Blackboard Discussion Group Guidelines


Each class member must submit a minimum of one post per week to a course blackboard discussion board.  Students will be asked to respond to a particular prompt for each week, but students are encouraged to post more frequently, whether in response to the posts of their peers or on topics unrelated to that week’s prompt.  In order to receive credit for posting, you should write at least one paragraph in response to that week’s prompt.  Also, in order to receive credit for posting, Blackboard posts in response to the assigned prompt must be made by 11 PM on the Monday of each week that a post is due.  You will not be required to post on the Monday of fall break, 10/16, which means that there will be 14 posting weeks in the course.  Your base grade for participating in the Blackboard Discussion will be determined by your completion of required posts by the posting deadline.  You will not receive credit toward your base grade for posts submitted late. 

If you complete 14 posts, your base grade will be a 100/A

If you complete 13 posts, your base grade will be a 90/A.

If you complete 12 posts, your base grade will be an 80/ B.

If you complete 11 posts, your base grade will be a 70/C.

If you complete 10 posts, your base grade will be a 60/D.

If you complete 9 posts, your base grade will be a 50/F.

If you complete 8 posts, your base grade will be a 40/F

If you complete 7 posts, your base grade will be a 35/F

If you complete 6 posts your base grade will be a 30/F

If you complete 5 posts your base grade will be a 25/F

If you complete 4 posts your base grade will be a 20/F

If you complete 3 posts your base grade will be a 15/F

If you complete 2 posts your base grade will be a 10/F

If you complete 1 post your base grade will be a 5/F


You can improve your base grade by posting responses to your peers’ posts, by introducing your own questions, impressions, or insights that are unrelated to that week’s question in a new discussion thread, and by the thoughtfulness of your responses to the week’s assigned prompt.