Install Add-on Packages


R INSTALL [options] [-l lib] pkgs


pkgs A list with the path names of the packages to be installed.
lib the path name of the R library tree to install to.
options a list of options through which in particular the build process for help files can be controlled. If --no-docs is given, no help files are built. --no-text, --no-html, and --no-latex suppress creating the text, HTML, and LaTeX versions, respectively. The default is to build help files in all three versions.


To install packages into the default library tree (which is rooted at `$RHOME/library'), do R INSTALL pkgs.

To install into the library tree lib instead of the default one, use R INSTALL -l lib pkgs.

Both lib and the elements of pkgs may be absolute or relative path names.

See Also

REMOVE, and library for information on using several library trees and creating packages.

[Package Contents]