Poem for Andy To Andy at the start of his 26th year A wish for all things you hold dear How well I remember that day in '61 When, by evening, we had a new son. Coz Fram Lyman had come for the day Not knowing she'd be left with Stevie to stay! For after dinner, to the hospital we hurried-- Would we get there in time?, we worried. In a half hour our baby was here And soon moved to our small home which was near. In a newly made cradle you lived by the TV, Creating an aversion to that media? Could be! You were into something at all times, it seemed Betcha you were even busy when you dreamed! We moved to our new home when you were less than two Where you promptly fll down the stairs--what a thing to do! A black eye resulted--you looked like an abused child But regardless, with your charms you beguiled. Later, for lunch I called you boys two And you'd been eating rocks & were turning blue! Thank God you were soon back to normal color And I wished for childhoods which were duller. Lots of fun you had in tree house and sand; Climbing trees, keeping gerbils in hand. With Steve and friends you headed to school Learning readin', arithymetic and the golden rule. Illnesses in abundance came from brother Steve-- Measles, mumps, chickenpox (?) with you he did leave. The measles arrived at the same time as brother Thad Complicating babysitting arrangements for your Dad. Infections began to affect your ear And the need for tubes became clear. Your forgetful mother neglected precautions for swimming So severe infections limits to your life were hemming. Reading you took up with new interest As cotton in ears became a "must". A paper route you assumed to raise some cash As HO train equipment you began to stash. A fall from a tree resulted in broken toes And crutches caused junior high hallway woes. Later a big toe got crunched at school Like you'd been stepped on by a mule! Surgery was required at a later date-- Foot problems seemed to be your fate! A broken arm resulted from a fall from a train Just after a sister our family did gain. Sports in abundance you've enjoyed them all-- Tennis, wrestling, hockey, Little League baseball. A super student you've been through the years With many honors; you deserve cheers! "Student of the Month", a Regent's Scholar Saved your parents many a dollar. At Miami you started your college career But objected to "preppiness" & alligator gear. Back to BG yu came to get your degree With special interests: Math, physics, psychology. A Peace Corps volunteer you wished to be But "they" had concerns about your asthma/allergy. A roof needed shingling, a porch needed built So you and Dad "did the job" in heat which made you wilt! In late summer you headed off to the west coast (First serving as Steve's best man {person}and offering the toast]. You ended up at Berkeley, new knowledge to gain. For room & board, with Wymer kids you were stayin'. A motorcycle was acquired at the time you were there Which, on the part of your Mom, required worry and prayer! Coast to coast trips Henry Honda made a few As across the countryside he and Andy flew. Your acceptance at Cal Tech was greeted with joy-- Another path on the road to success travelled by our boy. After two quarters there, you chose to leave Off to Oregon you travelled, to scenic Eugene. About your process serving job you weren't too keen. But the friends there were an attraction too And you found lots of things to do. You thought as a Peace Corps Volunteer you were "in" But instead, a medical appeal had to begin. Dr. Wojciechowski sent in a favorable report And you sat back to wait "the decision from court". While you patiently (?) waited, you read lots of books Did some substitute teaching Your assignment to Togo was made during the year An event which you greeted with cheer