Interface to the HDF5 Library


hdf5save(file, ...)
hdf5load(file, load=TRUE)


file the name of the file in which the objects will be stored.
... the names of the objects to be saved.
load a logical value. If FALSE, a character vector containing the names of the objects in the file is returned. If TRUE (the default), the objects are returned as the components of a named list.


hdf5save and hd5fload provide an experimental interface to version 5 of the NCSA HDF library. hdf5save writes a representation of R objects to the specified file in a form which can be read by software which understands the HDF5 format. The objects can be read back from the file at a later date by using the function hdf5load.

Not all R types are supported and it probably doesn't make sense to put some of them into an HDF file (e.g. closures). However, lists, strings, vectors, and matrices work. Lists map to HDF groups. Vectors and matrices map to datasets.

This capability is only available on machines which have the HDF5 library.


Marcus G. Daniels


See Also

save, load.


hdf5save("examp.hdf", pi, letters, ls)

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