Evaluate an (Unevaluated) Expression


eval(expr, envir=sys.frame(sys.parent()), 
   enclos=if(is.list(envir) || is.pairlist(envir)) 

evalq(expr, envir, enclos)


expr object of mode expression or an ``unevaluated expression''.
envir the environment in which expr is to be evaluated. May also be a list or an integer as in sys.call.
enclos Only relevant if envir is a list. Specifies the enclosure, i.e. where R looks for objects not found in envir.


This function evaluates the expression expr argument in the environment specified by envir and returns the computed value. If envir is not specified, then sys.frame(sys.parent()), the environment where the call to eval was made is used. The eval form evaluates its first argument before passing it to the evaluator. This allows you to assign complicated expressions to symbols and then evaluate them. The evalq form is equivalent to eval(quote(expression), ...)


Due to the difference in scoping rules, there are some differences between R and S in this area. In particular, the default enclosure in S is the global environment.

When evaluating expressions in dataframes that has been passed as argument to a function, the relevant enclosure is often the caller's environment, i.e. one needs eval(x, data, sys.frame(sys.parent())).

See Also

expression, quote, sys.frame, environment.


eval(2 ^ 2 ^ 3)
mEx <- expression(2^2^3); mEx; 1 + eval(mEx)
eval({ xx <- pi; xx^2}) ; xx

a <- 3 ; aa <- 4 ; evalq(evalq(a+b+aa, list(a=1)), list(b=5)) # == 10
a <- 3 ; aa <- 4 ; evalq(evalq(a+b+aa, 1), list(b=5))         # == 12

ev <- function() {
	e1 <- sys.frame(sys.parent())
	## Evaluate a in e1
	aa <- eval(expression(a),e1)
	## evaluate the expression bound to a in e1
	a <- expression(x+y)
	list(aa = aa, eval = eval(a, e1))
tst.ev <- function(a = 7) { x <- pi; y <- 1; ev() }
tst.ev()#-> aa : 7,  eval : 4.14

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