1996 How quickly 1996 has passed-- Each year more quickly than the last! In January we headed for Florida sun To Orlando math meetings; Andy joined in the fun. To a middle-of-the-night space shot went Joıs parents, Sam, Jo and I. After some waiting, that ³bird² took off, lighting the sky. In our rental car, to Punta Gorda we wended our way With the hospitable McLaughlin cousins to stay. Beautiful scenery was on their tour-- In BG, palm trees seen are fewer! On to Sanibel Island to visit the Rocks from BG Where wondrous shells and birds we did see. Too soon Œtwas time to head back to the north But a mild winter turned out to be forth. February found us in Indianapolis for a five Cline gathering-- Lots of eating, reminiscing, laughinı and blathering! Andy joined us in March for his Spring break And with math & computer problems the guys hours did take. Alexis and Jack came for a short stay While Mom & Dad to the state tourney went to watch, not play. We were visiting Kim and Steve on the Redsı opening day; There was a snowstorm so ball they didnıt play! To Akron went Cliff for the Spring math meeting Where colleagues and friends he was glad to be greeting. Back to Indy in April Steveıs family/Chicago friends to meet. As a meeting place city, itıs hard to beat. A trip to Detroitıs renovated opera house was a May treat Where scenery, costumes and musicians were really neat. Then to Galesburg to celebrate a 95th birthday Joining relatives and friends, what a nice stay! TheBaldwins from Missouri met us there-- A several day visit with a special pair. What a surprise we got on the 17th of May-- A party celebrating Cliffıs one-year-since-surgery day! Our supportive kids and friends surrounded us. ³Carpe Diem²! Cliffıs lived it! What a plus! ŒTwas a wonderful weekend weıll not soon forget And we treasure each day; on that you can bet! In June to Ripon went friends Stanton, Thad and we-- Helpers in the move to LaGrange to try to be. Andy, Anna and Tchapo had many boxes packed And for carrying/loading help didnıt lack. Andy has a ³post doc² at Loyola Medical Center And of a nice home and yard theyıre currently a rentor. To Togo the three flew off later in June... Hadnıt been there in many a moon! Seven northwest Ohioans from Detroit to Rapid City flew Nonstop? Nope! Though stops made were few. Mark stayed at home, attending classes at BGSU So in August his masterıs diploma would be due. To Custer, South Dakota we headed in ³our² van Where Cline family members gathered--our clan. Forty-two of us were there in a Cline cluster Swelling the population in our host town of Custar!! Mt. Rushmore is known to us now as ³The Four Guys²-- A name given them by Alexis, (three year old size). Swimming & miniature golf were played by the hour And scenic drives we enjoyed, with mountains that tower. An important announcement was made by Debbie and Thad! Theyıre going to be parents! For them weıre all glad. An August weekend, Steve came and we went to a reunion of Longs. (When all 4 Long guys are here, we hear barbershop songs!). All our family was here for the weekend celebrating Labor Day Probably better noted as a day for play. We returned to Galesburg in October for Spoon River Days And with our LaGrange family and Fred & Louise had lovely stays. The scenery was lovely, the weather was great For good times like this, Œtis better not to wait. For Thanksgiving, guests from Illinois, Indiana, Missouri came; Nineteen including Gedeon, Gammon, Cline, and Long name! Four couples stayed with Thad and Debbie at the ³Long Hotel². Their hospitality is outstanding; they do it very well. To Fremont for Markıs first basketball game; They won! (Thirty Gedeons & Long family came). Steve, Kim, Cliff and Sammy Cincinnatians still are; In summer, enjoying their Mustang convertible car! Theyıre busy with church activities, Scouts and sports In summer toured Yellowstone, the Tetons and forts. Teaching and coaching keep Mark and Mindy busy as bees. Activities and family make them long for more ³zzzzıs²! Jack (one) and Alexis get along very well. Whatıs their favorite pace? Youıve got it--pellmell! Debbie and Thadıs blessed event in March is to be-- Changes in life their two Labs canıt foresee! Thadıs painted for us and comes when ³help!² he hears; Helpful and hospitable are these two nearby dears. On a maintenance basis Cliff receives chemo Oft goes to his office and we keep ³on the go². We hope Œ97 will be a good year for you With good health and happiness visiting you anew. We keep hoping for that nebulous ³peace on earth² And that all earthıs inhabitants will celebrate His birth. In January I was bitten by a flu bug For 2 weeks, feverish, coughing, feeling like a slug! In February, to Cinci where theyıd had a Big Snow To see little Cliff as one of the stars of a show. Then to Indy for a reunion of 5 ³kids² named Cline With spouses attending; we had a time fine. March--Lawsons visted as did Gedeon kids three Which kept Grampa n Grama busy as could be! In April, Andy came from Benin for a job interview. The week he was in Bowling Green just flew! Back to Cinci in May for another performance To see Kim & friends emote, sing and dance. To Toronto for math meetings we drove in July. Where we went in the summer, temperatures were high! Then to Indiana to a lodge near French Lick For a reunion of Clines--good location to pick. Of our number, of Longs there were nearly half Lotsa eating, card playing, and many a laugh. From there to a Presby Women synod meeting in BG Where friends and special events I did see. Then Cliff and I flew to the City by the Bay And from there, to Bogarts in Sacramento to stay. Royal treatment we received at their hands; They did everything but hire brass bands! To a math/art conference at Berkeley we went Where Cliff displayed models; a special event. To Chautauqua, New York for our next expedition. Soaking up culture & info was our mission. Our African trio in August returned With many things taught and many things learned. Items stored in Thad & Debbieıs basement were removed As the job and move to Ann Arbor were approved! To the Long reunion we 5 went soon after, Canadian relatives to chat with, much laughter. In September of sister Dianeıs anemia we learned; Low hemoglobin & weakness have kept us concerned! In October to Oxford (Miami) we wended our way Where Cliff showed his models; then on to Cinci to stay. At the Stratford festival we were joined by Louise & Fred To see plays enacted, previously read. An Eastern Europe trip was a November treat; Interesting scenery, nice people to meet. The castles & cathedrals were sights to behold; No wonder that part of the worldıs called old. Now free from Communist rule, those nations. We hope thatıs always cause for celebrations. Thanksgiving has more meaning each year As we join to celebrate with family dear. Next day after leaving BG, brother Sam had a heart attack; Angioplasty, a stent...and a fast comeback! That was cause for more thanks giving Some minor adjusments heıll make to his style of living. Now Christmastime is fast approaching... And Markıs basketball season (4th year of head coaching). Our number will increase early next year With the arrival of Debbie and Thadıs little dear. Cliff keeps busy with projects galore.. Were he totally healthy, heıd even do more! Weıre thankful for doctors and chemo and pills; For such helpful service, you donıt mind the bills! Enjoy the festivities of this advent season-- The gift of baby Jesus, the wonderful reason.