History/herstory of Cliff and Marilyn Long ('94 & '97 are complete!) 1957--got engaged in April, Marilyn worked at Research Hospital in Galesburg after completing 3 semesters at U of Ill. in Champaign-Urbana in January, went to Ill. Research Hospital in April and, after one quarter, graduated with a BSN in June. When Cliff finished school in June, he drove to New London, Ct. where he worked at Electric Boat in Groton for the summer. Marilyn flew to LaGuardia a few days after graduation. She worked at Lawrence Memorial Hospital that summer & lived in the nurses's residence there. In early September, we drove to Chicago, stopped briefly (Cliff's folks had unexpected visitors--2 couples from Canada) & continued on to Delong. There was a community shower and one given by Diane & Louise in the few days before our wedding on Sept. 7. Bob Lawson sang, Louise Cline played the violin, Arla Peck played the organ (Marilyn was flower girl at her wedding the same day many years earlier). Tom Lisle and Rog Hawkins were ushers, Rich Oberg best man. Pat Horan & Nancy Leigh were bridesmaids & Diane Noland matron of honor. The reception was held in the church basement--punch, cake, nuts & mints. The Ozarks was our honeymoon destination & the AAA motel we'd chosen to stay in didn't live up to its publicity so we moved! Since it was past Labor Day, things were much quieter there than earlier. We moved into the 2nd story of a house on Park St. owned by the Leasures--elderly folks but nice (except that they didn't keep it very warm). Marilyn went to work for the public health dept., visiting new babies, schools, helping with clinics. She had to WORK to find things to list that she'd done & didn't enjoy the job (Cliff had to deal with tears OFTEN)...but it was nice to work days & have weekends off! Cliff worked hard to pass his orals...& did. His advisor was Pierce Ketchum. 1958--We left C-U to return to New London in June, stopping along the way to meet Canadian relatives who hadn't been able to come to our wedding. Marilyn became suspicious that she was pregnant, went to Frederick Goodrich in N.L. & she was right. She purchased the Natural Childbirth book he'd written & it stood her in good stead in preparing for the big event. Marilyn worked at the Navy Submarine Base Hospital but with corpsmen there to do a lot, she certainly wasn't overworked. Cliff was present for the launching of one of the nuclear submarines from Electric Boat. Since the two often worked different shifts & weren't able to eat together often, Marilyn ate a great deal of watermelon which appealed to her...& Cliff lost his taste for that food from having it so much! Returning to Champaign in September, Marilyn went to work in the pediatrics dept. at Burnham Hospital in Champaign. The nurse who coordinated the pediatrics class had a back injury so Marilyn was asked to fill in & did, earning the princely amount of $300 a mo.--her career high. Cliff continued working on his Ph.D. We went to Chicago to celebrate Thanksgiving (Nov. 26-28). While there, we went to see Emil Falk & got together with the Lawsons & Obergs. We went to Delong for Christmas & were there from the 24th-29th. Gammons got there at llpm on the 26th & we opened gifts til 1:30 a.m.! Crazy! 1959--Marilyn worked til Feb. 7 to allow 2 weeks before the due date of their baby. They were now living in the 2nd story of a house on Church St. owned by Mrs. Ehrgott, who had a severely retarded son living with her. They asked if they might buy a wringer washer in order to do laundry when the new baby arrived. Mrs. Ehrgott replied that the baby would be trained in 6 weeks so they really wouldn't need one (!). When they agreed to pay an additional amount to cover the cost of water and heating it, she relented. The McKinleywed group at church had a square dance on Feb. 13 which we & Don & Mary Noonan attended & enjoyed very much. Early on Feb. 14, I awoke and felt sure that that would be the day when our baby was born. It took some coaxing to get Cliff up at 4. While he shaved, he put on the record, "Brigadoon" which was his valentine to me. When we got to Burhham Hosp. at 5:30, the o.b. nurses assured us that the baby wouldn't arrive for hours, didn't call Dr. Nichols & wouldn't give me anything for pain. Finally around 7, they called him & he ordered demerol. Dr. N. arrived at 8 and Steven Allan put in an appearance at 8:13. On the way to my room, they let me phone Mom and Dad. They were thrilled to have a grandson born on their 36th anniversary. Dr. Nichols discouraged me from nursing--didn't think I could be successful(!). Since our insurance paid a flat $75, I only stayed in the hospital 3 days. Mom, Dad & Sam came the next evening and Mom stayed to do things for us for a week. She took the bus home on Feb. 26. Steve was very jaundiced but that cleared up pretty quickly. Since Steve was a whole week early, we hadn't gone out to purchase frivolous things like diapers or a washing machine so Cliff was mighty busy doing those things while we were in the hospital! Cliff's parents, Gram Miller and Mina Finch were among our first visitors on the 22nd. We were showered with gifts. In April we made visits to DePauw in Greencastle, IN and to Bowling Green, OH with our little one. Cliff had interviews at both schools. In Bowling Green we stayed on the fourth floor of the student union which was observing its first birthday! We were noticed by students as we headed to our room with diaper pail, sterilizer and baby! We had dinner with Dr. Frank Ogg in the Pheasant Room of the Union that evening. Dr. Ogg ate quickly so he could hold Steve! From there we went to Emerson Schuck's home (where Kepke's now live). He was dean of LAS (& Marilyn Beattie's brother). Cliff went right to the top--interviews with provost Ken McFall and President Ralph McDonald. Dr. McDonald made the job offer to Cliff ($5700 to be raised to $6200 when he got his Ph.D.). After some consideration, Cliff accepted. At a later time, we came back to look at housing. We wanted to rent a house--3 were available! We weren't impressed with the first 2 but liked the 3rd. It was located at 1220 E. Wooster which at that time was Route 6--& no truck by-pass! It was a small house--2 small bedrooms, a living-dining room, small kitchen and bath. At one time, after WWII, as many as 8 students had lived downstairs (Chuck Codding had lived there). The beds, bedding and a crummy shower/stool were still available and Bill Shmeltz, who owned the house, left it up to us whether we'd rent to students or not. The rent was $105 a month. We chose to rent to 2 students (women were required to live in campus housing so we rented to men!) and that worked out very well except in one instance. On occasion a student would tell us he could hear sounds indicating the man next door was mistreating his wife--Vera & Bob Hutton. Later they divorced and Bob then married our future neighbor, Treva Miller! Small world! Huttons moved out while we still lived there & the next tenants (the Coxes) invited us to look at the interior of the house (to our east). Someone had made holes in the walls! (with his fists?). Our neighbors to the west were Mr. Hiers and his daughter, Iris. They were nice neighbors & thought a lot of Stevie. After Mr. Hiers died, Iris bought a Falcon auto tho' she didn't know how to drive. It was one of those proverbial cars which was driven by a little old lady to church once a week--except in this case, Iris didn't even drive there! We had wonderful neighbors in Champaign too. Mel Brewer and his wife and her mother, Mrs. Wines, adopted Stevie. Mel was connected with the athletic dept. & after we left, was involved in a slush fund scandal at U. of I. & we were sorry to learn about that. Mrs. Wines was very sorry to see us leave. Jim & Jean Baldwin helped us load up a U Haul in early Sept. and we headed east to Bowling Green. The U Haul wasn't fully enclosed--had canvas across the end and... you guessed it, it rained! We had to unpack as soon as we got there since some of the boxes were wet. There was no electricity turned on so Cliff went next door and Mr. Hiers told him where the utilities building was & the power was turned on right away. Aside from pots n pans, dishes, etc, we had very little furniture. There was no stove or refrigerator. Stevie had his crib but we slept on mattresses brought up from downstairs...til we noticed small insects on them so we took them outdoors to air & get fumigated! We had the card table and chairs which Fred & Louise had given us as wedding gifts and a Crosley TV, borrowed from Doris Lapp, with a tiny screen & huge cabinet. We spent time getting the downstairs aired out & ready to rent as school was starting in a few days. We celebrated our anniversary by going to a drive in movie! We went to First Presbyterian Church on Sunday and the minister, Greer Imbrie, came to make a call right away. He suggested where we might get furniture (Trout's in No Baltimore) & who we might get for a babysitter (Pam Yeager, then in junior high). We looked for refrigerators and stoves. When Stevie's milk soured due to lack of refrigeration, we got a refrigerator! A few days later, the Hawkins family stopped for overnight. They were moving their family of 6 (3 boys & a baby girl the same age as Stevie) from Baltimore to California. They also had 2 boxers along & were pulling a boat! We were still sleeping on the floor & there was plenty of space so they joined us! Next morning Bill Schmeltz stopt by and when he knocked at the door & saw 2 boxers lunging up the steps, a houseful of people & a filled driveway with vehicles & a boat, he must've wondered what kind of people he'd rented to! Rog went with Cliff to pick up the used gas stove we'd decided to buy & talked the store owner into letting them borrow his pickup truck to bring it home. We were tired of sleeping on the floor so went ahead & bought a box springs & mattress. We went to Trout's and ordered a hideabed, got a beautiful Kling maple bedroom set & a small platform rocker (which Steve has to this day--had it recovered again in '92 & it's holding up well!) & a kitchen set with 4 chairs. Before we had any furniture & our boxes were still ringing the living room, I was doing some cleaning (wearing my blue jeans), Steve was in his jumper chair in the living room. I was so tired so decided to lie down in the bedroom. The doorbell rang & if Steve hadn't been in plain sight, I wouldn't have gone! It was the BGSU president's wife & another lady wearing their best, including hats & gloves & making an Official Call. Unforgettable. Maybe they thought Steve was so cute that they didnt notice the house (? !) or maybe Cliff got a big raise next year when the pres. learned of the condition of our house! Right after school began, there were faculty club and all-university receptions which we attended and felt it was a friendly environment we'd moved into. One of our first visits was from Sue and Steve Rock who lived just around the corner from us on Williams St. (the same house where Debbie Harris grew up). Anne was born the end of Sept. What wonderful friends the Rocks have been! We also met John & Lois (Reichert) Hiltner at one of the receptions. They were married the following November and they too have been wonderful friends as well as neighbors. At Thanksgiving we went to Chicago where Cliff bought a '56 Buick..& his Dad a '55 Chevy. We learned that Ed and Rita had separated indefinitely (& later got a divorce & Rita & the girls moved to California). We enjoyed being with Tom Lisle, Lawsons, Rich & Dee Oberg & Lawsons We sent our first picture Christmas card that year--Stevie, our little dear, holding a deer. We went to Delong for Christmas. Diane and her kids were there! The only bad part was the picture taking incident with Grandmother (Curt wasn't included). We stayed til the 29th & had a wonderful time, saw lots of people. 1960--In February we went back to Champaign where Cliff defended his dissertation and his degree was granted in June. He chose not to go to the ceremony as he had a job working for the Naval Ordnance Lab in Silver Spring, MD. (Dr. Pearse almost squelched our trip when, after Cliff's physical, he reported Cliff had a tendency toward fainting!). We rented a house on New Hampshire Ave. (the landlady lived downstairs). It was pretty hot & humid and I wasn't feeling great. We knew another little Long was going to join our family! Mom, Dad and Sam came for a visit and we did some sightseeing with them. Fred, Louise, Patti and Sherry visited too. I'd made a pie for dessert while they were there & we decided to have it after attending a concert on the Potomac. The weather looked great 'til partway there. Then it didn't! By the time we got to the concert location, it looked very stormy. We headed back in pouring rain. Washington is easy to get lost in under the best of circumstances...& these weren't the best! Eventually we made our way back and, after mopping up 'cause the windows were all open, we had our pie! We went to a Washington Senators game but Steve wasn't impressed with baseball at that early age! Maybe that's what turned him into a fan! Thanksgiving was spent in Chicago where we got together with the Bogarts & Lortons and also the Obergs & Lawsons. Christmas found us in Chicago & then to Delong. The Gammons got there the 24th & we returned home the 28th. It was another wonderful holiday season. 1961-- The big event of this year was the arrival of Andrew Edmund Long. He was due Feb. 18 and after our experience with Steve, you'd have thought we'd learn but...I invited Fran Lyman, my California cousin who'd attended Knox College at the time I was in nursing school and had since moved to Ann Arbor, to come for a visit. I decided to make pizza for supper. She arrived Sat. afternoon, Feb. 4th & then, while eating pizza, I began to wonder if I might need to head for the hospital soon. Fran was more excited than I was! Bless her heart, she stayed with Steve while Cliff & I headed for the hosp. Dr. Rothe was at the basketball game & came right away. Andy made such a quick appearance, arriving at 8:17 p.m. that Dr. Rothe was back for the second half! Andy weighed in at 7# 12 oz. and was 20 inches long. Cliff got back home much sooner than he'd thought he would so Fran headed north after an unusual evening! Cliff had made a cherry cradle all by hand. If Andy'd come on his due date, he'd have had it ready...& soon did. It's been used by Thad and Mindy, 2 little Hiltners, cliff and sammy Long and Alexis, Jack & Eric Gedeon & Connor and Rachel Long. There were riots on campus and President McDonald resigned on July 5. Cliff had an office between the pro and anti supporter of the president! On June 16th, we went to Illinois, first to visit the Longs, Bogarts, Lawsons, Ed & Judy, then the Clines where Cliff took the posts out of living room, on to St. Louis to visit Gammons and Baldwins in Columbia. (Just before we left for St. L. Steveie dusted himself in the chicken ashes). Nancy Jo was our sitter while we went to "Take Me Along". We left for Bushnell June 30th I was Nancy Leigh's attendant for her wedding to Bill Bethke on July 1. Phyllis Townsend's sister supplied the dress, Ellie made the cumberbund and Jean Baldwin my hat & mitts! There was a picnic honoring Roger Rush's on July 4th & we came home the 5th with a stop in Danforth to visit Noonans. Cliff drove in the winning run at the Presby game the 6th & hit a home run next night playing for the PE team (they won 23-9!). Cliff taught in an institute that summer from July 20- The Cox family moved in next door and invite to look at the interior of their house. Bad! They were a big improvement over the Huttons! During this time, Stevie sometimes woke from naps with huge hives which were never explained. (took him to Dr. Whitehead); learned he should have plates in his shoes for 3-5 years! The Gray reunion was Aug. 5th & we went the 4th & stayed with John & Betty. We went to Jim & Rachel's for supper & then to Marie's for a cousin get together. We made our first visit to Cedar Pt. where there was an institute picnic on Aug. 26. On Sept. 2nd we went to Canada for Aunt Anna Leaper's funeral, stayed with John & Betty Miller. On the 3rd we toured Sarnia & went out for dinner. Mom, Dad and SB arrived the 8th, we picnicked & the guys went to the hs football game. We went to the zoo the 10th, to Oggs for dessert that eve & they left the 11th. Cliff's folks made a surprise visit that eve & headed home next day. Steve started wearing platesthe 13th & was thrilled with the sucker he got (the poor kid never got anything eat...check his photos!). We'd looked at houses, decided on a plan and Cliff made a detailed model in Sept. Andy wasn't feeling well the end of the month & Oct 1 had a fever of over 105. Dr. Mannhart met us at his office & gave him a penicillin shot. Bud & Joan Peters came for a weekend visit Oct. 6th. Oct. 9th we heard that Tom Gammon broke his arm again. John & Betty came to enjoy Homecoming festivities with us the next weekend. Cliff made Halloween costumes for us--Scripto pencil & Eberhard Faber eraser--for an institute party. On Nov. 5th Andy was baptized and was so good. We found a small piano and Kirby, Bohn, Ralph & Cliff brought it home. We took the back seat out of the car, Fred Leetch & Bill Rock helped put it in & we took it to Chicago at Thanksgiving. Cliff's Mom was so surprised & pleased. (Mindy has it now). We visited Don & Lila on the way there; had dinner with Lawsons at Kungsholm & enjoyed the puppet opera. We were responsible, with others, for the Presbywed Christmas dinner & program. Cliff was dressed as an angel & is still remembered for that role! We had an estimate from Bumpus on our house Dec.11..$21,300. Ugh! We went to the BG-Mich. game which BG won (!), had a tour of the campus & visit with Nancy & Bill. We got our tree the 15th and Steve was delighted saying, "Daddy made it". At his young age, he already realized what a talented Dad he had! Cliff went to see Mel Johnson the 18th. Probably we shouldn't have gone to Delong for Christmas. We left the 19th, visited the Longs in Chicago. Andy was having diarrhea, vomiting after we got there so we stopped to have Dr. Moffitt take a look at Andy. He wasn't there so we went to Dr. Graham who said A. probably had shigella or salmonella. We were there a week, the septic tank was acting up & Cliff wasn't feeling well! The Gammons weren't present; we came home the 28th. (Done!) 1962--We'd visited lots of open houses, looked at lots in Bowling Green (liked one at the corner of Clough & Biddle but it was $7500!!). We talked to builders, got bids, found out Melvin Johnson had lots available where Gustin Ave. was about to be extended. Cliff had always admired the area where the Myrice home was located on Haskins. We decided to build on Gustin. To gain access to Gustin, Charles Lowther sold land to Melvin with the agreement that lumber for homes built on the Myrice addition lots be purchased from Hankey Lumber! Our split level home was begun in March and mostly completed by July. We made many trips across town to check on the progress! Cliff taught summer school that year & was the KME advisor. I wasn't feeling great--#3 little Long was on the way! I did help with a little varnishing but didn't take as active a part in the planning of our house as Cliff wished I would. He did many things. In late June, his Mom and Dad came for a week and helped with varnishing, panelling downstairs and many other jobs. During the actual move (July 18), my Mom and Dad came and we were helped by others too, including Bill Rock. John & Lois brought dinner for us that day. What a feast! Shortly thereafter while playing with the church softball team, Cliff & another guy collided while going after a ball. Cliff did a somersault (ever the performer!) & landed on his shoulder. He felt compelled to go ahead & put the ceiling tile on downstairs regardless! The Cuban missile crisis made for some anxious moments. Toward the end of the summer, we made a visit to Delong and then Mom kept Steve & Andy and we went to the Amana colonies. She survived and we had a good time. Cliff trapped a mole in Oct. & Bill Jackson from the biology dept. wanted it and Cliff was glad to be rid of it! The Cuban missle crisis came to a head Oct. 22. Anxiety! bub & Joan Peters came for a visit the weekend of the 26th. Cliff papered the kitchen Nov. 3. Tom & Judy Schmitt came for a visit the 10th & Nancy, Bill & baby Bethke came on the 19th. During our Thanksgiving visit in Chicago, we got together with Obergs & Lawsons & it was obvious that we'd all be having babies soon! We went Nov. 22nd, also visited with Kay & Wally & Ed & Judy & came home the 25th. A letter on Nov. 27th from Tiedke's Dept. Store assured us we'd get the "Blaze" horse which had been in their ad! (When I called to order it, I was told it was unavailable so wrote a letter!!). Ralph Townsend came to help Cliff put the basement tile down Dec. 1. They were tired guys by the end of the day! Cliff was working on our shoe cabinet and papered the bathroom Dec. 15th. We returned to Chicago Dec. 20 & saw Neil & Sue Michelsen, & Ed & Judy Long again. Longs headed to Canada & we to Delong the 22nd & were there til the 28th (no Gammons). Fred's family joined us the 25th for a huge & delicious dinner; Cliff took the boys to see Grandmother, we sang & played cards. The 27th, we had an early anniversary celebration for Mom and Dad with Fred's & SB at Loraine's. On our way home, we stopped to visit the Noonans in Danforth. Cliff assembled Blaze the 27th and he's on our back porch to this day & enjoyed by the grandchildren...tho he no longer 'talks". We went to Taylors for a potluck the 31st. 1963--Steve had a cold which just would not quit in February and by the end of the month, we knew why. He had red measles. He looked and felt SO bad. On Thurs., the 28th, I woke up before 7 and decided it was time to head for the hospital. Since our plans for child care went out the window when the measles came in, neighbor Florence Givens was called to come & stay with our boys til other arrangements could be made. By the time we got to the hosp, my contractions stopt! They soon started again and Thaddeus Cline Long was born at 8:53 a.m. He weighed 7# 7 oz. and was 19 inches long. Of our 4 children, he had the distinction of being the only one born on a day other than Saturday, the only one Cliff missed a class for! Andy had measles too, so life was kind of complicated for awhile but both of our mothers came to help out which helped immensely. Not long afterward, Cliff's Mom learned she had breast cancer and had a mastectomy and radiation treatments. That summer Cliff applied for an NSF Institute at the School of Mines at Rolla, Mo. & was accepted. We rented a house, sight unseen. When we walked in, there were large numbers of large dead bugs on the floor which we cleaned up & thought that took care of that! Huh! We hoped that Thad wouldn't wake up hungry in the night as when he did & we turned the light on, large LIVE bugs started scurrying! Cliff shook out his slippers before putting them on & became adept at killing bugs even without his glasses! He stuffed rags in between the pipes & we purchased bug killer. There were small roaches in the kitchen. Our charming abode also had a drainage ditch in the back yard and when it rained, the water came up to the house. The best thing that could be said about the house was that it was near the A & W stand & we were frequent partakers of their refreshing rootbeer, esp. when Grampa Cline came to visit! Mom and Dad came to visit us, as did the Jim Baldwins. It was hot & humid there & Cliff was in air conditioning all day (because the computers needed that atmosphere!) and had headaches a lot. He also had a kidney/bladder infection that summer. We toured the Ozarks...beautiful scenery..& took a speedboat ride. Baby Thad wondered at crazy parents subjecting a youngun to such rockin' & rollin'! In St. Louis we enjoyed the zoo & going out to dinner with Ellie n Jack at Gaslight Square. In August we had a family get together in Delong with 25 of us there. Bowling Green looked very good after a summer away. Cliff was a busy woodworker making a work bench for himself, a shoe cabinet, a cherry book case/divider, a 3 box toy container and a workbench for the boys. Steve got his first 2 wheeler & Cliff ran miles trying to help him learn to ride before finally giving up & putting the training wheels on ((& Steve quickly learned to ride). We took our first trip to Cedar Point and at Thanksgiving, went to the Museum of Science and Industry in Chicago, along with Ed & Rita's girls who were visiting from California. We joined our Chicago friends at dinner at the Martinique & then to see Jan Murray in "Come Blow Your Horn". Christmas holidays were spent in Delong & Gammons were there the 24th & 5th. Then we went to Chicago & planned to go on to Mooretown from there. Gram M. was going to go with us but fell & broke her wrist the 31st. After she had the cast on & it was obvious she couldn't go; we went on & stayed with Uncle Jim's 1964 By fall of '63, we'd noticed changes in Cliff's Dad and learned that he had intestinal cancer. He died on January 28. The funeral was held in Canada on Feb. 1 and then Aunt Zella & Cliff's Mom went back to Chicago & we joined them for Andy's birthday and to help in whatever ways we could. We traded our '56 Buick sedan in for a '61 Pontiac. Cliff taught summer school for 5 weeks. Steve's face was slightly swollen in July and we wondered if he might have mumps but he felt so good that we decided he didn't. When Virginia Elderbrock, who'd been exposed to him, and his brothers got mumps, there was no longer any question! Andy and Thad were very swollen and uncomfortable. We had tickets to take the Sante Fe's El Capitan to Los Angeles, leaving July 22 and wondered if the swelling would be gone so we could go. We drove to Delong and had quite a send off from Galesburg--Mom & Dad, Fred's family and the Harshbargers. Diane's family met us and we'd had a good trip. We went to the diner for the early dinner and the kids kept quite entertained. Five year old Steve was good at getting water for us! Sleeping sitting up for 2 nights wasn't too bad when you're tired! The Gammon family was visiting the Nolands too & we had a wonderful time--went to Disneyland, Marineland, Huntington Beach, the Hart Ranch (13 in Gammon's wagon on the way there). Then we got on the train for a ride to San Jose where we stayed with the Richard family. Lois kept the boys & they loaned us their car so Cliff & I could enjoy a day in San Francisco (bus tour, Chinatown, rode the cable cars, went to Fisherman's Wharf). We toured Berkeley, visited Rita, Rita Marie, Barb & Cathi. Then we went to Santa Maria to visit the Hawkins. Cliff went to Vandenburg with Rog and saw a missile shot. After we got back to Ill., there was a reunion of my nursing class. Thirty were there; 8 classmates & it was good to get together. We went thro' Chicago to see Cliff's Mom. Ed & Ann were living with her. Cliff did lots of sorting. We got home Aug. 19th. Cliff built a trash burner out of our leftover brick. We got several loads of topsoil to try to improve our lawn but it is now all in China! In the fall, Steve started to kindergarten (afternoons). We got a piano. Cliff's Mom and Gram moved to Canada in October so there were trips there to sort and help with the moving. Cliff & I met Don & Lila Lorton at Nancy & Bill Bethke's in Ann Arbor. Fran Lyman joined us at the Michigan-Ill game--106,000 in that stadium. Wow! Through Cliff's efforts, a Phi Kappa Phi chapter originated at Bowling Green State University and he was the first president of the local chapter We went to Canada for Thanksgiving & it wasn't a holiday there, seemed strange. We enjoyed visits with lotsa relatives while there. On our way to Delong for Christmas, we stopped to visit a Chicago museum, had dinner with Mary Baker (who wasn't accustomed to the antics of 3 little boys who didn't want to sit still!), stayed overnight with Obergs. The Gammons were there. 1965-- Cliff went to Denver to a Jan. meeting. We drove to Galesburg & he took the train from there. On our way to Gburg, we got stuck in the snow & a nice trucker helped us get out. Steve & Thad had chicken pox in Feb....but not Andy! In March, Cliff's Gram died (had just turned 89). We went to Canada then & again for Easter. Mom had throat surgery in April. In June we went to Delong, stopping in Champaign on the way. One of Cliff's building projects was the curving brick light post in the front of the house. He began his interest in trains &, at church, was involved as choir member, teacher and deacon. I tried knitting lessons...Cliff's Mom finished the sweater I started! July found us at Camp Premauca, Brooklyn, MI for a week. Cliff was to be a counsellor, I the camp nurse and Melody Myles, a favorite sitter, went along to look after the boys. Phyllis Culbertson from BG went too but next a.m. left due to a migraine headache. An older woman who'd come as a counsellor but had insomnia & couldn't continue also left so Melody became a counsellor and I was the nurse and the carer for our 3 little boys--6, 4 and 2. Quite a week! Just after we got home, Gammons stopped by for a visit after being out east and we enjoyed their stay. Aunt Vera, Mom and Sam were visitors in August. Lots of cards were played! August 26-28, Cliff's Mom joined us in a trip to Hamilton to visit Aunt Marjorie, Mickey and Aunt Teenie. Then we visited Toronto and went to the summer exhibition and on to Niagara Falls. In September, Cliff went to a Phi Kappa Phi conference in Corvallis, OR. He went on the train & had a good time. Church friends, Dorothy & Al Stanton, sensed I was missing him very much & asked the boys & me to come visit them on Sun.--my first time to have peanut butter and celery! What good friends they've become! The Fred Clines came for an October visit . Fred had just recently returned from a visit to Russia & had much to tell us. That made 3 out of 4 brothers & sisters who'd visted us & seen our new house in one year. Mom & Dad were here for Halloween & Mom took the boys trick or treating (I don't know who had the most fun!). Dad was here to jinx our good football team. Five out of 6 of the previous games he'd come to see were losses! Canada was our Thanksgiving destination. On our way to Delong for Christmas, we visited Ed & Joyce, had a visit with Lawsons, Obergs & Richards. Christmas eve was a nasty one, weather-wise. Wise older Lance had just informed the kids that there wasn't a Santa...& there he was at the door (courtesy of Fred). Eyes were as big as saucers (especially Lance's!). We visited Lortons on our way home. 1966 Cliff went off to a meeting in Chicago in late Jan. While he was away, the heat went off in the middle of the night. Mel Johnson knew who to call & they quickly got our furnace going again. We bought a '64 Buick wagon, as is. When the weather improved in April, Cliff gave it a good cleaning & found $60 hidden away! The college age class Cliff & Ray Yeager were teaching at church came for lunch & having them over was fun. We went to Canada for Easter. The Kreer (Mich State) & Baldwin (U. of Mo.) families came for a weekend. The three guys shared an apt. as grad students in Champaign & took turns cooking. (They let the wives take over now!). Cliff applied for an NSF 8 week conference at Bowdoin College in Brunswick, Maine & was accepted. On our way there, we stopped to visit the Shelleys in Poughkeepsie and they took us to Hyde Park (Roosevelt's home). We also went to Plimoth Plantation, Sturbridge Village and went to see Plymouth Rock. While there, we took the cog railroad to the top of Mount Washington. Windy and cold! We rented another house, sight unseen but lucked out this time. It was in Topsham--just across the river from Brunswick--a large home with lots of antiques and well kept--amazing they'd rent to a couple with 3 little kids! There was a raspberry patch across the street owned by our landlord & we were encouraged to pick the berries. One day while I was in the middle of the patch and Andy & Thad were on the outskirts picking the ones they could reach, they began to cry. Something had stung them. By the time I got to them, the varmints were gone. Thad had been stung a few times and Andy many. I put soda on the marks & that soothed Thad but Andy began to get hives & I was concerned that he'd have swelling which might be life threatening. I called a doctor and without seeing Andy, he prescribed Benadryl for the itching & an Rx to stop the swelling. Andy got into a tub full of water (probably one of the only times in his life!) with baking soda in it to stop the itching. For years we carried the Rx with us in the car & had some in the medicine drawer in case he'd be stung again. He has been stung since without ill effect. We also made a visit to Acadia & enjoyed that outing. Mom and Dad had planned to come out on the train but there was a strike so they came on the bus. We enjoyed their visit & fixed lobster for them. The flea market bug bit us while we were there. We went to Yankee Peddler Days & began to collect treasures. Cliff's Mom came out before we left and returned home with us. We went thro' Quebec & Ottawa & at one point were eating at a restaurant where the waitress didn't understand English. With 3 little boys, we managed to let her know they like hamburgers! We got back home August 16th. Bohns camped in a nearby campground for the entire time. Dick and Jo Eakin came to stay with our boys while Cliff & I went to Camp Miniwanca in Michigan for a week. The Danforth Foundation paid our expenses and gave money for buying books. People became part of the Danforth program by being nominated by others in the program who wanted to encourage faculty to become better acquainted with students. The facilities were rustic (one couple had mice in their suitcase when they got ready to repack) but it was a lovely spot. We went riding in sand dune buggies and sailing with our cabin mates who were experienced sailors. One day there was a call for us & I almost panicked. It was Eakins. Thad had a rash & they'd taken him to the doctor & they needed to know if he was allergic to anything before they got the Rx filled! Whew, what a relief! We had a summer reunion in St. Louis with 23 there. Andy started kindergarten. Mom and Dad came for a football game. We went to Canada for Thanksgiving & on the way, saw some of the floats from the Detroit parade, quite by accident. On the way home, Nov. 26, we stopped to visit the Ford Museum & were overwhelmed by how much there was to see! On the way to Delong for Christmas, we stopped to visit Michelsen's in Long's neighborhood before stopping to visit Lawsons. Christmas Day, Lance was teasing Fred as they arrived. Fred reciprocated & broke the front door window! That created some excitement. We had a good visit, returning home the 28th. 1967--On January 15th, I had a miscarriage (same day as Superbowl). Next day I had a D&C. The apple trees produced abundantly. We shared & had lots of applesauce & pies in the freezer--wonderful apples! Cliff installed an electronic air filter & put in a cedar closet on the lower level. He made a go cart which was a hit with all the neighborhood kids. He served on the UCF board, went to a retreat with the group & continued church teaching. In the summer we went camping with Rocks on some property owned by Sue's Dad in southern Ohio. We had a 9x12 tent which all 10 of us slept in so it was cozy! While we were there, we visited Old Man's Cave and Athens. We had a wonderful time. Anne made a banana concoction which we cooked over the fire & that was memorable! I told them about the advent of little Long #4. Steve became a member of the cherub choir at church & joined the Cub Scouts. Steve, Anne & Brian Rock stayed with us while Sue & Bill went for their Danforth week out east. We went to Cedar Point & learned it was one price day so, never missing out on a bargain, we stayed ALL DAY. Cliff would get on a ride with one set of kids, get off & get back on with another. We got our money's worth! We really enjoyed the day but were a tired bunch by the time we got home! We did other special things during the time they were here--Aug. 28-Sept. 4. On September 3rd, Mom and Dad drove to BG in their Cadillac and Andy, Steve, Cliff and I joined them in the trip to Montreal to Expo '67. Thad got tired quickly & wanted to be carried so we left him with Rocks. We had a great time at Expo. While there, we visited Habitat, Kaleidoscope, Bell Telephone, exhibits of Great Britain, Switzerland, the Netherlands, Russia (got Thad a souvenir from there), Israel, France, Germany, Africa & the Canadian provinces. We stayed in a private home & one night went up on Mt. Royal to get a view from up there. Beautiful! Cliff bought Shuler's train on Nov 22 & later that day we drove to Corunna. We had roast beef instead of turkey, visited Aunts Eva & Zella in the hospital & had visits with many relatives. On our way home, we stopped in Pemberville for lamb & at the hardware store in Rising Sun. We left for Christmas with a limping car on Dec. 22 (Cliff replaced the water pump while there). We met Pam for the first time. Gammons were there for a short time. We went to Fred's & Santa put in an appearance. The 28th we went on to Lawsons. Ed came to see us there & Cliff had a visit with Rich. We adults went out for dinner & then headed home the 29th. 1968--January was a busy time--lots of get togethers with friends, a surprise shower given by Sue Rock and Lois Hiltner, basketball games. On Saturday, Jan. 27, I thought "this is the day!". We watched the thrilling BG-Miami basketball game on TV & then made arrangements for our kids. First they went to Hiltners and later in the eve transferred to Johnsons. We told them we were going out for dinner (it's not nice to lie!) and headed for the hospital. We got there at 5 and Melinda Suzanne was born at . She weighed . I had a saddleblock for the first time (I had trilene for the other 3) & didn't really like it 'cause I was numb for so long. Mom came to be with us for the fourth time. What a great help! Andy fell off some play equipment at Rubin's house (first block of Gustin) and broke his wrist on Cliff's birthday. Eakins came over to celebrate Cliff's bd. Steve began piano lessons from Murilyn Koutstaal & became involved with Little League. The speech therapist said he was a tongue thruster & we were told he should have a tonsillectomy! Thad started kindergarten in the fall. We bought a camper from Dale Hille which had been rented for one season. Our trial run was a meeting with Kreers from E. Lansing at a Michigan state park. Our summer reunion was at Mom & Dad's& we were gone from July 17-24. We went via Urbana where we visited McClures (where Cliff lived for a time, as an undergraduate) & Ketchum (his advisor). We stayed overnight at the Decatur Holiday Inn before continuing on to Springfield where we did some sightseeing. Mom planned an open house while we were there & we got to see lots of people. Sam, Pam, Diane & younguns came back with us to spend a few more days. In late August we drove to Corunna & then took a trip along Lake Huron where we visited the Neumanns & Claflins. It was our first Thanksgiving to be at home. Cliff's Mom came beforehand and was here til Dec. 4. Cliff made & painted Dopey to put on the garage door. On Dec. 7, we were in Jefferson City, Mo. for the wedding of Sam & Pam Henderson. After the reception, we visited Baldwins in Columbia before going on to spend the night with Gammons. Andy had a terrible earache on the way home. While delivering food gifts on Dec. 22, Leetch's dog bit Andy! We went to Delong the 23rd (running out of gas near home) via Noonans. We went to see Grandmother at the nursing home. Sam & Pam, Gammons were there too (tho' Gammons left Christmas day). We all went to see "Camelot" & Mindy became feverish. Dr. Fleischer thought she had tonsillitis. We came home the 29th. 1969 For our summer reunion, it was decided to meet in Bend, Oregon. We left July 30 and our first stop was at Lawsons in Elk Grove Village. Richards came over for a visit. Next day we went through Madison, WI, touring the campus & seeing the capitol and then to the Dells but not to stop and sightsee. Near Eau Clair, a trailer tire went flat! After changing it, we got into Minneapolis/St. Paul but couldn't find a campsite. Alas for our plans to attend the Tiger/Twin game! We finally found a county park--Morris Baker--& set up after dark. That must've been an omen as we've done it many times since!! The irony was that, when we went to the game (not against the Tigers) the next night, they were having a special weekend for campers & we could've camped right next to the stadium! The new tire was flat next day (it was a tire requiring a tube & without one!) We got another from a nearby dealer & continued to Sioux Falls for the night. Next night we got to the Badlands & went for a nature walk & campground slide program. On Aug. 4, we got to Rapid City & camped in a campground with a pool! We went to Mt. Rushmore & Cliff and Steve took a helicoptor ride up near the faces while we others rode on a tram. Thad bought a tomahawk which quickly got lost (we have a picture of him with it!) On the 6th, we had another flat tire so got another new one. We stayed in Cody & went to a rodeo in the eve, went to the Buffalo Bill museum & saw the Mormon painting. We'd been told to get to Yellowstone early to find a campsite but weren't early when we got there on the 7th. We turned into Bridge Bay and started looking. We heard a horn honking as we went around one of the loops and there were the Gammons, sitting in their car looking at a map (deciding where to go)! A fellow was having trouble starting his car so the guys gave him a jump, he pulled out of his campsite and we pulled in! We chatted awhile & then went sightseeing around the upper circle, had tailgate chili and then a campfire. Jack, Nancy, Lance, Cliff and Andy left early on Aug. 8 to go fishing in Yellowstone Lake with a guide. They were soon back with 18 fish!! We saw Old Faithful erupt twice later in the day, had a delicious fish fry in the eve, took a boat trip on the lake, went to an interesting ranger program & had a campfire. Big day! We drove to Grand Tetons on the 9th, going as far as Moose and seeing the Chapel of Transfiguration. Cliff and the boys took Colter Bay trail. We enjoyed another ranger program and campfire. As we left Yellowstone, we stopped to look at an area affected by earthquake in Montana. Here came the Gammons! From there we went to the Craters of the Moon area in Idaho. What a desolate area--cinders, lava. Gammons had tire trouble so stayed there but we kept driving to Mountain Home--a lot of night driving. On the 11th, we went through Boise, crossed over into Oregon and got to Bend by late afternoon. Diane & Elyse had just arrived, Mom, Dad, Sam and Pam had gotten there Sun. Gammons soon arrived. Fred's family arrived the next day and we were all together til Fri., the 15th. We enjoyed a drive in the Cascades, having lunch at a lovely lake with a raft!, going on the Century drive (which turned into gravel roads and two centuries!), ball playing, shopping, going to lava caves and butte, celebrating Fred & Louise's anniversary (20th). On the 15th, we headed off in different directions. We took the scenic drive along the Columbia R., stopped at Bonneville Dam but there were no salmon climbing the fish ladders. In Portland, we stopped at Lloyd Center--& there were the Gammons--in 2 groups but we eventually saw all of them! We headed on to Washington to spend the night and there were Fred's at the information center! Seattle was our destination on the 16th and we stopped in Olympia (toured the brewery there) and Tacoma along the way. At Seattle, we enjoyed the Pacific Science Center where the world's fair had been earlier. We went up in the space needle about dark. Beautiful! The 17th we went back to the Center. Andy & I toured the aquarium, we went to Ye Olde Treasure Shop (and there were the Gammons!). On to the north we went & camped in a state park. Having heard of Bellingham from Hiltners, who spent a summer there, we drove in on the 18th to see the campus. As we drove out, there went the station wagon with the tires on top! We met Gammons at the Peace Arch between the U.S. & Canada and decided we were predestined to go to Victoria together! In Vancouver, we went to Stanley Park and some went to a maritime museum. Ten of us piled into our station wagon on the 19th to take the 8 o'clock ferry to Victoria. It was a nice trip, we enjoyed shopping and looking around. We went through a castle. Nancy & I went to Buchart Gardens--beautiful! We took the 8 o'clock ferry back and were to our campsite after 10. We helped look at maps as Gammons were homebound. August 20 was cool & rainy--our first time to pack up in the rain. We drove along the Frazer R., stopped at Kamloops & found a campsite at Clearwater. The boys had pony rides on the 21st and then we went into Jasper--mountains beautiful & snow covered. Stayed at a lovely site--waterfall and mountains! Cool--started the heater for the first time. Next morning it was so cold that we packed up & had candy bars for bkf! We took a snowmobile ride on the glacier. We went into Banff, enjoyed Lakes Louise and Morain. We enjoyed the hot springs in Banff. The car began making a funny noise--universal joint--so we were advised to drive at 50 mph to Calgary. There we camped at the zoo! Saturday, the 23rd, Cliff took the car in and it was quickly fixed. We took time to tour lovely Calgary Zoo and headed east around 12. Hot riding. We stopped at a Jaycee campground. On Sunday, the 24th, we drove into Regina & looked at the legislative buildings. We drove over 400 mi. to Portage la Prairie. The water looked wonderful & the boys went swimming. They were so dirty--& the mosquitoes were so glad we'd come! Rough roads & wind slowed us down next day but we still made it to International Falls. Our campsite there also came with mosquitoes! On Tues., the 27th, we drove around Duluth--lovely scenery, lots of lakes. Passing through Wisconsin, we went into the upper peninsula & stayed at Van Riper campground. Next day, Cliff went fishing with the boys, Andy & Thad had a pony ride & Cliff & Steve went on a short trail ride. We lunched beside Lake Superior and waded. On to St. Ignace we went to camp, ferried to Macinac Island where we rode bikes and shopped. We crossed the Macinac Bridge on Thurs., the 28th, stopped at Fort Michilamackinaw-interesting. In Frankenmuth we stopped for chicken dinners. By 8 o'clock, we were back in Bowling Green. Mindy joined the boys in taking swimming lessons! (she wasn't enthusiastic!). The boys had 3 day measles. In September we sold our good refrigerator for $75...but got one with an icemaker which has been great. We sold a mower and dinette set too. On Sept. 19, Cliff was offered an assistant deanship by John Eriksen & decided to accept. Shortly after the announcement was made, he changed his mind & suggested Ralph Townsend who accepted and was still on the job as of July, '93. Cliff's Mom & Aunt Mary were here the 20th and we went on 1 cent per pound airplane rides! Kitty Wang from Taiwan arrived on Sept. 16 and we were her "host family". She went with us to Corunna for Thanksgiving. Ed was there too. It snowed & that was a novelty for Kitty. Many relatives visited while we were there. We drove to Delong Dec. 22 & Sam & Pam, Gammons were there too. When we went to visit Grandmother, she looked so wild & said, "Get out, get out!" We did! Pam & I went to see "Funny Girl" & then all, Killingsworths too, went to Wong's for dinner . On the 28th we had a nice visit with Lawson's & came home the next day. 1970 In March we went to Tallahassee for a math conference and camped at Appalachicola Forest. On the way back, we stopped in Americus, Ga. to visit Koinonia Farms. A young man named Millard Fuller showed us around (the boys were most impressed with the rattlesnake skeleton!) who'd joined Clarence Jordan (who'd died the previous fall). Millard introduced us to Cookie (Mattie Pearl) Johnson & her parents who lived in one of the first houses built there...the first of the Habitat for Humanity homes. Cookie spent the summer at BGSU with the Upward Bound program and then went to Tougaloo College from which she graduated. We purchased a zigzag Singer sewing machine which Cliff installed in a beautifully refinished antique cabinet. In May Cliff received an Exellence in Teaching award. He was using the computer in his classes. I went to some yoga sessions. The family reunion was held in Bowling Green. Of Fred's family, Rick was the only one who attended as Fred was burned as a result of trying to eliminate some foxes. He almost got eliminated instead! Louise and the girls spent hours putting cold clothes on his face and other burned areas and he ended up with no scarring. Cliff submitted wood projects at the county fair and won 4 first prizes. Andy submitted a vegetable horse and man and also got a prize. In the baby contest, Mindy won prizes for curliest hair and prettiest eyes. In August we went camping in Michigan. Cliff built our brick compost heap (against his better judgment). Little did he know that years later, composting would catch on. In the meantime he called it a garbage dump. Corunna was again our Thanksgiving destination. Ed, Georgia & Valerie were there too. Lots of relatives visited, including John & Betty. We started off to Delong in the fog Dec. 23. Sam and Pam, Bruce, Aunt Verna & Mary Baker joined us for dinner at Fred's Christmas eve. Gammons & Harshbargers got there late. We went on to Lawsons the 27th & stopped at the Museum of Science & Industry on the way home the 28th. 1971 Wheeled Meals got started. Cliff and Don Norris adapted the cases for the meals put out by the hosp. It's still going strong! In May we went camping with Canadian cousins. The family reunion was held in Maryland at the Nolands. We drove to Harriet & Rich Sterba's July 25th & spent the night there. We got to Nolands next day & Mom, Dad & Fred's had had car trouble so got there after us. Cliff noticed right away that Dad had lost weight. The guys went to Winchester to see the Colts practice next day (they weren't)! A tour of Gettysburg & to see the film there took place on the 28th. Next day we went to Washington to see the capitol, Senate, memorials & Arlington (Lance, Nancy & Pam rode with us). Later Louise and the guys went to Baltimore for the baseball game..rained out! We didn't do too well sports-wise! On the 30th Eric & Bruce got into it & created more excitement than we wished for! The kids did lots of horseback riding, playing football & baseball. Some went to Annapolis & Ft McHenry. On August 1 we headed off in our camper & visited Harper's Ferry, Luray Caverns, camped on Skyline Drive in the rain, went to Charlottesville and Monticello. We rented pontoon & row boats, continued on to Virginia Beach & spent some time there. The 4th we went to Kitty Hawk, Cape Hatteras National Park for swimming & camped at Raleigh. We hoped to go through a furniture factory in High Point but they didn't give tours. On windy W. Virginia roads, we met a semi & didn't think there was room but we got by! We were so happy to see the 2 lane W. Va turnpike! We stopped in Huntington to take a look at Marshall U, continued on to Columbus for lunch and then...home on the 6th. Next day Mindy got hit in the head with a bat. Tough kid! Steve went on the safety patrol trip to Wash D.C. with other 6th graders, took up the guitar, quit piano, went to church camp, got a paper route and started junior high (not very enthusiastically!). By Sept. 17th, he was going off happily. Because of all Andy's ear infections & resulting fluid in his eardrums, tubes were put in his ears Feb. 8th. When swimming season came, his neglectful Mom forgot to put cotton & vaseline in his ears, he got a terrible infection and from 4th of July on had to have cotton in his ears. He turned to reading since communication was difficult. He also got glasses, took piano lessons, played hockey and enjoyed raising gerbils. Thad was enthusiastic about Cub scouts but not piano lessons. In mid September, Dad had surgery for a hernia repair & a rectal polyp. On the 19th, Mindy & I rode to Moline with Lois & 4 kids (on their way to the funeral service for John's mother). Patti picked us up & we visited Dad in the hospital & stayed til the 21st (came back with Hiltners). On the 22nd, the report came back that the polyp was malignant so he had a colostomy. On the 25th, Paul & Thad went off to play & soon we had girls at our door announcing that Thad had thrown a rock which hit one of the Pohlman girls. I was so upset & made him go & apologize. No doubt part of my over-reacting was a result of my being upset about Dad's situation. I regret being so accusatory toward Thad..and will the rest of my life. We went to Delong for Thanksgiving, as did Sam & Pam & Gammons. Dad was so thin. We went to Fred's (Guy & Helen too) for Thanksgiving dinner. On the 28th we visited Ed & Georgia & Cliff's Mom was visiting them. We went back to Delong Dec. 23rd & found Dad improved. Christmas eve we were at Fred's & joined by Aunt Berniece, Aunt Vera & Mary Baker. We also had Christmas dinner there & Mom & Dad went home & we went to see a Christmas display in Wataga. We saw Ed & Georgia again on the 26th & then went to Lawsons with Richards joining us for dessert. The Lawsons & Longs went to visit the Field Museum & planetarium & the adults went out for dinner the 27th 1972 Cliff built a beautiful martin house. It was a challenge to get it up on the southeast edge of our lot. By standing in the treehouse & having lots of help, we did it! Next a.m. Thad announced the arrival of the martins...too bad, they were sparrows. Steve and Andy had teeth pulled in May so their permanent ones would come in & they could start the braces process. Steve lost 12, Andy 4. I went to Dr. Geraci to have my heart murmur checked out. I have mitral valve regurgitation (yuck!). Fred called to say Mom had a bowel obstruction which necessitated a colostomy. Cliff took me to the bus in Toledo and I went to Galesburg Feb. 18th. Her liver was affected by cancer so we knew her prognosis wasn't good. I stayed to visit til the 25th and she was in the hospital all that time. Fred took me to the train to Chicago & I took a bus from there. Mom was so happy that the colostomy was reversed a few weeks later! Good Friday, March 31, we went to Cliff's Mom's in Corunna & did lots of visiting before returning home April 2 We went camping with Canadian cousins and saw the Northern lights. Beautiful! In July we met Lawsons and camped at Pokagon for a couple of days. While biking to the library, my bike wheel got caught in the train track across from the park entrance. Mindy & I fell. She got a big "egg" on her head, I hurt my knees. From that point on, she wasn't enthusiastic about riding with me! Cliff and Vic Norton went to Philadelphia to math mtgs. there. Our family reunion was again held in Maryland starting July 30th. While there we visited Valley Forge, Philadelphia & enjoyed taking the tourmobile to take in the sights of Washington. Mom and Dad weren't up to driving so flew..& didn't enjoy the experience. We left Aug. 5th & went on to Rehoboth Beach, Delaware (no room in the inn!) but at least the kids got in the ocean. We camped near Dover, on to Lancaster Pa & camped at a PA state park. The water pump needed replacing near Grove City & from there, we continued home, arriving Aug. 7th. Mom and Dad came for Halloween & Diane came from MD to join us for some special days. They seemed to be feeling pretty well. Steve was a good Putt Putt player, involved with junior high fellowship, went to camp, got a paper route, played baseball, got a minibike. Andy went to camp, became really interested in coin & stamp collecting, played football and hockey. He set a record at school for chin ups & sit ups. Thad was involved in sports and retired from piano lessons! Mindy became a biker & went to creative arts. Cliff's Mom came on the bus for a visit, arriving Nov. 20. Ed's family got here at 4 am Thanksgiving day, the 23rd. We had a big dinner & nice day & they headed off by 10. The 27th we were displeased to have the police inform us that our sons were throwing snowballs at cars! Mrs. Long went home by bus the 29th. We drove to Delong Dec. 22nd, as did Sam & Pam. Dad was so thin & developing nodes on his chest. Nancy & Ellie came the next day & Fred's came for supper. Aunt Berniece brought tatted pillowcases for each couple Christmas Eve day. We went to Fred's that eve & back for dinner Christmas day with Harshbargers joining us. We went on to Chicago the 27th, stopped to see Valerie & Georgia before going on to Lawsons. We went to Richards for supper & came home the next day. 1973 Thad fell while playing on the ice in Jan., hit his head and felt really bad. Thane Norton and Mindy went to Creative Arts. In early Feb., Cliff went to a Premauca retreat with the senior highs. Mom & Dad's golden anniversary was celebrated on Feb. 13. We were all there and it was a great occasion held at Congregational Church in Abingdon with many, many people present to give their best wishes. Dad was very weak & was hospitalized a few days before & had several blood transfusions. We gave them a family tree done by Jana Hogg from Sylvania. We planned to return to Ill. in early March but Fred called Feb. 27 to say that Dad was bad and that I'd better come. Cliff & Mindy took me to the airport Feb. 28 & I flew from Toledo to Galesburg and Fred met me. Dad knew me and I stayed with him & sang to him a good bit of the day. Eleanor and Sam arrived in the afternoon. Dad died that evening. My family drove to Delong and were there for the graveside service and memorial service on Sun. Mindy & I stayed with Mom for a few days. In April I survived the trauma of hitting 40. On June 8th we drove to Lawsons & were happy to be present for a reception honoring Rev. & Mrs. Stanton. Bob sang & we were part of a quartet which sang. We went on to Delong the 10th. Andy & Thad enjoyed demolishing the hen house & later we went to Fred's pond to swim & picnic. Mom got some hens so the guys made a fence to enclose them. Cliff & I spent some time cleaning out the cellar at "the little place"--canned things from back a few years with some interesting molds in them! We offered to dispose of Jan King's ice box but it was a treasure she'd just acquired! Cliff & the boys went home the 15th. Mom wasn't feeling well but that didn't prevent her from enjoying visitors & going places. We went to the mail carrier's picnic, to Harshbargers for dinner & to a band concert. Cliff and the boys returned the 22nd. Next day we went to Northfield, MN where Cliff studied "Computer Graphics for Learning Mathematics" at Carleton. We rented a house there & the boys were involved in activities sponsored by the park. Steve played in the All Star game. We met Sister Terry who was a conference participant & she went to the Twins game with us on 4th of July. Because of all the fireworks throwers, it wasn't very enjoyable...& the winning run got WALKED in! We went to Mankato to see where we might've lived. Administrators from there had tried to hire Cliff over the phone in 1959! Our family reunion was in St. Louis and we went directly from Northfield to there, arriving Aug. 4th. Sam left on the 5th (I don't know to where). The kids went to 6 Flags the next day and we others went to the zoo. Mom was having terrible abdominal swelling and pain but insisted that she do as much as she could while there, including going to the Muny Opera via wheelchair to see "Irene" starring Debbie Reynolds. Diane's family returned to MD on the 7th & had a full car as Sherry, Thad & Andy went with them. After more visits to Grant's Farm, the zoo & museum, we headed home on the 9th. We took Pam to the bus & then went to the arch. There was a 45 min. wait but we wanted to go up! It was kind of a scarey experience. Rick Cline came back with us & thought it was a long drive! We stopped in Terra Haute to see the home of Eugene Debs (I'd just been reading about him). Rick & Steve enjoyed the fair & putt putting, among other activities. Rick rode home with the Hiltner men the 15th & Andy & Thad got home on the bus that day. We went back to Delong August 29th. Fred invited Cliff to Rotary & Louise & kids came to eat with us. We worked at cleaning out the basement, weeding the garden & doing other things bothering Mom. Aunt Berniece met us to see "The Sound of Music" on the 30th. Jack & Ellie joined us the 31st & the men took out fence & cut down weeds at the little place; the fishermen supplied us with food for a fish fry at Fred's on Sept. 2. Sam, Pam, Tom, Lance had joined us by then. More clean up took place, appropriately, on Labor Day & then we came home the 4th, not knowing we'd seen Mom alive for the last time. Mindy started kindergarten. I did a lot of crying that year and she was so dear to go & get toilet paper for me to use to dry my eyes. We purchased some of Carolyn Shaw's items in Oct. (all proceeds went to the Presby Church). Andy started football practice & Steve a paper route. We got a call from the police at 4 a.m Oct. 13 to pick up our son, Andy there. He was staying at Dean Hartshuh's & they weren't sleepy so decided to go for a bike ride! We went to Corruna Oct. 20th & Cliff's Mom came back with us. The 26th, we went to Kent State with Rocks for a Danforth weekend. Cliff went to Elyria for the fall math mtgs. Nov. 2. We intended to go to Delong to be with Mom for Thanksgiving. Fred called Nov. 19th to say that Mom had died. Diane was with her and had been with them a lot before Dad died and we were thankful for that. We got ready and went Nov. 20. Aunt Vera, Lila and Diane's family arrived after we did; we stayed at Fred's overnight. The private funeral was on the 21st & all returned to Fred's. Next day was Thanksgiving (& Jack's bd) and Harshbargers, Aunt Berniece, Aunt Vera & Lila joined us for the meal at Fred's. There was a memorial service at the Congregational Church the 23rd..& we again went to Fred's after. Nolands left at suppertime on the 24th & planned to drive straight through. Cliff & I went to Fred & Elaine Smith's where we saw Jean & Marvin Wolford. On the 25th, we returned home with a trailer in tow. We sorted through things while there & brought back the things we treasured. Our neighbor, Mrs. Siders died in Nov. also. Diana Guion's wedding was a happy occasion in December. She was our favorite baby sitter and introduced our kids to the Tolkein books and hide the shoe (?). We returned to Fred's Dec. 22nd, as did Gammons, Sam & Pam. After a wonderful Christmas Eve meal at Fred's with Harshbarger's joining us, we went to the midnight service at Presbyterian Church in Gburg. We all headed home the 26th. We took Pat to O'Hare (headed for Fla.), went on to Lawson's & Richards came over for dessert. The 27th we visited Georgia & her Mom before wending our way home. 1974 Our pool table, decided upon in Dec., was installed & got lots of use. The neighborhood kids had lots of fun playing driveway hockey. After 2 broken garage door windows, we suggested playing by a windowless garage!! Cliff got into Little League coaching and helped with the senior high retreat. He learned his cholesterol was high and quit using 1/2 & 1/2 in his coffee! Cliff, our boys, John H. & Ben G. went to Mud Hens 10 cent night June 27th & had a good time. The reunion was once again held in Md. We left June 29th, had lunch with Sterbas and got to Nolands by late eve. Gammons were already there & Fred's and Aunt Berniece arrived July 2, Nancy and Sam July 3. Some of us went to Columbia Mall & to the Coach House to celebrate 25th anniversaries. On the 4th, the Mollards, friends of Nolands, joined us for softball, Olympics (complete with ribbons), our own fireworks in the back pasture and food, of course! We had a barn dance, what fun! We visited Antietam on the way home, arriving July 6th. Next day Aunt Berniece and Fred's stopped to visit. We had an all day, fun trip to Cedar Point on July 11th. We left for Northfield July 20 (got a warning by police about seeing over the trailer and to watch our speed), went slowly around Chicago, through Madison, WI and camped at the Dells. Next day we took a boat trip of the lower Dells, , toured Rochester before arriving at our destination....went to a play that night! We had a good time during our stay there, especially enjoying being with Edisons & Haugens, who we met thro' Thad's baseball team. We spent a lot of time with Vera, Chris, ? & Lee Ann. There were lots of nice get togethers and we went to see "The Boyfriend" & went to a flea market in Minneapolis. Nixon was in trouble over Watergate & resigned Aug. 8th. Ford was sworn in next day. We packed up & headed to to Expo '74 in Spokane Aug. 9 On the way there, we toured Bismarck & went thro' the capitol, drove through the Badlands,camped at Teddy Roosevelt Park & enjoyed the prairie dog village. There weren't many campers at Lewis & Clark campground & it was cold & quiet. A visit to the Russell Museum in Helena was a treat (many bronze sculptures), went to Glacier (beautiful scenery but also very cold! Well named! Determined Cliff got a campfire going!). Going to the Sun highway was lovely and way up. We got to Spokane the 14th & stayed at a dorm at Whitworth College. Next day we spent all day looking at exhibits, especially enjoying the US film & USSR pavilion. After the fireworks, we called it a day. Continuing on, we stopped to look at the campus at Pullman, drove hair raising roads down Lewistown & White Bird passes. Fishing was enjoyed before continuing to Boise & Three Island Crossing St. Pk. On through Ogden to Salt Lake City we journeyed, visiting Temple Square & museums & Andy & I went to an organ recital. We toured the U. of Wyoming campus at Laramie & continued on to Cheyenne where we stayed at a free but scarey campground (you get what you pay for!! Cars seemed to circle all night!). In Oggalolla NE we visited Boot Hill & camped at Mormon Crossing St. Pk. In Lincoln we toured the U. of Nebraska, were unsuccessful in finding a meat packing plant to tour in Omaha, enjoyed Walnut Woods in Des Moines where the fisherman tried their luck. The woolen mill at the Amana colonies was distressingly noisy..we also toured the furniture shop. We found Hoover Museum in W. Branch, Iowa very interesting. Fred's had just gotten home but were welcoming hosts on Aug. 23. The boys fished & golfed next day, we went to see Aunt Berniece and Mary Baker & then went on to Princeton for what we thought would be our last night of camping. Next day we ate with a bicyclist who was on his way to CA! At Ed & Georgia's, we had a tour of their house, had lunch & continued on, stopping at Kendallville. Water was all over the ground when we came out of the store & a radiator hose had broken! Police took us to a campgrund & we camped another night! All were happy to arrive home Aug. 26th. I fixed & froze the corn we'd bought in Indiana. Mindy started first grade, Thad got a Mini Bike (Andy had a Honda 50 which was later stolen) and started a paper route. Dr. Randall removed a plantar's wart from his foot. Andy continued to collect coins, became interested in trains, had surgery on his big toe in Sept. & was on crutches to start junior high (which some nasty girl had crunched in May), got glasses & started wrestling. Steve was involved in sports and choir and took driver's ed. We were distressed with news of Sam and Pam's divorce--initiated by her. We drove to Corruna, stopping in Detroit to see Aunt Flo, Shirley & Bill on Nov. 24 and Cliff's Mom came back with us. Lottie, Georgia, Ed and Valerie came for Thanksgiving and stayed overnight. What a snowstorm Dec. 1 (another notable event was the loss of Mindy's 1st tooth)! We'd invited Rocks to come for dinner. They walked. Cliff got them most of the way home. Neighbor Mrs. Rinebold was moving away & Maxine Miller suggested we neighbors make a wall hanging for her..made the holidays even busier! Cliff was busy making cabinets in the garage. We drove to Abingdon Dec. 22nd..forgot our homemade candy & almost had to go home for it! Eleanor, Jack, Nancy & Sam were there too. We went to a tea house along with Guy & Helen, Mary Baker, Verda Dahler & Aunt Berniece. The meal was an outrageous $4.95! We went to the Presbyterian midnight service Christmas eve. We went on to Chicago the 26th (Pat, Sherry & Tom were leaving for Florida). Ed came to visit us at Lawsons & we went to Richards for supper. We stopped to shop at Macomb Mall Dec. 31 on the way to Corunna. Cliff's Mom fell & a trip to the ER revealed a broken wrist! History repeats itself! We went to the watch party at church that night which didn't thrill our kids. Cliff was busy painting. We went to Longleys for New Year's dinner & came home the next day. 1975 Cliff went to Washington D.C. for math meetings in January. He served on the BGSU budget committee which was quite a time commitment. He coached Little League in the summer. Steve went to Dr. Peatee to have his toe checked out in Jan. and started going to Orthodontist Lindsey in May. In April we went to Chicago for a fun trip--stayed in a hotel, visited the museums & downtown attractions (I went to the flower show at McCormick Place). The view from the Sears Tower was spectacular! After dark we did lots of walking around & it's a wonder we didn't get mugged! We went to Archbold and spent hours waiting to go through the Freedom Train. Tim Gallagher went with us. It was the only stop which had lots of people, I think! Fred, the hard working executor, had Mom & Dad's estate settled and we received a check July 8th (which we later invested in AT&T). We returned to Northfield June 28th and lived in a museum like house at 306 Nevada--strange rooms! On our way there, we stopped in Janesville & called Lois & Floyd Stegall. They insisted we stay with them & we had such a good time. Floyd had a convertible & Steve especially enjoyed riding in it. From there we went to Baraboo & visited the circus museum. Edisons came by with ice cream when we got there. Lawsons came July 3rd & the men & boys went canoeing. We went to Cannon Falls to see the fireworks & the mosquitoes almost consumed us! The kids enjoyed tennis, swimming & fishing. Going to the buffet in the King's Room at St. Olaf's was a special treat. The boys canoed the Cannon R. to Faribault and we met them & shopped. This house came with a dog! Tache, which looked like a wolf and took after the garbage collector when he innocently entered the yard! He leaped up on our camper which was handy & assured me that was the last garbage pickup he'd make if that dog was around! I didn't blame him for being upset! It also came with a canoe which we used a few times. Thad & Andy enjoyed fishing and played some baseball. We had fresh raspberry pie for the first time there. Yum! We went to the Guthrie Theater in Minneapolis to see "Arsenic & Old Lace". Excellent! When we were getting ready to leave Northfield, the back window of the station wagon shattered! (maybe due to the heat?) What a mess! We had it replaced before leaving for Ft. Kearny, NE. Continuing on, we went to visit Aunt Vera, visited the mint in Denver, went on to Colorado Springs to visit the Air Force Academy, Garden of the Gods, saw the narrow gauge RR in Gunnison. We enjoyed camping and visiting Ouray (breathtaking!), Mesa Verde, the Grand Canyon (took a bus trip along the west rim), Las Vegas (where we camped on "the strip" and Cliff & I went to a show after the kids went to bed..Follies Bergare...Wow!), Los Angeles (visited Browns & Twus), Hawkins in Santa Maria where we sampled abalone for the first time, & on to San Diego to the Noland's new home. What a place! Some went to the Padres game, we visited Tiajuna and went to Disneyland. There were 24 of us there. When we left, we went to Carlsbad Caverns, Texas (visited Nieman-Marcus in Dallas & camped between Dallas & Ft. Worth), Hot Springs, Jeff City, Fulton (Mo) ...where Sam was playing in a ball tournament & we went to the spot where Churchill gave his "iron curtain" speech...St. Louis and Champaign! What a trip! Cliff continued coaching, Steve took up tennis, Andy fell out of a tree and broke three bones in his foot & was on crutches awhile, Thad was in the 6th grade musical, "Oliver" and started junior high. Mindy had chickenpox--discovered on Thad's bd while his friends were here for overnight! Steve got his driver's license and then picked up the cocker spaniel we'd decided to buy. What a cutie. We named him Dr. Pepper and he was called "Puppy" by the kids & "Peppy" by the older adults. Just after that, the Fred Clines, Sam and Gammons came for Thanksgiving. We expected Fred's the 26th but surprise, they ran into a snowstorm, stopped and didn't let us know! I called Gammons but they hadn't heard anything so joined in worrying. The 27th we went to the service at St. Mark's where Mindy & Thad sang & then I did W/M. When I got home, they were here (Pat, Helen & Guy too). Sam & Gammons got here late afternoon & we had a big meal. Fred, Louise & Steve went to Peggy Hall's to sleep. Shopping at a sports store, touring BGSU, playing basketball, going to see "The Other Side of the Mountain" were enjoyed during the time we were there. By the time they left, I was sick but went to Dr. Peatee right away & made a speedy recovery. Andy had his toenail removed by Dr. Overhulse again Dec. 4. Ouch! On the 12th, I was making cookies & candy to take to Rocks to dip & burned up my Tupperware pie taker on a burner! What a mess! We learned Sherry and Gary were planning to be married so persuaded them to have the wedding in Abingdon while we were there for Christmas. Mindy was to be flower girl and I, the non-sewer, made her wine velvet long dress. We left for Abingdon December 22nd and got there in time for the 6:30 rehearsal (I was the bride!). The rehearsal dinner was at Club 19. We were busy with preparations the 23rd and the wedding was at 7. Every body played a part and it was a lovely wedding. and reception at the church. Following our traditional wonderful ham dinner at Fred's, we went to the Christian Church & then Presbyterian Church pon Christmas eve. Christmas was another lovely day. We played bridge & pig & talked til 2:30 so got a late state to Lawson's next day. The kids had pizza & we went out for Chinese. The 27th was shopping at Woodfield and going to Richards. All but Rich of Obergs had the flu but there were 21 of us there (Swails too) & we had a great time visiting & singing. I got Christmas cards sent out before postage went from 10 cents to 13! On our way to Corunna, we stopped at the Henry Ford Museum in the afternoon, went to church at 8 and to John & Betty's from 1-3 a.m. Happy New Year. Next day we went to Eyre's & the kids had sleigh rides. On our way back to Corunna, we decided on a color TV from Art Long for Cliff's Mom. Cliff was busy putting in insulation & we went to Sarnia to shop. Myrtle Johnson and Mildred Smith were in to visit. We came home Jan. 1 1976 We met Diane at the airport January 26th. We celebrated Mindy's birthday by taking cupcakes to school, having Gretchen & Joel come for hotdogs & a Snoopy cake. Diane was with us til the 30th. . 7th we went to Corunna with a sick Thad. Next day he was better..& Andy & Mindy were sick! We came home to recover the 8th. We went to Abingdon for my high school reunion July 10th--25 years! People look different (except for me!) From there, we went on to New Salem & Springfield, stayed overnight (Ramada Inn) in Champaign. My family left me off at Purdue for the Presbyterian Women national meeting. I roomed with Maurine Jones. It was so hot at night that I slept on the cool linoleum floor. Maurine wondered about me! Fortunately it cooled off so I didn't continue to do that. 6000 women were in attendance (& a few men). We were there from July 13th to the 18th. After Cliff's learning about needing periodontal surgury, I went to Dr. Strawman who told me I had 9 cavities. I told Dr. Kramer & he said he was watching those spots but they weren't cavities. Hmm! Our family reunion was held in the Ozarks at a friend of Sam's--Jake. We departed Aug. 6th, spending the first night with the Gammons. Next day we met Al's plane. Sara, Jack's sister, joined us also. Next day Lance, Tom & our boys went to Jeff City for a ballgame & then we all met in the Ozarks. Paul Noland's family stopped for a visit next day & Bruce, Rick, Fred's family, Aunt Berniece, Lila & Vern arrived. There was lots of water activity. Al was captain of the boat & I'd have gotten lost! We made ice cream for Al's bd. It was a lovely location. Ten canoes went on a float trip & there was lots of splashing & dunking! There was also lots of antiquing, golf & card playing! We returned to Gammons Aug. 12 & did lots of singing. We went to a French restaurant the 13th & Fred supplied flowers for all. "Oliver" at the Muny was scheduled for the 14th but got rained out. We had ice cream & cake for Fred & Louie's 27th anniversary. Mindy hustled over to get Pep from Millers when we got home next day. Mindy became a Brownie and took up piano playing. Thad enjoyed Little League and we spent many an evening at the ole ball park. Andy detasseled corn from July 16th-27th, took up the clarinet (after marching & pretending to play due to low numbers in the band--Tom Apple's influence!) and continued to wrestle. Steve had oral surgery to get his teeth into position for braces, got a letter in tennis and took up Little League umping (& wished parents would stay home!). The Gammons, Sam and Fred Clines came for Thanksgiving. Sherry, Gary, Pat, Fred & Louise arrived at midnight & the former at 4:30 a.m. Nov. 25. Louise, Cliiff & I went to the St. Al's service & then had brunch. Fran Lyman came at 3 & we had our festive meal at 6:30. During the time they were here, pingpong, basketball, paddleball, shopping, card playing were enjoyed. We dipped candy, some went to the flea market & art museum (from the ridiculous to the sublime!) They left the 28th. We drove to Abingdon the 24th for another wonderful Christmas with family. Gammons were there too & Guy & Helen, Jean, Lennie, Christie, Mary Baker, Fawbushes joined for Christmas eve supper & the 7:30 church service. On to Lawsons the 27th where Obergs, Richards & we adults went for Chinese while the kids had pizza at home. We returned home in the snow the 28th & our faithful car turned 100,000. We left for Corunna the 31st, stopping to eat at the Sweden House on our way. The boys chose to stay home while Cliff, his Mom, Mindy & I went to the watch service at church. 1977 Cliff's Mom wasn't using the '55 Chevy they'd purchased in '59 (when we bought our Buick), so we brought it back to BG in Jan. Thad named it "Bertha" & didn't want to be seen riding in it. When we were taking him somewhere, he wanted to get out & walk a short distance from his destination. Cliff's Mom also returned with us & was here til Jan. 22. I'd been to several doctors about my fibrocystic breast problem after having had several biopsies. They seemed to think it necessary to have a simple mastectomy so, on Jan. 7th, I had that procedure done plus a hernia repair. I was in the hospital til the 13th & we had some fierce cold, snowy weather during that time. BGSU was cosed on the 10th & the public schools were closed for several days. Ed and Lill were here for dinner on the 9th, before the bad weather struck. We went to Rocks for dinner on the 15th. (that was pushing it!). Cliff was going to take his Mom home the 16th but the heat light came on in the car so they turned back. Dr. Overhulse aspirated fluid from the breast incison on the 17th, opened it on the 24th & pressed clotted blood out. I was back til Feb. 14th for more aspirations & was very upset with Dr. O. & sorry I had the surgery. On Jan. 22nd, we took Cliff's Mom back, returning that day. The weather was so bad the 26th that Bob & Joyce Maltby couldn't get home so stayed overnight with us. Early on the 27th, Cliff fainted in the main bath, fortunately falling without injuring himself! He went to see Dr. Conrad & his blood pressure was 100/60. She told him to eat more! It was still snowing & drifting so Mindy's party was postponed. I made a Snoopy cake for her & Hiltners came for dinner. No deliveries of Wheeled Meals were made the 28th--a first. A community service was held in the ballroom on the 30th because of the weather & the gas crisis. There was no mail the 31st & no classes at BGSU til noon. School resumed Feb. 7th & then a boiler exploded at the high school so Steve & Andy didn't have school a few more days. They enjoyed lots of card playing with the Hiltner kids!. Around 30 kids from BG went to Camp Premauca on Feb. 12th. We took some & Mindy wanted to stay! We went to Westgate Dinnner Theater with Turners on the 13th. Rocks & Hiltners joined us to celebrate Steve's birthday the 14th & we began to see a lot of Teri Garzoni. I was feeling really depressed during this time. John & Brian came to have hamburgers & go bowling on Thad's birthday. In July we went to Hotchkiss, Colo. for our family reunion. Aunt Vera and Aunt Berniece were there too & didn't enjoy their Navajo tacos! (put all their sauce on them without tasting first...Hot!) We went to the Black Canyon of the Gunnison, the Longs had a picture taken by Long's Peak sign (what a hairy bunch!). Lila, Vern and 2 grandchildren joined us for part of the time. We took our camper. On our way home, we thought we'd wait to fill up on gas at one of the towns on our route. They turned out to be just a few houses, no town! We were getting higher & higher & the gas gauge was registering lower & lower. We pulled onto the scenic view area (beautiful but scarey when you think of running outof gas & losing your power brakes and power steering!) Cliff got out the little dab of Coleman fuel in the trailer to put in the car. A big van with a Texas license plate pulled into the scenic view. When he learned what our problem was, he said he had plenty of fuel & we were welcome to what we needed if Cliff could rig a siphon. Boy, did he do that in a hurry! What wonderful folks--they wouldn't even let us reimburse them for the gas! We stopt in Abilene to see the Eisenhour museum/library and in Independence at the Truman museum/library. On August 30th, Andy, MIndy, Cliff & I flew to England on Freddy Laker's plane. We were delayed 5 hours in leaving Detroit due to an air controller's strike so it was very late when we were served dinner. Mindy was so sleepy but didn't want to miss out on dinner! We skipped the movie! We landed in Prestwick, Scotland & then on to Gatwick in Londeon..took The train to Victorial Station , London & then the tube to Charing Cross. Stuart Givens had stayed at the Waldor Hotel years earlier so we did too..right next to Trafalgar Square...lotsa pigeons! My but we did a lot of walking...should've had a pedometer! We saw the changing of the guard, Downing St., the government buildings, went to Westmister Abbey & of course Big Ben. We went on a boat trip of the Thames to Greenwich & toured the maritime museum. On the 2nd, we went to the British Museum & looked til we were saturated! That eve, we went to see "The Mousetrap". We rented a car in Battersea so Cliff wouldn't have to deal with downtown London traffic while driving on the "wrong" side of the road. Andy was the navigator & M & I sat in back as passengers. They got us to the Portobella St. Market which we found crowded & expensive (by our standards). On we went to Oxford where we saw Christ Church. We enjoyed the Cotswolds & stayed at The King's Inn in Chipping Norton..delicious food! Sunday, the 4th, we intended to go to church but discovered we were an hour late. Whoops! On to Stratford where no plays were taking place but we toured the grounds. On to Warwick Castle which has been left in original condition. We toured from the dungeon to the towers. Cliff & I went through the private quarters where there were wonderful works of art. Next we saw Coventry..the new cathedral next to the one destroyed by bombs . Andy & Mindy enjoyed the ruins of Kenilworth Castle more than Warwick! We stayed at a b&b at Moreton-in-Marsh with nice folks, the Billingers. Next day we went to Bourton-on-the-water to see the model village & visit antique stores. After Cirencester (where we looked at the church), we went on to Bath & toured the pump room, baths & a costume museum. We got to Salisbury too late to go inside the cathedral. It's huge! Finding accomodations for the night proved to be difficult & we ended up in a crumby hotel in Winchester. Portsmouth was our destination next day where we got to the sea--foggy & rainy--& then on to Chichester. At Windsor, we went to see the palace, including doll house, state apartments & art gallery. Spectacular! We stayed there for the night &, after dinner, went by a theater where "See How They Run" was ready to begin. We got tickets & enjoyed it so much. On the 7th (our 20th anniversary), we drove back to London, dropped our luggage off at Dover Hotel & then Cliff & Andy returned the car. We went to the Tower of London where we saw The Beefeaters and the crown jewels & went to the magnificent St. Paul's Cathedral. Later we went by Buckingham Palace. Andy & Cliff took the bus back to Windsor the 8th as they'd missed out on shopping there (the stores were closed). They came back with 30 pounds worth of merchandise! Mindy & I took the bus to Kew Gardens; we all made a brief visit to the National Gallery & I went to Evensong. We went to the Coliseum to see "A Night In Venice". On the 9th, we were on the train from Victoria Station at 10 travelling to Dover where we saw the white cliffs! It was a lovely calm day & we picnicked on the boat crossing the channel to Calais. There we caught another train aand were into Paris at 6:22. The metro system was easy to use & we found people friendly, if we had questions. From our hotel near Odeon Staion, we walked to the Seine, to see the magnificent Notre Dame cathedral with all those gargoyles & the Sorbonne. It was an eventful weekend for Mindy. The dancing monkey she wanted was too expensive, she was mistaken for a boy when we went to the rest room, she was accused of breaking a chintzy souvenir at a shop near Notre Dame and then got stuck on the elevator at the hotel! During the day we visited the Arc d Triumph but didn't go up, walked down the Champs Elysee, enjoying the fountains & gardens (had lunch there at a MacDonald's like place), the Louvre & small Arc d Triumph. We returned to London & Freddy got us back home the 13th after a wonderful trip! Steve and Thad were waiting for us in Detroit. Steve got his braces off, continued to play tennis, was inducted into the National Honor Society, started classes at BGSU (lived at Kohl Hall) and took up barbershop singing. Cliff did also and the Logarythms, a math foursome composed of Dean Neumann, Herb Hollister and Charles Holland, was formed. Andy got braces on, played hand bells under Kitty Williams' direction, detasseled, had a paper route. He played percussion in the marching band, wrestled, played tennis and took driver's ed. Thad joined the church and went to a youth group retreat, along with Steve and Andy. He was involved with tennis, soccer and baseball & was on student council. MIndy was on student council, played on a Little League team & continued to take piano lessons. Fred, Louise, Sherry, Gary and Pat arrived after 11 on Nov. 23rd with Gammons and Sam getting here at 6am next day. Fred, Louise, Sherry, Gary & I went to the service at Trinity. We had a big meal & then the Cline women, Cliff and Jack took Fred to the airport. While they were here, we made & dipped caramels & toffee, played tennis & paddleball, went to a craft show & Southwyck (Jack & Mindy went to "Star Wars"). The guys went car looking with Cliff. They all left the 27th in bad weather. Mindy & Lisa went coasting. Cliff was feeling bad with a cold when we left Dec. 23 so Steve drove a lot. Sam and we met the others at Wong's. Sherry & Gary wanted to treat! We went to see a beaver dam next day & got a truck stuck so had to go back for another to pull the first one out! Gammons came at noon. In the evening, all went to the church service. Christmas day, a chair fell & hit Steve on the head while he was sleeping! We went to church & Sunday school. The furnace was out! Imogene came just as we were ready to eat. Next day we shopped at the mall & OT's. The furnace got fixed! We went to Lawsons & from there to Richards. Obergs, Swails & Stantons were there too & we had such a good time--sang til after 1! On the way home, we stopped at Oakbrook to shop & went to York's open house after unloading. 1978 Bad weather kept us from our usual visit to Canada for New Year's. On Jan. 26th, we had The Blizzard. We couldn't even see Hiltner's house across the street and that continued all day. We were fortunate in retaining our power almost the entire time or we'd have had to leave & go to a shelter. Tim Snipes and Jeff Barnes were here for overnight & stayed til it let up. Tim walked home & frostbit his ears. When it was possible to make it home, Steve came home the 27th til classes resumed at BGSU. The National Guard was called in to help with the snow clearing & people weren't to drive for the first several days. I took Cliff & Steve to BGSU the 31st & the car misbehaved & Woodends brought me home. Helicoptors picked people up to come to work at the hosp, people in trouble, etc. Mindy's birthday got celebrated late--a special 10th! We drove to Galesburg June 16th & camped in Aunt Berniece's back yard. We ate at Wong's & she insisted on paying. What a dear! Andy went to Sandburg to take the ACT next a.m. (missed out on Boy's State in BG), We went to Railroad Days & then met at the Junction Motel. Pat & Rick Morozink's wedding was at 3 on the 17th and later we went to Fred's for a buffet. Next day we had bkf. in our motel room & then Ellie, Jack, Diane, Sam & I went to church. Morozinks, Helen & Guy, Jean joined us at Fred's for more buffet. We toured the railroad repair yard and the hump. Another day we toured the Carl Sandburg home, went to the Grand Canyon of Knox Co, had a weiner roast at Fred's farm & sang every song we knew! Elyse & Mindy were good buddies; Elyse made her feel so special. We went to Nauvoo and later to Floyd & Lois's where Uncle Claire, Aunt Jo, Rick's family, Aunt Berniece, Roger & Justin joined us. Some of us went back to "the old home place" of Mom's, to Bishop Hill. The 23rd, we drove to Lawson's & that evening went to the Regal Inn where a reception for Pat & Rick was held. Did lotsa dancing! Diane, Elyse & Curt stayed overnight at Lawsons & then Curt took D & E to O'Hare. Stantons and Richards came for a picnic and Mrs. Stanton hid her upper plate! All but she & Lois went to a White Sox/Twins game. We met Ed & Lil for lunch at Marshall Field's in Oakbrook the 25th & then went on home. Early in July we had a flood which about finished off the garden. In August we went to Providence to math meetings held at Brown U. & stayed with Tom & Judy Schmidt & their family. Tom was minister of a Baptist Church there. We went to an Italian restaurant & Andy ordered 1/2 pound of spaghetti. He had a big appetite but that was too much for him! We went on to Boston, Maine, Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island...14 days total--beautiful scenery around the Gaspe Peninsula Steve spent his summer working as the church sexton, went to the Grand Old Opry with Garzonys, became an elder at church, was a paper grader for Bob Twyman (history) during his sophomore year. Andy finished up with braces, got contacts and went to Quebec with the French class. Thad enjoyed playing tennis, went to Baton Rouge to play tennis with Chris Fieffer, a favorite partner, enjoyed skiing and soccer. Mindy went to outdoor camp and played Little League (the only girl!). Cliff began wood carving by using a milling machine, it even signed his name! Gammons & Sam came to celebrate Thanksgiving with us. They arrived before 5 on the 23rd. Cliff, Steve & I went to the Thanksgiving service & Mindy rode to it with Hiltners (Lois & her Mom joining us). We had our usual feast & Ellie brought so much. Next day the guys played paddleball. Loma Linda's was our dinner destination with some going on to shop at Franklin Park & Westgate. Jack, Ellie, Cliff & I went to an auction the 25th & on to Grand Rapids to shop. Sam was the winner of the pingpong tournament. They returned home the 26th. Charlie Hendrix had heart bypass surgery on Dec. 19th. We drove to Abingdon the 26th. Jack & Sam were already there & the rest of the Gammons, including 2 Nancys, came the next day. We met at Wong's for dinner that night & later Dorothy Cline and Mary Baker came over. I saw Marvin Wolford and Gayle Schisler, AHS classmates I hadn't seen for awhile! Aunt Berniece, Helen & Guy, Jean, Fawbushes joined us for a festive Christmas eve meal & we sang "Away In a Manger" at church! After gift opening & another feast on Christmas Day, Gammons & Sam left. Lawsons was our destination next day and while there, we went to the Art Institute, had Obergs & Richards over (ordered in Chinese) & were concerned about Becky O. & her boyfriend! A delighted little dog greeted us when we returned on the 28th. Bruce and Debby Noland got married in Phoenix. We didn't make it to the wedding. 1979 I went back to my 25th class reunion at Cottage Hosp on June 14th. I rode to Toledo with Margaret Danziger, took the train & lost my ticket (I need a keeper!). I also missed my connections in Chicago so got in 2 1/2 hrs. late. Aunt Berniece met me. Next day we lunched with Louise, Bonnie, Sally Hopkins and the Cramer ladies, Gladys, Helen & Marilyn. There were 7 classmates at the Cottage reunion, including Pat & Marilyn Nelson stopped by. I went to Fred & Louise's the 16th & Sherry & Gary joined us for supper. On the 18th, I returned home on the train. (some kind soul turned my ticket in). Cliff's Mom celebrated her 80th birthday in July and we had a big party for her with Ed and Lil there too. John & Betty were very helpful in making arrangements. On our way home, the sky over BG looked very black & when it let loose, there was a deluge. People canoed in the park & other places. Andy took the car someplace & it got very wet & needed some repairs! In August our family reunion was held in St. Louis with over 20 there. We went to a Cubs game (& nearly froze), antiqued, went on a float trip and went to the Muny Opera to see "Sugar". I don't believe the air conditioning was needed or people got in the pool at any time! Strange! Steve was involved with tutoring, youth advising, softball (pitched for the church team & they were the champs), umping, was a youth advisory delegate to the General Assembly in Kansas City in June, moved into an apartment in the fall. He served on the UCF board and was summer janitor at church Andy went on a church retreat to Michigan, continued to play tennis, went to the prom with Mary Magada, participated in soccer camp at BGSU (helped), went off to Miami in the fall where he was recipient of 2 scholarships. Thad went on the church Mich. camping trip, continued to enjoy tennis, soccer and baseball, started cross country (the team went to district meet), worked for our neighbor, Forest Creason and got his driver's license. Mindy enjoyed working on badges for Girl Scouts and the meetings at Bachmans. She continued to take piano lessons from Cynthia Dybdahl, liked baseball playing and was a member of the safety patrol--a captain. She was student council secretary & participated in the talent show. In connection with Girl Scouts, I was cookie chairman and Lois Hiltner and I picked up 113 cartons of cookies which we then split up into orders. What a job! Our house looked like a cookie factory! Cliff flew to Bismarck, N.D. Oct. 11th to lead a teacher workshop on computer graphing. He went to many life drawing classes during the year. While he was gone, Mindy & I went to a Girl Scout camping trip and the temp went down to 26! The girls wanted to stay...so we did. Brr. We were glad to get home Oct. 14th & to have Cliff back then. Two weeks later, he went to the math mtgs. at Wooster. I went to Ottawa Park with Rehmers to see the cross country meet Oct. 27th. Thad was {42nd}and Dave Boutelle {6th}out of over 100. I was hospital guild president and we had a house tour fundraiser in Nov. with homes decorated for Christmas. Participants met at St. Mark's Church & transportation was provided for them. Different groups provided vans, etc. One group contracted for a Greyhound bus!!! It was the biggest that Greyhound had & what a challenge to traverse the streets of Bowling Green! It was a rainy day so cars parked as close to the church as they could get. The bus was too high to go through the west portico so that poor bus driver had to struggle to get turned around...betcha it was the longest day of his life! It was the first & last time that transportation was provided! Otherwise it was a big success. Hospital guild celebrated their 25th anniversary & we had a special celebration for the event. On Nov. 22, Jack's bd, they, Sam and Nancy Calemino came at 5 a.m. Nancy, Sam & we went to the service at St. Al's where Mindy sang. After our evening feast, the Gammon guys were great to do the clean up. We shopped at Southwyck, enjoyed the rec center & playing cards. Lots of football was watched, the 4 youngest men went to see "10"! The Missourians left Nov. 26th & Andy rode to Miami with Lindens. On the 29th, Cliff's Mom, Bill Miller, Gloria McLaughlin, Shirley Hoy, Will McKinnon joined us for supper (on their way back from a funeral?). December 23rd started off misty as we started off to Galesburg. We met at Wong's for dinner & then went to the church cantata. Helen, Guy, Aunt Berniece joined us for dinner & the candlelight service at 7:30. Tom & Lance got there later. Christmas Day Fred gave us a tour of his piggies! (They smell!). Jean & Lennie joined us & Gammons headed for home. The 26th, Fred backed into Sam's Mercedes! Ouch! We went to Chicago, had a visit with Lill & then went on to Lawsons. The shoppers went to Woodfield the 27th & in the eve we all went to Richards, as did Smails & Dolores. On our way home the 28th, we ate at Sauder's Barn restaurant in Archbold. Peppy was due for his rabies shot so Andy & I took him to Dr. Jones for it that day. I needed some things at Kroger's & Andy decided to go see Chalmer Riggs, the Toledo Blade distributor the boys worked for, so we left Pep in the car. After I got my groceries gathered & I got ready to pay for them, I discovered I'd left my billfold at the vet's. Back to the car & I cautioned Pep to "Stay in!". Ha! The instant the door opened, he was out in a flash, with me in hot pursuit. He headed for the "Out" door into Kroger's (didn't have his reading glasses on, I guess) which was conveniently open as a shopper left. I went in the In & we went up & down several aisles (with astonished shoppers observing) before Pep decided to leave (going out the correct door this time!). I was afraid he'd run out onto Rt. 25 and had some anxious moments before he allowed me to pick him up & take him back to the car. We were both shaking! Later in the day I encountered a hospital employee who'd observed our Kroger's scene and her comment was, "When I go to the grocery store, I don't take my dog!" Clever woman! Next time I went, I didn't either! Stantons came that eve to have dinner & see the new year in with us. 1980 We went to Corunna Jan. 1 and were gifted with a beautiful quilt from Cliff's Mom. We went to Leapers for dinner with the Longs in the eve & came home Jan. 2. Andy had three wisdom teeth pulled next day (8 pieces). Cliff finished the fiddler stand the 26th. I took a nurse refresher course offered by Wood County Hospital from March 10-April 10. It was stressful and I decided against returning to nursing as a career...learned a lot but didn't like the stress that all the IV medications & machines created! I was glad when it ended. The 11th, I went to a seminar about the family at St. Vincent's. Six of us went & Addie Brandt drove. I got a moped which I had great trouble getting started. The kids had no such problem & made good use of it for many years. Tom and Nancy Gammon were married in a beautiful cathedral in St. Louis in April. We picked up Andy the 18th on our way there. The wedding was the next day & we went to Tom & Nancy's for the reception. (They bought the house Ellie & Jack first lived in). In the eve there was a big reception with buffet & dancing and we enjoyed being with the rest of the family for the festivities. Steve rode to BG with Sam, Ellie and Diane the 20th. Next day Diane & Ellie cut out Mindy's dress for Elyse's wedding. We went to Greenfield Village on the 22nd & went to see "Little Miss Marker " that eve. Sam joined the shoppers at Southwyck next day & we all found something to buy (Diane a raincoat she really liked), came back for Thad's tennis match & other sports activities. Mindy's dress was almost finished when they left the 23rd. We went to Canada for Janice Longley's wedding to Laird Wilson in May. We were surprised to learn that the beautiful wedding cake was a fake! We (all but Steve) drove to Chicago July 31, stayed with Lawsons and flew to LA where we rented a car to drive to San Diego. We stopped at a beach, chosen at random, along the way and who should be there but the Ralston family, formerly from BG! The waves were great! Jeff and Elyse got married August 2nd and Mindy was one of Elyse's attendants. Diane had everything organized for the wedding reception at home, even a luncheon for ladies the day of the wedding! All went smoothly. While there, we stayed at the neighbor's house, went to Sea World (where the sea lions put on an unscheduled show--amorous!), visited the Dotys in La Jolla, visited Old Town and generally had a good time. Some ambitious souls climbed the mountain nearby. From there we went to Kitty's near LA (we ate before we got there which was a mistake as they had a feast awaiting us; with Andy & Thad along, they were up to eating a lot!), went on to Hawkins for a nice visit. Cliff went to Vandenburg with Rog, saw a beached whale! Our last visit was with the Browns in Thousand Oaks. Before returning home, we visited Universal Studios. We returned home Aug. 13. Steve was elected youth advisory delegate from MVP again and went to Detroit to general assembly this time. At the urging of Ed Gehres, he ran for moderator of the youth triennium held at Bloomington, IN and was elected! It was held the same time as the wedding so he wasn't able to go to CA. He was a member of men's chorus and went on their concert tour to Florida during Spring break. He, Mindy and I were in the first BGSU summer musical production, "The Music Man", directed by our neighbor, Gene Dybdahl. Steve had foot surgery but wasn't incapacitated long--you can't keep a good man down! He received a scholarship for fees/books. Andy transferred to BGSU since he wasn't pleased with the preppiness of Miami. He lived at Conklin Hall. In the summer he was the church sexton. He became a blood donor (July 22) and had his wisdom teeth pulled. Thad was voted MVP in tennis, was on the cross country team which went to state, continued his interest in soccer, did some umpiring and bought a racquet stringer. Mindy was accompanist for a number at the sixth grade concert and for Brenda Bachman playing the flute. She had the part of Amaryllis in "The Music Man" and was becoming expert at swimming and tennis. She was a student council rep, 7th grade chorus president (the only year there wasn't a Christmas concert, I think) & active in Girl Scouts. Cliff was chair of the Ohio MAA and was voted "teacher of the year" for the BGSU math dept. His whittled articles were much sought after. Nine Cline & Gammon family members came for Thanksgiving. The 6 of Fred's family got here at 1:30 am (we got their letter telling us they were coming the next day!) and Ellie, Jack & Sam came later that day, at 3 on Nov. 27th. We'd been expecting Joanna Appleby to be with them..but she wasn't. We were disappointed. Some of us went to the Thanksgiving service, we ate at 5 & then exercised with a pingpong tournament. Fran Lyman was here next day for a nice visit. All but Ellie, Jack, Louise & I went to the rec center from 5:30-9 so we had a late supper followed by card playing. The 29th the Clines headed on to Rick & Pat's & we others went to an auction near Woodville. Sam was in a qaundry about his future. We met at Wong's in Galesburg Dec. 23rd--Morozink's, Guy & Helen, Sam & Aunt Berniece in freezing rain & snow. Next day Pat was sick so Rick M & Mindy decorated Pat's scrumptious cookies. All of the Gammons and Aunt Mary were present for the usual wonderful dinner & candlelight service. On Christmas Day, Helen Guy, Lennie, Jean joined us--the gang's all here! We shopped the 26th, went to see Gary's computer at Cottage & Guy & Helen came for supper. Gammons & we left the 27th; we stopped to see Ed & Lill before going on to Lawsons. Dolores, Lester Stanton and Richards came for dinner the 28th. We returned home in the snow on the 29th..to a happy doggy. 1981 We drove to Sarnia Jan. 2 & visited Cliff's Mom who'd been in the hosp. since 12/28. It was a slippery trip. The Longs gathered at Leapers for dinner. We visited the hospital several time, saw Fleets at the mall, saw Dr. Borek before returning home. On the 17th, we returned, along with Lisa Keil, got Cliff's Mom from the hospital & then headed home. A happy occasion--Sam and Joanna Appleby were married in January. We (all but Cliff) joined them for their honeymoon in Hawaii! Lila came too and we had lovely weather and a fine time. Diane rented a house, complete with geckos! Then we flew to Kauai and lived in luxury in condos there. Beautiful spot! On my return, O'Hare was fogged in so we diverted to Kansas City to refuel and then circled a long time til the pilot said we'd try to land. My palms got sweaty! We made it! I was there all day...so sleepy! Andy met my plane in Toledo but no me! I finally made it home late that night--a long day! We bought the curved front oak cabinet at the Old West End festival & Cliff restored it. Steve went to NY (Stony Brook) for a Presbyterian meeting in Feb. He too returned in fog and we met him in Detroit and had a little slower trip, as a result. Steve was hired by CETA to supervise programs for the summer and needed a car. Sam was visiting and he & Cliff helped with the search process and came up with green Jane Honda. Steve did his student teaching (math) in Findlay and graduated in June. In the fall he became a grad student at BGSU, majoring in statistics. Andy became a paper grader, was initiated into Kappa Mu Epsilon, got a BGSU scholarship, became a one gallon blood donor and went to NYC for spring break. Thad played a lot of tennis and taught tennis (including Mindy) for the rec. dept. He played American Legion ball, was again voted MVP in tennis, entered BGSU (living with Mark Kepke at Kohl Hall) and played club soccer there. Mindy joined the church and became adept as a ventriloquist, using her dummy, Charley. Cliff's Mom developed leukemia as a result of the radiation she had earlier and died in July. Betty called the 17th to say Cliff's Mom was back in the hospital. &e and Andy headed off the 22nd in the Chevy but it gave up and they ended up at Aunt Flo's. Mrs. L. died next day. Mindy, Thad & I picked up Cliff & Andy and got to Corunna that afternoon. Ed and Lill arrived in the eve. We were all there for the funeral. Andy, Cliff and I spent a lot of time, as did Ed, in sorting through Mrs. L's belongings and gave a lot away & and brought many treasures back with us. John and Betty Miller and Les and Rosalee Long were especially helpful to us during the sorting process, even loaned us a pickup to get things home. In August, Rick and Mary (Polite) Cline were married. We drove to Galesburg the 14th & camped at Lake Storey. The rehearsal dinner was held at Abby Lanes (a pig roast! Yum!) and included the marriage vows renewal of Fred and Louise! We were invited to Floyd' & Lois's for breakfast next day. Lotsa people & lotsa fun. The wedding was at 1:30 (Steve arrived) and the reception was at the Sheraton (Mindy poured coffee). We were invited to Polites for supper and music (it was loud! Jack hung napkins in his ears to damp the sound!). Almost all of us went to church next day, some to Meridian and then there was an open house & we saw lots of former friends & relatives. Andy, Mindy, Cliff & I went on to Baldwins for a nice visit. Karen took Mindy to a water slide next day & they had a lot of fun. That evening we went to St. Louis. An 11 canoe float trip with 23 people was an event of the 18th. It was 11 mi. of still water so we got a workout..& had fun. Our radiator problem was resolved by getting a new one! The Mitzi Gaynor show, Grant's farm were enjoyed. Steve & Thad left before the Family Feud game. Sam was in a bad job situation & I felt so bad for them. On the way home the 22nd, we had a flat tire on the trailer so pulled into Indianapolis to get a new one. It was late when we got home. Cliff, Mindy and I were joined by Dorothy and Al Stanton for a train trip from Windsor to Toronto. We went to the summer exhibition there and saw beautiful wood carvings while there from Aug. 27-30. Ed and Lill came for a visit Nov. 21st. Cliff gave them a tour of campus & town, we had supper capped off with baked Alaska! We played cards, they left next afternoon. We got word that Diane had had a horseback riding accident the 24th & she was in intensive care (head injury) til the 26th. Fred's family arrived at 2:15 on Nov. 26 followed by the Missourians 25 min. later. Louise, Mindy, Cliff & I went to the Thanksgiving service. Rick and Mary joined us for dinner at 6. The following day, Ellie, Jack, Jo, Cliff & I went to an auction while Gary, Sherry, Louise & Kim went to Southwyck. All but Ellie went to the Rec center. Rick & Jack were the pingpong tournament champs. We went to Tony Packo's but there was a 2 hour wait so we listened to the band awhile, got hotdogs & left. Fred, Louise, Sherry, Gary went on to Pat & Rick's next day. Some of us went to a craft show & some to an antique show. The Missourians left early on the 29th & Rick & Mary later. Christmas eve day, we drove to Abingdon arriving just in time for a lovely meal & long program. Jean, Barbie, Chris & Charlotte joined us Christmas Day. Gammons left after the gift unwrapping to get Lance back for a Colorado skiing trip. The 26th we stopped by Sherry & Gary's house, shopped and met at Wong's for dinner. (20 of us) Aunt Berniece, Floyd & Lois came back for dessert with us. We saw Fred & Louise off to church the 27th & then went to Lawsons. That eve we went to Richards for dinner, as did Dolores & Jeff Clark. Bob & Doris worked next day. We went to Woodfield to shop, on to Ed & Lill's for a nice dinner & time & then home. 1982 After thawing the car doors, we headed to Canada Jan. 1, visiting Les & Rosalee, Bill & Lois, John & Betty, going to Eyre's for the Long get together & staying overnight at Longleys. We were shocked to learn of Tim Snipes' suicide attempt when we returned the 2nd & took Andy up to visit him. In March, all the Cline kids took a cruise. We met in Miami & took the Royal Caribbean to Jamaica, the Cayman Is. and Mexico. It was a little (?) more luxurious than we're used to! Ellie had her jewelry in a paper bag and it got thrown away! We all waddled away from the cruise ship, several pounds heavier and well entertained. Ah the life of the beautiful people--made us glad not to be such full time! Rachel Hendrix, Florence Givens, Margaret Miller & I went to Purdue for the national Presby. Women mtgs. from July 14-19. Our family reunion was held in San Diego in connection with Curt and Marlena's wedding in August. We flew and were gone from Aug. 8-16. While there we had an anniversary party celebrating for Paul & Ruby Noland, Fred & Louise & us. We went to Disneyland, the beach and to the zoo. Cliff got together with Neil Michelsen. We had dinner at the Bali Hai the 11th & met Andy coming up the hill so he joined us! He'd had an extensive bus trip on the way and more, including Lake Louise and environs after leaving SD. The rehearsal dinner on the 13th was catered at the Nolands with 53 present. The wedding was the 14th with Melody as flower girl. We returned home the 16th & Maxine met us at the airport. Math meetings in Toronto were our destination August 23rd. We made a wrong turn & were slow getting to the meeting so Cliff jumped out & said he'd meet Mindy & me at the dorm & off we went! Traffic was horrendous & we wondered if we'd ever see him again! Toronto won't get my vote for easiest city to drive in! We got money exchanged, Mindy navigated us back to the dorm & it was awful! When Cliff met us, we made arrangements to go to a better one. That evening we took a walk thro Yorkville. Mindy & I went to the exhibition next day, rode the pedal boats & did lots of looking. Cliff met us at the woodcarving exhibition--amazing things! The 25th we went to the Science Center on public transportation, had dinner at Ed's Warehouse & then Mindy & I went to "Evita". After it started, she leaned over & said, "Is this an opera?" & I thought we were in trouble but she loved it. On the way home, we stopped in Kitchener for Cliff to consult with a computer guy. When we got home, there was Thad laid up with a bad knee--injured Aug. 23rd during soccer tryouts. Lawsons came next day & there was lots of activity while they were here. Andy returned the 28th. Bob sang in the choir with us the 29th & then they left and Wileys came for our first meeting--nice people. Andy moved to an apt. the 30th & Thad to Kohl Hall. Bill Jones looked at his knee & made an appt. with Dr. Barker the 31st. Dr. B. after aspirating the knee feared it was ligament damage and, sure enough, when he did surgery, that was the problem. Thad had a cast on from hip to ankle.While trying out for the BGSU soccer team, Thad had his knee injured Aug. 23 (while we were in Toronto). A few days later, Dr. Barker did arthroscopic surgery and discovered ligament damage so repaired that & Thad had an ankle to hip cast on While trying out for the BGSU soccer team, Thad had his knee injured Aug. 23 (while we were in Toronto). A few days later, Dr. Barker did arthroscopic surgery and discovered ligament damage so repaired that & Thad had an ankle to hip cast on from Sept. to Jan. He continued classes at BGSU and became very adept at using crutches! In the summer, he painted the house and gave tennis lessons. It was an extremely hot summer and Andy & Cliff lost a few pounds while adding a screened in porch and then shingling the house! What a wonderful addition--and what a good job! In Oct., Cliff planted the locust tree designed to provide shade on the porch in late afternoon. Steve worked for CETA again in the summer and worked in the consulting lab at BGSU while continuing his graduate course. Kim Wiley and he became engaged May 2. Andy became a teaching assistant. Mindy was a summertime Safety Town helper and also helped with vacation Bible school. She was a volunteer for swimming lessons. During the year she was thrown from Rock's horse and had a bike accident! She got contacts and wasn't able to tolerate "hard" ones but made the adjustment to soft ones very well. She got a license to ride the moped. Nancy Kinney and I wrote a grant for $8000 for a hospice program in Wood Co. & submitted it to Presbytery Women summer medical offering. It was granted. The hospital guild had a fundraiser, "Just For Kicks", a musical revue and I was a singer in it. We joined Hiltners for Thanksgiving dinner & card playing. We left for Abingdon Dec. 24th & needed windshield wiper repair so stopped in Kendallville for that. Steve & Kim drove from Columbus & we all arrived in Abingdon for dinner & the church service. Steve & Kim, Ellie & Jack, Thad, Mindy & we stayed at a motel. On our way to Abingdon Christmas day, we went thro' Delong & it looks so crummy! After a 2 o'clock feast, Sam & Jo headed off to Kewanee & Eleanor & Jack home. Cliff & I were the only ones to return to the motel. The 26th we went to church with Fred and Louise & then went on to visit Ed & Lill before going to Lawsons. Bob & Doris were working the following day so the Lawsons kids & we went to the Museum of Science & Industry, had lunch at Field's & looked at the downtown windows. We turned into O'Hare by mistake on our way back to Elk Grove Village! Richards, Dolores & Jeff came over for dinner & the eve. Thad went to Dr. Barker after we got home the 28th & is now off crutches! 1983 On our way to Canada Jan. 1, we stopped at Northtown & McComb malls and at Aunt Flo's. We visted Aunt Ethel, spent the evening at Leapers & stayed overnight at John & Betty's. Next day we took the ferry back & stopped at the Gibralter Trade Center. In January, Cliff went to Denver to math meetings there. In July, he went to computer grahics meetings in I flew to Tallahassee in January and was met by Diane, Ellie, Jack, Fred and Louise. We went to a rented home (arranged by Diane) on St. George Island. While there, we did a lot of beach combing, Jack shucked a bushel of oysters (we couldn't eat 'em all & had them every imaginable way--umm, good!) and made an "I LOVE ELLIE" out of the shells in the sand. We probably set the record of the most games of Liverpool rummy played in the shortest length of time (Jack was always trying to get us to play!?). Kim and Steve's wedding on June 18 was occasion for a reunion in Bowling Green! The rehearsal dinner was at Wintergarden Lodge with most of the family here for it. Borens were out of town and loaned their house for some of our guests. We had 2 campers on the lot and Hiltners volunteered to host house guests. Lois & Floyd slept at Esther Hayhurst's (who volunteered to make Kim's veil & was amazed by the ease with which Cliff cut it!). Those who didn't have a bed slept on the porch! Kim & Steve went to Mohican & then returned to be part of the festivities. We went canoeing on Maumee Bay, went to Cedar Point, cheered for the church team (Steve pitched!) & stayed to play our own game. Thad volunteered to turn the lights off & then everyone left and he had to walk home! Wileys did their own catering for the reception & what a family to pitch in & help! Anne Rock & Dick Elliot were married June 25. Gretchen and Mindy sang. The reception was held at Rock's with a dance floor to be set up. Bill was in a panic & appreciated Cliff's assistance! Curt & Marlena visited us July 3rd & 4th & joined us in watching the fireworks. Steve and Jennie Arden/Rock were married July 9th. We left the 8th, stopped in Corning the 9th to look at the glass museum on the way to Ithaca for the wedding. Mindy, Cliff & I camped & met Kim & Steve who did also. Carl Sagan was at the wedding & his child broke his wife's pearls which bounced all over the place--made it memorable. The reception was elegant. Each table had a centerpiece which we were invited to take--the only campers with a floral centerpiece on their picnic table! Buttermilk Falls gorge was a climb! We saw the hummingbird collection at Cornell From there, we went to Washington to visit Sam and Jo. Our car needed a water pump and fan clutch along the way. July 12th we drove to Arlington & took the subway downtown. We spent our time at the Smithsonian, had a picnic, went to Sam's softball game & then a concert at the Jefferson Memorial. On the 14th we headed home--avoided the turnpike & drove 530 mi. We went through Cambridge and stopped to look at the crystal. It's good to be back home safely! Mindy, Cliff & I met Longleys at Mooretown campground Aug. 27th & visited Aunts Mary and Ethel, saw John & Betty. Next day we went to Aunt Flo's 96th birthday in Detroit, as did Kim & Steve. Mindy learned she'd made the varsity tennis team. Steve continued work on his master's receiving it in May (Fran Liebowitz or some such person was the graduation speaker & was AWFUL), taking classes and serving as instructor. He got an operation research prize. Kim continued as a full time student. They had an apt. on Manville. Andy graduated from BGSU and was inducted into Phi Beta Kappa. He went backpacking in Colorado and went to Berkeley where he lived with the Ron Wymer family & looked after the 2 kids in exchange for room & board. He was able to audit classes he was interested in. His attempts to get into the Peace Corps weren't working out due to his asthma. Thad declared a major in sports management and helped with sports promo events with Jim Treeger. He played sports using a knee brace, began working at the rec center. He bought a Mazda and moved into a house (Kisselles) with friends. Mindy completed senior life saving, got a varsity letter in tennis and was in track. Sept. 10th Cliff went to Sider's sale & bought a desk. In November I was in the Black Swamp production of "HMS Pinafore" & that was fun (was one of the aunties). The Gammons & Sam joined us for Thanksgiving. Hiltners had a brunch open house honoring John & Anne & we went to that. We went to an antique show & craft show & celebrated Kim's birthday while our visitors were here. Dec. 3rd we had dinner with Givens, Mack & Maxine & Keils at China Gate & then went to hear Millard Fuller at Monroe St. Meth. Church. That's when Maxine "caught fire" for Habitat for Humanity! While waiting at Haskins to turn onto Wooster, a car ran into ours! Cliff started looking for cars & we purchased a high mileage (72,000) diesel station wagon which got initiated during our Christmas trip! The wind chill was way below 0 and I questioned whether to drive to Ill. but was overruled! We got along fine to Chicago where we refueled--& jelled! We limped to Ed's & he loaned us his car. The 5 of us squashed into it, surrounded with things we'd brought. All but the interstate was closed as we went through white outs between Chicago and Galesburg. There were traveller's advisories and sensible people stayed off the road! We made it to Abingdon...only because a snow plow had just cleared the road! There was no church Christmas Day due to the cold. Kim & Steve stayed in Columbus, as advised by Fred. They spent Christmas with Peppy who was glad to have company! They met us for a few days with Lawsons. We went to Ed & Lill's the 26th, on to Lawson's. Karen's engaged & we met Jeff. Cliff & I went to the hospital to visit Dolores next day. Richards & E. Lester Stanton came for dinner. Jimmy & Carol are engaged. 1984 All but Thad drove to Canada New Year's Day. We stopped to visit Aunt Flo, John, Betty & Aunt Mary before going to Leapers for dinner & reunion with the Long cousins. We stayed overnight with Longleys and, on our way home next day, stopped to shop at NorthTown & ate at Sweden House. In February, Andy got a motorcycle. In March he learned he'd received a scholarship from Cal Tech and accepted it. From Berkeley, he biked home in June, spent the summer at home & biked back in the fall. During Spring break, Cliff, Mindy, 2 Lisas (Keil & Eckert) & I went to Mammoth Cave, through the Smokies, to Chapel Hill (where Tom Hern was on sabbatical). We intended to camp but weather conditions & lack of water in CH prevented camping for most of the time. The girls saw Bachmans when we were at Mammoth Cave. In April I flew to San Diego to join Diane & Ellie. Elyse joined us for a trip to Palm Springs which was lots of fun. Then I flew to San Francisco to visit Andy. We got a rental car & visited Esther Case & went to see Rita and girls while we were there. Kim and Steve went to N.J. for the summer to work for Nabisco and AT&T. They had a hard time finding housing & didn't enjoy commuting. Our family reunion was in Virginia at Sam & Jo's home in Annandale. Fred, Louise, Pat, Rick & Mark came on July 5th. Mariam Turner joined us in going to the delayed fireworks. Next day we headed east. Elyse came with baby Tyler! They & Diane arrived before us, Kim & Steve got there too. July 7th Ellie, Jack & Nancy pulled in, Nancy, Tom & Alicia flew, Fred's arrived & hail, hail, the gang's all here--25 of us! We sang "El Shaddah" (using a tape), at their church Sun. & went to the officer's club brunch (elegant) & on to Arlington. A tour of the Pentagon (& Sam's office) were given the 9th, visit to the Smithsonian arboretum, space museum & then...Sam's softball game. Next day we went to Andrews Air Force Base officers mess (excellent steaks for a mess). Kim & Steve headed back to NJ. We shopped at Georgetown & Springfield malls, ate at a Chinese buffet before going to the twilight tattoo at the White House & then visiting the VietNam & Lincoln memorials. Baltimore was our destination on the 12th with visits to the aquarium & science center (six went to the Orioles/White Sox game). We continued on to Kim & Steve's strange rental house in the country (owned by Greer Imbrie's wife & near Doris Duke's estate) on the 14th, had a tour of the area--AT&T, a mall. We took the train into New York City and had a tour of the UN, NBC, met at Washington Square. Everything, except the Staten Island ferry, was so expensive! We were glad to get back to quiet BG on the 17th! 550 mi. from Somersville to BG. Mindy was playing softball, first singles for the tennis team (she won tennis shoes in a drawing) and got her driver's license. Thad was playing softball with the Lutherans and they won the state crown. He hurt his shoulder while sliding and needed physical therapy. Thad continued to ump and work at the rec center so took First Aid and CPR. Peppy & I were taking a walk, he without a leash. The animal control lady (?) came along & gave us a ticket ($45!) 'cause he was running loose! I was fixing fried eggplant (probably a first) & Peppy ate it!...Our gourmet dog! My Raleigh bike, left unlocked at the hospital, was stolen Aug. 29th. Some of Cliff's projects were to make a room divider for the low level and a microwave cart. He began to work with Tom Clark who used numerically controlled milling to make hose fixtures. In October, I Amtraked to meet the Cline kids in Galesburg. We stayed with Lois and Floyd and Fred & Louise and had a grand time. Aunt Berniece and Aunt Vera (LIla too) were special guests. You can imagine that a lot of card playing was done! Sam, and Jo's parents, Ed & Lois Appleby came on Nov. 21st & we met Jo at the airport that eve (she was returning from a conference). Those 2 couples stayed at a motel. Gammons got here late that night. We all went to the service at Trinity next day & enjoyed football watching, card playing & eating. The rec center was enjoyed by Tom, Sam, Cliff & Steve while others of us went to a craft show & to Southwyck. Ellie fixed antelope stir fry for us & Kim, Nancy & Tom fixed shrimp another evening. Umm good! A trip to Grand Rapids & an antique show were enjoyable. Stantons joined us for cards one evening. All departed by the 25th. Three Wileys joined us for breakfast on Dec. 22nd, Kim's graduation. Hiltners and Stantons came for lunch & Mindy made a mortar board cake. Wileys & we went to the Linden Tree for supper & card playing. The 24th we convoyed to Abingdon with Kim & Steve. We had a lovely meal & nice service. Christmas Day we played liverpool rummy before eating..we're addicted! Eleanor, Jack & Lance headed home. We others played charades & sang. An Abingdon "going out of business sale" was an attraction the 26th & then we we went to Ed's & got to Lawson's late. Long Grove was our destination the 27th where we visited craft & antique shops. Dolores, Jeff Clark, Karen & Jeff joined us for supper. As the year ended, I was feeling depressed. Why? I don't know! 1985 We made a stop in Detroit to visit the folks there before continuing on to Longleys for dinner & overnight New Year's Day. We saw John & Betty before going home the 2nd. Kim & STeve took me to the Detroit Airport Feb. 9th & I flew to LA to meet Diane, Ellie and Jack for a cruise from Los Angeles to Acapulco. Andy met us & waved bon voyage to us when we left at 7 We stopped at Matzelon, Puerto Vallarte and had fine weather, food & entertainment. When we headed home the 16th, I lost my tourist pass so thought I might become a resident of Acapulco. They finally sent me on to Mexico City & a nice man allowed me to leave, without a bribe! Ellie & Jack called Cliff to tell him not to meet my scheduled flight. I called when we got to Texas & he met me in Detroit. What a relief to get home!! Our family reunion was held in St. Louis from July 29-Aug. 4. Floyd, Lois, Aunt Berniece, Fred's family, Diane, Elyse & Tyler were all there to join us. Curt & Marlena flew in next day. We went to a "Put whatever you want in a bag for $7" place & found interesting things! Some toured the brewery, Cliff went to Mc Donnell's, Lola ate the toll house pie! Drove 80 mi. to canoe. We had 7 canoes & 3 of them dumped. Brr! We warmed up at Tom & Nancy's with chili & hotdogs. Golf & charades, and card playing were enjoyed. Some went to the Philly/Cards game. Rain! We went to Grant's Farm, rode on a big boat, visited the botanical gardens. We met Longleys & Eyre's at a Windsor KOA & Janice & Laird came to visit us while we were there Aug. 9-11. Mindy was on the pastor nominating committee and spent many hours reading resumes and going on trips to hear sermons. She was class secretary, on the student activity board, played softball and tennis and took a calculus course (Ray Steiner) at BGSU. Thad did an internship with John Muir at the Falcon House. He graduated on Dec. 21 and we had lunch at Wintergarden Lodge for 32 of his special friends. Andy decided Cal Tech wasn't for him & left in March. He went to Eugene, Oregon (where Sue Miller lived) & worked as a process server there. Steve went to work for National Family Opinion, Kim went to work as office manager for UCF. They bought a Toyota Camry. While playing softball against St. Mark's on July 8th, Cliff slid into home and dislocated his shoulder. We'd intended to drive to Albany for math mtgs. & camp but instead, he flew there from July 14-19. We went to the Gray reunion & then Mindy & I dropped him off to fly from Detroit. The decision was made that there should be sidewalks on the south side of Gustin so those were going in in June. Against the law, we allowed Peppy to run loose at night & on the 27th, Mark, of all people, hit him. Mindy & Cliff took him to Dr. Jones who said his back legs were affected. He improved but wasn't able to make it up on the window seat any more. He & Cross's dog, Beau, had a confrontation Aug 12th (necessitating Cliff to put in a piece of new screen on the porch). A steroid shot a few days later didn't seem to help & by Sept. 24th, he seemed like a zombie dog, turning in circles til he was exhausted. Andy was at Fred's but motorcycled back to see what he could do. Dr. Jones thought he'd had a stroke. On Oct. 9th, he & Cliff took our dear little dog to Dr. Jones who sent him off to doggie heaven. What a sad day! He was a wonderful little dog. Lawsons (Bob, Doris, Bobby) came the end of July. We went to see "Joseph & the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat"..Good! I'd become a hospice visitor to Lucy Walker & really enjoyed my visits to that wonderful woman. We'd met earlier when she was an Avon lady (tho' I was never a very good customer). She asked me to assume her power of attorney, which I did & I visited her in Wood Co. Nursing Home til she died...a special lady. I visited Sue at St. Luke's where she'd had a hysterectomy Nov. 27th. Thanksgiving was next day & we were invited to Hiltners for a pleasant one. We left for Illinois Dec. 24th. The car overheated so we didn't get there til 6:30. It was another lovely Christmas eve meal & lovely candlelight service. Sam & Jo joined us early afternoon Christmas Day. We met Sally Hopkins & Ann the 26th & had a nice visit. Then we met Floyud, Lois, Scott, Jean and Aunt Berniece at Wong's. It was a bad experience. The kids were betting on which cockroach would make it down the table first! We went on to Lawsons the 26th, adding antifreeze as we went! Dolores was sick & couldn't join us but Richards & Jeff & Karen did. 1986 We returned to Canada for New Year's Day, visiting Aunt Ethel & seeing Allan's family, John & Betty, went to Eyres for dinner & Longleys overnight. We stopped to see Aunt Flo on the way home. Kim and Steve went to Palm Beach, Fla. in January in connection with Steve's work. I was given the award for Outstanding Woman in Bowling Green Award. Surprise! Tom Green was voted our minister on Feb. 16. 'Twas an icy day Mindy & I flew to San Diego from February 16-23 to spend some time with Diane and Elyse. She missed Mark Gedeon very much! The weather was lousy in Ohio while we were gone & she didn't miss any school. Elyse, Tyler, Diane, Mindy & I had a day at Disneyland and had lunch at Club 33. Luxurious! We stayed with Nancy and she came back to San Diego with us. We visited the Tecate Nolands, Curt & Marlena & went to the Scripps aquarium. In March Cliff, Mindy, Andy and I went to Hocking Hills over Spring break and stayed in a state park cabin (Burr Oak). Mindy didn't want to be away from Mark! In April, we went to Canada to celebrate Aunt Mary Miller's 80th birthday. We had a mother/daughter banquet at church! The 8th, we received the news that we are going to be grandparents! Cliff Amtraked to N.J in June for a robotics conference. Fred & Louise came in June for Mindy's graduation & to see Andy off to the Peace Corps. We went to the Old West End Festival. Thad paged us at the airport to check on the ham loaf recipe! We went to the ER with Mindy June 18th to rule out leukemia. She was so worried. July found us at the Stratford Festival to see "The Boys from Syracuse" (and saw Linda & Pam Ensinger there). On our way there, I got my Members Only luggage which has served me well! We went on to the Pinery to camp & canoe and to the Gray reunion. On our way home the 13th, we stopped to visit Aunt Flo & family. Mindy had her wisdom teeth (only three!) pulled July 15th. Dolores visited from the 17th-20th. Thad was playing ball with the Lutherans in Deshler & they won. We went to some of the games. Thad started working at the rec center June 23rd. Mark, MIndy, Cliff and I went to Boulder, leaving July 27th, where we enjoyed Lila Oster's hospitality. We camped, except at Aunt Vera's. She rode on with us & Aunt Berniece came with Fred's. Kim and Steve flew. Kim developed an eye infection while we were there but Lila knew a doctor who got it quickly cleared up. While there, 13 of us went white water rafting (6 hour round trip to get there) It was not a good experience for Sam or Diane. A trip to Rocky Mountain National Park was enjoyable. Floyd and Lois joined us briefly. On our way home, we visited Pioneer Village at Minden, NE, stopped at Lake Storey campground, visited Aunt B. in the hospital & got home Aug. 4th In August, we went camping with Canadian cousins. On our way home, we bought a new mower at Sears. In October we went to Brown Co. with Mack & Maxine Miller. We were too early for the color! We visited their friends, the Weltys, in Bloomington & toured Nashville. Kim worked at UCF til Aug 26. In September she flew to CA to visit relatives there. Clifford Andrew Long put in an appearance November 25 at Toledo Hosp. Kim and Steve had purchased a home at 886 Champagne and moved in on August 9. Mindy graduated from high school. In July she had her wisdom teeth pulled. In the fall, she enrolled at BGSU where she lived at Darrow--had passed advanced placement English so already had some credits. Thad became the rec center pro shop manager. In August he moved to S. Summit. On October 31, it was necessary to have his ligament surgery repeated. Ligament from the other knee was "borrowed" to use this time. Andy did substitute teaching and learned karate. Finally he was accepted by the Peace Corps & had his choice of Jamaica or Togo. He chose the latter, leaving in June & immersing himself in French while in Fl til he knew it well enough to teach math using it. He taught high school age, mostly boys. He covered many a mile on Henry Honda before selling it. I got glasses in Nov. I can see printed material more clearly! The 26th, we transferred Foodtown stock to the boys & church. In December while Mark & Mindy were here watching home movies, the computer began to smoke. Exciting! We went to the 7 o'clock Christmas eve service & then Christmas carolled. When we were at Iris Hier's, she fell down & we couldn't get to her. Oh dear! Cliff & I sang at the 11 o'clock service. The whole family was together for Christmas day. On the 26th, we met Ed at Oakbrook Marshall Fields for dinner & then went on to Lawson's...all of us! Bob was working next day so the kids went to Woodfield & Doris, Cliff & I shopped & went to Bloomingdale Old Town. Dolores, Jeff, Joe & Lois, Jeff & Karen joined us for dinner. Cliff & I went to church with Cooks the 28th & then we returned home. Lawsons were working. 1987 On our way to Canada Jan. 1, we stopped to see Aunt Flo (in her 100th year), then John & Betty. Dinner was at Leapers & we spent the night at Longleys. Next day we visited Aunt Ethel & Aunt Mary before returning home. On the 16th, Dr. Shanahan removed a basal cell lesion from the side of my nose. Jo and Sam were here for a short visit. On the 29th, I returned to have a silicone breast implant (a result of the simple mastectectomy done in '77 due to fibrocystic breast disease). On Feb. 2, I returned to have it redone..a painful few days. Cliff was on sabbatical Spring quarter. Mack & Maxine Miller took us to Detroit March 12th & we headed to Brussels via NYC (where there was snow to delay us!). Andy was waiting for us when we got there around noon next day. He'd flown from Togo to Paris & taken the train to Brussels. We got our rental car, spent some time at Grand Square & had lunch there before leaving for Ghent. Such traffic jams! There we stayed on a square with 4 cathedrals! Andy hoped for snow (after being in Africa) & got his wish! Church bells were our alarm next a.m. We headed for Brugges, a beautiful city of canals & cathedrals. We walked to the tower of one--366 steps--just before the carillon began to play! On to Zeebrugges, scene of a ferry tragedy a short time before & walked to the channel. Antwerp was our next spot where we stayed at a nice hostel. We took the train to downtown & enjoyed looking around. On the 15th, we went to the Hague after spending time at a bird market where the only birds we saw were dressed fowl! Cliff got 6 cars & I a mug there. Drove to the sea where it was really cold & rainy but that didn't keep people home! On we went to Amsterdam & stayed at a hostel there. We visted the Anne Frank House the 16th--very moving to be in the house in which she lived for more than 2 years. We moved on to Germany & stayed in a hotel room that night where the shower had a pump which sounded like "Jaws"! Andy got his wish for snow the 17th as we got on the autobahn & headed for Braunschweig. We met Norbert Luscher & Les Piegl at the Institute there. They took us to Zorba's Restaurant for gyros, rice salad & fries..each meal enugh for 2! Andy managed! After Piegle showed us around & we had a walk, we stopped for dessert & coffee. The selections looked wonderful but I was too full to eat any! We went on to Goslar where a kind young man directed us to the hotels available. It was nasty out but we took a walk..& stopped at a bar! Next a.m. we were at the square at 9 to see the clock which had a mechanized scene. The mechanism was frozen! No wonder! Brr! The mountain scenery was beautiful & we travelled the back roads mostly before arriving in Cologne (Koln). We found the downtown hostel & could see the cathedral twin spires from our window! We went for a closer view next a.m. & the cathedral was huge & magnificent. We walked to the top of the tower--509 steps! Wow! It took over 600 years to build & how did they do it? We went back to Brussels, turned in the car, activated our Eurail passes & headed for Paris. Don Myers was at the station to meet us & take us to their apartment. On the 20th, Cliff & Don M. were up & off to visit the Renault plant early. Cliff wasn't feeling well so wasn't able to appreciate lunch with the big wigs. Andy & I went to Musee d Orsay at an old train station. We all admired the view of the Eiffel Tower from Myer's window. It was lighted at night & looked so pretty. The Myer's hospitality was much appreciated! March 21st we visited Versailles. The magnificence is almost indescribable--busts, painted ceilings, paintings, gold trim! The rest of the day we spent at the Louvre--culture overload! We took Myers out for dinner that eve, had a good meal & then coffee elsewhere. Sun. we went to church with Myers, had lunch there & then dashed to the train. We took the speedy train to Geneva. The scenery was beautiful. We stayed at the hostel there. At dinner, the waitress almost insisted that Andy & Cliff have cous cous (which I'd never heard of). We visited the U. of Geneva, walked up the tower at the cathedral (quite a sight), walked to the lake & saw the flower clock. The curator of the Voltair Museum took us on a personal tour. We got on the train, heading for Brig in late afternoon. Spectacular mountain scenery! Arriving in Brig about 7, we located a pension, went to a nearby restaurant (language problems but they understood "fondue"!). The 24th was a gorgeous day and we headed off on the wanderweg. It was steep climbing but fun & interesting. We walked to another village & back, enjoying every step. . Back on the train we got in the afternoon, heading for Bern where we saw more spectacular scenery. It levelled out some by the time we got to Lucern, our destination where we again stayed at a hostel. Next morning we wealked to the city wall and to Glacier Garden. There was a maze of mirrors there which was fascinating. At a museum we saw furniture, relief maps, docorated eggs made years ago & spent some time looking at carvings. We later caught the train to Zurich and transferred to Munich. A woman at the train station wanted to rent her apartment & that was a nice change. She supplied items we could prepare for breakfast. The "museum" at Dauchau was our destination the 26th & it was a rainy, cold day. We saw part of a film in English, looked in the museum & toured the outside building & chapels--a somber place. From there we went to Nymphenburg Palace but it was closed. We watched people feeding the waterfowl (couldn't find any food & were almost ready to jump in for some of it!) After we did find a restaurant, & ate, we bussed to the former Olympic site and walked to the top of the hill for a good view--unfortunately it was cloudy. From there we went to the opera house where the ballet, Romeo & Juliet, was playing right then (7pm). Standing room only was all that was left. We certainly weren't dressed for the opera! We felt like criminals as we had to leave our bags & coats! At the intermissions, we walked around to see the beautiful people, feeling a little out of place. The crowd was very enthusiastic about the performance. We took the underground back to our "home" where we had beverages, bread & jam. Back on the train we got on March 27th & headed to Rothenburg. We changed trains several times before arriving there at 2. Walking the wall was fun & then Cliff & Andy went to a toy museum & I browsed & people watched. We were present for the 9 pm clock striking scene--mayor & general drinking quantities of beverages! It was cold..surprising the mechanism wasn't frozen! Back on the train we got to return to Paris the 28th. We stopped in Frankfurt and visited Goethe's house & museum there. After we were back on the train, it was raining & then the sun came out & we saw a rainbow. We enjoyed the French scenery--interesting villages, swollen rivers. We got to Paris in the evening. Myers were out of town so we'd lined up a hotel to stay. The 29th Cliff and I took the channel ferry from Dieppe-Brighton and it was sad to say goodbye to Andy who was returning to Togo from Paris. We got to Brighton late afternoon, caught a train to Portsmouth & Jim Albert was waiting for us when we arrived at 9:37. On the 30th, Jim took us to Beaulieu, Lord Montague's home, the abbey ruins & to an English pub to have steak & kidney pie. . We came back to visit a car museum and go thro Wheels" ride. The 31st was drizzly & cool (we had lots of precipitation during our European stay!). Jim & Cliff walked to the U. of Southampton . Later we went to Portsmouth to the DDay Museum & then to see the "Mary Rose"--a ship built in Henry VIII's time which sank, due to too many munitions, with 700 aboard enroute to meet the French foe. Salvage attempt failed so it sunk into the silt & was thus partially preserved. It was raised in the 1980's & is being restored. Bethany got sick that eve and the doctor came to the house! Jim took us to the station & we were on our way to Bath. A walking tour was just leaving when we arrived so I joined & Cliff went off to talk to U. of Bath people. We had ice cream cones later & people looked at us as tho' we were crazy!. We decided to stay over & found a b & b. Next day, April 2, we went to London by train & a nice young man asked if we'd like to stay at their b & b. Ian & Heather served us the samefine big breakfast each day we were there & were good hosts. They lived at 89 Clapham Manor. We went to the fluffy play "Stepping Out" (tap dancers) at 3 and later went to the Coliseum to see Verdi's "Simon Buccanegra". It was easy taking the "tube" back to our accomodations. We took the train to Cambridge on April 3rd. Cliff went to talk to a woman about computer aided design while I browsed. We walked to St. Mary's Church and went up in the tower to see Cambridge U--St. John's, Trinity, Corpus Christi, etc. What a complex! Ian & Heather invited us to have coffee with them when we got back that eve. It was raining the 4th but we headed to Portobella Market where we found not very interesting stuff & so expensive. On to the Chelsea antique market--more of the same. Cliff went to the Naum Babo exhibit on graphics at the Tate Museum. That eve we went to see "No Sex Please--We're British" which was cute. Tired feet! Going to the zoo was my choice for my birthday. I was looking forward to see the panda..sleeping!. We went to the Museum of Mankind briefly & then to the Victoria & Albert Museum til it closed. We went to Westminster Abbey for an organ recital followed by the service featuring dance. What a setting but there weren't many there. Then we walked along the Thames. By the 6th, Cliff requested no mushrooms for breakfast, thank you! We made our way to Heathrow, learned the plane was delayed so went back to a suburb to shop!. The plane left at 2:40 & three movies were shown on the way home--"Crimes of the Heart", "The Color of Money" & "Legal Eagles"! We were in sunshine all the way & got in before 6. Thad & Steve were there to meet us when we left customs and Mindy, Kim and Cliff were waiting for us at home. Mindy had made "welcome back" & "happy birthday" signs & made & decorated a yummy cake. It was so good to be home...no place like it! In July, we met at Williams Bay for our family reunion. I'd heard so much about Lake Geneva from Cliff who used to go to church camp there so was glad to get to see it. We left the 11th & stopped in Chicago to visit the Haas family & hear of their trip to Togo to visit their son, Craig, in the Peace Corps. Pat did a great job in getting cottages lined up for us, suggesting things to do, etc. It was very hot while we were there. People went antiquing, boat riding, shopping & there was lots of eating, talking & singing! Thad & Mindy came after we did (Thad was in Mark Mayer's wedding). we went to Prospect Point several times & some went to Frank Lloyd Wright's place. Cliff & I left early in order to get to Mary Ann Eyre's wedding and then go on to Albany to a computer conference there. We went thro Hamilton & Niagara Falls on our way. We stayed at a hostel & had our own apt. Albany had a very small-town feel & it was easy to find my way around. We were near the center of things, including the capitol & government buildings. We took our bikes & biked along the Hudson--10 mi & it was hot--94...very unusual. I was ready to jump in the river! After we recovered, we went to see "The Tempest" put on in a nearby park. The conference sponsored dinner & an evening at Saratoga Springs & that was fun. Tom Hern went too. We stayed at a bed & breakfast in Corning & during the night, a nearby garage burned! Exciting! We got home the 25th. In the fall, we went to an Ohio bike rally at Granville. Those are some hills!! I was the only person there with a 3 speed bike & others were outfitted in helmets instead of ball caps! We learned of Andy's courtship of Anna. The whole gang assembled at Sam & Jo's in Indianapolis for Thanksgiving. We went in 2 cars, leaving on Kim's birthday . All of the Gammons were there too. On the 27th, we went to a huge flea market at the fairgrounds. Fred & Louise arrived & Lance & Karyn left. The Cline guys & 4 Longs (Cliff, Steve, Thad, Mindy) went to the pro basketball game that eve & began to feel "queasy" along the way. Soon we all had full blown cases of the flu (except Fred & Louise). When little Cliff got sick, Sam knew it wasn't food poisoning & was relieved about that! By the 28th, most of us had recovered enough to dip candy & have Tony Packo hot dogs! Sam & Jo were sickest of us all. Thad took us to Detroit early on December 19th & we flew to N.Y, on to Dakar, Senegal on Air Afrique where we refueled, to the Ivory Coast and finally to Lome, Togo. It was a very long ride! We spent 7 hours in the Abidjan (Ivory Coast) airport in the middle of the night. Andy and Anna were waiting for us in Lome. We stayed at the Hotel California & that evening toured THE really fancy hotel there. We rented a car next day & drove up into the mountains where there was a radio station. We were stopped & our passport numbers recorded! On to Kpalmine. There was a marche right by where we had our omelettes next a.m. & we saw some interesting sights! We went to an artisan center before continuting on to Badou on terrible roads. We had a picnic & passersby were amused by such activity! We came out on a crowded marche at Badou. People riding in cars, especially white people, were a novelty! We had a strenuous climb to a "cascade" on the 23rd..beautiful scenery & butterflies along the way. The guide & I fell in while crossing a small stream. He was embarassed; we were both wet!! We got to Bassar where Andy was living and teaching the 24th & met Anna's son, Tchapo and her family and tried the native beverage...tchouk, which fermented even as you watched! Marek joined us for foo foo. Cliff & I weren't feeling well Christmas morning but soon improved &, at Andy's request, fixed chicken, gravy & rice for dinner & Marek, Gayle & Lisa, all Peace Corps volunteers, joined us. Afterward, we sang Christmas & other songs. Being on the equator, it got light & dark at 6 each day & evening! While we were in Bassar, many people stopped in & we felt sort of like curiosities! We had iguana ragout/fish. The 27th we went to Lisa's in Kara, ate in a nice restaurant run by orphans. Omelettes by the taxi station were consumed the 28th, we bumped to Richard's. The huts in that area looked like castles. We went to a marche in Benin, had green bean spaghetti & learned Richrd wasn't feeling well..malaria. Next day Andy rode his motorcycle & we took him to Kara for treatment. We learned there'd been a motorcycle accident involving the sister of a PC volunteer. Next we visited a game preserve, had a guide and drove 3 hours seeing monkeys, baboons, antelope, warthogs. We thought car rental was expensive ($600)but after being on the roads, decided that wasn't the case! On the 31st we returned to Lome & ate at a Sengalese restaurant that night, stayed at the Hotel California again, departed the 2nd. In Abidjan, we took a taxi to the city from the airport & had a bad experience about the amount of the fare. We took a bus back & saw a lot more. On our way to N.Y., we stopped in Monrovia, Dakar & got there at 3 a.m. We got to Detroit at 7:30 & Kim & Steve had trouble finding us. It was an interesting experience being in a third world situation. We were glad to get back & have a belated Christmas celebration with the rest of our family. Mindy worked at the yogurt bar at Casey's for the summer. During the school year, she worked at the rec center & was a sophomore at BGSU. Thad bought a red Nova, moved to a new location and went to Las Vegas in Dec. He continued to be active in sports. Andy had malaria. Steve and Kim went to New England and we kept Cliff.,tried to teach him to crawl! 1988 Thad joined friends in Colorado for their annual skiing vacation. I flew to San Diego on Jan. 19 to join others in the family who came for Nancy Gammon's marriage to Dudley Michael on Jan. 23 (just before her 40th birthday!). We met in San Clemente the 20th for dinner. Next day Tom's family, Bruce & Elyse's family joined us. We went to Tecate the 22nd. The weather was spectacular on the 23rd and, at the reception, Mexican food was served. Eric & Lance joined us. Next day we went to church & some went to Disneyland. The time was lovely in many respects--the gathering of people, weather, location. On Feb. 4 Cliff got our new sleeper sofa installed upstairs. He had to take off the trim to get it through the door! We went to visit Lawsons and all went to Richards for an evening there. Cliff had a crown put on. We got new living room drapes. An unlawful survey about Tom Green went out (I, as a trustee, signed it, tch, tch). 2/20 The Long cousins and Ed came for the last weekend of Feb. Paul, Marianne, Jim & Rachel stayed with Kim & Steve. Janice & Laird came to join us on Sat., as did Mark & Mindy. Longleys & Leapers stayed with us. In March, Piegls (Les, Agnes, Martin) came. Townsends & Tom Hern joined us for dinner. Les gave a talk, we went to the art museum & Tony Packo's. Les asked to talk Hungarian to someone. Noone could. They brought him a gift pack! In April we learned cliff was to have a little brother or sister. We updated the computer. In May Thad & Steve played on a softball team which won the tourney and got a BIG trophy. Norma Jones came for a visit & while she was here, baptized Clifford Andrew on May 22. We went to Aunt Berniece's 80th birthday celebration (May 13) and lotsa people were there, all the Cline kids, Fran Lyman, Esther Case, Maxine Janes, Aunt Vera, Lila & Linda. Aunt Berniece died on October 29th. Lawsons came for a visit in May & we went to the zoo to see the pandas. We went on an AYH ride leaving from Oak Openings. Bobby, Bob and Cliff rode all the way to Das Essen Haus where we had lunch. Doris and I took turns riding & biking. Before we got back, we had another passenger! On June 4 we went to the Old West End Festival & bought an oak cabinet there.. followed by a new dryer at Sears & then went to a canoeing workshop in Sylvania. Cliff was having skin problems so went to Dr. James in Perrysburg who did patch tests and said he was allergic to cobalt. On June 14 he went to a supercomputer conference at BGSU and on June 20 flew to Fort Collins, Colo for a conference sponsored by Hewlett Packard. Andy returned to the US & got to BG July 3. There were no fireworks because it was too dry. It was a scorching, dry summer. Furnace men looked at our system on June 27. Dr. Ogg died and Cliff was a pallbearer July 5. We went to St. Louis for our family reunion July 7. Cliff and I went to Columbia to visit the Baldwins & were there overnight. We visited the zoo, toured the arch, saw a performance of "Porgy and Bess". I "dropped off" at Purdue on the 14th for the PW National mtgs. Florence & Char were there too. It was hot there too! Got home the 18th. Andy, Cliff & I went to Cinci & he visited Mike Evans while we visited Piegls. 7/22, 3. Doris, Jeff, Karen & Sue were here from July 29-31. The day they left, we had a picnic for neighbors & friends & Bob & Bobby came & were here for that & stayed til the next day. On August 5 we said goodbye to Andy & headed east. We went to Providence to the MAA governor's mtg. & celebrated the 100th anniversary of the AMS in the Rhode Island statehouse. We stayed on the Battleship Massachusetts hostel in Fall River and then went on to Cape Cod. We met Heinrich Maurer from Switzerland at a hostel there. We left our car in Hyannis & ferried to Nantucket & stayed at the hostel, formerly a lighthouse, & biked all over the island & went to historic spots. When we got back to the car, a window had been broken but nothing was taken. We got home Aug. 14 and then Mindy & friends left for a camping trip in the Smokies. Our air conditioning/new furnace were installed between 8/15-19 and then it cooled off! On 8/26 we met our Canadian cousins at a campground near Flint and spent a day at Frankenmuth. Heinrich Maurer took us at our word and came for a visit Sept. 2-7. We enjoyed his visit and he made many friends in the short time he was here. On Sept. 17 we went to Maumee Bay State Park for a Monarch butterfly banding session led by Doris Stifel. Cliff went to Dr. Isaacson at Toledo Clinic about his skin problem. 10/13 Samuel Allan Long was born on Nov. 13. When we got the news, we all piled in the car & drove to Toledo Hosp. to meet the little guy. We were honored as BG's Family of the Year at the Church of Latter Day Saints. Mayor Ed Miller made the presentation. We got an engraved silver bowl & certificate. We went to Indianapolis for Thanksgiving at Sam & Jo's. Thad provided us with masks this time! We went the 24th, as did Ellie, Jack, Tom, Nancy & girls. We antiqued & shopped. Thad & Mindy returned early. After church & a stop at the Waffle House, we headed home & celebrated Kim & cliff's birthday. Dec. 21st was candymaking day at Rocks & we were joined by Steve, Jennie, Lori, Brian, Joyce Wallace, Hiltners, Maxine, Ching & Yeuli (Chinese friends of Rocks). It was fun & we accomplished our candy dipping. We went to the 7 o'clock service Christmas eve & then carolled at Graues, Mr. Graves, Rocks, Mrs. Reichert & neighbors. Cliff & I sang at 11. At church Dec. 25th, Thad, Mindy, Cliff & I "did" the advent wreath--not many in the congregation. While we were having dinner, the Millers trooped through! Different! The 29th Kim, Steve boys & we went to Winter Wonderland & then ate at Christopher's. New Year's Eve we went to a buffet at Rock's & then to Hiltners. 1989 Jan. 1 we went to Canada, visited John & Betty who had their family with them. Dinner was at Eyres & then back to J & B's for overnight. We visited Aunt Mary who was in the hospital with a broken hip & stopped to see Aunt Flo, Shirley and Bill on our way home. Cliff went to Phoenix in January to the MAA governors' meeting. Sammy got casts on his feet Jan. 27. In Feb. we went to Lawsons and later in the month, Fred, Louise, Sam and Jo came for a visit and we went to Ann Arbor to Esther Case's birthday party at Fran Lyman's. We went to Oglebay Park in Wheeling, W. Va. in May with Hiltners and visited the Hare Krishna center nearby which Peggy Hall had told us about. In June, Cliff and I went with the mission trip to Port Gibson, MS. Many home repairs were made in a poverty stricken area during the week we were there. We visited Vicksburg and toured the battlefield and museum accompanied by Jeanette Mahoney & had supper at Norma Jones' apt. Norma gave us a tour of Alcorn U. campus. Mark and Mindy annouced their engagement July 2nd. Andy and Anna came from Togo in July. We all went to Brown County for the family reunion from July 16-23. While there we went canoeing, some went to a Reds game, we visited Bloomington & toured Columbus. Mark, Mindy & Thad returned early. On Sept. 17, Andy & Anna left for Puerto Rico to pick coffee (Andy had met the guy who owned the plantation when he was in New York one time) and were married there on Oct. 30. Mindy coached softball and tennis. She "did" her methods in Maumee and her student teaching at South Main with Pam Makara. She attended outdoor camp with her class. She moved into an apt. with Lori Fox, acquired Jane Honda (which caused her all manner of problems). Thad went to Oklahoma for Dean Sergent's wedding & led the Olympics there. Kim and Steve went to San Francisco from July 27-31and we took care of Sammy and cliff. Lawsons came for a visit from the 25th -28th. Steve got a promotion at NFO...and tore ankle ligaments while playing basketball. We flew to Boulder where Cliff attended the MAA governor's meeting from Aug. 5-11 We stayed at Maurine Eaton's PEO B&B. What a wonderful hostess! After I went to church, she took me on a tour of Boulder & had a picnic for me. Another day she took another couple & me to lunch in Longmont. Butlers loaned us a car! We enjoyed "Can Can" at a dinner theater and "Love's Labor Lost" at an outdoor theater. Bohns were there & we were glad to spend some time with them. Linda Butler and we drove to St. Francis, Kansas to see Aunt Vera before we returned home. Cards were played! Cliff made a sound system cabinet for church. He served on session. We went to his 40th high school class reunion Oct. 27-28. Hawkins were there & others he hadn't seen for a long time. Cliff was recognized for 30 years service at BGSU. November 18th was the holiday parade & we were to ride in a convertible as the previous Family of the Year. It was so cold that we rode in an enclosed car! Wileys were here for Sammy's birthday party & his baptism and party the next day. The 20th we met Anna & Andy at the airport. The coffee plantation owner's wife wasn't fond of Anna & when the day came that she threatened Anna with a knife, they decided it was time to leave! We all, including Mark, went to Sam & Jo's the 23rd and we stayed at their minister's home. Fred, Louise & Sara came next day & Mark, Mindy & Thad left! After a pleasant stay, we went to church & brunch & then came home the 26th. Cliff got a tooth crowned the 30th. Mindy graduated Dec. 16th & we went to the Pheasant Room buffet afterward. Mark, Irv Hahn, Lisa Keil came for spaghetti that eve & Stantons came later. Cliff & I enjoyed brunch at Mayers the 23rd & later we went to see the zoo lights & Cliff & I took little Cliff to see a live nativity scene. We put out luminaries Christmas eve, went to the early service where Kim, Steve, Andy & Thad ushered & later carolled. The 25th we were happy to spend the day all together. On the 27th, Anna and I made tons of lasagna for a reception at Wintergarden Lodge honoring her & Andy & Mindy's graduation. Seventy were present to make it a special occasion. Seven stayed overnight at the lodge. Brad & Jean Strutner came from Calif. Maxine Miller & Lois Hiltner were wonderful helpers. Marek Przezdziecki and John Leahy got here late on the 28th & could only stay til the 30th. We went to Rocks for New Year's Eve. 1990 On Jan. 1, Andy flew to Miami to pick up his motorcycle and then biked to Tucson, AZ where he became a research assistant (under Don Myers!) and grad student. After we dropped Andy at the airport, we went on to Canada & enjoyed dinner at Leapers & stayed overnight at Eyres. Anna couldn't go, passport-wise so Mindy stayed with her. Andy visited Norma Jones in Vicksburg on his cold trek. We took Anna to Detroit Jan. 13th and she flew to Tucson after Andy arrived. We went on to Plymouth, MI to see the spectacular ice sculptures there. On Jan. 15th, Cliff and I went to Louisville where he attended the governor's conference and the MAA mtgs. I enjoyed the lovely Hyatt pool, visited the Presbyterian Center, the Derby Museum and we stayed at a PEO b&b the 17th (where they had quite a collection of piano rolls). Janet Blair joined us when we returned home the 18th. We all went to Elk Grove Village Feb. 9th & enjoyed a visit with Richards, Jeff Clark & Dolores & came home the 11th. Fran Lyman had car trouble the 22nd & stayed overnight with us. What luck that she was near BG! We were in Toledo the 24th, headed home early afternoon & weather conditions had become so bad we wondered if we'd make it home. We did! Shortly after, Maxine called to see if I'd help staff the Methodist Church shelter so I spent the night there...not very restful sleeping in the kitchen with lights on & refrigerated machines running! Mark's junior high team won a thriller from Perrysburg at Anthony Wayne on the 26th & another from Springfield on the 28th! Maxine & I got involved looking after bluebird boxes at Oak Grove Cemetery! Cliff was patching up the Chevy himself and I was involved with Great Books with some Conneaut students. Mindy & I went to the wedding at the mall & ordered her wedding cake! March found us in Calif. Cliff took Tom & me to the airport the 19th & we flew to LA. Cliff came later & the guys attended a computer graphics conference there. I took the train to San Diego and enjoyed some days of visiting the Noland family. We went to Elyse's & spent time at the Wild Animal Park & the boys' schools, had Italian dinner with Curt & Marlena, toured the Coronada Hotel & harbor area, to Bruce & Debbie's for dinner, enjoyed singing partner songs. Diane drove me to LA to meet the guys and along the way, we met Nancy & had lunch at Dudley's restaurant. We visited Eric's house (but not Eric), Huntington Library, met Ray and Eleanor Brown for dinner. We stayed at the Viscount Hotel and we flew back March 25th. Steve met us in Toledo. March 26th, Eunice Chase, Carol Joynt, Maxine Miller and I drove Miller's van to Herndon, VA where we visited Bill & Elaine Spragens. The cherry blossoms were in full bloom and we went to Congressman Gillmor's office, a capitol tour, botanic garden, Library of Congress, Ford Theater, house where Lincoln died, art galleries. I was getting weary & rested while Carol & Maxine toured the archives. Someone thought I was a bag lady & told me I couldn't sleep there! We went to National Presby. Church for dinner & program (the one Spragens attend). We had lots of fun and returned the 29th. In June, Cliff went to MS with the church group for another week of building projects and repairs. He helped Steve build a "fort" at 886 Champagne. July 14th was Mark and Mindy Gedeon's wedding date--the culmination of a long time romance dating back to their friendship beginning in 3rd grade when they biked to their Little League practices together. It wasn't a surprise when they announced their engagement! Rick & Mary were overseas & couldn't come, nor could Eric or Bruce's family. The birth of Kevin Gammon was imminent so Tom & Nancy couldn't come either but sent Alicia as their representative! Everyone else was here, including Lila. While we were at the rehearsal dinner at Day's Inn, Steve and Kim hosted supper for the visitors--some friends who came too. We'd decided on the Pemberville American Legion as the site of the reception & it wasn't air conditioned. We lucked out! The day was a cool and cloudy one. Everything went well & it was a very special day and time. Lila, Kim, Diane, Elyse, Maxine, Andy, Anna, Mindy, Mark, Lisa, Irv and others decorated on the 13th & some of us ladies cut up a U of fruit. Maxine fixed lovely bouquets for all of the tables. Sue invited all relatives & some friends to come there for lunch! At church next day, nine of us sang a gospel medley which was received with applause! We served punch and fruit afterward and many of the guests went to the service. Some went to the church game the 16th and 14 went to "Carousel".There were lots of golf outings, we went to the zoo, 28 went to Cedar Point, 11 went canoeing on the Old Mill Stream in Findlay. People left gradually, Sam went to Washington. Three carloads of us went to the Hayes center to tour/shop on the 19th. By the 20th, all had left (Andy & Anna off to N.Y to visit). It was a pleasure to have the reunion here. We took Andy and Anna to the Detroit airport, took the ferry from Marine City to Sombra, visited Aunt Mary, went to visitation for Uncle Clarence & the funeral next day, then returned home. Sept. 1 we returned for Beth Leaper's wedding, stayed with John & Betty and for brunch at Leaper's next day. Not long after, we learned that Ed was diagnosed as having lung cancer. Kim, Steve and boys went to Tucson to visit Andy and Anna. cliff started preschool 2 days a week with Carol West as his teacher. From August 7th to 9th, Cliff went to Columbus for a special celebration of the MAA/governor's conference. I went to Chautauqua Aug. 8th with the King's Daughter's tour, meeting the bus in Bucyrus, along with Ranghild Stone and Rosa Crow. Twenty eight of us had a fine time, including a day at Niagara Falls and elegant meals at St. Elmo's & the Hotel Atheneum there. A performance of "Faust" was wonderful. We went back to the chapel after the sacred song service & got poured on! Sue Buck led the tour and I roomed with Donna McCreight at Florence Hall. Cliff met us in Bucyrus on the 13th..and then we froze corn! The week they were married, Mark, who'd just graduated, was hired as a math teacher in the junior high at Fremont. There were no jobs available for Mindy so she worked at Heinz as a seasonal worker until November when two elementary openings became available and she became a 2nd grade teacher at Otis. They rented a house at 412 Hayes Ave, moving there Aug. 9th. Mark coached the junior varsity basketball team. Sept. 8th we went butterfly banding at Maumee Bay State Park with Doris Stifel telling us how to do it! We hurried back for Pam Ensinger's wedding & then to Lee Miller's to see the Mahoneys. Thanksgiving was unusual. Lill Danuser, with whom Ed had been living, planned to be away on a short trip so we said we'd go to be with Ed (who by this time was using a morphine "pump" due to the pain) while she was away. She left before we were to arrive and Ed became confused & was hospitalized. We went as soon as we could--Thad, Kim, Steve & boys, Cliff & I. When we saw him, it was obvious he wasn't in shape to continue to be taken care of by Lill. The discharge planning people supplied lists of nursing homes and Cliff & I visited several before making a decision on which we thought would be best. Ed was admitted to the one we chose before we returned home. On Thanksgiving Day, Kim, cliff and Sammy & I went to the Brookfield Zoo--an unusual way to spend the holiday. Andy and Anna came for Christmas. Thad met them in Detroit the 19th. The 24th we went to the early service, carolled at nursing homes & other places. Mindy played "Santa" Christmas day. We had brunch, delivered Wheeled Meals, had a feast & a real gifting time. The kids gave to favorite charities in our names! Special! Kim & Steve had an open house the 27th. On our way to Chicago, Andy, Anna, Cliff & I ate at The Patchwork Quilt, went to see Ed before continuing on to Lawsons. He was in very bad shape...receiving oxygen & massive morphine by the time we left. Rita was in town & went to see him but we didn't see her. Andy & Anna went to visit Haas' while we were in town. Dolores was over for a visit. Rock's had a 50's party New Year's Eve with over 20 there, including Stantons, all appropriately dressed! (Done) 1991 As usual, we (Kim Steve, cliff, Sammy, Andy, Anna) went to spend New Year's Day with the Long cousins. We stopped to see Shirley & Bill, visited Aunt Mary at the nursing home, went to Longleys for dinner. Steve's family stayed with them while we other 4 went to John & Betty's. Next day, we returned home & went to Hiltners for dinner. Jan. 3rd, we got a call from the cremation society in Chicago and it quickly became apparent they were calling as a result of Ed's death. He had died on Jan. 1. He didn't want a service of any kind. Sue took Andy, Anna & a Chinese student to the zoo & art museum on the 4th. Our family had beautiful amaryllis in church the 6th in our honor. Andy, Anna & I went to Fremont the 7th & they spoke to Mindy's class about Togo. Maxine went with me to take Andy & Anna to the airport in Detroit the 8th. Two days later, we returned to Detroit airport, thanks to Hiltners, & Cliff and I flew to San Francisco where he attended the governor's conference/MAA mtgs. We went early so we'd have a chance to visit with Rita and also with Barb and Cathi. Bobby, Rita Marie's son was there, as were Nathan, Barb's son and Rachel, Cathi's daughter and we enjoyed our visit. At the time we arrived, Cathi hadn't yet heard of her dad's death. We stayed overnight with her & Rachel. From San Jose we went on to Yosemite and stayed overnight. The weather was lovely and we tried snowshoeing and did quite a bit of hiking in that beautiful, snowy place. Then we went to Sacramento and enjoyed visiting the Bogarts, eating delicious food with them & having a tour of the capital city. Pat (Horan) and I had been friends since nursing school days. The days in San Francisco were lovely. We got travel passes & rode all manner of vehicles, esp. cable cars, wherever we chose. Those places included a bay cruise, Ft. Mason, Cliff House, Golden Gate bridge, Ghiardelli Square. By myself, I went to the zoo & Cameron House, took a Friends of the Library walking tour which included the Trans Am building, old mint, Wells Fargo. The Gulf War began the day before we flew home & we went to the Exploratorium that evening..practically had the place to ourselves!. Security was tight at the airport! When we got to Detroit, our flight to Toledo was cancelled so we bussed there. Kim and the boys met us. In February Cliff was trying to get Ed's estate cleared up so his debts would be paid & the insurance money would go to his daughters. It was stressful but he did it! On the 23rd, we (Thad, Steve, Kim and boys, Cliff & I) met Lawsons & Richards at the Angola Holiday Inn & enjoyed a weekend at Pokagon. We went on the toboggan slide and that was lots of fun and went on some trails. Cliff came home with a Bobby built bike. Fred and Louise drove here March 22nd and we drove on to Virginia to visit Sam and Jo, along with Diane, Ellie and Jack (they flew). While there, we went to the Pentagon to see Sam reaceive his meritorious service medal. All 8 rode in our wagon (betcha it was groanin'!) and then we went to Union Station, a capitol tour, had lunch & saw the National Geographic exhibits. Next day all but Jo went on a tour of the White House & then on to Williamsburg which we toured, stayed in 2 Howard Johnson rooms, ate at Cracker Barrel for the first time and enjoyed some hilarious card games. It got up to 83 degrees the 27th & we made good use of our Patriot Passes that day. On our way home next day, our car hit the 100,000 mark so Louise treated at the next McDonald's in way of celebration. Her Dad had just fallen and had to have surgery and wasn't in very good shape. He died a few weeks later. A man came to look at Ed's truck & bought it on May 21st! Cliff took Kim and Steve to Detroit & they headed for Hawaii that day and we kept two dear little boys til June 5th. They were very good and were fun to have around. It was warm so they spent lots of time in their pool. Maxine & Kim & we went to Dora's pool one day & Sammy fell in. What a scare! Rocks, Hiltners & we went to Tiffin to the antique show June 15th. We planned to celebrate Rock's anniversary at Pioneer Mill Restaurant. It was closed. Grr. Cliff and I went to see several productions of the Ohio Light Opera in Wooster in June. We stayed at Celia & Bob Gate's PEO bed and breakfast and toured Canton one day, including the Football Hall of Fame, McKinley memorial, Malone College, ate at Shreve in Amish country. We took our bikes along but it rained. We saw "The New Moon", "A Night in Venice" (Hollisters were there too) & "Patience". On the 28th, Mindy announced that there was going to be a little Gedeon in February! My 40th high school class reunion was held Abingdon in July. We left the 12th, dropped Andy at the airport in Detroit and took the long way to Galesburg! We stayed with Fred and Louise. and Diane, Elyse & the boys were already there. Fred had arranged an open house next day & we were happy to see former Delong friends, Killingsworths, Marjorie & Vivian Larsen. The pig roast/reunion was that eve at Ippolito's farm. Then we went to Brown County for our family reunion. On our way there, we stopped in Urbana to visit Prof. Ketchum who was in an Alzheimer's unit there--so sad! Golfers enjoyed the course at Brown Co. & Sam paid to walk. Some went to a Cinci baseball game & others to Ray Cramer's band concert in Bloomington. Some went on an architectural tour of Columbus while Cliff got a $300 water pump job on our car. There was swimming, ball playing, card playing, lots of chatting & eating. On our way to St. Olaf's, we stayed overnight with the Noonans in Danforth. We enjoyed a bike ride to the DQ several miles away. Next night we stayed at Mason City, IA of "Music Man" fame. We walked the Meredith Wilson Bridge, went to the Presby Church & were in Northfield and found our nice dorm at St. Olaf's. We were there several days & enjoyed returning to the town we'd spent 3 summers in. We had our bikes & found the hills a challenge! Cliff got a bladder infection while there so didn't enjoy our trip to St. Paul to see "The Grand Hotel" with Tommy Tune. We were almost so high up we needed oxygen! On our way home, we stayed in Rockford the 26th & arrived back home the 27th. Mindy began teaching 4th grade (a 2nd grade class was eliminated at Otis). She coached volleyball and softball and Mark coached basketball. Thad made an offer on a home ($56,000 app), 'twas accepted & moved to 516 Buttonwood in July. Anna went to Togo and spent several weeks there making arrangements to bring Tchapo back with her. They arrived in late Aug. & he started to kindergarten the next day! He picked up English very quickly and by the time they came for Christmas, could understand and speak English. Andy came here for several weeks but wasn't able to stay for the family reunion as he was going to an NSF conference in Wyoming. He had knee surgery for an unstable knee which wasn't completely successful. Steve and Kim built a deck on the front of their house (with John Krukemyer's help). Steve taught a course at BGSU (but didn't enjoy it!). Hiltners & we went to the Croswell to see "The King & I" August 9th, ate at the Hathaway House after our Entertainment book possibilities struck out! Longleys and Eyres came to camp August 16th. We went to the Pemberville Fair & the guys went to the tractor pull while the ladies shopped. The 19th we went to the Carousel Museum in Mansfield with John & Lois & found that very interesting. Cliff worked at the Toledo disorganized Habitat for Humanity the 24th & we went to the dinner celebrating Ralph & Donna Olson's 50th that eve.. Mindy & attendants had a shower here for Lisa Keil the 29th & we went to their wedding at our church & reception at the Atrium on Aug. 31st. I was Maxine's guest for lunch at the Fremont Woman's Club Sept 11th, we visited the Hayes mansion. Tim Robertson was a visiting math prof arriving for fall semester & Joan & I became good friends while they were here. Cliff, Vic Norton & Tom went to Purdue to a SIAM conference Oct. 1-2. We went to Malabar Farms with Toledo hostellers the 4th-6th. It was hilly & rained so we didn't do much biking but canoed 16 miles & had a good time. Cliff gave a talk at the fall meetings at John Carroll but wasn't happy with it! We got word that Aunt Vera had died the 30th...the oldest of her family & the one with most initial medical problems! November 1st the BGSU Danforth associates were hosts to the Ohio group & 60 came. Olscamps invited us all there for a lovely meal & evening on Sat. Dale Smith was having a big event at the planetarium so our PW group took care of refreshments & that involved some planning & preparation. I took estrogen awhile but didn't like it so quit. I served on the election board. Stantons moved into their lovely new home on the lake. Nov. 22 grandparents were invited to a preschool program and lunch. Cliff was a pilgrim, I an Indian, Next day we made candy at Rocks--Steve & Kim's family, Stantons, Hiltners & us. First Kim & the boys were in the holiday parade. After lunch, the boys flattened the candy balls for us! Then Rocks & we went to the Meth. dinner theater "The Man Who Came to Dinner". We'd seen "Annie" with Hiltners in Adrian the night before. Sam & Jo came the 27th to join us for the Thanksgiving holidays. Cliff Sam & I went car looking. The two couples went to Tony Packo's for lunch on Sat., to Maumee Bay, Berman's & Woodville Mall. Andy, Anna & Tchapo arrived from Tucson on Dec. 15th. The 5 of us, plus little Cliff went to see the zoo lights the 18th. The 19th we went to Fremont to help Mark & Mindy move. On the 21st, the neighborhood carolling party was held at our house with non-neighbors Rocks & Stantons joining us. We went to Maumee Bay next day & enjoyed racquetball, volleyball & swimming. Andy & Anna shopped on our way home the 23rd while Cliff & I "dickered" with the car guy. We ended up with a '92 Olds wagon for $19,000, including our car. Mindy called the 24th, wanting her tranquilizer Rx refilled...feeling anxious. We had our usual luminaries & Christmas carolling plus going to Hiltners open house. Christmas Day was another lovely one. Cliff, Sammy & I delivered W/M to 3 people. Mindy played & we sang. The 27th, Helen Lakofsky, Pat Cochrane, Andy, Anna & I fixed supper for Martha's Kitchen..40 eaters! Marek came for a visit by train on Dec. 29 & was here for an enjoyable few days. (Done) 1992 We took Andy, Anna & Tchapo to Detroit for their return flight to Tucson on Jan. 3. Leaving the airport at Phoenix, they had car trouble & needed a $200 tow! They spent the night in the car (glad to have the down pillows we gave them for Christmas!). On the 10th, we went to visit Lawsons & Richards.. Cliff made a podium for Mindy, at her request. Lois Cheney & I went to Monroe MI for a synod PW midwinter mtg. the 15th. The weather was abolutely awful but we made it there & back. Candidate David Young preached the sermon the 18th, was voted upon favorably & agreed to become pastor of BG First Presbyterian. We left on a snowy morning in March (Spring break!) with Thad as our chauffeur to drive to Toledo and catch a plane to Orlando. We left late but did leave! We drove our rental car to Cape Canaveral to catch our Premier cruise to the Abaco Is. Whoops, weather conditions prevented us going there so we went to Nassau instead. Sam, Jo, Ellie, Jack & Diane joined us & we had gorgeous weather, good food and a grand time. The entertainment didn't live up to previous cruises. Sam, Jo and Diane barely had room to turn around in their cabin! When we got back, we went to the Kennedy Space Center for an interesting tour and then to Disney World to our luxurious digs at the French Quarter. We spent 3 days exploring Epcot Center, MGM Studios & the Magic Kingdom & had a great time. I became moderator of Presbyterian Women in Maumee Valley Presbytery in April and went to Dearborn for a PW enabler gathering for an overnight in May. In May, Cliff and I went to our first elderhostel (even tho' I wasn't old enough to qualify). It was at Killarny Mountain Lodge, a little fishing village on the Georgian Bay, not far from Sudbury, Ontario We were the only people from the US there--many nice folks. Hiking & canoeing were featured along with classes on the brain & the geology, geography & history of the area. It was lovely. Cliff and I went to Albany in early June to a math/art conference. He really enjoyed it and began carving alabaster and then marble. Beautiful! In June the synod gathering was held at BGSU with over 400 in attendance. A highlight was a one woman production of "Lazarus". From there the mission trip to Neon, KY took off--12 of us where home repairs were made along with trusses, painting, cleaning up etc. One of the homeowners was so grateful that she cooked for us several times. Steve and Kim went canoeing with friends and cliff and Sammy stayed with us. We went to the Gray reunion & visited Aunt Ethel, Aunt Mary, John & Betty. The boys were so good! July found us at Brown County again with 37 present--including all of us. We left July 19th, stopping in Indy to see Sam & Jo's beautiful big new house. Diane returned home with us. We stopped in Indy. at the children's museum. July 24th. AAT headed off to Rochester with a rental car next day and were gone til the 28th. While Diane was here, we went to "South Pacific", softball games, did lots of looking thro' pictures & Andy's baby book..also the booklet about the Grays. She returned home the 28th. Mark and Mindy took summer classes, came to BG for lotsa softball games, went to Vermont to visit Lisa and Mark, announced that they'd be parents in February, moved into their own home on Fennimore St. in December. We were all available to help with the move! Steve and Kim acquired a doggie, Abby, in July and bought a new van. Thad re-met Debbie Harris in July and made many a trip to Buffalo where she was working. His furnace quit necessitating a new one, the clutch on his Nova gave out. He purchased a Saturn. Thad became intramural/sports club director. We met Debbie July 18. In September our kids hosted a party for us at Kim & Steve's in honor of our 35th anniversary. Kim made a beautiful counted cross stich "throw" with 12 Hummel pictures on it for us. Wow! She'd made 2 Hummel pillows for us earlier. Andy went to the bottom of the Grand Canyon to help Mike Evans celebrate his 40th bd. Anna continued working toward her GED. All three were here for the reunion & Christmas. When they were here in the summer, we enjoyed gardening, the zoo and a trip to Cedar Point. I had a biopsy of a place on my left cheek in the summer which proved to be basal cell carcinoma. In Sept. I went for a 2nd opinion with Cheryl Kosarek (thought it was OK). Soon it began to scab over again so on Dec. 1 I went to Dr. Shanahan for "further excision" & it looked like he took half of my face! I was not pleased! Mark and Mindy moved into their house at 934 Fennimore and had lots of helpers in doing so. We met Missy & Jon Detweiler. Sam & Jo joined us for Christmas & we went to Maumee Bay State Park for one night afterward & Debbie joined us. Fran Lyman stopped by for a short visit Christmas Day. Cliff took the pool table to Fremont the 28th & made needed repairs on the felt. We celebrated with Rocks New Year's Eve. 1993--The siblings met in Indianapolis over Martin Luther King weekend. We played cards, games, shopped, ate, generally had a good time. Presbytery was meeting in BG on Feb. 16th & we had a wonderful lunch prepared for them. Unfortunately, few got here due to the blizzard we had. We had a call from Mindy early that morning that they were heading for the hospital! My body was in BG but my mind was in Fremont as I wondered how things were progressing. By afternoon, a call to the hospital encouraged us that our grandchild would be born soon. Cliff had a annual periodontal appintment scheduled for that afternoon & as soon as we got to Toledo, I called the hospital & Alexis Lyn had just arrived and I was able to talk to her happy mother! We then headed for Fremont to get a look at the little darling. Steve had decided to take a job with IRI in Cincinnati so as we were gaining a grandchild nearby, we were losing 2 in BG. The four left Feb. 28th & that was a sad day. Cliff and I walked to Community Nursing Home to visit Bob Graves and found him dead. We notified the staff! Cliff went to Traverse City with me in April to a Presbyterian Women event. The cherry blossoms were in bloom & the area is so beautiful. We stayed at a PEO b&b, enjoyed going to Sleeping Bear Dune & looking way down from way up! We took a nature walk & saw lots of wildflowers, including jack in the pulpit The family reunion was held in Colorado Springs in July and our family drove to Indianapolis on July 10th and flew to Denver. It ws the first flight for Mark & Alexis & when we took off, we got a "thumbs up" from Alexis (with Mark's help). Mindy still prefers to be on the ground! Jo joined us & Sam was able to come for a few days later. The Cincinnatians flew with us and the Arizonians drove. Thad went to visit Mark Kepke and family and we stayed at the Red Lion in Denver. Mindy, Mark & Alexis visited Christy in Colorado Springs while we others visited Rocky Mountain National Park and that night Andy, Anna & Tchapo joined us at the Red Lion. We headed on to Colorado Springs the 12th where Diane had chosen a motel out of the AAA book & it worked out well. We were shocked to learn that Jack wouldn't be joining us..had angioplasty a few days before. Lila Oster & Linda Baker joined us for one day. We went to the Flying W ranch for a chuckwagon dinner & to be entertained by "The Sons of the Pioneers" one evening. At the Garden of the Gods, we came upon a rattlesnake who was putting on a performance! The motel pool got a workout from our group. The kids enjoyed it so much. There were 37 of us there. One day we toured the Air Force Academy and then went to the Hotel Broadmoor for lunch..Elegant! We also visited a nature center and took a mountain road to see a beautiful waterfall. We left the MelHaven Motel the 16th, visited the Olympic center, the statehouse & then flew back to Indy. We celebrated Stantons 42nd anniversary July 22nd & the Eyres & Longleys came to camp near BG. The 29th we drove to Canada to Aunt Ethel's funeral where Cliff was a pallbearer. Letchs invited us & others to their cottage in MI on the 31st. Mr. Boxley came to cut our large apple tree in the back yard on Aug. 2. It was leaning toward the house & we didn't know if the interior was dead (it wasn't) Cliff and I went to Fremont Aug. 4th where he helped paint and then we continued on to Wooster to see "The Birdseller" put on by the Light Opera & stayed at a PEO b&b. Such nice people! August 5th we toured Zoar Village and then went to the amazing Warther Museum in Dover. It was hard to believe that one man could do such extensive carving. That night we saw "Bitter Sweet". The following day we went to the Rubbermaid showroom and then returned to Fremont to take care of Alexis while Thad, Debbie, Mark & Mindy went to Cedar Point. Lawsons came the 8th and we went to the zoo concert featuring the Sweet Adelines. Next day we went to walk some of the boardwalk at Magee Marsh, lunched at Mon Ami before taking the ferry to Middle Bass Is. We rented bikes & enjoyed touring in that fashion. On the way home, we stopped to see the Gedeons. On the 10th, we enjoyed a day at the county fair. We hooked up the camper and went to Chain o Lakes Park in Indiana the 17th where we did some canoeing. The nervy coons ate the coffee cake in our cooler next day (thought we should be on a diet, I guess). We visited Shipshawanna & Gene Stratton Porter's home. On Aug. 22nd, we went to Chautauqua, NY to scout it out in preparation for a tour I was to lead the next summer. We went to Jamestown to buy curtains & bedspreads for the Ohio Room, went to the presentation on Palestine Park & saw a silent movie with organ accompaniment. While there I bought a bike, at Cliff's urging, in Jamestown before returning home the 24th. We drove to Sam & Jo's Sept. 3rd and went to Abingdon to celebrate Louise's 70th birthday. Our arrival didn't surprise her but the open house on the 5th did! Before that event, we attended the Presby. Church & ate together at Sirloin Stockade. We got home the 6th. On Oct. 7th, I drove to Dublin, along with Geneva Strausbaugh to the King's Daughters convention. While there, I sat next to a woman whose cousin's house we painted in Pt. Gibson during one of the church mission trips. Small world! We made 88 pints of mincemeat Oct. 26th and, at the recognition dinner that evening, Cliff got a framed falcon print. In November we went to Pat & Murray Mayieux's wedding reception the 13th, helped decorated a Habitat for Humanity float for the holiday parade on the 18th, had most of our immediate family here for Thanksgiving on the 25th (cliff's bd) and to celebrate Kim's birthday the 26th. Andy, Anna and Tchapo came for Christmas. They flew into Columbus & stayed with the Cincinnatians a few days before driving the Camry on here. We had enough snow to do some sledding! On the 27th, we went to Maumee Bay to stay in a 4 bedroom cabin. We got totry out the sledding hill & I had a very bumpy ride when I came off the sled! We also did some cross country skiing with skis Thad borrowed from the rec center. Eleanor and Jack came on Dec. 30th and on the 31st, we joined others at Sonnenburgs to celebrate New Year's Eve--a lovely time. Andy, Anna & Tchapo looked after the doggies for Thad. Thad moved into a lovely big office in the new field house, did lots of travelling...from Washington to southern Cal, acquired two Labs--Lincoln on Dec. 5 and Truman on Nov. 7th (7 weeks old)--owned jointly with Debbie! Debbie was back in BG, eliminating those trips to Buffalo! She continued in sales for US Surgical. Andy continued work on his dissertation, Tchapo was in 2nd grade & Anna was enjoying volunteering at U. of A. hospital. Mindy returned to teaching the end of March and Bunny (Carolyn Clark) became the caregiver for Alexis. Mark coached basketball & helped with softball. (Done) 1994--On the 11th, we took Andy, Anna & Tchapo to Columbus for their return flight to Tucson. On we went to cold Cincinnati where Cliff was given a meritorious service award from the MAA. It's given to an Ohioan every three years so he's in a select group! He was honored before the whole group & then we were guests for dinner at a fancy downtown hotel, the Netherlands Omni. On Jan. 26th, we headed south, staying overnight in Nashville. We visited the Opryland Hotel and saw the harpist/dancing water performance. Next day we had lunch with Lance at the Stockyard Inn, went to see their house, visited the Parthenon and then drove on to Huntsville, AL. We had too little time there to see and do everything we wanted to as we were to be in New Orleans at a PEO b&b that night. In New Orleans we did some sightseeing before going to an elderhostel in Thibodaux (Nicholls State). We saw a "spoof" Mardi Gras parade, went on a Mardi Gras walk with a ranger, visited the French Quarter, the Garden District & rode the St. Charles streetcar & saw some beautiful scenery. The dorm facilities at Nicholls State weren't elegant but were adequate. The classes on the Mardi Gras and The War for Southern Independence were very interesting. We spent one day in NO (travelled on a bumpy school bus) and had a tour of the facility that puts the floats together which are used in the NO Mardi gras parade . We attended a parade in Huoma and the Clydesdales from Budweiser were part of it. We enjoyed seeing all the gear that travels with & is put on them. Rain threatened but...the show went on, halted for a while by a broken axle on one of the floats. That allowed us to do some shopping while the repair took place. We got lots of necklaces (thrown by the crewes). We travelled north through Baton Rouge & toured some antebellum mansions along the way. Then we went to Vicksburg where we visited Norma Jones, our former BG associate minister now teaching at Alcorn State. We spent a day in Natchez & had the experience of going onto a gambling boat at Vicksburg--very fancy but discouraging to us to see all those people putting money into slot machines & games set against them--very little relating to other people! We enjoyed dinner in an Oriental restaurant with Connie & Norma. We came north via the Natchez Trace to Nashville, arriving Feb. 9. Andy had knee surgery next day. We went to Indianapolis for a sibling weekend on February 18th & again had lots of fun; played lots of games and cards, shopped. Cliff got a suit & green light jacket . One day we visited the war memorials, capitol and art museum. On March 4th, we returned to Indy & were joined by Lawsons, Richards, Swails, Dolores and Kay Lennartsen for another weekend at a very nice hotel in Indy. After brunch on the 6th, we went our separate ways. The weather was nice enough for tennis playing. In May we flew to Phoenix, looked up the Bruce Nolands before continuing on, in our rental car, to Prescott. We stayed at the hotel overlooking the courthouse and right next to Whiskey Row. The weather was so pleasant and we enjoyed hiking, birding, trips to red rock land, Red Rock Canyon & Sedona. Then we drove to Tucson to visit Anna, Tchapo and Andy. It was hot there! We visited the Desert Museum, Bisbee Copper Mine, Colossal Cave, the cactus in bloom, dinner with Myers, Reid Park zoo, to John Fife's church. We drove on to Flagstaff (where we saw the Cline library, went to Meteor Crater, Winslow, Holbrook, Canyon drive. On the way to Tubac, we stopped at St. Xavier mission & went to a Toros game in the eve. We flew back to Columbus the 27th, went to some St. Mark's tournament games there before heading on to Cinci for the night. After lunch at the Olive Garden, we went to the zoo. Thad & Debbie arrived that eve. We returned home the next day. June 3rd we had sigmoidoscopies done by Dr. Hess. Glad that's over! Cliff went to look at a house Martin Harris was looking at the 8th & took a marble along! (Martin didn't buy it!). June 11th I got glasses from Walmart (lost mine on the trip). We toured Hiltner's new condo the 12th. June 17th the KKK was in town. Grr! Cliff met the group leaving for Des Moines the 18th & they headed off to repair flood damaged homes. Cliff put in our Maytag dishwasher June 27th. Lawsons arrived that eve, we went to the church game, next day to Fremont to visit the Hayes home & museum & stop to see the Gedeons. They left next day. Cliff was helping with one of the HFH houses in Bloomdale. July 11th I had a root canal done ($500) by Dr. Peterson. Eileen Plocher & Esther Bucher arrived July 12th & we left for Ames, IA with Teresa, Ila Banbury, Johanna Knox early next a.m. for the PW National Gathering. We returned July 18th. The memorial service for Tom Apple was held on July 20th. The 23rd we, along with Sammy & cliff, went to Canada to Bob & Cathy Leaper's post wedding barbq. Next eve we went to Thane Norton's wedding dinner & Steve & boys went home after Kim's WWWW. The end of the month, Dr. Kelley put a crown on "that tooth". We picked Diane up at the Detroit airport July 30th, Thad & Debbie joined us for dinner. Mack drove with Harriet Dimick, Maxine, Diane & I as his passengers. We got to Chautauqua in good time but the buildings were locked. All's well that ends well! Aug. 1st a bunch of us went to the opera, "The Italian Girl in Algiers" & enjoyed it. Next day we had lunch at the Athanaeum Hotel & sat on the porch. Eighteen went for a ride on the Chautauqua Belle & went to Old First Night. Una May Gill fixed an elegant dinner the 3rd & entertainment was the ballet. We got home the 4th & the family was gathering for Thad & Debbie's wedding! On Aug. 5th, I went to Chases to see the Spragens before having lunch with Maxine Chen, Martha Wright, Florence & Diane. Then we decorated Stadium View party house & Brights prepared & served the catered meal (set up for 58). Alexis was baptized before the rehearsal & she screamed. It was a hectic but very pleasant evening. Next day the guys (mostly) golfed & then discovered their tuxes needed adjusting. People came here for continental breakfast. We were at the church for pictures at 11:45, Thad & Debbie were married at 12:30. The reception was held at the ice arena and the bride & groom, as well as others, skated! We were home soon after 6 & some went off to Golf. Some of us went to church next day (the original 5, AAT & Elyse). We had Ellie's spaghetti for supper & Thad & Debbie gave a tour of their home. Sam took Elyse to her plane the 9th, Rick, Mary & boys went to the zoo, Ellie Jack & Diane went to the fair & a movie; the rest of us went to Cedar Point. Most of us were home by 11. Ellie, Jack, C & I took Diane to Detroit to fly home the 10th & by the 11th, all were gone except for our immediate family. They were here to watch the wedding video & for supper. Steve's family left for home the 12th. We went to the Croswell with Hiltners the 13th to see "The Unsinkable Molly Brown". Cliff was busy helping Thad & Debbie with painting. Andy flew from Columbus on the 14th. Anna & Tchapo enjoyed the Pemberville Fair with us on the 20th & on to see Gedeons. They were with us while Andy & Steve drove from Tucson to Oshkosh with their belongings. BGSU classes started on the 24th. Hiltners moved Aug. 26th. The 29th, Sue joined us in the ride to Oshkosh. We picnicked along the way, arriving there by 4:30. We met Andy, saw the house he'd rented, toured the campus & stayed at a Motel 6. Next a.m. we had bkf with AAT, they took Tchapo to school & we headed home. Sue was a good navigator & drove part of the way. We were home by 5:30 on Aug. 30th. What a good friend Sue is to join me on that trip! Andy wasn't there for graduation but received his Ph.D. from the U. of Arizona..2 Doctor Longs! Mark & Mindy took summer school classes & we were happy to have Alexis with us often. Sept. 3rd they told us that Alexis ws to be a big sister in April. HFH had a fundraiser at the I 75 rest areas (counted $2300) & we were guests of Rocks at Lakeside & biked around the peninsula & to Johnson Is. Jim & Jean Shelley visited us Sept. 13th & we went to LaRoe's for dinner & they stayed overnight. Cliff helped Thad put Sauder furniture together the 18th. October 4th Mindy called to report she was spotting & wanted me to come. I was there the 5th (couldn't get into the doctor) & 6th. Her appt. was at 3:30 & Mark went too then she had an ultrasound. The baby had stopped developing. I cried buckets on the way home & the next day. Thad, Debbie & we headed for Chicago Oct. 8th & went to Sue Lawson's wedding. Steve's, AAT were there too & we had a good time. Next day we went to brunch at Lawson's. Mindy went in for a D&C on Oct 21st. Don & Ruth Myers came on Oct 22nd. Next day we went to Grand Rapids (they sang in the choir with us) for lunch & to ride on the canal boat. Cliff bought a DeWalt miter saw at Anderson's Nov. 1. A HFH hymn sing/supper on the 6th brought in few people but $500 was contributed! Steves family was here the weekend of the 11th & he visited NFO, had lunch & gave a talk for the stats dept. Thad & Debbie had an open house on the 20th. Sam & Jo joined us the 23rd & we had a big dinner with all the family here on the 24th. Steve's family joined the Wileys in Columbus the 26th & the Oshkosh/Indy folks left the 27th. I saw a girl searching for something Dec. 2 & found her blue contact! Cliff was doing consulting with Bob Maltby. On Dec. 9, we made candy at Rocks joined by Anne & girls, Woelkes, Thad & Debbie. We had a neighborhood carolling party at Johnsons the 17th & Thad & Debbie joined us. Andy, Anna & Tchapo got here the 20th. John & Cliff weren't feeling well so Lois & I went to Rock's party as the odd couple the 21st! Our Chinese international student, CN joined us the 24th for dinner, putting out luminaries, church & carolling. We had a great day the 25th, went to Maumee Bay St. Park the 26th & had a wonderful time there. The 28th we went our various way. Cliff & I went to Canada to the Long get together at the hall, stayed with John & Betty's. The 29th, Bill Miller joined us for bkf & we headed home late a.m., taking the ferry. That eve we went to Kirkbrides to plan our Hocking Hills trip. The 30th we went to Fremont to tour the Dillon & Hayes homes by candlelight along with AAT, Mindy & Alexis. Thad &Debbie were away the 31st & the dogs were misbehaving so AAT & we went down to spend the eve with them and watch "Jurassic Park" on their big TV! (Done) 1995 January 3-17 Flew to San Francisco for MAA meetings, on to Costa Mesa for Elderhostel, on to San Diego to spend time with Nolands. Rain, rain, rain--floods, mudslides! February Worked as election judge, PW had retreat at Nazareth Hall, to Indianapolis for ³original² reunion March World Day of Prayer celebration at First Christian, to Bucyrus to KD board meeting, to Indianapolis with Thad & Debbie; met Steve¹s family, Lawsons, Dolores at Turkey Run St. Park. Cliff feeling bad with cold (sposed to have PWS women stay here but Peggy Boren took them Œcause he was feeling so punk). April Cliff to Ohio State with Jack Hayden for MAA meetings, I to Medina to KD district & another one at St. Paris later. Maxine had lumps removed from body. May 1 Cliff played squash with Edsel (soft ball). Having muscle spasms when he came home 2 to hospital for blood test (had been told he had low HGB), walked over to see Dr. Wojo later 5-7 to Cinci to be with Wileys & go to Kim¹s concert 12 full day! stopped at nurseries, went bird watching at Crane Creek, to Mon Ami for lunch, to Milan to look at museums. Got groceries for Davidsons & stayed for a visit. 13 Severe muscle spasms. Went to E.R. in eve. Dr. Sanchez ordered x-rays. After reading them told us he was looking for bone cancer...Cliff does have arthritis 14 Mother¹s Day. MM&A, T & D here for a picnic in living room--Cliff sleeping in recliner 15 To Dr. Wojo. Said go ahead & go to osteopath....whatever helps...pinched nerve?? Cliff having tingling in little fingers 16. Phone call from Dr. Wojo upon receiving radiologist¹s report (read on the 14th!!!!) Cliff has serious problem, come to hosp. at 3 for MRI, x-rays of long bones, get cervical collar on. Thad & I manage to get Cliff in car (not realizing he has a broken neck!), losing feeling in fingers & toes. Dr. Laporte in, Dr. W. contacted Dr. Sullivan, transferred from Wood Co. to St. Luke¹s by ambulance, got there around midnight, had cat scan done. 17. Dr. Sullivan in to see Cliff in E.R. around 2. Checked reflexes & said Cliff would be paralyzed if surgery isn¹t done soon. Rearranged his schedule to do surgery at 11. Steve here by 7 a.m., Long day for Thad, Debbie, Steve & me. Stantons came with care pkg, David Young came. By 6 Mark & Mindy, Andy were there. Dr. Sullivan explained the procedure--3 incisions...bone from hip put in cervical area where vertebra no longer were, more surgery in lower back. C. woke up in ICU wearing a halo; was just glad to wake up!! 18 Kim & boys arrived, quite a gang of us in ICU!! Dr. Sullivan in, ³Move to regular room². 19-24 Making good progress, going to PT & seen by OT, looking forward to going home! 22 Fred & Louise arrived to lend their support 23 Bone marrow biopsy done which finalized multiple myeloma diagnosis. Cliff alone in room so Andy or Thad staying with him at night 24 Asked when Cliff might come home. A bit later, ³How about today?², Made arrangements for hospital bed, to Flower Hosp. for radiation marking before heading home. So glad to be here! 25 Fred & Louise headed home, to hosp. for first radiation treatment, took taxi van. Alexis with us sometimes while Mark & Mindy take classes 26 Mel Johnson over to put up railings so Cliff could navigate the stairs...& eliminate the commode! 27 Tom Hern, Vic Norton brought computer from school, connected Cliff to the global community 30 Andy returned to Oshkosh; lotsa visitors; pain free, taking walks using walker 31 To Dr. Sullivan for check up, halo adjustment June 3 To E.R. at St. Luke¹s for brace adjustment by Dr. Kalb 7 2nd phone line put in 8. Bob & Doris here, Andy, Anna & Tchapo arrived. Watching many videos at night 15 Cliff to Tchapo¹s softball game 17 Long guys enjoying using camera connected to computer 20 First appt. with Dr. Brown 22 Last of 20 radiation RX, still having shoulder pain, to high tea at hosp., talked to Mike Miesle 23 Bob Maltby here. To Schafer for 2nd opinion 24 Mindy¹s comps are over! I attended PW of theSynod gathering at BGSU July 5 Halo removed, cervical collar replaces. Ulcerated area at end of incision on back 8 Diane borrowed Sam¹s car after arriving in Indy & drove over 9 Bruce¹s family stopped by on way to Brown Co. for family reunion 10 To Riverside Hosp. for first chemo. Caravaned to Brown Co. with Thad, Mindy, Diane, Alexis 14 Returned from Brown County, nice reunion 20 Guys scanning Abe (cut his head off!) 24 Lila here 26 Lila headed on; AAT returned to Oshkosh, took tent camper 28-29 To Chautauqua, NY for Order Night with Mary Jane Parker. Steve here with Cliff 31 Left for Alaska August 12 Returned from Alaska 15 2nd chemo, I have shingles! 18 Had MRI, Sullivan technique 24 Picked up new computer 25 Thad with us to talk to Chet Marcin about a living trust, decided to do it Sept. 1 Andy called with new address, phone number in Ripon 3 To Lakeside for picnic & overnight 5 Dr. Vanketesan ordered x-rays, morphine 6 Rebecca called to say more radiation is needed 7 New refrigerator delivered, Cliff feeling bad, choir restarted. 8 Signed trust, wills, etc. 11 Maxine & I to Bucyrus to finance mtg. Mack took Cliff to radiation for shoulders (first of 10) & hips & feet were x-rayed 12 Chemo 13 Scott McEwen here--afternoon & eve 14 Left for Ripon after radiation. While there we went to a math picnic, Cliff showed his models, we went to Oshkosh & toured EAA Museum, went to church, Anna, Tchapo and I went to part of a football game 18 Drove to Lawsons via Edgerton & Woodstock (couldn¹t find Morozinks). Dolores, Sue, Bob & Richards there for a nice meal & evening 19 Home 27 Got seat belt fixed in car, last radiation for Cliff 28-30 K, S, C, S here. Mindy predicted arrival of baby the 29th. She was wrong! Oct. 2 Jack David arrived at 6:30 a.m. To Sue¹s Optical for eye checkup, ordered glasses 4 Cliff feeling weak, tired 6. To colloquium 10 To chemo; Maxine & I addressed Habitat fund raising letters 12 To Heimlich talk--use for drowning victims, chest tubes, create esophagus 13 Dolores O. here--Steve¹s too. To Gedeons, picked apples, Habitat hymn sing/supper. 17 To retiree group meeting 20 John, Betty, Gloria, Bill here 24 Andy has offer to go to Loyola (post doc at medical school) 25 To school. Made mincemeat at church 28 To called mtg. of KD at Bucyrus, Cliff & I on to Mansfield. HFH dinner/auction in eve 30 Bone marrow biopsy at Mercy Hosp. Nov. 2 Diane flew to Toledo, to Cinci to visit til Mon., on to Nashville, visited Lance & Karin, stayed at Vanderbilt Lowe¹s & Cliff attended SIAM meetings. To Cinci the 9th, home the 10th 13 Took in 24 hour urine spec. Mindy returned to teaching 15 Chemo followed by W/M, lunch at hosp. 1995--The year started out well with a trip to sunny (?) California. We flew to San Francisco for math meetings there on Jan. 3. Not only didn't we see the sun, there was so much rain that there were mudslides and floods which were very much in the news. We rented a car and visited special friends along the way to Costa Mesa (stopped at Hearst Castle in San Simeon where it was so foggy we couldn't even see the ocean!) where we attended an Elderhostel (stayed at a Holiday Inn & had great food..Cliff met a fellow participant who he worked with at the Naval Ordnance Lab in Wash. D.C. in 1960). On to Alpine from there to spend a few days with Diane and Al. We went to an interesting after church session at their church & then visited with Elyse, Curt and their families. Special! We played a lot of bridge & watached their pond fill up! They'll hire us as rain makers! We did see the sun on the 17th when we flew back to Toledo! Jan. 20th, we left in snowy, slippery weather for the trip to Lake Hope with Kirkbrides & Millers. The winter walk at Old Man's Cave was next day. There were lots of people there for the 6 mile walk! The scenery was beautiful & we had cornbread and soup after 4 mi. We came home the 22nd, another slow trip. In February we spent the President's Day weekend in Indianapolis at Sam & Jo's along with Fred, Louise, Ellie and Diane. Unfortunately Jack had fallen down their icy back steps & wasn't feeling up to coming. One special event while there was hearing the Purdue Men's Glee Club. We did lots of reminescing, laughing/ playing cards, looking at photos. March found us back in Indianpolis--Thad, Debbie & we met Steve, Kim, cliff & Sammy at Sam & Jo's. Next day we headed on to Turkey Run State Park (where we'd gone a few times when we lived in Champaign) to meet the Bob Lawsons and Dolores Oberg. All 18 of us found enjoyable things to do...swimming, hiking the trails, eating, chatting...a great time. The usually healthy Cliff was feeling punk with a cold during much of the month & didn't engage in his usual physical activity. On May 1, Cliff resumed squash playing but came home complaining of muscle spasms in his chest. . The muscle spasms were so painful that he couldn't sleep in bed so, for a couple of weeks, he slept in the reclinier. A visit to our GP on May 2nd resulted in some pain medication for the spasms. Blood work was done & he was questioned whether he was a vegetarian since his hemoglobin was so low. We'd planned to to to Cinci May 5-7 during which time Kim's parents were there too & we took in the performance of her musical group, the Forest Aires (good job!) On May 12, we'd planned to go to Lake Erie to view the bird migration. Even tho' Cliff wasn't feeling great, he thought he'd feel no worse engaging in some activity instead of staying home so we did lots of binocular viewing and then went on to Milan (where Thomas Edison was born ) to look through the interesting museums there. The next day Cliff was having really excruciating spasms so we went to the local emergency room. Xrays were ordered and Dr. Sanchez came back to tell us he was looking for bone cancer but only saw arthritis. Whew! Hot wet packs & muscle relaxant were his advice. We had a Mother's Day picnic in the living room with Thad & Debbie, Mark, Mindy & Alexis so Cliff would be as comfortable as possible in his recliner. On May 14 we had another appointment with Dr. Wojciechowski. He gave Cliff some Demerol & said he thought he had a pinched nerve & had no objection to our going to Mindy's doctor in Fremont, an osteopath, next day. Ah, that next day...the 16th! I was out planting one of my rosebushes received for Mother's Day when the phone rang and Dr. W was on the line telling me that Cliff had a very serious medical problem. The report of the readiologist of the x-rays taken in the ER on the 13th had just reached his desk!! Cliff was to be at the hospital for an MRI & should have a cervical collar on. Thad & I managed to get (drag!) Cliff to the car. He was starting to lose feeling in his hands and feet. He was admitted to the hospital, seen by Dr. LaPorte, an orthopedic specialist, who recommended that Cliff be seen by Dr. Daniel Sullivan, a Toledo specialist. It turned out that Cliff had been walking around with a broken neck since May 1. Late that night, we went by ambulance to St. Luke's Hospital in Maumee. Dr. Sullivan appeared around 2 am., examined Cliff, told us he would be paralyzed if something wasn't quickly done, rearranged his schedule and Cliff went to surgery at 11 a.m. By then Steve had arrived and Andy was on his way from Oshkosh. Funny how things work out! He'd just finished grading his last finals, turned in the grades & headed for St. Luke's. Debbie, Thad, Steve & I had a long day of waiting and wondering but Dorothy and Al came with a care package and to commiserate and David Young, our minister, came. Mark, MIndy and Andy arrived shortly before Dr. Sullivan came to talk with us at 6 pm. (How can anyone do surgery for that length of time..or longer??). He sketched what he'd done (removed a piece of bone from Cliff's hop to transfer to his neck where the vertebra had disintegrated, done additional surgery on his lower spine and put a "halo" brace" on to hold the bone graft in place--during surgery, a person from OR came to ask what size jacket {which held the halo in place}he wore and that gave us a start! The sketches were reproduced by Cliff's children so they could be explained to Dad! We got to see him a little later in the Intensive Care Unit and he was alert & talkative. Kim and the boys arrived the next day and during that weekend, we more than filled his hospital room. The staff was wonderful in dealing with our big group and turned his room into a private one for most of his stay. That enabled Andy or Thad to stay overnight with him so someone was always available to help him (or keep him from pulling his IV out, as he did once{before they started staying with him}!). Fred and Louise came to offer their support and help. By the 24th, Cliff had been to physical therapy several times, been seen by the occupational therapist, had a bone marrow bippsy which finialized the diagnosis of multiple myeloma and was rarin' to go home! When I asked when he could go, the nurse came back to say, "How about today?". Arrangements were quickly made to get a hospital bed (in the dining room), we went to Flower Hosp. to get him "marked" for radition and headed for home! Getting in and out of a car wearing a halo brace isn't easy! Cliff was so happy to be home ..& we to have him here. Trying to sleep while wearing a halo isn't easy and he watched parts of many videos during the time the brace was on. May 25th Cliff went for the first of 20 radiation treatments aimed toward taking care of the tumor in his spine. Next day, our neighbor & friend, Melvin Johnson came over to put railings on the up & down stairs & make 3 levels of our house accessible to Cliff (especially bathrooms!). On the 27th, Tom Hern & Vic Norton, friends from the math dept, brought Cliff's BGSU computer over and hooked him up to the global community! He and Andy spent many happy hours on projects during the summer! Andy returned to his family in Oshkosh the 30th and then Anna and Tchapo returned with him June 8th, after they'd finished school. Cliff kept busy with some consulting, many visits from colleagues and friends and lots of good times with family during the summer. Mark & Mindy took classes at BGSU in the summer so we saw them a lot and had the pleasure of entertaining their enchanting little daughter many times. Mindy took her comprehensive exams for her master's degree in late June, passed them & received her degree at the Ausgust graduation. Anna & I enjoyed gardening & reaped a good harvest. Tchapo was on a Little League team, softball team, played soccer and enjoyed being helpful to Grampa. Steve, Kim Cliff & Sammy were up often to check our progress. Cliff had almost no pain until the jacket to his halo brace was adjusted. Since then, pain has been a problem but mostly controlled by pain medication. He used a walker briefly & then a wheelchair if great distances needed to be covered. He continues to have tingling in his fingers & toes but sees that as a minor nuisance. On July 5, the halo came off. Hurray1! It's saved for posterity. There was great danger of infection in the post area which fastened into his head and Debbie and Andy were diligent in cleaning those areas every day & Cliff had no problems with infection. Diane flew into Indianapolis for our Brown County reunion July 7th & decided to join us in BG. Jo lent her her car. Bruce & his family from Phoenix were visiting in the east & stopped by to see us the 9th on their way to the reunion. On the 10th we went to Riverside Hosp. where Cliff had his first chemotherapy and then Diane, Mindy, Alexis, Thad & we headed for Brown Co. to join the others. We were there til the 14th & had a grand time. It was very hot (thank goodness for A/C!). Andy, Anna & Tchapo headed back to Wisconsin July 26th, taking our tent camper with them. We were pleased to have cousin Lila Oster stop by for a visit. I made a quick trip to Chautauqua, NY for Order Night in connection with my King's Daughters responsibility. Mary Jane Parker agreed to go with me, bless her! Steve came for the weekend to give Cliff a hand..& did our packing for Alaska! When we were together in Feb., we'd agred to go on a U. of Ill sponsored Alaskan trip ....& Cliff insisted we should still go! Thad took us to the plane in Toledo July 31, we put our luggage on & that's the last we saw of it til we got to our cabin on the cruise ship in Vancouver! We were well looked after & enjoyed those days with the Gammons, Fred and Sam Clines. Cliff bore up very well. He was supposed to keep his weight up and being on a cruise was the ideal way to do that! They could've rolled all of us off the ship--Cunard Dynasty! We learned it rains a lot along the inner passage! We managed to keep dry on shore excursions and twice rented vans & Sam chauffered us around. We stopped at Skagway (totem poles!), Sitka (Russian influence) and Juneau (the capitol). We saw whales and glaciers...& lots of water. We disembarked at Seward and motorcoached to Anchorage. Then we flew to Fairbanks where Sam & Jo had an 8 pm tee time & played 18 holes...in the light! We went on a paddle wheeler there to an interesting village to experience how life might've been in the past. Along the way, Susan Butcher stood on the bank of the river to tell us about her Iditarod race experience; we saw some of her dogs, her husband and baby! We went by train to Denali National Park but were disappointed not to see Mt. McKinley. (Apparently only 5-10% of those going there actually see the peak). We were going to take a helicoptor ride but it was too cloudy to see the mount even that way. We went on a 7 hour ride on a school bus (Cliff didn't go) to see the wildlife and were lucky to see grizzlies, moose, caribou, Dall sheep..& a fox carrying many ground squirrels in its mouth. Dinnertime! Back to Anchorage and we went to an interesting museum there. We flew home on the 12th via Salt Lake City & Cincinnati & there were Debbie and Thad waiting for us in Toledo. Right after we got back, I had my second bout of shingles (take L-Lysine!). Cliff had an MRI done on Aug. 18th. The computer he'd ordered earlier was delivered the 24th & has had lots of use. We set up our living trust. Spt. 3rd we went to Lakeside for a picnic with others at Rocks, went to the closing ceremonies, stayed overnight, had lunch at the Marina next day. Andy had a teaching job in Ripon. Cliff had a painful area in his back/shoulders and x-rays indicated more radiation was needed. He got 10 more treatments starting Sept. 11. We left for Ripon the 14th so a few were postponed. Cliff was asked to bring some of the beautiful mathematical surfaces he's carved (wood & stone) to share with math students & faculty at a picnic there. Cliff had never made it to Oshkosh so we went there so he could see where they'd lived the year before and visited the Experimental Aircraft Assn. museum (busiest airport one day a year!). We toured the Birthplace of the Republican Party, attended the Congregational Church on campus and generally had a good time. On the 18th, we headed for Lawsons in Elk Grove Village and enjoyed a wonderful dinner and time with them, Richards & Dolores Oberg. We got home the 19th. What a blessing to have a community of friends and family to bring food, take us places, invite us for meals & fun times. God is good! We don't understand why things happen as they do but surely something can be learned from each life event. Another blessing of the year brought us Jack David Gedeon who arrived on his due date, Oct. 2, at 6:30 a.m. weighing in at 9# 5oz. Wow! Mindy retired from her 4th grade classroom for 6 weeks & during that time, we went to Fremont at least once a week to be with her & her little ones. Dolores Oberg came for a short visit & we did some apple picking in Fremont (besides visiting the Gedeons!) John & Betty Miller, Bill M and Gloria McLaughlin came for a brief visit too. Mark was named varsity basketball coach and moved from junior to senior high math teacher. His first game was against BG and Lisa, Irv and Ed came from Vermont, Chicago and Ann Arbor for the occasion. Mindy returned to teaching Nov 13rh. They're lucky to have Bunny, a wonderful sitter. Diane flew to Toledo Nov. 2, the 3 of us drove to Cincinnati (stopped in Wapakoneta at the Neil Armstrong museum) for a nice weekend with Steve's family. We had a ride in his "new" red (white interior) '90 Mustang convertible--too cold to have the top down! On we went to Bowling Green, KY where we toured the Corvette plant and then to Hendersonville, TN for a brief but lovely visit with Lance and Karin Gammon. Our trip from there to the lovely Vanderbilt Lowe Hotel in Nashville was in heavy rain, in the dark, glaring headlights from heavy traffic...not fun--but we made it! The Lowe was the headquarters for the Society of Industrial & Applied Mathematics convention. Cliff went to meetings & Diane & I toured. We strolled down Music Row , walked to the Parthenon & enjoyed the art there. In the evening we went to the Opryland Hotel. Diane found it noisy and dark & preferred Bob Evans to the restaurants there! Diane & I toured Belle Meade, house & grounds, picked Cliff up, drove to the Cinci airport & Diane headed west from there on Nov. 9th. On returning home, we learned of Louise's breast cancer and she had a mastectomy on Nov. 13th. Our Thanksgiving visitors arrived on Nov. 22--Steve, Kim, Cliff & Sammy, Sam & Jo, Ellie & Jack, Andy & Tchapo. Anna took a nurses's assistant course in Oshkosh & started working in a hursing home in Ripon in Sept. She hadn't accumulated any days off to come for Thanksgiving. Some of our visitors stayed with the hospitable Thad & Debbie. Fran Lyman stopped by for a brief visit on the 24th. Sam, the boys & I went to the planetarium show (always good for a nap!). Debbie & Sam played tennis, the guys played in the turkey bowl, Jack & the ladies shopped. We watched football, played cards & ate. All departed by the 26th. Dec. 12th we drove to Sarnia and met John & Betty Miller, Leapers, Eyres, Longleys & Les & Rosalee Long for dinner. We stayed with Longleys & Lorne & Cliff enjoyed woodcarving talk. Bill Miller joined us at John & Betty's for lunch & then we headed home. We had sleet after leaving Bill & Shirley's in Detroit and were happy to arrive home safely! Steve's & Andy's families arrived Dec. 23 & some went to Fremont to the game. We had dinner at Thad & Debbie's next day; Sammy helped get the luminaries ready. We lighted them after supper, went to the church service, carolled, came back to chat & have hot chocolate & cookies. Christmas was another lovely one & we felt lucky to be together for it. We went to Maumee Bay to stay in a 4 bedroom cabin the 26th. Andy was feeling punk & Thad too, part of the time. We went to the lodge to exercise & swim, to the nature center & did lots of game playing. On our way home the 28th, we had lunch at Tony Packo's. Thad & Andy were still feeling congested & feverish--a bad way to end the year. (Combine) 10 1996 1996--Jan. 8--Thad, Andy and I removed the living room mural after all these years. Andy was very sad to see it go! Thad painted the living room/dining room while we were gone. Bless him! On the 9th, Lisa Elderbrock, Andy, Cliff and I drove to Columbus and flew to Orlando. They attended the MAA meetings. I spent a day at Epcot Center. Sam & Jo were visiting Applebys and they came by one eve and, very early next a.m., picked me up and we went to watch the space shot. Wow! The 12th we drove our rental car to Punta Gorda where we were warmly welcomed by Joe and Gloria McLaughlin. We enjoyed our overnight stay with them and tour of the area and then headed for Ft. Myers next day where we toured the Edison/Ford homes. We got to Rock's rental condo that eve on Sanibel Island. We went to church at Chapel by the Sea next day and then we went to the Ding Darling preserve where we saw a multitude of unusual birds and even a crocodile. It was wonderful! We also did lots of "shelling" at that special spot and brought many home. We met Lisa at the airport and flew home the 15th. Mike Peake was our house guest the 30th & 31st and gave talks at BGSU. He brought us almonds from CA & bought toys for Cliff! Feb--We went to Indy on the 16th for our sibling weekend, went to a 40's Radio Hour play, did lots of game playing, eating, card playing & generally enjoying being together til the 21st. Kim, Steve and boys came the 23rd, Mindy & kids stayed over the 24th--lotsa activity! March--March 11--Fred had surgery for bladder cancer, 12--Andy came on the bus for Spring break & the guys did lots of computering. Steve came the 15th and MMAJ the 16th. All returned home the 17th. 21-23--Alexis and Jack were here while Mark & Mindy were at the state bb tournament. We had fun making snow people. The 23rd we got our glider/rocker. We went to see "Cats" in Toledo with Thad & Debbie on the 24th. The 30th we went to Cinci for a nice weekend. We came home April 1---snow (April Fool!) so the Reds home opener had to be postponed! Cliff's ear had been stopped up since we flew so he had a tube inserted on April 4th. The 12th & 13th he & Tom Hern spent in Akron at the spring math mtgs. I went to Bucyrus the 13th & gave a report, including slides, about Chautauqua. April 19th we met Lawsons, Dolores, Kim, Steve & boys & stayed at the Indy Omni. Fred & Louise, Lashley-Clines were visiting Sam & Jo so we had dinner together Sat. eve (21 of us). Bobby L. thought it was a buffet & ran up quite a bill at the cafeteria! Home the 21st. May 2 we went to the newly renovated Detroit opera House to see an opera performed with Mack & Maxine. Maxine's son-in-law had been working on it & gave us free (wonderful!) tickets! Next day we headed for Galesburg for Helen Harshbarger's 95th birthday celebration. AAT were there too & Andy treated the whole bunch for Sun. lunch! Whatta guy! Jim & Jean Baldwin joined us in Galesburg and we enjoyed touring the Knox campus, visiting Carl Sandburg's birthplace, visiting Bishop Hill. We got home May 7th. Cliff started getting aredia, a bone strengthening drug which is administered IV every 4 weeks. Dr. Brown thinks it's made a BIG difference. Thad was on the parks & recreation board & had invited us to a special event at Wintergarden Lodge on May 17th. He picked us up (we'd been at the Senior Extravaganza at BGSU all day & then I helped with Martha's Kitchen a little) and we drove over to WL. What a surprise when we opened the door--all of our immediate family there along with many friends--a celebration of the first anniversary since Cliff's surgery--Carpe diem! They'd prepared a wonderful meal with many cakes (each child got to decorate one!) & it was a very special evening and weekend. Cliff was asked to ask the blessing before the meal after Eileen Townsend's wedding on the 25th. We sat with Ralph & Phyllis & members of their family and had a wonderful time. On the 30th, Thad, Cliff and I drove to Ripon. On the way we stopped in Long's former neighborhood & got some pictures of the present owner--8940 Emerald Ave. We shared a room with Dorothy and Al Stanton at Best Western & next day was a busy one. We toured Ripon & garage saled & then Andy got the UHaul trailer & we started loading up for the move to LaGrange, IL. Dorothy fixed a wonderful meal for us & we played cards in the eve. Andy had everything measured & knew where it all was to go. He's getting to be an expert! We drove to LaGrange June 1 & left Andy, Anna & Thad to unload while Tchapo & we went to Lawsons for dinner, joined by Dolores & Richards. AAT came over later & stayed overnight. June 2nd we helped assemble furniture & set things up before returning home. June 3rd Alexis had a lymph node removed and biopsied & we went over for that. It was reactive hyperplasia. The zoo had a lovely dinner for 25 year members on the 5th with program to follow. On the 18th, Florence & Stuart Givens & we went to the presbytery meeting in Ottawa for dinner and to hear the moderator of the general assembly, Marg Carpenter. She has a message! Mission! We went to the Croswell Opera House with John & Lois Hiltner the 21st for dinner at "The Grasshopper & to see "Crazy for You". We also saw during the summer, "Do Patent Leather Shoes Really Reflect Up" and "Damn Yankees". Their theater group does a wonderful job with musicals! The Presby Women in the Synod had their annual gathering at BGSU & I went to it the 22nd & 23rd. We met AAT & MMAJ in Cinci June 27th-30th for another nice weekend. Decided to get a new freezer. July 9th I went to see Dr. Smith and he told me the rainbows I occasionally see are optical migraines! On the 20th, Thad, Debbie, (Mark wasn't able to go as he was taking summer classes to finish up his master's) MAJ, Cliff & I flew to Rapid City (Steve's family drove & had an extended trip). After breakfast next day, Thad said he should've paid for two for what Debbie had eaten..the announcement that there's to be another little Long! We drove to Custer in our rental van & joined Diane, Elyses family, some Gammons & Clines (42 of us) for another great reunion. Mindy, Steve & had had special shirts made up for everyone for the occasion. The facilities were great--mini golf, swimming, etc. and we went to a wood carving museum, to Mt. Rushroom (the four guys, according to Alexis) in the evening & for the light show (where we saw the Brian Youngs). We went to a chuck wagon dinner/show & Nancy Jo ended up being one of the performers! Fun! Our arrangements to fly to & from Rapid City didn't work out as planned & Mindy didn't have to take the small plane either way. Mark drove his family to Detroit & picked them up there! Funny how things work out! Got home the 25th. Aug.--Sue & I picked elderberries along the Slippery Elm trail, avoiding poison ivy as we went. Never again! the 17th we had a neighborhood picnic at Jo & Rodney Vernon's with 44 there. Andy, Anna & Tchapo returned from their several week visit in Togo. Andy reported a rash and feeling "jittery" the 24th--anxiety difficulties. Steve came the 24th & went to the Long reunion with us at Cathcart Park. He went home the 26th; Clinton's train came thro BG & I went over to wave! All the kids were here for Labor Day weekend. Kim, Anna, the kids & I went to the zoo Aug. 31 & Met MMAJ there. Some of us went to the pool next day & had a cookout that night. All went home Sept. 2. The memorial service for Beverly Barnes was held Sept 6; Rachel Hendrix was here for a visit & we met Stantons & celebrated our anniversary at Croy Supper Club. The Black Swamp festival was "on". We learned Thad had a kidney stone Sept. 20th (hope this doesn't turn into an annual Sept. event!) whiich he finally passed on the 27th. AAT were here for Martha & Melvin Johnson's lovely 50th anniversary dinner/dance on the 21st . Lawsons arrived the 30th. Next day we went to Perrysburg where I chose clothes for the hospital guild style show (former presidents modelled). We went to the 577 Foundation, shopped & went to explore Side Cut Park. Mack & Maxine Miller & Sue & Bill Rock came in the eve & we enjoyed some harmonizing. Next day we had lunch at Mon Ami on Catawba Is, ferried to Kelley's Island where we golf carted around & looked at the famous glacial grooves, on to Marblehead lighthouse & stopped at Gedeons on Jack's first birthday. We picked up Doug Meade, former BGSU math student, Oct. 3 & he was here til the 5th. Maxine M. & I went to the King's Daughters convention in Bucyrus the 4th & 5th. The hospital guild luncheon and modelling was Oct. 9th & we wore furs in addition to the chosen outfits. How elegant! I didn't buy any new outfits! The 20th we drove to Lagrange; AAT joined us in the ride to Sherry's & some of the guys & kids went to the Orion/Knoxville game. Fred & Louise took us on an extensive tour of Knox County (Spoon River Days) the 12th and a gang of us went to the firemen's chicken fry in Abingdon that eve. After church, Sunday School and a meal at Abby Lanes, we headed back to Lagrange next day. The scenery was lovely on our return home the 14th. The big celebration of the diamond jubilee of BG First Presby Church was on Oct. 20 and around 230 came for lunch. HFH had taken that on as a fund raising project...and it involved lotsa people! Cliff went to Granville to the fall math meetings with Tom H. the 25th. Ruth Putnam, fellow King's Daughter & nurse, & I had lunch in Grand Rapids & enjoyed some time at Otsego Park. Other events the end of the month were mincemeat making at church, receiving 6 $100 vouchers for our airline delay in the summer, Ralph Townsend's heart problem, anniversary dinner with Pat & Murray Mayeux. We drove to Cinci Nov. 1 and while there went to a woodcarving show. The quartet Steve's in sang at a special event Sun. eve. They're good...almost as good as the Long foursome! Home the 4th. Helen Lakofsky, Mayeux, neighbors & we went on a tour of Lifeformations the 12th. What skill to make figures so lifelike! Steve's family arrived on the 26th (Kim's bd) & AAT & MMAJ next day. We went to Thad & Debbie's to eat...or they were here. Sledding was enjoyed the 27th & later in the day Sam, Jo, Ellie & Jack arrived. We had a big dinner & fun card playing. Sam had car trouble the next day. He picked up the car in Toledo that eve & we all met in Fremont (some went to the Hayes complex) for lasagna & the BG/Fremont game. Fran Lyman & a friend stopped in next day. We went to Grand Rapids to explore, made a quick spaghetti supper when we returned so the coaches could go to Napoleon to scout! All headed home Dec. 1. Dec. 8th we made candy at Rocks with the help of Hiltners, Woelkes, Hiltners, Stantons, Debbie & Thad. AAT came for the holidays on Dec. 20. I went to Dr. Dillon to have some spots on my face "zapped" on Dec. 21. Steve's family came next day. Christmas Dad Mark and Jack weren't feeling well. We received a video telling us a bench at Otsego Park was being given in our name! Lovely! The 26th we went to Tony Packo's for lunch and watched "Babe" at Thad's in the eve. The 27th many of us went to the rec center for basketball, swimming, volleyball, etc. Fun! How quickly 1996 has passed-- Each year more quickly than the last! In January we headed for Florida sun To Orlando math meetings; Andy joined in the fun. To a middle-of-the-night space shot went Jo¹s parents, Sam, Jo and I. After some waiting, that ³bird² took off, lighting the sky. In our rental car, to Punta Gorda we wended our way With the hospitable McLaughlin cousins to stay. Beautiful scenery was on their tour-- In BG, palm trees seen are fewer! On to Sanibel Island to visit the Rocks from BG Where wondrous shells and birds we did see. Too soon Œtwas time to head back to the north But a mild winter turned out to be forth. February found us in Indianapolis for a five Cline gathering-- Lots of eating, reminiscing, laughin¹ and blathering! Andy joined us in March for his Spring break And with math & computer problems the guys hours did take. Alexis and Jack came for a short stay While Mom & Dad to the state tourney went to watch, not play. We were visiting Kim and Steve on the Reds¹ opening day; There was a snowstorm so ball they didn¹t play! To Akron went Cliff for the Spring math meeting Started getting Aredia Where colleagues and friends he was glad to be greeting. Back to Indy in April Steve¹s family/Chicago friends to meet. As a meeting place city, it¹s hard to beat. A trip to Detroit¹s renovated opera house was a May treat Where scenery, costumes and musicians were really neat. Then to Galesburg to celebrate a 95th birthday Joining relatives and friends, what a nice stay! TheBaldwins from Missouri met us there-- A several day visit with a special pair. What a surprise we got on the 17th of May-- A party celebrating Cliff¹s one-year-since-surgery day! Our supportive kids and friends surrounded us. ³Carpe Diem²! Cliff¹s lived it! What a plus! ŒTwas a wonderful weekend we¹ll not soon forget And we treasure each day; on that you can bet! In June to Ripon went friends Stanton, Thad and we-- Helpers in the move to LaGrange to try to be. Andy, Anna and Tchapo had many boxes packed And for carrying/loading help didn¹t lack. Andy has a ³post doc² at Loyola Medical Center And of a nice home and yard they¹re currently a rentor. To Togo the three flew off later in June... Hadn¹t been there in many a moon! Seven northwest Ohioans from Detroit to Rapid City flew Nonstop? Nope! Though stops made were few. Mark stayed at home, attending classes at BGSU So in August his master¹s diploma would be due. To Custer, South Dakota we headed in ³our² van Where Cline family members gathered--our clan. Forty-two of us were there in a Cline cluster Swelling the population in our host town of Custar!! Mt. Rushmore is known to us now as ³The Four Guys²-- A name given them by Alexis, (three year old size). Swimming & miniature golf were played by the hour And scenic drives we enjoyed, with mountains that tower. An important announcement was made by Debbie and Thad! They¹re going to be parents! For them we¹re all glad. An August weekend, Steve came and we went to a reunion of Longs. (When all 4 Long guys are here, we hear barbershop songs!). All our family was here for the weekend celebrating Labor Day Probably better noted as a day for play. We returned to Galesburg in October for Spoon River Days And with our LaGrange family and Fred & Louise had lovely stays. The scenery was lovely, the weather was great For good times like this, Œtis better not to wait. For Thanksgiving, guests from Illinois, Indiana, Missouri came; Nineteen including Gedeon, Gammon, Cline, and Long name! Four couples stayed with Thad and Debbie at the ³Long Hotel². Their hospitality is outstanding; they do it very well. To Fremont for Mark¹s first basketball game; They won! (Thirty Gedeons & Long family came). Steve, Kim, Cliff and Sammy Cincinnatians still are; In summer, enjoying their Mustang convertible car! They¹re busy with church activities, Scouts and sports In summer toured Yellowstone, the Tetons and forts. Teaching and coaching keep Mark and Mindy busy as bees. Activities and family make them long for more ³zzzz¹s²! Jack (one) and Alexis get along very well. What¹s their favorite pace? You¹ve got it--pellmell! Debbie and Thad¹s blessed event in March is to be-- Thad's kidney stone--Sept. 18-27 Changes in life their two Labs can¹t foresee! Thad¹s painted for us and comes when ³help!² he hears; Helpful and hospitable are these two nearby dears. On a maintenance basis Cliff receives chemo Oft goes to his office and we keep ³on the go². We hope Œ97 will be a good year for you With good health and happiness visiting you anew. We keep hoping for that nebulous ³peace on earth² And that all earth¹s inhabitants will celebrate His birth. 1997 In January we drove to Columbus (the 7th), went to the Ohio Hist. Soc. Museum & stayed at the Quality Inn. Next a.m. we flew to San Diego. Diane met us & we walked along the harbor, went to the math mtg. to hear Cliff & other retirees talk. Andy arrived in time for the talk & then we headed for Alpine. A car was loaned for the guys to get back & forth to the mtgs. Diane & I went to Coronado to play bridge and have lunch next day & I went to choir practice with them. Next day we went to the LaJolla eye clinic with Elyse. Her "freckle" is OK. PTL. We ate at Alpine Inn that eve. We met Elyse & Tyler at Julian the 11th & it was cold. Next day we all went to church & the Blacks joined us for lunch & Curt's family came later. Andy headed back to Chicago the 13th & we next day. We got in lots of bridge playing while there! On our way home from Columbus, we stopped at Woody's for a nice meal & to see their Christmas decorations (we'd heard about them). Steve, Kim & boys came Jan. 17th and the adults headed for New Orleans the next day. We went to Maxine's 70th bd party that eve & cliff & Sammy enjoyed it too. The 19th, sledding was enjoyed by the boys & I, the Gedeons came later. We learned we're to be grandparents in August (Eric). Jack & Alexis stayed overnight. There was a King's Daughters 90th anniversary tea on the 20th. We met Wileys in Bellevue & cliff & Sammy went home with them & we dropped the Gedeons off. Jan. 31 we had an overnight PW retreat in Fremont with Emily Conklin as leader. On Feb. 6, I started on this herstory. Cliff gave a talk at KME the 12th & showed his models. He made the living room plate rail. We went to Indy the 14th & had a great time with the rest of the family. Sam was having some back problems. Sun. we met Steve's family at the children's museum after lunch & they joined us for dinner along with Sam & Jo's English friends. After the others left on the 18th, Sam, Diane, Cliff & I had some bridge marathons. We came home next day. On the 25th, no protein showed up in Cliff's 24 hr urine test...remission. PTL! Cliff gave a talk at St. John's School in Toledo March 4th & I went along for the ride; we shopped & Cliff got new luggage & we got an adjustment on our new pingpong table. On the 7th, Lawsons & Dolores arrived, along with Steve & Andy's family. We went to the Fremont-Mansfield game next day which was a thriller won by Fremont! Mark as coach got his team through the sectional & district and advanced to the regionsal for the first time in Fremont's history! We all went to church Sun. for brunch & then the out of towners headed home. On March 17th, Thad, Debbie & Becky left for Blanchard Valley Hosp. early for Debbie to be induced. Connor Allan arrived at 2:56 pm, weighing in at 8#, l oz. We went to see the little darling and met Eric Scheurman. Mom and baby came home next day! Jack & Alexis came to stay with us the 21st while their Mom & Dad were in Columbus at the bb tournament. Connor was in the hosp. & losing weight the 22nd. Alexis was awake early March 23re and so sick. Poor little dear! She wanted her Mommy and Daddy! They arrived near noon, went to see Connor, now at home, before heading for Fremont. I started writing Mom's history. Easter was the 30th. Jack & Alexis stayed here while M & M went to St. V's to see Ben. Thad & Debbie joined us for supper, Gedeons too. Dee Maltby was under the weather so we took lasagna & ate with them the 31st & saw the Hal-Bopp comet. We went to Brian Pfatlzgraf's concert April 5th. Stantons came for dinner & I burned the counter, along with the brussel sprouts! We went to hear Karl Haas talk & play at the Peristyle on the 6th. I paid Dr. Smith $115 April 8th to have him tell me that "meteors" in my eyes are normal! Cliff wnet to the math mtgs in Youngstown the 11th. Lisa Elderbrock came from KY & stayed overnight here. Steve & Andy's families came the 18th. The men's chorus invited alumnae to join for this concert & Steve did! Their concert next day was really fine and it was a wonderful weekend. April 26th we drove to John & Betty's to have lunch, supper at Donna & Lorne's along with Janice's family. That eve we celebrated Jim & Rachel's 40th anniversary. Next day we went to church at 6th Line, had brunch at the golf course, stopped to see Shirley & Bill Hoy in Detroit, ate at the Erie Frog Leg Inn & went to the Toledo Symphony casual concert featuring the Chenille Sisters. Good! May 5th we headed for Marietta via Buckhorn Children's Center. We had a tour there & stayed at the historic Lafayette Hotel in M. Next day we went on a paddle wheeler on a Nature Conservancy trip and stopped at Blennerhesset Is. It was an all day trip & much enjoyed. On the 7th, we toured the Fenton glass co. across the river in WV. Campus Mauritius and the riverboat museums were enjoyed that day too & we drove to Athens for overnight & met a friend of Cliff's in the motel lobby! We went on to Waverly the 8th & toured the Pike Co. Welfare House. Our guides were Max & May Russell & they wanted to adopt us!! We wanted to eat at a local place but they wanted to take us to a steak house (Ponderosa!). They didn't want us to leave but we headed on to Steve's & Wileys were already there. Kim's show next eve was very good and...what a surprise...when we returned, our whole family was there..Carpe diem! It was a great weekend and the guys fixed bkf for Mother's Day. We returned via Wilburforce & Central State. Thad painted our kitchen ceiling while we were gone (it "blistered" when we were away in Feb.). I was hostess for PEO May 20, Anne Jones co. Steve changed jobs. Cliff had a born marrow test at Riverside June 6th. Andy & Tchapo were here & they went to Thad's soccer game, along with Cliff. Alexis & Jack were here while M & M went to Amanda's graduation. Thad & Debbie became members of First United Methodist June 8th. A retirment part for Cliff was held at Jack Hayden's--a lovely meal and bountiful gifts; many there. Dr. Brown reports no multiple myeloma in Cliff's bone marrow. PTL! June 20th we drove to Galesburg to surprise Diane at her 50th class reunion. Al was there too. At Jumer's, we sat with a Congressional Medal of Honor winner! While there, we went to see Ruby Killingsworth in Macomb, Helen Harshbarger, had a surprise open house for Diane on Sun & saw lotsa people. We went to Lagrange the 23rd to visit AAT, met Lawson's at McCormick's estate/home/gardens/war museum (Cantigny) next day & had dinner with them. We came home the 25th & the next day, Norma Jones came for dinner & a nice visit. Our kids came for the weekend & joined Norma & us for dinner the 28th. Fourth of July found us at a concert at the Hayes Museum, along with Hiltners. Mindy & kids found us in the crowd! Alexis fell asleep & slept through the cannon firing during the 1812 Overture! We picnicked with Hiltners. July 9th Florence, Ila Banbury, Jean Henze & I drove to Louisville for the PW National Gathering. We stayed in the Galt House. Such lines! I was one of the "honored witnesses" & had the opportunity to talk to Millard Fuller who was there to speak about HFH. We returned home the 13th. July 19th we headed to St. Louis, going thro Indy--495 mi. to Gammons new house. The rest of the Gammons were already there & Diane & Tyler arrived late. We drove to the Ozarks next afternoon & stayed in a nice cabin with 5 bedrooms! There were 41 of us there. (all of our family but the Gedeons). It was very hot during the time we were there & the pool got a workout. Steve rented a speedboat one day & that was a hit..riding, skiing, tubing. Rick got his arm caught & got a rope burn. Lots of videos were watched & cards played! We celebrated Ellie & Jack's 50th anniversary. Ellie, Cliff & I went to Osage Beach to shop. We were to meet Jim & Jean Baldwin in Branson the 27th but the car wasn't working right. We limped into town & it quit at the motel! That eve we went to "Shepherd of the Hills" play. In Galesburg we'd learned Ray Cramer was at Branson with his Indiana Brass group so I contacted him & he arranged for us to have tickets to the show July 28th. We got to meet Molly & enjoyed the show. We also saw the "Jennifer" show that day. Next day we went to the Hughes Bros. show, visited our sick car & they said they'd have it ready tomorrow. We went to the Bald Knobbers show that eve--the original! Jim & Jean took us to the garage July 30th & the fuel pump/filter was all in by 11 & we headed home. We lunched at Rolla, were thro St. Louis by 4, stopped at Fazoli's in Indy & got home at 1:45 a.m! The 31st we saw "South Pacific" with Hiltners at the Croswell in Adrian & ate at "The Brass Lantern". Sat., Aug. 2nd we headed for Chautauqua with Millers & Kirkbrides drove their RV. We moved into Florence Hall & went to hear opera highlights. Sun. we ent to the ballet, an art exhibit where Jason DePue was playing (!), to the sacred song service. Margo Evans & her mother joined us for lunch at Hotel Atheneum on Aug. 5. Elegant! We came home the 6th. The 12th, Cliff & Thad made a ramp for T's shed. Bobby Krist's (Stanton's grandson) wedding & reception was Aug. 16th and Connor was baptized next day. He was a good boy! We had lunch at Thad & Debbie's afterward, to Elsass's 50th anniversary & the zoo concert with Bill & Sue. Mindy called at 7 on Aug. 19 to announce that Eric James arrived at 2:30 a.m.--8#, 1 oz. PTL We went to Fremont to see the sweet baby and stayed with Alexis & Jack later. AAT got here Aug. 20th & left for Wash. D.C for a Peace Corps reunion next day. They stopped in Fremont to see Eric & family. I got my lovely watch at Osterman's the 23rd. The 27th I rode to Lima with Debbie & Connor; AAT got back that eve. With others, we went to Venedocia for a Welsh "sing Aug. 31. They make the rafters ring! Sept. 2nd we met Diane's plane & the festivities began! We went to Grand Rapids the 4th & Tchapo fished & we shopped & had lunch. Fred & Louise arrived! Next day we went to get Pat at the airport. Lortons, Richards, Lawsons, Dolores,Ellie & Jack, Hawkins flew in plus all our kids. We had spaghetti & a wonderful evening! On the 6th, the kids served lunch at the ice arena lounge & family & good friends surrounded us, followed by a wonderful program & loving words. The Long guys sang and were quite a hit! We then adjourned to Thad & Debbie's for supper & 31 of us went to see "The Music Man". The BGSU band came in to play "76 Trombones"! We had bkf with Pat the 7th & then Thad took her to the airport. Dear Jo had brought lasagna & that's what we had for lunch. Rog Hawkins gave airplane rides to anyone who wanted to go. The 8th I took Diane to the airport early. Rog & Bonnie were next to depart & then Fred & Louise. Tim Snipes had supper with us. Tom Hern brought photos by of our big event. We went to Herb Hollister's funeral Sept 9th. All 4 kids participated and it was an inspiring service. Connor was with us early on the 10th while Thad & Debbie went to the hosp--another kidney stone! Neighbors & friends came over the 14th for dessert & to wish AAT "bon voyage". The 15th we took them to Detroit to fly to Benin where Andy had a Fulbright scholarship for the year. Cliff was having more tingling so on Sept. 23 we went to Toledo & he had an MRI done. Dr. Sullivan looked at the films & said more vertebra have collapsed but they're not pressing on cord. We went to Cinci the 28th, saw Steve's new office in Milford & had a nice weekend. Oct 3rd Cliff had a hernia repair as an outpatient with Dr. Bielefeld the surgeon. He got along fine. Steve's family was here for a visit the next weekend. We picked apples with the Gedeons at Clyde. On the 14th, Cliff went to a kidney specialist who recommended he eliminate Daypro. We went to see Mindy join Grace Luthrean on Oct. 19..& hear Alexis sing with the cherubs. Lawsons came that eve & we went to Crane Creek next day. They treated at Kaufman's to celebrate our 40th. The King's Daughters convention was held in BG Oct. 24-35 with Maxine & me in charge. It went well. Cliff went to Portsmouth with Tom to math mtgs. on the 24th. The 31st Cliff went to Dr. Neville who said his eye was ulcerating probably due to a virus. Hiltners came to tell us of their trip to NZ & Australia. We were back to Dr. Neville a couple of times about Cliff's eye before we departed for Australia/NZ. He assured us they have doctors there, should we need to see one so off we went. Thad was there to meet us when we returned at 2:30 on Nov. 26 & we were home by 4. We needed to get busy as company was coming! ( While we were gone, Ackerman painted our oven door & surface unit.) Sam & Jo came the 27th & Steve's family was here along for the Gedeons and we had a lovely meal at Thad & Debbie's and wonderful time of togetherness. Steve's family left for Lodi the 29th, dropping the Gedeon kids off on the way. We went to Becky & Eric's wedding in the eve & Sam & Jo kept Connor. They returned home the 30th. In December we went to several of Mark's basketball games. The team was doing well. On the 6th, I went to a brunch at St. Mark's with Sue & then to give blood at St. Mark's My BP was near 160--probably from standing on my head in the other hemisphere!? We made candy that eve with the help of Hiltners & Stantons. Steve's family came the 24th, Thad, Debbie & Connor joined us for chili, church & carolling. Mindy & kids dropped by. Christmas Day we called Andy & all had a chance to chat. All were here for a big dinner at 4 & gift opening. We met at COSI the 27th (Poor Alexis lost her NanO puppy) and then went to Tony Packo's. Steve sang the song he'd written for us. The 28th we were up early and to Fremont for the 9:20 service where Eric was being baptized. He was a good boy. We had brunch at M & M's afterward with only Topher representing the Gedeons. Some of us went to the Hayes Museum to see the special displays. (Done) 1998 From Mari-lyn and Cliff '98 started, for me, with a bad case of flu. Cliff's a good nurse and didn't get the flu (whew!). In February, to Cinci where they¹d had a Big Snow To see little Cliff as one of the stars of a show. Then to Indy for a reunion of 5 ³kids² named Cline With spouses attending; we had a time fine. March--Lawsons visited as did Gedeon kids three (Mark & Mindy went to the basketball tourney) Which kept Grampa n Grama busy as could be! In April, Andy came from Benin for a job interview. The week he was in Bowling Green just flew! Back to Cinci in May for another performance To see Kim & friends emote, sing and dance. To Toronto for math meetings we drove in July. Where we went in the summer, temperatures were high! Then to Indiana to a lodge near French Lick For a reunion of Clines--good location to pick. Of our total number, Longs were nearly half Lotsa eating, card playing, and many a laugh. From there to a Presby Women synod event in BG Where friends and special events I did see. Then Cliff and I flew to the City by the Bay And from there, to Bogarts in Sacramento to stay. Royal treatment we received at their hands; Sonoma, Napa Valley Wine brunch trip, brunch on They did everything but hire brass bands! a paddlewheeler on the Sacramento R. To a math/art conference at Berkeley we went Where Cliff displayed sculptures; a special event. To Chautauqua, New York for our next expedition. Soaking up culture & info our mission. Our African trio in August returned With many things taught and many things learned. Items stored in Thad & Debbie¹s basement were removed As the job and move to Ann Arbor were approved! To the Long reunion we 5 went soon after, Canadian relatives to chat with, much laughter. In September of sister Diane¹s anemia we learned; Elyse was convinced she had lymphoma Low hemoglobin & weakness have kept us concerned! & her diagnosis proved to be correct In October to Oxford (Miami) we wended our way Sept 27 to pick apples & fish. Where Cliff showed his models; then on to Cinci to stay. At the Stratford festival we were joined by Louise & Fred To see plays enacted, previously read. An Eastern Europe trip was a November treat; Interesting scenery, nice people to meet. Warsaw, Krakow, Budapest, Vienna, Prague were cities seen And we bussed through the countryside in between. The castles & cathedrals were sights to behold; No wonder that part of the world¹s called old. Now free from Communist rule, those nations. We hope that¹s always cause for celebrations. Thanksgiving has more meaning each year As we join to celebrate with family dear. Next day after leaving BG, brother Sam had a heart attack; Angioplasty, a stent...and a fast comeback! That was cause for more thanks giving Some minor adjustments he¹ll make to his style of living. Now Christmastime is fast approaching... And Mark¹s basketball season (4th year of head coaching). Our number will increase early next year With the arrival of Debbie and Thad¹s little dear. Cliff keeps busy with projects galore.. Were he totally healthy, he¹d even do more! We¹re thankful for doctors and chemo and pills; For such helpful service, you don¹t mind the bills! Enjoy the festivities of this advent season-- The gift of baby Jesus, the wonderful reason. An update on the family: Steve and Kim, Cliff(12) and Sammy(10) live in Cincinnatti, OH Andy and Anna, and Tchapo(12.9) live in Ann Arbor, MI Thad and Debbie, Connor(1.7) and ? (-.2) live in Bowling Green, OH Mindy and Mark, Alexis(5), Jack(3) and Eric(1.3) live in Fremont, OH (Rewrite) The flu bug got hold of me in Jan., '98 & held on! There was a surprise birthday party for Mindy's 30th birthday but we didn't get to go. Mark was busy with basketball and we went to a number of the Fremont games. In Feb we went to Cinci to see Cliff perform in the school musical. Thad, Debbie & Connor went too. They'd had a lot of SNOW there. We didn't! On the 13th we went to Indy for our annual sibling gathering. We did lots of card playing, including bridge & cribbage, singing & went to hear the Purdue Glee Club. On our way home, we stopped in Ft. Wayne to tour the Lincoln Museum. A PW retreat was held at Nazareth Hall with Margo Connor. Around 30 were there & I won the flower centerpiece! Steve's family came the last weekend & we celebrated birthdays. Mark, Mindy, Alexis & Jack came & stayed over. We went to Elk Grove Village March 20th and enjoyed visits with Dolores & the Lawsons, including their kids. We went to St. Charles to browse on our way to Richards, sang in the Meth. choir & had a nice get together with Dave & Lou Lindemann. Townsends, Leetchs & we took Graues out for dinner the 25th & said goodbye as they're moving to Fla. Three little Gedeons were here the end of the month while their parents were at the state tournament. Alexis fell down the stairs & wonders why we don't have carpeting! She & Jack enjoyed a tea party! Andy flew to Detroit from Benin on April 2. He was here for a job interview (and accepted). The rest of the family joined us in several get togethers before he returned the 9th. Tom Hern & Cliff went to John Carroll U. the 17th & gave a short talk. Alexis came here for the children's play. Our 4th Wood Co. Habitat for Humanity house was dedicated on April 19th. May 6th we went to a retiree gathering in Columbus & on to Cinci. Thad's family & Mindy's joined us there for another celebration of Cliff's anniversary since surgery. We went to Kim's program with the Forestaires...very good! Thad broke his wrist while playing soccer on March 29. 'Twas a bad break and on June 6th, carpal tunnel like surgery was done. His plans to put together playground equipment in the backyard changed slightly. Cliff helped & Thad was supervisory capacity. June 19th Steve's family was here & we enjoyed lunch at Tony Packo's (Maumee) & the zoo where MM & kids joined us and some pool time was enjoyed by several. Cliff had some surgery performed by Dr. Cichocki (Thad's kidney stone guy). John & Lois Hiltner joined us for the 4th of July concert at the Hayes mansion & later for a picnic here. We went with them to the Croswell in Adrian to see "Brigadoon", "1776" & "State Fair". It's a long way to go but they're so good! Cliff made a "pentagon" around the tree in the front yard-first wood, then bricks...looks nice! We went to Canada the 14th & took the Miller cousins out for dinner. Next morning we had breakfast with Longleys & eyres at the golf course & then went on to Toronto. We stayed at Ryerson Institue which was a wonderful location. I enjoyed their pool, enjoyed a ride on a ferry, visited the Royal Ontario Museum where an exhibit from Victoria & Albert Museum was featured. Tom Hern, Cliff & I went to a Blue Jay game in the Astrodome & they put the roof on while we were there! We came home the 18th. We made a quick turnaround and left next day. We caravaned with the Gedeons to French Lick, IN. We stayed in a lodge (cattle ranch?) which was very nice. There were 34 of us there to enjoy shopping, a hymn sing, tour of the hotel in French Lick (where people came to drink & bathe in the sulphur water {yuck}) and W. Baden (domed, huge & under construction). We got home the 24th & I spent the next two days on BGSU campus at the Synod PW annual gathering. July 31 we drove to Columbus, flew to Cinci & on to San Francisco. My old friend and nursing classmate, Pat Bogart met us & we were on our way to Sacramento. Next day we took the Napa Valley wine train tour and had an elegant brunch. Then we went to tour the Sebastiani Winery where the casks are carved & on to Sonoma to an art fair. Dick prepared a gourmet dinner for us that eve..they're trying to fatten us up..& succeeding! We had brunch Sun. on a paddlewheeler on the Sacramento R. & another fabulous meal! Then they took us to Berkeley to the art /math conference which brought us there. Cliff displayed some of his models & thoroughly enjoyed the conference & people he met. I took BART to San Francisco & toured some museums, took the ferry to Sausalito & back (on a hot day, that was a good idea). I toured the botanic garden on campus (tho' I was a little nervous when a sign at the ticket booth reported sighting of a mountain lion!) and spent time at interesting Lawrence Hall of Science. We got home Aug. 6th. We made another turnaround and left for Chautauqua the 8th. Millers & Kirkbrides went too & we enjoyed some more restful days in that lovely setting. On our way home, we stopped at Cayahoga R. National Res. and explored some of the canals and biked. We also had a tour of the estate of some of the rubber barons, Stan Hyatt. Cliff went to see Dr. Shocka, kidney specialist, who thinks Cliff is doing OK. August 22nd was the day AAT returned from Benin and we met them in Detroit. Mark & Mindy had organized a bone marrow testing in Fremont and 159 came! The Fremonters came nexxt day & helped get dirt to fill our pentagon! Faithful Al & Dorothy STanton were prestent on the 24th when the move to student housing at U. of Michigan was made by AAT. Kind Debbie & Thad had volunteered their basement to store their belongings so many got moved to Ann Arbor that day. The next day we had a huge rain & water sprayed onto the belongings still remaining, including a lot of books. Thad & I carried things up onto the drive to start the drying out process! Cliff & I joined the Rocks at Lakeside the 26th for some restful time with good friends, even took a bike ride! AAT came that weekend & we transported more things to AA and then went on to Canada. We had lunch with John & Betty & then went to the Long reunion at Jim & Rachel Eyres & had a fine time. Alexis started to all day kindergarten the 31st--Mrs. Warga her teacher The kids were all here for Labor Day weekend and we had a fine time. A call from Elyse alarmed us as she said Diane wasn't well and Elyse was concerned that she might have lymphoma (it took the doctors til Dec. to make that diagnosis). We went to our first Grandparen'ts Day the 11th, visitinig Alexis' class & picking her & her brithers up later & enjoying them for the afternon. The Black Swamp festival was Sept. 13th & Cliff went to look at the art work after church and ran into....Fran Lyman! We found a note from her when we got home saying she'd return, & she did! She was on vacation from her Peace Corps experience in Morocco. AAT were still moving! Sue Rock & I gave a talk about Elderhostels at Carolyn Hollister's on the 16th. Nice lunch, nice ladies. AAT were here & we went on a lantern tour at Ft. Meigs the 19th. The reenactors told us about their experiences &, at one point, an ambulance siren fit right into the scenario! Funny! On Sept. 27th, we went to Fremont and Andy & Tchapo chose to fish near downtown while we others went to pick apples in Clyde. That activity was fun and we returned to pick up the fishermen only to discover the nearby bridge closed so we took a circuitous route home. We learned there'd be a truck/train accident at the bridge and Andy and Tchapo had been observers. The driver was thrown out of the truck into the river. Horrifying! Mark went b ack to get their gear later and came back with a fish on one rod (which they returned to the river). Oct. 2nd we went to Miami, models in hand. Cliff displayed them and was available to give more information about them. I went to the art museum and enjoyed walking around the campus. We went on to Cincinniati and the next few days Cliff helped Steve with a plate rail, we got to hear the guitar group play and sing at church and went to a choral practice of a group Steve was in. When Andy and Anna came the 17tth, we learned Anna had swallowed a pin & gone to the ER, had anesthesia but no sign of the pin. Fred and Louise came the next day. Oct. 19th we took a picnic to Ft. Meigs, on to Ann Arbor where we saw where Andy worked & met some co-workers & stayed overnight. Next day we drove to Stratford, Ontario where we stayed at Albert Place. When we went to pick up our tickets, there was a message for Fred & Louise to call home. Louise was sure something had happened to her mother but in fact, a friend had died and Fred was requested to be a pallbearer for her service on the 22nd. We went to the matinee of "The Miracle Worker", had a nice dinner at an Italian restaurant, went to see "The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie". On the 21st, we were up early & made a beeline for BG. Fred and Louise left almost immediately so they'd be there for the visitation in Galesburg. Little did we know that that was the last time we'd see Louise alive. Bob and Doris Lawson came Oct. 23, as did AAT. The next day we all went to tour the ore boat, Willis Boyer in Toledo, on to Tony Packo's for lunch, toured the Stranahan mansion and had a nice walk at Wildwood Park. Ben Gedeon was seriously ill with leukemia. He was at Cleveland Clinic where it was hoped he'd have a bone marrow transplant. Instead he was getting worse so the decision was made to fly him to MD Anderson Cancer Hospital in Houston. We went to Fremont the afternoon before he was to leave and stayed with the little Gedeons while Mark, Mindy, Amanda and Hannah went to Cleveland to be with him til he left. On October 31, we drove to Columbus and next day flew to Kulles, JFK and then Finnair to Helsinki. There were 42 on the SmarTour group with us touring Eastern Europe. Our first stop was Warsaw, Poland where we stayed at the Forum Hotel. November 2nd we toured Old Town with out guide, Bettina. After looking around at length, we decided to walk back & saw a beautiful rainbow as we did. A couple from Fostoria took public transportation and both lost their wallets! Cashing traveller's checks wasn't easy, even at a bank..ATM's work better! Nov. 2 we toured the Warsaw ghetto, saw the Jewish memorial, went to the nearby Palace of Culture. It was built by the Russians (& then the bill sent to the Poles) and looks like a wedding cake! That evening we went to a Polise dinner and dancing. The dancers asked us to dance, Cliff several times! We became friends of Lynda & Dick Kroboth that eve. On we went to Jasna Gora Nov. 4, eth spiritual center of Poland. There we wawthe black Madonna, a richly adorned icon in a chapel where mass was said often. Our guide led us past the madonna during mass which made us quite uncomfortable. Healings are said to take place there & many medical aids were adorning one room and another room held beautiful treasures given in thanks for healing. Auschwitz was next..the concentration camp where so many lost their lives. The grey, gloomy weather matched the somber setting with rooms displaying possessions taken from inmates when they came there...and so many died there. We continued on to Cracow and had dinner near one of the downtown squares. Our hotel was a distance from downtown. We had a tour of Wawel castle the 5th, the cathedral, went to St. Mary's cathedral to see the panels changing (a daily happening) and the trumpeter playing. A member of our group discovered the loss of amber jewelry, camera, wallet, etc. while we were on the square. In the afternoon we went to a salt mine and toured the art work, all made of salt! Cliff was suffering from diarrhea the 6th as we headed to Budapest, Hungary. We went through Slovakia on our way to the city. Dinner was at the hotel & Cliff went but didn't stay long. He didn't feel like doing much the 7th. I went to the national Museum with Lynda 7 Dick. Cliff did go on the bus tour. We saw St Stephens & the Coronation Church as we went to hilly Buda. It got dark so early! Our Danube Bend trip was on the 8th but Cliff didn't go. He went to the National Museum. We saw Estergom Cathedral, the torture museum at Visegard Castle, shopped at Szenterden (I looked for a ceramic bunny members of our group wanted who'd gone on the trip the day before..found it! $41!).That evening several of us went to the Hungarian Folk Dance Ensemble by streetcar...not Cliff. We went to Vienna on Nov. 9, had lunch, toured the ringstrasse, Belvedere Palace, a strange house. Next day we went on a tour to the Vienna Woods. We visited Holy Cross monastery at Hekzkedreaz built in 1133, went to Mayerling chapel, visited Baden. In the afternoon we went to Schonbrunn Palace..quite a summer place! We headed toward Prague the 11th, stopping in quaint Dunnstern a hilly town next to the full Danube. We also stopped in Telc before arriving at the Hotel Don Giovanni. We walked to the Lazy Daisy cafe and had a nice meal & heard wonderful piano playing. On our tour of Prague the 12th, we went to St. Vitus Cathedral, saw St. John's casket (which contained 2 tons of silver), walked across Charles Bridge with many statues along the way, viewed the astronomical clock at St. Wenceslas Square. That eve Cliff & I took the subway to the opera house to see "Swan Lake". Karlstein Castle was our objective the 13th. It was very hilly & we could've taken a cart up but we chose to walk. Quite a view! It was built for storing relics! We had a farewell dinner at the hotel that night. We flew to Helsinki on the 14th. It was dark when we got there but we got to see a modern church built into a hillside on our way to our hotel. We had dinner with Froboths. Next day we flew on to JFK and from there to Dulles. At the last momemt, we got "bumped", got $300 vouchers and finally ended up at a Fairfield Inn at midnight. We took a cab to National at 6 the next a.m. went to our Am West flight which was cancelled! Finally we gon on a USAir going to Columbus via Pittsburgh & got to Columbus at 12:30, home at 3:30. We collected meal vouchers along the way & ended up with donuts & pizza! Nov. 22nd we picked Rocks up in Detroit, returning from an elderhostel in Australia/NZ. They'd had a marvelous time. Steve came the 24th and we learned there was to be a change in his job situation. Gammons and Clines came next day and everyone was here for Thanksgiving Day on the 26th. 'Twas wonderful! Sam was able to golf on the 28th. We 5 elder statesmen went to Grand Rapids & had a nice time. Some of Steve's family were sick & they decided against going on to Lodi. It seemed very quiet after they all left! We got work on the 30th that Sam had had a heart attack! Angioplasty was done & he started changing his diet some..maybe too many biscuits & gravy while here!? Tom Hern suggested a math dept. potluck at the Presbyterian Church and we helped with that on Dec. 11. Alexis came for Breakfast with Santa at the senior center on the 12th and then we went to see "The Nutcracker" in the afternoon. A big day! Our candymaking at Rocks was the 18th with Hiltners and Stantons present to help--a fun time! I had a bone density test the 21st and discovered I have osteoporosis in my spine and one hip. Initially I took Miacalcin but switched to Fosomax & Evista. Cliff's last day of chemo was on the 22nd. We learned that Eric Noland had a new job as travel editor on the 23rd. The kids were all here on the 24th & 25th. Ben and Cindy stopped in for a visit which pleased us a lot . The Long guys recorded their reportoire of quartet numbers in the recording studio at Thad's neighbor. tchapo stayed with us during vacation while his folks were working. On the 29th, we went to tour the decorated Hayes mansion & went to the Bowsher/Fremont game. (Diane had her first chemo that day. Next day we tried to visit the Wolcott House and see the zoo lights. Neither worked out so we went on to Ann Arbor and returned home the next day. 1999--Louise wasn't feeling well and we learned she'd had gallbladder surgery in January and her liver didn't look "right". Sherry told us Louise had liver cancer. Cliff talked to her to encourage her to have chemo which she was reluctant to do. Diane was having a bad time. Her hemoglobin was exceedingly low at times and she had a lot of transfusions, problems with blood clots and spiking fevers. The bright spot in January was the arrival of Rachel Elizabeth to Debbie and Thad on Jan 21. Connor came to stay with us the 20th and Debbie was induced at St. Vincent's the next day. Thad called to tell us of Rachel's arrival (12:50 pm, weighing 7#, 15 oz). We took Connor up to meet his new sister. The Harrises had been with Debbie through the delivery. In February we went to Cinci to see the play Cliff was in (Kim helped with the directing). When we got back, we got word that Louise was disoriented and a call the 11th asking us to come. Cliff had to get his aredia & we wanted to wait for Andy to join us so we didn't leave til 3. Before that, we learned that Louise had died. Members of the Cline (Steve rode with Sam & Jo) and Seckler family arrived the next few days, including Thad, Debbie and their little two. A light moment in the weekend came when we sang Happy Birthday to Steve on the 14th & Morozinks "Ziggy" howled along! (We discovered he howled to any music!). He also ran off with my panty hose during the middle of the night (I didn't have them on!). Paul and Eunice Noland came the 15th and all of went to the church for lunch prepared by the church ladies. Visitation followed and the service after that. We went to Meridien Cemetery for the commital service and headed for home after that. It was early morning when we got here & then Andy left in good time to get back to Ann Arbor. Bowling Green Presby. Women had a retreat at "Our Lady of the Pines" retreat center Feb. 20th. Mindy came over during the day for a little visit. Ben Gedeon and faithful fiancee Cindy were in Houston waiting for his bone marrow transplant. None of his siblings was a match but the person who was said he'd go anywhere, any time. Each time the transplant was imminent, something would happen to prevent it. Mark and Mindy went to visit them and we kept the kids. Eventually Ben was told that his condition wouldn't warrant a transplant and he was sent back to Toledo and hospice was called in. Mark and Mindy went to see him and be of help whenever they could and the little Gedeons were here often during that time. We went to help with Ben on April 14th. It was heartbreaking to see the life draining from that wonderful young man and see the tragedy of the impending separation of Ben and Cindy. Lois Hiltner and I went to the historiacal museum to create Ukranian eggs (pysanky) March 12th. Some of the eggs were just beautiful. I still have mine and it's still heavy. As a last resort, Diane decided to go to MD Anderson in Houston and Elyse and Al went with her. They weren't able to perform any miracles so she too returned home. The Gammons, Fred and we met in Indy at Sam & Jo's from April 16th-19th. Diane had just gotten home and was "ready to go". We got word that Ben had died on April 22. Andy and Steve were here for his service at St. Thomas More on the 24th. Mindy spoke, among others, and did so well. The next day, Cliff, Andy and I drove to Indy, caught a plane to San Diego. Originally we'd planned to go on to SD after our weekend with our siblings but that didn't work out but the best ticket price was from Indy so.... Jeff met us and said Diane had been having a bad time..diarrhea due to something Bruce thought would help. From the time we got there, Diane was bedfast. Someone stayed with her all the time; Elyse and her family were there all the time. Steve flew in the day after we did and Nancy got there the 28th. Diane was so weak and anxious to leave this world and be with Mom and Dad. Al agreed to hospice and the nurses were great. Diane left at 4:52 on April 28th with Elyse leading us in singing "Amazing Grace". Eric & Clare had just gotten back from Europe but were with Diane before she died. Next day Elyse gave Nancy and me the jewelry and clothes Diane wanted Ellie and me to have plus other clothes and shoes. then we went to Blacks. Nancy 7 Elyse wanted us to see the fields of flowers growing nearby so we toured those. That eve we were guests of Blacks at a mexican restaurant--Nancy & Eric too. We flew back to Indy on April 30 and drove on to Cinci. Kim's Forestaire show was May 1 and we enjoyed it along with the Wileys. Andy, Cliff & i headed back home the 2nd. We stopped for dinner in W. Liberty and then toured the nearby Mac O Chee castle. Andy then headed on to Ann Arbor. Later that week, Thad, Debbie and Rachel flew to San Diego to be there for the celebration of Diane's life. Connor was with Becky and then came to stay with us the 7th. AAT came for the weekend and we planned to have Mother's Day brunch at the BGSU Union along with Rocks and a bunch of other people. Sun. I went to church, sang in the choir, cried when the minister announced that my sister had died, talked to people afterward. I remember none of it. On the way to the union, I announced that I didn't know where I was or where we were going. My family walked me around & gave explanation but i still wasn't "with it". We went to the ER & a neurologist said I had global transient amnesia & would be OK in a few hours. That was a relief to Cliff who was tiring of answering the same question over & over! I was admitted overnight and "came to" in late afternoon. In the meantime, someone stayed with me & the rest of the family enjoyed a cookout! The claim was that this condition was brought on by stress. I certainly got a lot of attention, as a result, including 3 hanging baskets! On May 24th, we drove to Battle creek and met Doris and Bob Lawson. It was cold & windy but we got out to do some walking, toured the cereal factory, went to the Kellogg bird sanctuary, went to the charming town of Marshall and enjoyed touring the Honolulu house and looking at the rest of the interesting architecture there. There was even a soda fountain there & it'd been awhile since I'd had a soda! We came home late on the 26th. I got our Mitchell Rd. garden planted the next day. We went to Ann Arbor the 29th and had the pleasure of hearing a throat singing concert at "The Ark. Very different! Tchapo, Andy, Cliff and I went to Greenfield Village the next day. There were reenactors all over the place and it was very interesting to see them "doing their thing". I especially enjoyed the music. We were invited to the zoo June 3rd for those who'd been members for 25 years or more. The food and beverages offered were wonderful and the special exhibit was an albino alligator..if you see one, you have good luck for a year! Andy and Thad were playing on the same soccer team and when AAT got here June 4th, we were sad to learn that Andy had broken his wrist (The claim is that he's a copycat as he had knee surgery after Thad did and then broke his wrist after Thad did!). Next day he went to see Dr. Barker who put on a more permanent cast. We all were present for Rachel's baptism on June 6th & then enjoyed having brunch with Debbie, Thad and the Harrises. The synod gathering of PW was held on the BGSU campus June 12-14. I got in on most of it. Cliff was busy painting trim on the house. All but Steve's family were here to celebrate Father's Day with us on June 20th. Mindy was in charge of Bible School for their church. On the 21st, Jack went to Bible School with David Detweiler and they had the misfortune to collide. Jack's top front teeth were pushed back so Mindy brought him to Dr. Pace the 22nd. We were having lunch at Rocks so Alexis & Eric stayed with us during the appointment.. We drove to Wooster June 24th and stayed with Eloise & Lloyd Dunn, PEO b&b & went to the Ohio Light Opera. That night we saw "La Vie Parisian". Our plan was to go to Amish country the next day but alas for plans! The car was leaking so we went to some repair places & got various opinions. The universal one was not to go a distance without refilling the radiator often! We stayed in town & went to garage sales. We came to one at the home of Linda Sweeney & for the benefit of The King's Daughters! We were so surprised to see one another! That night we went to see "The Victorian Trilogy". On our way home next day, we stopped to refill the radiator often!! It was all fixed up by June 30. Our peach tree split on July 1. I'd have cut it down earlier but Andy thought it should be preserved. It was loaded! Obviously it was overloaded, causing it to split. The peaches did ripen so we did enjoy quite a few of it's last crop (when I could beat the squirrels to them!) . Andy's 20th class reunion was July 2nd & 3rd & Tim Snipes came for it & stayed with us. He left us a gift certificate for Kaufman's..how nice! AAT & we went to Fremont and the Gedeons joined us for the 4th of Jjuly concert on the lawn of the Hayes home. It was hot! Steve returned from a trip to Guatemala taken with other members of Mt. Washington Church. It was an eye opening experience. Right after that, Steve's family joined the Wileys for a Canadian fishing trip...didn't catch a lot of fish but had a good time. The sewing group (eaters!) went to Fremont for tea at the Dillon House July 7th. A Lincoln impersonator was the program and it was an enjoyable aftertnoon. Harriet Rosebrock, her sister and I toured the Hayes mansion afterward. We went to the Croswell Opera House the 15th with Hiltners and others. We had dinner in Adrian & then enjoyed seeing "A Funny Thing Happened On the Way to the Forum". It was presented by BGSU theater in the fall & both were very good. On the 18th, we went to Sombra for a Long reunion at Marie and Glenn Scott's. There was good attendance; some of the Canadians didn't even know who some of the people were! We played games, ate and had a chance to "catch up" with relatives. We stayed overnight at John & Betty's. A Long family camping adventure was planned for July 22. Connor got sick so he & Thad weren't able to join us. We others met in Ann Arbor, did some canoeing/kayaking and then were off to the campground. Anna, Kim, Cliff & i went back to Ann Arbor for the night. It was quite hot (not unusual for that time of year!). We planned to go to a Tigers game --last one for us at the old stadium--but a big storm came up so we stayed in Ann Arbor and had a good time at Andy and Anna's. Cliff was having skin problems and low white blood cell count during this time. On August 4th, he began to have more tinging in his fingers and toes, called Dr. Sullivan who ordered an MRI in Toledo.' Our family reunion was scheduled for Galesburg and unfortunately Jack got chickenpox just before that. Debbie didn't want to expose Rachel to chickenpox so didn't go. Thad, Connor, Cliff & I left on Aug. 11 & stayed at the Comfort Inn, as did Ellie & Jack & Lila. Elyse & her boys, Bruce, Tom Gammon's, Steve's, the Gedeons stayed at Fairfield Inn. We cooked in the party room at Comfort Inn! Fred took us on tours of Delong (!) to see our family home, school etc. & then to cemeteries where loved ones were buried and to the farm where Mom grew up. Many of us went to Jonah's in Peoria for dinner on the 13th and all joined in going on a boat trip on the Ill. R, compliments of Fred. Sherry had a tea for the ladies the next morning. The men & kids enjoyed sports & the playground at Lake Story. That afternoon there was a reception at Jumer's, planned by Fred. Fifty years earlier, he & Louise were married--Diane & Al's 50th would've been on June 19th. In the evening we had a catered dinner in the basement of the bank in Abingdon. Fred had invited friends to join us and it was a lovely evening. We ended up playing...liverpool rummy, what else? When we got back to the motel, we had a long talk with Sam & Jo about the Cline kids and the way they seemed to be feeling about their Dad & each other. On Sunday, we were responsible for most of the service at the Christian Church in Abingdon. Bruce gave the sermon, we sang "Precious Lord" as the anthem, Sara and Emily sang so well, accompanied by Uncle Rick. Abby Lanes was our lunch destination where we partook of the buffet and then headed toward Ohio. We stopped in Danforth to see Don and mary Noonan and went to Gilman to have pizza with them..so good to see old friends! We got home early the next a.m. & Connor had been such a good little traveller. I'm sure his Mom was very happy to see him and his Dad! The 16th we both drank lots of yucky stuff in preparation for our colonoscopies the next day. We were at the hospital bright and early, Dr. Bielefeld was on hand to do the procedures, we spent time in recovery and Thad brought us home. Both of us were fine and glad not to have to repeat that for 5 years! Lisa Terwilliger's wedding was in Bloomdale on Aug. 21 and we were glad to see the Eakins at it & the reception in Findlay--Jo, Dick, Matt and Maridy. We sat with Tom Hern and enjoyed the good food and endured the loud music!! By Eric's birthday celebration on the 22nd, Alexis & his chickenpox were almost gone--they waited til they got home to get them, fortunately. We saw Dr. Sullivan to get the full report of the MRI on Sept. 2. He didn't see that there was anything catastrophic in the report; the vertebra were continuing to compress. We were very sad to learn that he was planning to leave medicine and go into law where he could sue the HMO's!! Fred came on Sept. 4th and was so sad that his children don't plan to be in the same room until he's 80! Sherry and Rick don't see eye to eye, to say the least! We went to Grand Rapids to ride on the canal boat and go to Ludwig mill, spent time with Thad, Debbie and kids, went to Fremont to take care of 4 little boys on the 7th and then went to Stantons for dinner that eve, along with Rocks and Hiltners. Fred got flowers for us to wear for the occasion--our 42nd anniversary...& the date of Louise's birth. Jim and Jean Shelley got here Sept. 10 and we went out for dinner & they came for breakfast the next a.m. The Black Swamp Festival was on and Tim Snipes came to join AAT in going to that & stayed with us. Mindy's family was here too so we had a grand old time! Jean sent a sweater she'd made for one of Alexis' dolls after they got home. Cliff and I left for Door County Sept. 21st. Lawsons talked so much about that wondrous location that we joined them and Doris' sister, Cathy at a motel in Ephraim. We had a lovely few days of walking, biking in Peninsula Park, eating, seeing the peninsula from Green Bay and lake side. One evening we went to the production of "Always" about Patsy Cline. It was cool to be sitting in a tent! The 24th we turned toward Chicago, enjoying stops along the way. We made too many as when we got near the big city, the traffic was horrendous! We finally made it to Alsip, changed our clothes in the rest room & joined Rog & Bonnie and Dave and Lou Lindemann who'd saved us places. Lou, Bonnie and I had a good visit and the guys saw a lot of people they knew. We went to lawsons for the night and next day Hawkins and Richards joined us and we went out for dinner & had a nice evening together. Dolores stopped by briefly. Cliff had a bone marrow biopsy done on Sept. 29th & the report was favorable! PTL! Steve's family was here and we went to Fremont Oct. 2nd for the civil war reenactment being staged there as well as to celebrate Jack's birthday. I went to Medina along with several other King's Daughters for the Ohio Branch convention on October 8th and 9th. Lawsons came on Oct. 11th and we went to Stratford, Ontario the next day where we stayed at the Rosecourt Motel (where Janet McLeary stays!). We enjoyed walks around the city, including a loong one to the costume/props warehouse. We took pictures of ourselves wearing some of the costumes! On the 12th, we went to see "School for Scandal" which we enjoyed. Unfortunately, when we got back to the car, it wouldn't go! We took a cab to the motel, called a repair shop next day & had the car towed there. On the 13th, we went to see "Dracula" which was good and that eve "The Alchemist". The latter we didn't care much for. Our car was repaired the 14th and we came home via Corunna with a short stop to see John and Betty. We had a slooow lunch in Sombra at riverside, took the ferry across & got back in time to have dinner at the senior center (getting there 30 min. late..my fault!). Andy joined Cliff in going to the Ohio section fall math meetings at Wooster on Oct 22-23. Right after that, we started having plumbing problems which necessitated bringing in heavy equipment and digging on our side and Smested's side. A heavy plastic pipe was put in under the street to replace the tiles which were breaking up due to roots. It was expensive but better than having to make a cut in the street! ($4000). On November 2nd, we drove to Detroit, flew to Albuquerque where Cliff attended the SIAM mtgs. We stayed at nearby Best Western Rio Grand which was just outside Old Town. Cliff enjoyed the meetings and I spent time at museums, enjoyed the IMAX of mountain climbers on Mt. Everest and did a lot of walking. We enjoyed the food! On the 4th, we rented a car and drove to Santa Fe. We spent Nov. 5th looking around the capitol and its public art, a church with an unsupported spiral staircase, an old church, the square and its shops before going to a foundry. There wre lots of interesting sculptures both inside and out and we spent a lot of time there. The 6th we drove to Acoma Pueblo and had a tour at that high spot before continuing on to Thunderbird Lodge at Canyon de Chelley. Cliff was feeling quite tuckered out by that time but improved sufficiently to go on the trip on a 6 wheel drive vehicle through the canyon the next day. As indicated by Andy, it was quite spectacular and we saw ruins, writing and all sorts of wonders. We drove back to Albuquerque the 7th and flew home the next day. We sent to Ann Arbor November 20 and that evening took Andy, Anna and Tchapo to Detroit and they were off for a 3 week trip to Paris, Benin and Togo. Andy gave talks in Paris and Benin and they spent time with Anna's family. We missed having them here for Thanksgiving. The rest of our family, including the Gammons, Sam and Jo were here to celebrate cliff's birthday and Thanksgiving on the 25th. As usual, Jo and Ellie brought food and there were lots of good helpers and we had a great time. We eldest adults went to Grand Rapids the 26th & put together a quick spaghetti supper when we got back as Mark & a fellow coach joined us for dinner & then they were off to scout a game. We went to Pemberville the 26th and Jo found a cedar chest so it joined us in the back of the wagon. Mark's first basketball game (at BG) was Dec. 3rd and I was torn but went to the Vienna Choir Boys concert. Cliff & Thad went to the game (Fremont won!). For the first time, we stored the '55 Chevy in Rock's barn so the wagon could be in the garage..surely saved a lot of scraping during the winter! We took it over Dec. 14th and then had our candy making session with Hiltners & Stantons joining us. Christmas Eve the Fremont Gedeons went to the Gedeons, as usual. The rest of us plus Sam & Jo were here for dinner, Tchapo's birthday celebration, putting out luminaries. We got to the church service on time as the Long quartet was singing "Lo How a Rose E'er Blooming". Mark & Mindy came & videotaped them. Christmas Day was wonderful, as usual. Cindy joined us in the afternoon and it was good to see her. Sam & Jo left the 26th and we'd been fortunate to reserve a 4 bedroom cabin at Maumee Bay so went there that afternoon. All were able to enjoy two days of togetherness. When we left, it was snowing so Kim & cliff had a slow trip home. Some of us had lunch at Tony Packo's & then headed home. Steve and Sammy stayed a few more days. We went to the candlelight tour of the Hayes and Dillon houses on Dec. 30th and then went to the Fremont/Ottawa game. Fremont lost! Rocks had a group in for dinner and carolling at several nursing homes on the 31st. Mack & Maxine went with us & we had a very nice time..nice ending to the year! 2000--Cliff and I went to Sam & Jo's in Indy on January 14th. We were sorry to learn that Ellie was sick so they wouldn't be there. Fred was and we had a nice weekend. Steve, Kim and boys joined us on the 15th. We went shopping with Sam & looked for lamp shades for our antique lamp--no luck but later found one in Maumee! With the Vienna Choir boys & Yo Yo Ma on the festival series, we got tickets! We saw & heard the latter on Jan. 19th. There was a PW retreat overnight retreat at Oak Openings Jan. 23-24th. It was snowy and cold and those of us who attended enjoyed it. Cliff made bunk beds for Alexis' dolls for her birthday. He ordered a n iMac computer Feb. 17th & it was here a week later! took some doing to hook it up! Tom Hern was here a couple of times! Andy went to Ashland College and Berea, KY for job interviews during the month. We left for the sunny south on March 2nd, staying overnight at Kim & Steve's the first night. Next morning we toured around Northern Kentucky U. knowing Andy was going for an interview there. Lisa Elderbrock saw us as we drove in & escorted us around and we met several faculty members and all seemed very nice..nice campus too. We had a huge lunch at the Boone Tavern in Berea and looked at that campus. We continued on to Knoxville and decided to go to their art museum which was open on Fri. eve. There was an Escher exhibit which we really enjoyed and the joint was jammed because a women's group was putting on a concert! We went on to Chattanooga for the night. We drove to Atlanta , arriving there around noon on a dull looking day. There weren't many people at Stone Mountain and the day cleared and was lovely. We spent a full day...rode the train, took a boat ride, rode the tram (huge!) to the top of the mountain, spent a lot of time at a museum which featured all kinds of cars, including a Tucker (only 50 made), juke boxes, musical instruments, all sorts of antiques. It was fabulous! We also spent quite a bit of time at the museum telling how the sculpture on Stone Mountain (4 of the principals of the Confederacy) came about and showing its progress. There was a plantation which we toured also. We went on to Macon for the night and then to Brunswick the next day. Our destination was St. Simon's Is. where we attended an elderhostel at Epworth by the Sea, a Methodist Center. I'd read several books by Eugenia Price which had their setting as St. Simon's Is. so that made the area even more interesting to me. We'd arranged to meet Jim and Jean Baldwin there. We sang in the choir with them at McKinley Church when we were at U. of I. and it seemed fitting to meet them at a singing elderhostel. By coincidence, Bill and Sue Rock had signed up for it too and, when they heard we were going, Dorothy and Al Stanton signed up too. Their group didn't sing but we had meals together and went to the same evening activities. It was a special time with special friends! The food was great and in abundance and I believe I put on a few pounds! The weather was wonderful too. We had a number of rehearsals with Mary Lu as our director..a talented lady. Her cohort was a Methodist minister who spoke on art, music and architecture. One afternoon we had a trolley tour of St. Simon's Island and another one to Jeckyl Is. A trip to the beach with a naturalist was very interesting. We went to the top of the lighthouse at St. Simon's and another day went to the national park there (but didn't have much time so had a flying self guided tour!). I enjoyed seeing some of the spots described by Eurgenia Price in her book but in the years since they were written, the island has become very commercial. We took our bikes along and did a little riding. The husband of the elderhostel director presented "Sonny's Junque" one eve and had some fascinating items, including a few from Whitehall, IL, Jim's hometown! On Thurs. night, we presented a concert of the numbers we'd been rehearsing and by bringing elderhostel groups in, we had an audience of probably 200 with a reception that followed. We have a tape of the concert, in case you want to hear us! Friday afternoon we said our goodbyes to our friends and drove to Savannah. We walked many of the squares of Savannah and saw many fountains...flowing with green water! We were amazed to learn that the 2nd largest population of Irish people in the US is there! St. Patrick's Day is observed as a holiday there with a big parade...and green water in the fountains, as a result. We had a wonderful lunch the next day looking out on the water and enjoying crab cakes, one of Diane's favorites. The evening of the 11th, we drove on to Charleston, SC. Charleston was another lovely city. We did lots of walking there..took a boat trip to Fort Sumter on the 12th and a ranger led a tour of the fort. On March 13th we went thro' the Provost Dungeon where the pirates were kept before they were hung and some of the patriots of early days. We ate at Poogan's Porch (wonderful), toured one of the beautiful homes, went to Drayton Hall which is one of the few homes which wasn't burned during the Civil War. We were so impressed with what we learned from our guide that we became members of the National Historic Preservation Society. Ashville was our destination on the 14th and we spent some time enjoying the Ashveille nature center after we got there. We'd found the Piccadilly cafeterias and really liked their food! The Biltmore Estate was where we spent most of March 15th. Quite a joint! Too ostentatious for me! We walked through the gardens and stopped at the winery before continuing on to Kingsport, TN. We got to Elderbrocks in late afternoon and Virginia was giving piano lessons so Bill entertained us til she was finished. They were our guests for dinner at the Marriott and we had a nice evening of "catching up". One of the few rainy days was the 16th as we drove to Cinci where we again spent the night with Kim & Steve. I returned the watch Kim loaned me, expecting to find mine at home but alas, I guess I lost it the day we left when I was at the rec center. Home looked good on the 17th--Connor's 3rd birthday. Next day we went to Kobacker Hall and sat on the stage next to the band. We were by the trombones and he was soon "playing" along! The casual concert the 19th was "Irish Eyes Are Smiling" so we celebrated St. Pat's too! Kazada Ntombue gave the sermon at church the 19th and told us how amazing it was that he could translate so many languages! He was our guest the 20th,,from the Congo but studying in the US for some time period. He fixed his own eggs the next a.m. as I didn't know how to fix an omelet! He seemed very chauvinistic. The Gedeon kids came March 23rd and they're an active bunch who kept us busy! I forgot about Eric's ears and he poured water over himself while bathing and I was so worried he'd get an ear infection! We took them to BG Gedeons the 25th so they could share in the fun. In April Cliff went to the math meetings at Marshall on the 7th & 8th and I went to The King's Daughters conference in Bucyrus the 8th. We celebrated Cliff's birthday the 9th and Steve was with us the 10th so took us to Bill Knapp's to celebrate both of our birthdays. Our PW Spring gathering was that eve so the guys went to that with me--too much food for one day Cliff and I went to shipshewanna April 15th and enjoyed the Menna-Hof museum and looking around in the town. We met Sam and Jo at the Oakwood Inn in Syracuse, IN in the afternoon. We found a nice restaurant fronting the water where we had dinner. Next day we went to the Methodist Church and people were so friendly and interested that we were looking at a reunion spot there. The promotions guy showed us around through all the available housing at Oakwood. We had brunch on Sun. and, aside from Sam getting food spilled on his sports coat by the busboy, it was very nice. We went to see Tchapo play volleyball in tournament in Ann Arbor on April 19th. Unfortunately his team lost! Fran Lyman came to join us for awhile. I don't know which one spearheaded the plan but our three sons arranged to get a computer for their former social studies teacher/tennis coach (?) Mike Watkins. Mike had a stroke in recent years so had to go on disability. They thought the computer would get him back in touch with the world and Steve got a voice activated gizmo to make it even easier! What nice kids!! May 5th we went to Grandparents Day for Alexis and then found a park where we took a nice walk and then found a nice restaurant for lunch. We drove to Cincinnati for Kim's Forestaire program on May 6th and Sam and Jo joined us, along with the Wileys. From there, we drove to General Butler Park in KY where we tried "hot brown"--a specialty sandwich of KY. We took quite a hike while there..more than we bargained! Then we went on to Clifty Falls State Park near Madison, IN where we met the Lawsons. We stayed in the lodge and ate most of our meals there. It's very hilly and a challenge for hiking but we did some, swam in the pool, played pingpong. Madison is a beautiful little river town and we really enjoyed being there. The Delta Queen came in while we were there & we were there to hear the calliope playing as they left. We toured the Lanier mansion and finding another soda fountain. My left foot had been bothering me so I went to Dr. Ted Bowlus May 15th & had xrays..a bone spur was trying to develop so he gave me a synthetic steroid shot--the first of quite a few. When I went to Dr. Wojciechowski for a physical, I asked that he look at my ears (I wasn't hearing very well). He cleaned them out....what a difference!! We took our bikes and went to Rock's cottage at Lakeside April 17th. The next a.m. the 4 of us & bikes took the ferry to Kelley's Is. where the bird migration was supposed to be at its peak. Our guide heard a lot but we didn't see much! It began to rain before we got back to the ferry...and then pour! It still was when we got off but a nice beer salesman from Cleveland came to our rescue, took us & our bikes in his van to Rocks! Whatta guy! The Gedeon kids were here, as were Andy, Anna & Tchapo to go to the zoo breakfast for 25 year members. It was chilly but the sun eventually warmed us up and we enjoyed the food and touring around to see the animals. Tchapo went to Fremont June 18th for basketball camp. Andy and Anna went to a work retreat that same week. Dorothy and Al Stanton and we went to Lakeside June 27th to see the performance of Mary Lu Norris, our elderhostel choral director. Steve Rock's family was visiting and we enjoyed some time at the cottage after the program ended. We returned to Fremont for the traditional 4th of July celebration. The 5th, we went to Canada and enjoyed a picnic (indoor, as it rained) at Donna's with Long cousins. We saw Les, Rosalee and Bill before going back to John and Betty's. They took us to the harness races in Sarnia and we had supper there and watched the races. Betty even bet on a few...and did well. On July 8th we went to the dinner theater with John and Lois Hiltner at the Garden Inn in Pt. Clinton. Our family reunion was at Wilstem near Paoli again and once again, our family predominated! Noone was there from Diane's family. Lance & Shawn came part of the time. Ellie & Jack, Tom and kids, Fred, Sam and Jo were the others present. The kids did lots of swimming, the guys golfed, we did a lot of eating and card playing, singing and yakking. AAT rode with us and we stopped at a greasy spoon in Frankin, IN for lunch on the way home. Dorothy and Al Stanton and we went to Ann Arbor July 30th to load up our vehicles and help load up the van and rental truck for the move to KY. AAT got to BG early afternoon on the 31st and Thad joined our caravan (drove the Camry) as we all headed south. It was a warm day & the van was suffering as it got hilly but fortunately it rained & cooled it off so we made it to Ft. Thomas. Stantons were already at the town house apt. and Steve's family soon joined us for the unloading. It went quickly and Kim had brought food for all so we ate and then went to Cinci to spend the night. We came home Aug. 1. August 2 we went to Chautauqua with Kirkbrides & Miller's in the latter's van. We all stayed at Bonnie & fixed most of our meals there. The first night we saw the ballet, heard the symphony on Aug. 3 and Ray Charles on the 4th. We went early to get a seat but weren't much impressed with his performance. Rocks invited us to Lakeside Augl 11. We went to the symphony that night and did a lot of biking the next day, including to Johnson's Is. It was an uncomfortable experience for Cliff and he began to have more pain after that. When we went to Dr. Brown the 24th, gamma rays were showing up in the 24 hour urine specimen--a bad sign! Fred and Nelle Swanson were married in Madison, WI on Aug. 12. We had a neighborhood picnic, a tradition continuing after Vernons moved here, on Aug. 26th. It rained so we ate and ran! Next day we went to Canada for the Long reunion at Barb and Gordon's. Rocks and Hiltners came for pizza Aug. 29th and Cliff left to look at the Habitat for Humanity property in Grand Rapids, along with the others on the building/site comm. The next day we learned that Thad had another kidney stone! Fortunately it passed quickly. We helped set up and take down the rest area stop that was a fund raiser for Habitat for Humanity over Labor Day weekend. Steve was here for our anniversary and to join us for Elder-Beerman's moonlight madness Sept. 8th. The NFO golf outing was the following day. Rocks and we had gardened together. They harvested the cabbage and we joined them in making saurkraut on Sept. 15..a new experience! Becky & Eric Scheurman's baby, Nick was born the 25th & we learned Ellie had had an accident on her 75th birthday which laid her up for awhile! On Sept. 29 we drove to Oxford for the Miami conference. Andy gave a talk. Steve and the boys came to Hueston Woods to camp and we joined them for a campfire supper! It was very cold. We went thro College Corners where they're on 2 time zones as we headed back to our warm motel. We were too slow to go to a greasy spoon for bkf so hit a fast food place....here came Steve, Cliff and Sammy. they were packed up and heading home! I went to the PW rummage sale and got a few things, did a lot of walking, went to an apple butter festival. As we left Oxford, we stopped at the art museum for a few minutes. Tchapo was ready to head off for homecoming by the time we got to Ft. Thomas. Quite an event! We all went to Worldwide Communion at Ft. Thomas Presby. next a.m. (I looked up Carol Winkler who I'd met at other PW events). In the afernoon we toured the replica of the Nina..took a lot of nerve to set off to unknown destinations on such a small ship! Then we joined Steve's for a nice meal & eve. Cliff was having more pain so went to Dro Wojciechowski on Oct. 11 & he ordered x-rays. They showed new holes in his bones! Not good! A bone marrow biopsy on the 25th confirmed that the multiple myeloma was no longer in remission. The new westside fire station was open for touring on Oct. 19 and we took Connor and got the grand tour given by Scott Main. Connor got to try everything out! Steve was here the 25th & that eve we went to the Gedeons and had a cookout and then went to Toft's for ice cream! Umm good! The next day he went to see Watkins while we went to the Town Hall talk (Givens' tickets) featuring one of the people who survived the climb to Mt. Everest at the time that a number of climbers died. Wow, what a story...not my idea of fun! Cliff went to the fall math meetings at Wittenburg the 27th and 28th and we enjoyed Pat & Murray Mayeux' dinner party when he got back. Oct. 29th Cliff's ribs were hurting severely. When we saw Dr. Brown Nov. 2nd, he thought it best to try thalidomide rather than chemo so Cliff's counts wouldn't be so badly affected. The little Gedeons came after choir as Alexis didn't have school the next day. We learned we'd need to go to Toledo to Dr. B's office to get the paper work done enabling us to get thalidomide so, we made a day of it. We had a picnic in Perrysburg, went to Dr. B's office and then to the zoo. Cliff read in the car as walking a distance was getting painful. We saw the gorillas, reptiles, fish and enjoyed our visit. On the way home we stopped at Kroger's & had the thalidomide by evening and Cliff began taking it. Alexis & I went to the young people's concert the next a.m. The 3 little boys preferred to stay & play at Thad & Debbie's! Stantons & we went to the senior center for dinner Nov. 7. A young woman claimed to have healing hands & put on a "demo" but Cliff didn't think he was ready for that yet. he was having a lot more pain. One of our last outings before Cliff got to feeling really bad was to a Black Swamp play with Hiltners on the 11th and then to their house for dessert. Cliff had been concerned about getting a handrail for people going up the stairs to the choir loft or pulpit at church so we went to church to look over the wood on the 3rd floor with a view toward getting that done. His arm was hurting Nov. 14 and he was wishing the pain would move elsewhere! He got his wish...it moved to his hips/pelvis and by the 16th he was having severe pain, trouble walking, low counts and edema. Even so, the day before we went to the retiree luncheon (Bob Clark filled in when the speaker didn't show) and walked from one end of the mall to the other. He went to choir practice the 17th and, aside from blood tests & doctor visits, didn't get out again for quite awhile. By the 18th, he'd "had it" & didn't go to the opera, "Albert Herring" with Vernons and Millers...but insisted that I go! The holiday parade was that morning and Anne Graves & I served drinks & snacks & made some money for HFH. I went to choir the 19th but knowing how much pain Cliff was in & knowing he wasn't behind me singing made me feel so bad that I didn't stay for church. That evening cliff was reading about myeloma kidney and became convinced that that's what he had--an emergency situation. I called the evening supervisor who put us in touch with Dr. Bell who was reassuring. I went to the King's Daughters meeting at Zimmerman School the next day but when i got home, it was obvious Cliff was still worried about the possible kidney problem. He was taking Laxis for the edema so I went to get potassium tablets for him to take when taking the Laxis and had a talk with Kathy, the nurse. Cliff's appetite was non-existent so she gave me some liquid for him to take as a supplement. Thinngs looked dark!! Andy and Steve arrived Nov. 22 and put up the Christmas lights and did other chores Cliff had in mind for them. By late that eve, all were here--Ellie, Jack, Sam, Jo, Fred and Nelle. We were delighted to meet Nelle and so pleased that they came. They stayed at a motel...everyone else here or at Thad & Debbie's. We had a big breakfast here on the 23rd and did the dinner cooking mostly here & then took things to Thad and Debbie's to eat. Gedeons had dinner with the BG Gedeons & then joined us in the eve. Nelle and Fred left for Indy on the 24th. Some went to Mark's scrimmage and then joined us for Jo's tostados in the eve. Mindy came to go to the craft show, along with Jack, Jo and Ellie. Rocks stopped by as did Fran Lyman so it was a busy place! Ellie fixed 15 bean soup for supper. Good! Mark came after his scouting, Thad's family came and we had some late picture taking! When all left the next day it seemed very quiet! Stantons came by for a short visit in the afternoon. Thalidomide causes mood swings so on Nov. 30 we got some "happy pills" (Paxil) to help that. Cliff's counts were bad and he was still having pain in his hip even tho' his pain medication had been doubled. I took the wagon over to get a new radiator at Mason's on Nov. 3rd and complications arose & we didn't get it back til Dec. 4! Fortunately Thad was able to loan us his Buick Park Avenue! Andy came on the bus Dec. 1 & Thad met him in Toledo--Mark's first bb game & they beat BG. Mindy & kids came next day & they plus Andy, Thad & Connor went to Kobacker for the Young People's concert about Africa. Thad took the kids home so we had a good chance to visit with Mindy & Andy & then went to Thad & Debbie's for supper. Bob and Doris Lawson came on Dec. 5. Cliff was napping when they arrived & was far from feeling good! We had a nice meal and evening and they're cheery, upbeat people so their visit was good for us. They headed home the next afternoon. People were so good to us--soup & fruit from Teresa Dunn, pecans from Kauschs, soup from Ginny Retterer, apple tart from Hollands, meatloaf, potatoes, banana bread from Renee & Marc Brunner who came for a visit after Primetime at church, quantities of food from our dear friends, Sue and Bill. They came by at least weekly to see how we were getting along. Steve and Andy came again on Dec. 8th. The Gedeons came on the 9th and Alexis and I went to "The Nutcracker". We all had dinner at Thad and Debbie's in the eve. Such hospitality! Andy & I went to church the next day and I went to get started with the candymaking at Rocks and went back for Cliff at dinnertime. Steve & Andy stayed til mid afternoon. We got along well dipping candy but we left before they were all finished...Hiltners and Stantons helped, once again! Cliff got the 2 crewel pieces I'd made for Andy and Thad framed. They took a lot of work! When he got finished with them, they looked nice! Andy and Anna came Dec. 22 (Tchapo came next day with Steve's family) and Andy & I braved the cold to get a tree! It was so cold! I enjoyed decorating it. We had a busy Christmas eve day with getting Tchapo's cake ready, cooking the beef for Christmas dinner, Tocks stopped by, we all went to the early service, brought Cliff, Debbie, Connor and Rachel back home & then went Christmas carolling. The people we sang to seemed to appreciate our efforts so it was more than worth it! We had cake & ice cream later. No luminaries! There was too much snow & it was too cold! Christmas was lovely with a casserole concocted by Steve & Andy, lots of other good food and the main thing just being together. The Gedeons came in late a.m. & we all saw how good Santa had been to us! The 26th we went to Maumee Bay where we had a 2 bedroom cabin and 2 rooms in the lodge. Andy's & Steve's stayed at the latter & 11 of us fit in the cabin just fine. Mark had to do some scouting but was there most of the time. We played charades, did jigsaw puzzles, played cards, went to the lodge for swimming and wallyball. It was relaxing & enjoyable, as usual. Sledding was done by a brave foursome on the 26th. There wasn't much snow and on the last trip down, the toboggan broke and Steve ended up on the bruised side. We all went to Packo's for lunch on the way home the 28th and then people went their separate ways. Allan Emery came for a nice visit the 31st. Cliff went to church that day. He was using the walker with wheels that we borrowed from The King's Daughters at night and if we were out and going a distance. 2001--a new millennium! 67--camping trip with Rocks '68--Mindy's arrival Dad's retirement party with all of us in Delong for the occasion. thanksgiving-- Christmas '69--reunion in Bend Oregon camping trip with Long cousins Kitty Twu our international student 74--Aunt Mary smashed up car, Cliffi's Mom hurt '75 Hollywood with Kitty & David '76--to 25th high school reunion, on to New Salem, Springfield, Champaign and ultimately to Purdue to the PW churchwide gathering '77--had simple mastectomy/hernia surgery Steve graduated from high school Hotchkiss, Colo family reunion Aug. 30--off to England, France with Freddy Laker '78 '79--Hospital guild president, 25th anniversary, house tour Cliff to Bismarck, N.D. Distributed 113 cartons of Girl Scout cookies! Andy graduated from high school, began college at Miami U. Birthday party for older ladies with Lolita Guthrie, Elfreda Rusher; neighborhood picnic in lot Christmas party at Townsends '80--took nurse refresher course Eleanor, Diane and Sam came home with us after Tom & Nancy's wedding To Calif. for Elyse & jeff's wedding--visited Wongs, Hawkins, Browns, Universal Studios Steve, Mindy & I were part of the cast of "The Music Man"--first BGSU summer musical Steve had foot surgery, went to FL with mens' chorus for Spring break, was moderator of the youth triennium held in IN at the same time as Elyse' wedding. Andy became a blood donor, was church sexton, transferred to BGSU living at Conklin Hall Thad bought a racket stringer, was on the cross country team which went to state Mindy accompanied Brenda Bachman & at the 6th grade conceert, was president of the 7th grade chorus (only year they didn't have a Christmas concert!), was on student council Cliff was chair of the Ohio section of MAA, voted math "teacher of the year" Clines, Gammons came for Thanksgiving but no Jo! '81--Sam and Jo married in Jan., we accompanied them on their Hawaiian honeymoon in Feb. (Lila too) Steve got a job with CETA, bought Jane Honda, did his student teaching in Findlay, became a grad assistant in statistics in the fall Andy became a 1 gallon blood donor, joined KME, went to NYC for spring break Thad began college at BGSU rooming with Mark Kepke at Kohl Hall, joined club soccer Mindy joined the church, enjoyed ventriloquism with "Charley McCarthy" Mildred Miller died on July 23. To Galesburg for Aug. 15 wedding of Rick and Mary; on to St. Louis. Andy, Mindy, Cliff & I to Columbia to visit Baldwins; needed a new radiator, went canoeing, Mitzi Gaynor show, Grant's farm Train trip from Windsor to Toronto with Stantons, visited summer exhibition Ed & Lil came for visit in Nov.; Diane had horseback accident Jo & Sam, Gammons, Fred, Louise, Sherry, Gary, Rick Mary came for Thanksgiving To Abingdon for Christmas--Jean, Barbie, Chris & Charlotte there too. '82--Tim Snipe's suicide attempt Rachel H., Marg. Mkiller, Florence & I to Purdue to PW churchwide gathering To San Diego. Andy took long bus trip & met us there. Went to Dineyland, beach, zoo (Cliff & Andy met Neil Michelsen instead) Mindy, Cliff and I to math mtgs. in Toronto, to the exhibition again, saw "Evita" Andy, Cliff added a screened in porch, shingled the house Thad injured his knee at soccer tryouts, had surgery the end of Aug., was on crutches til Dec. 28! Steve continued with CETA, became engaged May 2nd, was a graduate student at BGSU. Andy was a teaching assistant. Mindy helped with Safety Town, Vacation Bible School, swim lessons, tried contacts & succeeded with soft ones, fell off Rocks horse and had a bike accident. Nancy Kinney & I wrote a grant to start a hospice program & got $8000 from PW Hospital guild had a fundraiser, "Just For Kicks" & I was one of the singers. At our after Christmas visit with Lawsons, we all went to the Museum of Science & Industry. '83--Cliff went to Denver to math meetings in Jan. We went to Galesburg for the celebration of Aunt Berniece's birthday Steve and Andy graduated from BGSU on a windy day with a terrible speaker. Steve & Kim married: some folks stayed at Borens, to softball games, Cedar Pt., canoeing Mindy & Gretchen sang at Anne Rock's wedding, Cliff supervised putting together the dance floor Curt & Marlena were here July 3 & 4 & celebrated 4th of July with us. To Ithaca for Steve & Jennie Rock's wedding & elegant reception; to Washington to Jo & Sam's Camped with Canadian cousins, on to Aunt Flo's 96th birthday party in Aug. Andy became a member of Phi Beta Kappa, couldn't get into the Peace Corps so went to Alameda & lived with Wymers & audited courses at Berkeley. Thad decided on a sports management major, bought a Mazda, moved to Kisselle's house Mindy lettered in tennis, took senior life saving I was in the Black Swamp production of "HMS Pinafore" performed at the Elks Club Millers & we heard Millard Fuller speak at Monroe St. Meth. Church & Maxine "caught fire" about Habitat for Humanity. We'd bought a diesel wagon, headed off to Abingdon with below freezing conditions; it "jelled". We borrowed Ed's car & continued in a whiteout..followed the snow plow to Abingdon! There was no Christmas service due to the cold weather! We visited Lawsons & went to see Dolores at the hospital. '84--Andy got a motorcycle in Feb., rode it home in the summer, then back to LA to start at Cal Tech During March Spring break, went to Chapel Hill where Tom Hern was on sabbatical; intended to camp, mostly stayed in motels. Mindy had 2 Lisa along for company. In April I joined Ellie & Diane in San Diego. We spent a few days in Palm Springs. I flew to San Francisco and visited Andy, Rita Long and girls and Esther Case (distant cousin). Kim and Steve went to New Jersey where she worked at Nabisco & he at AT&T for the summer. When they came back, they moved to Buford's refurbished house on Pearl St. After the reunion, we visited Steve & Kim in New Jersey (strange house owned by Greer Imbrie's wife) and took the train into NYC for the day. Mindy got her driver's license. Thad played for St. Mark's & they got 1st in the state tournament; he worked at the rec center I was walking Peppy without a leash & got a ticket for doing so!! Cliff made the lower level room divider and was consulting with Tom Clark on hose fixtures. The Applebys, Sam & Jo joined us for Thanksgiving. In December, Kim graduated and we had a party for her. We went to Abingdon for Christmas Depressed '85--At the St. Louis reunion we went on a big boat ride, canoed, went to a ball game, Cliff talked to people at McDonnell. Mindy served on the Pastor Nominating Committee, was class secretary, took calculus. Thad graduated Dec. 21 & we had lunch at Wintergarde Lodge afterward; he began an internship at The Falcon House. Andy had enough of Cal Tech, left in March & went to Eugene OR & was a process server. Steve began working at NFO, Kim at UCF and they bought a Camry. Cliff dislocated his shoulder sliding into home so instead of Mindy, he & i camping, he flew to Albany for a conference there. We attended the Gray Reunion before dropping him at the airport.