Generate Factor Levels


gl(n, k, length = n*k, labels=1:n, ordered=FALSE)


This function generates factors by specifying the pattern of their levels. The result has levels from 1 to n with each value replicated in groups of length k out to a total length of length. Labels for the resulting factor levels can be optionally specified with the arguments labels and the factor levels can be made ordered by specifying ordered=TRUE. gl is modelled on the GLIM function of the same name.

See Also

the underlying factor(.).


# First control, then treatment:
gl(2,8, label=c("Ctnrl","Treat"))
# 20 alternating 1s and 2s
gl(2, 1, 20)
# alternating pairs of 1s and 2s
gl(2, 2, 20)

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