Combine Columns/Rows into a Matrix




The generic functions cbind and rbind take a sequence of vector and/or matrix arguments and combine them as the columns or rows, respectively, of a matrix.

If there are several matrix arguments, they must all have the same number of columns (or rows) and this will be the number of columns (or rows) of the result. If all the arguments are vectors, the number of columns (rows) in the result is equal to the length of the longest vector. Values in shorter arguments are recycled to achieve this length.

When the arguments consist of a mix of matrices and vectors the number of columns (rosw) of the result is determined by the number of columns (rows) of the matrix arguments. Any vectors have their values recycled or subsetted to achieve this length.


The method dispatching is not done via UseMethod(..), but by C-internal dispatching. Therefore, there's no need for, e.g., rbind.default.

See Also

c to combine vectors or list.


cbind(1,1:7) # the '1' (= shorter vector) is recycled
cbind(1:7, diag(3))# vector is subset


cbind(0, matrix(1, nrow=0, ncol=4))#> Warning (making sense)
dim(cbind(0, matrix(1, nrow=2, ncol=0)))#-> 2 x 1

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