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Project 2
Formulas, Functions, Formatting, and Web Queries


Can use uppercase or lowercase in formulas

  1. 00 through 29 as years 2000 through 2029
  2. 30 through 99 as years 1930 through 1999

Excel Arithmetic Operators

Order of Operations

  1. Negation (-)
  2. Percents (%)
  3. Exponents (^)
  4. Multiply (*) and Divide (/)
  5. Addition (+) and Subtraction (-)
Note: Parentheses used to override order

Smart Tags

Verifying Formulas

Number Format Buttons
Formatting toolbar)

Note: ### indicates cell not wide enough

Conditional Formatting

Note: - can be applied to a single cell, a range of cells, or the entire workbook

Example: - change the background color of a cell less than zero

Cell value is less than 0

2 Ways to Change Widths of Columns

  1. Change width one column at a time
  2. Change width of a series of adjacent columns
Best fit - width altered so that the widest entry will fit in the column

3 Methods of Changing Widths

  1. Best fit - double click on border-line to the right of column
  2. Dragging - drag the right border of a column heading (or group of selected cells)
  3. Menus
        Format Menu - choose Column command
        Shortcut Menu - choose Column Width

Hiding Rows and Columns

2 Ways to Change Height of Rows

  1. Format Menu - choose Row command
  2. Shortcut Menu - choose Row Height command
Note: Excel automatically adjusts row height to best fit

Print Preview Command

Printing Formulas in the Worksheet

Using a Web Query

Changing Sheet Names

E-mailing Workbook within Excel

Note: must have e-mail address and one of the following e-mail programs: Outlook, Outlook Express, Microsoft Exchange Client, or another 32-bit e-mail program compatible with Messaging Application Programming Interface

In the Lab 1

End Excel
Project 2


Computer Assignment 5

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