The Kitty Song

Brea Carlson-Decker provides another version, about which she says that it "definitely has a happier ending than the drowned version, I think!"

She reports that her great, great aunt used to sing it to her this way:

I lost my poor kitty
So cunning and pretty
That played by my side all the day
I fear some bad boys
With their pop guns and noise
Have frightened my kitty away

Kitty, my kitty, my poor little kitty
I've hunted the house all around
I've looked in the cradle and under the table
But no place can kitty be found

I sent my dog Rover
To look the fields over
And bring back my kitty to me
No dog could be kinder
But he could not find her
Come, come, pretty kitty to me

Kitty, my kitty, my poor little kitty
I've hunted the house all around
I've looked in the cradle and under the table
But no place can kitty be found

At last I have found her
Brown leaves falling 'round her
Way up in the top of a tree
I don't know what she's doing
But I hear her mewing
Come, come, naughty kitty to me

Kitty, my kitty, my poor little kitty
I've hunted the house all around
I've looked in the cradle and under the table
Now at last my poor kitty's been found

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