7--M & C left for New London, CT. 22--Sam wrote the girls! July 9--Sherri has mumps 11--M & C are in NYC 24--Pat has mumps; SB detasseling, when able Aug. 1-3--Gammons here, Fred's over; lotsa corn 11--Left for CA--Ver's Royal Gorge, Bryce Cany9on, Zion, Las Vegas; to Clair's the 20th, Mary Purdy, Marie Lyman, Disneyland, Clara, Guy Haxton, Nolands; headed for home the 25th, thro desert, Flagstaff, Texas, home the 28th SB started to school. Sept. 2--SB 103 degree temp til the 5th. 9--M & C here til the 11th Fred's to St. L. & SB's hurting head better the 20th so we joined them 23--SB's 1st polio shot 24--Supper for Rotary ($100 for 80--easy way to make $$) Jack going to hosp. for surgery 1958 Oct. 13--Sent "fraternity" clothes to M from Eleanor 24--Gammon's here; next day E. not feeling well, SB to work for Fred Nov. 7-9--M &C here 12--Made 6 little feather pillows 27--To St. L for lovely dinner; power went off, sang played pinochle, pig 28--5" of snow, -10 degrees! Dec.24--M & C here 25--played cards 26--Gammons here & we had tree; people everywhere, SB on cot in kitchen 28--Christmas dinner; Gammons left 1959 Jan--To ice show in Rock Island Cold & drifting snow--SB went on route Feb. 13--Gammons arrived in the fog 14--Arrival of Steven Allan Long 15--E, J, Sams to hear Fred take Rev Harris' place 16--S. decided to buy blonde '58 19--To C-U to help out the Longs 21--To see Ill. beat IN 22--Mildred & Allan Long, Gram Miller, Mina Finch came to visit 24--Jean Baldwin, Pat Hook, 2 nurses stopped in 25--Bussed to Peoria, Sam met me. Learned Betty Bates was killed March 26--Cliff has 2 offers & a fellowship SB taking soil samples for Fred April1--Too no account to tie up Sam's knife & fork 7--M, C, S to IN, Ohio for interviews 12--Mr's Turner's 985h 17--M, C, S, Gammon's here til the 19th, then to American Beauty to eat and all back here for bridge party 28--S to SB's ball game May 10--Rick baptized at Congo Church 15--Put feathers in 5 little pillows 20--Vistadome to Chicago, toured Prudential with Mary Baker; lunch in Narcissus Rm (Marshall Field's, to "Music Man" at Schubert. Train left at 6. Big day! 25--Last day of school for SB 30--To C-U. To Union bldg band concert, 1/2 gal sundaes, to church, Picknicked at Lake of the Woods June 7--Class reunion; poor meal for $2. I get tired talking. 19--SB & I cleaning back garage. We need a medal! Father says, "I can't find a thing now!" 27--SB working at Benner's; Clair, Glada here, Linda my shadow July 2--To Mc D's 20th air show (thrilling); M, C, S arrived at 9 4--Fred's came; ballgame, "Oh Captain" at Muny Opera 5--Fred ended up in tent; all headed home 1959 Aug. 14--Vera with us, Gammons came 16--Patti played piano number at church 26--M, C, S here; Vera got 2nd on tatting, 3rd on rug at fall festival 28--Gammons here from vacation 30--M, C, S up to nurse reunion from Lake B, then home 31--SB to school Sept. 2--Gammons home 12--Feeling bad, must be 95 {instead of 59} Oct. 9--To BG, got there at 5, looking at cars in Toledo the 11th, M & C got us tomatoes; home the 13th 16--Fair program at KHS; SB did well as MC 21--SB to Macomb with F Western 31--Ray Saxer died Nov 2--SB to school, won pingpong championship, then home to bed! 6--Gammons came, took Fred & Louise out to eat to pay their bet 20--F & L to Peoria for his 32nd degree Too snowy to go to Eleanor & Jack's for Thanksgiving Dec. 3--Paul Noland doing OK after neck surgery 12--Diane's train in; Fred's Nolands, Paul , Steve came 13--Bruce & R had piano duets at church 17--Took Diane to Chillicothe 22--Diane's back, M, C, S arrived 23--Eric with Sam on route 24--Bruce with Sam on route, Gammon's arrived. To Fred's, Harshbargers too. Clark Sells took pictures 27--Charlie McCoy took pictures; Gammons left 28--M & C shopped; Bonnie, Sally, Ann to call 29--Diane's left on Santa Fe; M, C, S left too 30--Nancy had hernia repair CHRISTMAS 1969 The wonderful season of Christmas is upon us, and we believe this has been an extra short year. We were blessed with health, & work to do & that makes the days fly. We had lots of good times too, as we had visits with family & friends... Going by Santa Fe R.R. to visit Diane, Al & family in January, we had a good trip until the last 100 miles, when the people on the train were transferred to buses. The tracks were washed out by the floods they'd had earlier. It surely sobered one to see the terrible destruction of property and hear of the lives lost. Diane took us on many trips in their area--to their ranch, to Zuma Beach where we gathered shells, sand dollars and other sea treasures. The very next day, the oil from Santa Barbara had moved down to ruin this and other beaches. One day we spent at San Diego visiting former Illinois friends and also to visit their oldest son, Bruce, who was a freshman at U.C.S.D. All good things must end, as did this vacation & we arrived back in Galesburg to find snow & cold. In February, we were "celebrated" at several events, for our 46th wedding anniversary, as we enjoyed these with Fred, Louise & family & with Louise's parents, Guy & Helen Harshbarger & with our good friends, Gerorge & Ruby Killingsworth. A nice surprise was to have Sam B. & Pam come up for one weekend. They had been getting settled in their new home, at the edge of Jefferson City, Mo. the month before. It's always good for March to be "used up" for it is usually blustery & cold. It does give me more time for two favoritie hobbies of rug making & ceramic painting. On March 24, Sam began his 40th year of carrying the mail out of Delong. To celebrate this event we took a few days off, to visit the newlyweds at Jefferson City and to see their new home. Eleanor, Jack & family joined us for the weekend for a real housewarming. One special part of our stay was for us all to attend Palm Sunday services in the beautiful church where we had attended their wedding on December 7th. Rumors had begun that the time was growing short for the Post Office to be kept here in Delong. It seems that the Postal Department decided to practice a little economy ? and start here. The rumor proved to be actuality and the office was closed on April 11th and all mail service changed to Gilson--about 11 miles northeast of here. Our schedule was quite changed as he was to report over there at 7:30 A.M. One must get used to changes, & we found out that we could; tho' we weren't for it, and it still seems strange to have our address Gilson when we live in Delong. We made a fine five day trip over to Ohio to see Marilyn, Clliff & 4 in May--as we were homesick to see 18 month old Melinda and the 3 boys. Our garden, flowers & fruit would soon have need of tending and we had bumper crops of all. Not only did June 'bring the roses' but strawberries by the dozens of quarts-plus black and red raspberries. We took some more time out to celebrate July 4th in St. Louis with Eleanor, Jack and 3-where Fred, Louise & 3 and Sam B. & Pam joined us. On one night we all took our share of space at the Muny Opera to see a fine showing of "Most Happy Fella". All roads led to Bend, Oregon, in early August for a family reunion. There were 21 of us there & all voted it one of our best vacations ever. The Pine Tree Motel was our home for a few days as we picnicked & toured this scenic area. All too soon it was time to separate, as some of the clan journeyed on into Canada for more sightseeing-4 of the families had visited at the Badlands, Mt. Rushmore & Yellowstone Park on their way to Bend. We 2 & Sam B. and Pam returned home by way of Salt Lake City. We spent one overnight with Veras daughter Lila & family at Boulder, Colorado, enjoying their lovely mountain home & hospitality. The next night we spent with Vera in St. Francis, Kansas where we had a too short visit & where we also saw several cousins. Stopping at Abilene, Kansas to visit Eisenhower Center was a day to remember also. "Decision time" came for Sam as he tried to decide "to retire or not to retire". After a great struggle, he resigned on October 31st after serving his route for 39 years, 7 months & 8 days & enjoying all of it. Several good friends of the community & church planned a wonderful party & reception to honor him & it was a lovely tribute to him. This was held at the dining room of the Delong Church & over 110 signed the guest book. We were especially surprised and pleased to have our Missouri children & "grands" to dash up for this occasion. He has done admirably in adjusting to another routine but has kept busy at various projects. One thing I've noticed & enjoy is a lot more piano music. Although our schedules were quite mixed up at Thanksgiving time, Fred, Louise & 3, Sam B. & Pam plus Sam L. & I journeyed to St. Louis for a belated Thanksgiving dinner with Eleanor & Jack's. Now we are looking forward to Christmas with all of the family at home except Diane's and they will be with us in thoughts. We have been breathless for the brave astronauts during these unbelievable moon landings & we wonder if they glimpsed the star of Peace of 2000 years ago that shone down on the baby Jesus. We join with all others in praying for that Peace that He came to offer and that it might come in 1970. A blessed holy day and a happy new year is our wish for you and your loved ones. (written) With our love to you all-Mom and Dad Hello dear ones! Just tho't you might want to have a copy of our 1969 diary even tho' you knew all of this already. We're wondering how the little 4 will be pictured this year. We have all of your special Christmas pictures since you began with Steve-and it's a grat pictorial record-and priceless! We'll be seeing you soon-much love Mom